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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh no, the fact that character customization only applies to the Somniel has dealt a huge blow to my interest on the whole thing

Ngl i smell a patch incoming later, after fans rally behind it, just like the petting thing in 3H

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ngl i smell a patch incoming later, after fans rally behind it, just like the petting thing in 3H

I'm just sad they have seemed to go backwards from Houses in this specific aspect. People were super disappointed when mounts couldn't change their outfits for the most feeble of excuses. So they half-learned their lesson, and then proceeded to... unlearn that half? Why?

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Western FE marketing has reached a new low.


They can't even spellcheck their pathetic little """""""""""""""""marketing"""""""""""""""" tweets.

And oh my fucking GOD will they fucking STOP talking about the Emblems already? Western audiences who haven't found the Japan twits straight up don't even know characters exist in this game. All the west has gotten is Emblem talk and more Emblem talk. I couldn't blame someone for losing interest thinking that this game focuses on nostalgia-baiting with the older characters - that's the impression the western marketing has given!

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8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Won't be surprised tbh








It's clearly low priority consider marketing for Engage has likely been planned out certainly since announcement. Would take some effort to ensure good translation of the short segments but it'd at least make sense.

They'd also have to be working off an english version of Engage for that purpose and maybe they weren't given out. I wonder the reasoning now that I put out that possibility.

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


They can't even spellcheck their pathetic little """""""""""""""""marketing"""""""""""""""" tweets.

It's because of Zephia isn't it?

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11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I don't have time to reply to this right now because I'm at school, but please do ping me later so that I remember to.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anyway she best

The one thing uniting our family of the sea is the agreement that Timerra is best.

4 hours ago, Green06 said:

Lula has always been a radical, since his days as a trade unionist, he just couldn't turn this country into Cuba 2.0 because he didn't have full support from Congres

Huh, didn't know that.

I guess I'm just used to NA, where literally everybody is called a communist for absolutely no reason.

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4 hours ago, Green06 said:

Lula has always been a radical, since his days as a trade unionist, he just couldn't turn this country into Cuba 2.0 because he didn't have full support from Congress. He had to buy everyone from the Center to pass his reforms, creating the biggest corruption scheme in the history of this country.

If I may ask, what's your opinion on the other guy, Bolsonaro? I'm no expert on Brazilian politics, of course - in fact, I didn't even know Lula existed prior to last year - but what little I've heard of Bolsonaro hasn't... exactly been too flattering, either.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I want her mother.

Oh my, how lewd...

On the subject Lumera is probably the best designed female character, I will hear no arguments about this.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So many fucking "Is romance gone" posts, like they play FE for dating sim.

I remember when an Echoes reviewer was disappointed that they couldn't pair Celica with Saber.

46 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:








There already is--

46 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Especially when a feh one exists

Dang, there goes my joke.

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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Oh my, how lewd...

Can't a guy just like a woman's hat platonically? For fuck's sake.

4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

On the subject Lumera is probably the best designed female character, I will hear no arguments about this.

Not from me. I like Jade and her sensible armor better, and Sfoglia stands a chance to sweep up the competition when she's more than a mugshot seen for two seconds in a French preview video, but otherwise I very agree she's one of the top designs. Just one reason I hope the Emblem Lumera dream is real.

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26 minutes ago, Benice said:

Huh, didn't know that.

I guess I'm just used to NA, where literally everybody is called a communist for absolutely no reason.

I mean, it happens here too. It's much easier to reduce your opponents to Manichaean strawmen than to form a sympathetic argument, which is why we see people being called fascists and communists all the time, depending on which side of the spectrum you fall on (even just a little bit) . We live in an age of extremes.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If I may ask, what's your opinion on the other guy, Bolsonaro? I'm no expert on Brazilian politics, of course - in fact, I didn't even know Lula existed prior to last year - but what little I've heard of Bolsonaro hasn't... exactly been too flattering, either.

An incompetent with a penchant for making a fool of himself and everyone who associates with him. Probably also corrupt. These last elections were about who was the lesser evil, and it was down to the two of them because democracy is a popularity contest.

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14 minutes ago, Green06 said:

because democracy is a popularity contest.

I blame education -or the lack thereoff- and the chance everywhere, even in "better educated" countries, to underfund education and reduce political understanding. 

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Just saw this in one of the Discord servers where I lurk.


Ahem, excuse me for just a moment.


Okay back.

11 minutes ago, Green06 said:

An incompetent with a penchant for making a fool of himself and everyone who associates with him. Probably also corrupt. 

I see. Thank you for humoring my question.

11 minutes ago, Green06 said:

These last elections were about who was the lesser evil, and it was down to the two of them because democracy is a popularity contest.

Ahh, so Trump vs Biden: Brazilian edition? Oof...

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Browsing german internet when suddenly 

>Thread about internet and prudeness

Me: Oh this is gonna be fun

>The USA as a culture on the maturity level of twelve-year-old Japanese schoolchildren


Is it this topic o'clock already? Hold up, let me fetch my Book of Prudeness...

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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ahem, excuse me for just a moment.


Okay back.

Yeah, kinda sucks for me at the moment.

On that pic, fight was kinda rough, but not in my hellish spirit battle list.

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I just got hit by an 11%.

Still not as bad as the 9% that lost me a run the other day.

...or the 1% miss that killed Beruka in the linked run--

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Yeah, kinda sucks for me at the moment.

Meh. I mean, entire roster of rings was pretty much a requirement for me to get any characters I like, given my preference for nobodies.

...I might be able to give Eirika Moulder, at least. That'd be neat.

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It wasn't just "sexual" prudeness

...Oh, fuck.

Do I dare ask?

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I like how diverse this thread is.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I used to think Bernadetta was good but then Marianne does the same thing but better.

Marianne does do it a lot better, huh? With Bernie they just use her genuine anxiety issues for jokes at her expense, but with Marianne they actually take her depression seriously.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I never said he did. But things have generally improved. It's true that non-whites, especially blacks, live in poorer conditions and are more targeted than white people. It's heinous. But compared to 50 years ago, things are a lot better than they were and things will only improve from here. Gen Z is insanely progressive and i fully believe that once Gen Z is fully seated in the government and all the ancient fossils have died off, it only goes up. Call me an optimist but i'd rather be one than despair at the state of the world.

No I agree with you, it's just really important that we don't paint MLK's struggle as a "moment in history" you know? The biggest problem with this country is the amount of middle class folks who are apathetic to the cause of racism, mostly because they see it as a "moment in history" and not a living element of American society.

I do hope that when my generation takes the mantel things will be better but...I do fear that by the time that happens we'll be considered conservative by the standards of the time period just like many conservative boomers today would've been considered progressive in their time.

Hopefully we'll stay progressive and keep our minds open to new ideas.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's exactly why. Small communities made it more likely for everyone to know each other, so if someone was being a bad team player, everyone would know. There was definitely at least somebody in charge (probably like the village elder or something akin to that) so there was still power and authority. If a team went out to hunt, someone had to make sure all the coordination was going as planned. Building things, same thing.

We can't be like that anymore because the population of Earth is 8 billion and nations are massive. Compared to the.......well we don't really know because taking the census wasn't a thing until relatively recently. And that's because as communities grow, they need resources to sustain themselves. And while ideally sharing is caring, it was a race for survival back then and that meant the bigger village absorbing the smaller one. Snowball it for several centuries and you begin to get countries.

Perhaps not always one person in charge, there may have also been a council of people who decided on things.

In fact, many Native American tribes did have such a system, where you would have a council of members who would discuss the happenings of the tribe, they were in favor of all the people of the tribe and with every decision they would consider how it would affect the next 7 generations.

As a fun little tid-bit, a large part of the American constitution was copied from the Iroquois constitution, as was the national bird of the bald eagle and the symbolism of a bundle arrows being hard to crack.

But anyways, I've personally warmed up the idea of going back to those small communities but as you say, we have such a huge population and we've gone so far that such wishful thinking would be impossible, but I do believe it is still possible to thin the lines of power and make our system more communal in how it operates.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Huh, didn't know that.

I guess I'm just used to NA, where literally everybody is called a communist for absolutely no reason.

"When I feed the poor they call me a saint, when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist"


Edited by Edelguardiansing
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meh. I mean, entire roster of rings was pretty much a requirement for me to get any characters I like, given my preference for nobodies.

...I might be able to give Eirika Moulder, at least. That'd be neat.

I was on about my current pfp messing

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Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to...


Steven Seadall.

You can clap now.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I like how diverse this thread is.

Folks of all ilks here, yes.

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Marianne does do it a lot better, huh? With Bernie they just use her genuine anxiety issues for jokes at her expense, but with Marianne they actually take her depression seriously.

It's actually rather hilarious how they have two characters who are the same character, just one is handled well and the other is Bernadetta. How do these two characters coexist in the same game? Was the writer drunk?

Just now, Punished Dayni said:

I was on about my current pfp messing


...wait, Leif's list has been seen already and there's no Nanna? That's actually supremely baffling. Whether they went with Thracia or Genealogy Gen 2, Finn and Nanna should've been no-brainers for Leif! Add it to the pile of baffling things about Emblem Leif, I guess...

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...wait, Leif's list has been seen already and there's no Nanna? That's actually supremely baffling. Whether they went with Thracia or Genealogy Gen 2, Finn and Nanna should've been no-brainers for Leif! Add it to the pile of baffling things about Emblem Leif, I guess...

No, not what I meant.

You'll see tomorrow then.

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