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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, I guess you did have two chapters to play through.

Castti’s chapter one is pretty simple, although if I ever feel lost I can always use the journal to go back and look.

I mean, it's not like Osvald's or Temenos's are so insanely complex that they will be wiped from my memory in a hurry, but I'm not entirely sure when I'll play the game. Besides, I want to go through them again with my good headset. The headset I got back in the village is kinda bad and didn't let me appreciate Octopath's sweet drops properly.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Mine is… pretty different. Again, heh.

Castti > Osvald = Throné > Hikari > Agnea > Ochette > Partitio > Tenemos. Right now anyway, the last three keep switching with each other depending on my mood.

I mean, that's not that different.  We both got Castti and Osvald very high!

To be honest, Partitio mainly interests me because of the sweet character design and because he's a vastly different take on the merchant than Tressa. Hikari seems like he's going to be Really Boring Glorification of Japan's Past By Japanese Devs Nº 582747387, especially now that he turned out to be male, and Ochette... ehh. Might just be a knee-jerk reaction based on how much of a downgrade she is from H'aanit.

Also your misspelling of Temenos means "we have" in Spanish. I just thought that was neat.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well no, the two Os are set to Osvald and Ochette, and Osvald gets the second one. OPATHOCT.


...Well. Too bad, I guess.

Just now, Lightcosmo said:

Hey, i already used this line!

My bad!

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it's not like Osvald's or Temenos's are so insanely complex that they will be wiped from my memory in a hurry, but I'm not entirely sure when I'll play the game. Besides, I want to go through them again with my good headset. The headset I got back in the village is kinda bad and didn't let me appreciate Octopath's sweet drops properly.

I’ll probably play it close to launch, so yeah.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, that's not that different.  We both got Castti and Osvald very high!


11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, Partitio mainly interests me because of the sweet character design and because he's a vastly different take on the merchant than Tressa.

I do like that, but we didn’t get much of an interesting story from the trailers. It was just something something “eliminate the devil called poverty from the world”, which didn’t interest me as much. It all depends on execution tho. His interesting take on merchant puts him above Temenos tho. And Ochette, which I edited in, but I’m guessing you didn’t catch.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hikari seems like he's going to be Really Boring Glorification of Japan's Past By Japanese Devs Nº 582747387, especially now that he turned out to be male

Well, I haven’t really seen anything like that in other games I mean Hoshido but lol and I’m not really familiar with Japanese history. I think the Japanese aesthetic compared to everyone else being generic fantasy (other than Partitio) is cool and his story seems a bit interesting. Especially if his whole nation follows that aesthetic, since it’ll actually make it difficult than the other areas in the game.

Now that I think about it, his role of caring a lot about his home country is similar to that of the warrior on the first game.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and Ochette... ehh. Might just be a knee-jerk reaction based on how much of a downgrade she is from H'aanit.

I didn’t even like H’aanit that much, but Ochette’s tropes…

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also your misspelling of Temenos means "we have" in Spanish. I just thought that was neat.

I actually thought that was his name

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Okay, now I'm sure of it. Training Skirmishes give 1000 x Donation Level gold. So... that's much more than Gold Skirmishes, whose purpose is to gain gold.

... uh huh...

I guess the trade-off is that Training Skirmishes show up less often. Still...

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Considering not showing up to class tomorrow for two reasons.

1. Cinematography project was completed but it had the side effect of delaying my other assignments. So I could take tomorrow off to do those+the new stuff for the week.

2. I need a fucking break man. This week's work schedule is packed and my off days are for going to uni.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Off topic but this reminded me of when Dean got crippled and my best unit became a liability but it got me thinking: Engage poison is just Cripple but like, not annoying. Both do the thing of making you more vulnerable and could be a death sentence for the squisher units. Both last the entire chapter. But Engage poison doesn't make you completely useless whereas being Crippled in Berwick is a fate worse than death.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This language is familiar.

"Hey I've seen this one".

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

wouldn't bother with this Official AR Code unless I was massively grinding

Would also be good for those sequences with the timer.

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24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ll probably play it close to launch, so yeah.

I don't know. It looks good for me and I have nothing much else to play (lol Gaiden, it's not as surprisingly all right as FE1 was I'm afraid), but 60 bucks with no possibility of Carrefour Gaming because lol playing the inferior version on the Switch makes me hesitate. It seems there's actually going to be a Steam sale right on top of Octopath's release, but I somehow doubt a triple A game made by Square is going on sale at release.

I suppose we'll see. There's still a good 12 days left.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I do like that, but we didn’t get much of an interesting story from the trailers. It was just something something “eliminate the devil called poverty from the world”, which didn’t interest me as much. It all depends on execution tho. His interesting take on merchant puts him above Temenos tho.

I kinda like how anachronistic his tale seems to be. Other characters are in your usual fantasy middle ages, meanwhile Partitio is living the industrial revolution. In America! I wonder if he can use guns for the true America experience.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And Ochette, which I edited in, but I’m guessing you didn’t catch.

I actually missed the fact that she was missing, then saw her in the list the next time I looked at it and assumed she had always been there haha.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, I haven’t really seen anything like that in other games I mean Hoshido but lol and I’m not really familiar with Japanese history. I think the Japanese aesthetic compared to everyone else being generic fantasy (other than Partitio) is cool and his story seems a bit interesting. Especially if his whole nation follows that aesthetic, since it’ll actually make it difficult than the other areas in the game.

To be honest, I was exaggerating a bit, but my preferred Octopath characters, at first glance, are the ones that combine a number of different concepts. Osvald is the "occasionally absent-minded scholar" sorcerer type, who is also a broken man consumed by an indomitable rage. Castti is "doctor who lives to save others" that is also an amnesiac with a (likely dark) past that could go in any direction. Temenos is "asshole detective" of sorts with an interesting relationship with his religion. Partitio is "slimeball salesman" who is also a genuinely generous man who wishes to save others from poverty.

By contrast, Hikari seems like a bog standard stoic samurai type, Agnea seems like a bog standard cheery performer type, and Ochette seems like a bog standard cute-and-quirky animal waifu. No other side to these ones... Again, at first glance. I'm going to give them their chance. I mean, duh, there aren't that many characters in the game.

If nothing else, they should be fun to use in combat. After seeing sorcerer's shiny new skill list, I look forward to inspecting the other jobs. Especially since I just discovered that a never-before-seen job can already be found in the demo. That's way too early for the super jobs, so perhaps there's more jobs than playable characters this time around!

Fair point on the aesthetic, though. It should add a nice bit of variety to the world, that is true.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Now that I think about it, his role of caring a lot about his home country is similar to that of the warrior on the first game.

...That's also a fair point I hadn't thought about, that works against him lololololol

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I didn’t even like H’aanit that much, but Ochette’s tropes…

Yeaaaaaah it ain't a good look.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Off topic but this reminded me of when Dean got crippled and my best unit became a liability but it got me thinking: Engage poison is just Cripple but like, not annoying. Both do the thing of making you more vulnerable and could be a death sentence for the squisher units. Both last the entire chapter. But Engage poison doesn't make you completely useless whereas being Crippled in Berwick is a fate worse than death.

Oh yeah, I remember how you underwent hell on earth because the best unit in the game got crippled at the worst possible time.

Anyway... Honestly? I feel they have absolutely nothing in common lol. Engage poison is a defense debuff that you can apply to enemies / enemies can apply to you to make kills a bit easier. It's the kind of thing you want to do first thing on a tough unit in order to more easily kill them. Crippling, on the other hand, is typically the end result you want to achieve on an enemy / want to avoid on your units. It is reached by inflicting injuries, using special skills and waepons and delivering mighty blows.

Like, if you think about it this way, they are literal opposites lololololol

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's at five Kudos now.

I mean, I know Engage's honeymoon phase is still going on, but still, 

Fics get kudo'd fairly quickly, especially developing fandoms that's getting a lot of traffic. Like, I posted something for the first time this week, in the FIRE EMBLEM HEROES fandom of all places, and I managed to get 10 kudos! Magical.

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Just now, FlyingKitsune said:

Fics get kudo'd fairly quickly, especially developing fandoms that's getting a lot of traffic. Like, I posted something for the first time this week, in the FIRE EMBLEM HEROES fandom of all places, and I managed to get 10 kudos! Magical.

I mean, five is still the most I've gotten so far out of my stories in AO3.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, five is still the most I've gotten so far out of my stories in AO3.

Oh, well, I guess it might be because in comparison to previous games, modern FE characters are a lot more popular?

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3 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

Oh, well, I guess it might be because in comparison to previous games, modern FE characters are a lot more popular?

As it stands, the most "popular" thing I've ever written seems to be my RF4 one-shot in Deviantart, as it currently sits at 11 Favorites and over 3K views. Which is... yes, the most I've ever gotten out of a story on any site.

Well, there is that one MLP fanfic I wrote, but it was over the span of three years, so I consider everything it has gathered over that span of time relative, so... I think performance wise it was also on the low side.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, I remember how you underwent hell on earth because the best unit in the game got crippled at the worst possible time.

Healing staffs can heal all manner of wounds. Cuts, stabs, burns, etc. But a broken arm, now that's just too far.

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2 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So, what are you fine gentlemen going to be up to this coming International Singles Awareness Day?

Telegraphist Day? Probably some small remembrance to my late grandfather, who used to work as a telegraphist.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Telegraphist Day? Probably some small remembrance to my late grandfather, who used to work as a telegraphist.

No not Telegraphist Day, Singles Awarenesy Day, as in someone who is single and not in a relationship.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Healing staffs can heal all manner of wounds. Cuts, stabs, burns, etc. But a broken arm, now that's just too far.

Maybe what happens is, Dean's leg is bent the wrong way, so when Izerna uses her staff on him, his bones are repaired but they're still bent the wrong way, so Dean merely suffers agonizing pain while still being severely impaired.

5 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So, what are you fine gentlemen going to be up to this coming International Singles Awareness Day?

Absolutely nothing.

Thursday is my date of birth, however. GOTTA get some Turkish food in my belly.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Telegraphist Day? Probably some small remembrance to my late grandfather, who used to work as a telegraphist.

Oh damn that's right, I almost forgot it's Telegraphist Day. I must send a telegram in order to celebrate this occasion. Which one of you would like to receive it?

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1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

No not Telegraphist Day, Singles Awarenesy Day, as in someone who is single and not in a relationship.

Was making a small joke that here in Mexico, February 14 is also Telegraphist Day.

But my grandfather did indeed used to be one.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Absolutely nothing.

Thursday is my date of birth, however. GOTTA get some Turkish food in my belly.

Good man Rubenio! No ball and chain to weigh you down I see!

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Was making a small joke that here in Mexico, February 14 is also Telegraphist Day.

But my grandfather did indeed used to be one.

Singles Awareness Day is on the 15th.

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