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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Interesting tidbit! I watched the films a few times (never read the books, though) so i wouldn't call myself a "fan" by any definition, seeing as I only have basic knowledge on the topic.

I was a fan when I was younger and read the books, but when I got older and learned of the author’s transphobia I started to distance myself from it. I know there’s “separating the art from the artist” and all that stuff, so I don’t claim the books are any worse for it, but it’s really hard to go “HELL YEAH I’M A FAN OF THIS THING” when buying that thing or merchandise related to it supports someone like that and gives her money. Other than the books, there’s really just the ongoing new movie series, which I watched the first one of and didn’t really like, and apparently the other two are actually just bad. So it’s not like I’m missing out on anything, really. I still some knowledge from back when I read the books tho.

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Final boss of Atelier Iris 3 (OBVIOUSLY SPOILERS😞



Only took one try. -Well two technically b/c I when I saw the physical and magical resistance (the one shield next to the fist and staff) I immediately reset to respec and give everyone equipment with the Blessed Weapon property. Having the final boss halve all your Burst Gauge accumulation would not be very fun.

No curveballs this time, I was readily capable of keeping up on the healing, and the boss did none of its own. No instakill nor debuffs towards me nor buffing of itself either, just pure damage the whole fight. 'borus's ultimate attack was a mere 1/2 everyone's HP technique. Iris 2's final boss was dropping the heroes like flies, this was milquetoast. It took a little time, but I never in "Oh s***" crisis mode.

Thank goodness this was the case though. I had to trek through an entire point-of-no-return dungeon to get to this angry god. With one mandatory exception, I dodged or fled from every enemy I saw. The game does let you save in this dungeon a few rooms before the final boss, giving you the much-needed warning "MAKE A SEPARATE SAVE!" beforehand. If the game didn't give me that last-minute save and Snakey was no piece-of-cakey, then I would've been more than a little agitated upon losing.

With that, it is done. Atelier Iris 3 is complete, the Atelier Iris trilogy has come to its conclusion.

Review time (no major spoilers therein, only minor ones, I'm tossing it in a box for length).:


First, I’d assign Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm, a 7/10.

Now to delve into various aspects:


One of my qualms with Iris 3 is that the game felt like it was barely alchemical. Its relevance to the plot felt almost shoehorned in. Iris’s profession/lineage could be changed to something magical yet not alchemical without drastic rewrites. The other two Iris games narratively shouted “alchemy” at every turn.

In the prior two Atelier Iris entries, I used alchemy heavily in gameplay. Iris 3 still had gameplay synthesis (with the Elements system abandoned), which I did often, though mostly for the sake of doing it. I didn't use a whole lot of the stuff I could make, not a huge surprise in a game with so many things to craft, yet even healing consumables fell by the wayside.

Story, World, Characters-

The central narrative was weak. There simply wasn’t that much time spent on it, story missions were always short. The vast majority of the game is spent doing sidequests, which thankfully have plentiful writing. I didn’t mind all the questing, I got used to. It nonetheless left certain characters underdeveloped.

  • During the battle with Ash the elite Raider, I thought I heard him say a particular word. Then he said another word that confirmed my ears had told me earlier. He said "Azoth", his swords are Azoths. Yeah AI3 is a separate world from AI2, but 'cmon, how do you not explain how Ash got what might still be some of the finest weapons alchemy can create? Why does he even pursue the Escalario and know so much about it anyhow?

Having a small world, just the city of Zey Meruze and the surrounding Alterworlds, the world had the potential to be vibrantly developed. The general world-building was the weakest of the three Irises, and the NPC-development was unevenly distributed, varying from okay to charming. I may have high standards here.😆

The heroes were slashed from six (in the other two Irises) to three, but I am disappointed. The trio have plenty of interactions, they have chemistry and they aren’t bad characters. The issue was that their chemistry and their development never consistently crossed the threshold to astounding. I also was left wanting for interactions that didn’t happen.

  • Iris states at one point she has known Edge since they were children, we never hear any further details of this.
  • Edge is embarrassed at one point when Iris says he likes machinery (his default weapon is called a mechsword, so it makes sense), we never see him tinker with the stuff. Iris 3 is set in a city at peace, it had the time to be at ease for these cozy details.
  • I admit Edge is stoic/timid and has the right to keep things unsaid. However, we don’t even know when he and Iris came to Zey Meruze nor why.
  • That romantic scene in the game's opening trailer between Edge and Iris? Never happens.
    • By contrast, Klein and Lita kissed at one point, on screen.


The dungeons began promising, they became a letdown. There are only five of them, they aren’t that big, and visually they don’t possess enough landscape variety. The element of limited time per run came to feel like it contributed nothing. Field interactivity felt like it decreased compared to Iris 2. With the majority of this game being quests, the dungeons got boring as I retraced the same steps again and again. If you’re going to limit quantity, they better have quality, and I didn’t get it.

Combat I consider to be somewhat improved over Iris 2. Delaying enemy turns is no longer so abusable, and the Full Burst mechanic was good, if perhaps slightly too strong. However, enemies, grunts and bosses alike are easy, the bosses overall slightly less than AI2, yet the grunts more so. The Blades mechanic gives the heroes classes- but only to 2/3 of them, and while I mastered them all very quickly, I stuck with certain ones without issue.


Visually the game is fine. Not particularly beautiful, but being 2D means it has aged well. Musically, nothing more than unremarkable. Voice acting (English, I never swapped to Japanese) was mostly okay, although Edge's was... nasally? It sounded off in some way.

Now for a very brief retrospective of Atelier Iris in totality.:

Taken as a whole, the Iris trilogy does not represent a magnum opus of the video game medium. And probably not of Atelier or Gust products specifically either. No game could I sincerely give an “objective” 8/10 or above to. Of the three entries:

  • The first Iris- Eternal Mana is the weakest one, struggling to find the franchise’s footing in a more typical JRPG format.
    • It is also the clunkiest in terms of QoL.
    • It is the most difficult entry by far, though its combat is the most unrefined as well.
  • The second Iris- Eternal Mana 2/The Azoth of Destiny, embraced a full cliched mainstream (by 2005 standards) JRPG identity.
    • The results were the best in the subseries.
  • The third Iris- Grand Phantasm, made a sideways shift. It turned towards the dungeon-crawler and a sidequest-oriented focus, with a smaller setting. It weakened the central narrative and several conceptual bonds that tied the first two Irises together.
    • However, these breaks failed to pay dividends. Iris 3 was to some degree “lost”. It changed direction from Iris 1 and 2, and perhaps diverged yet more from traditional Atelier, yet it didn’t find an outstanding replacement foundation.
    • Nonetheless, owing to the flaws of AI1, Atelier Iris 3 ranks in the middle of the trilogy.
  • I could assemble a list of changes and improvements I would make to each game if asked to do so.
  • And, I may question the choice of Gust to set each Iris game in its own world, assuming -without evidence- that other Atelier subseries have benefited from using the same world for their 2-3 games.

I cannot give a full retrospective on Atelier Iris. As I lack personal knowledge of the rest of the franchise- what came before Iris, and what would come after. Context can enrich everything.


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Amazing it is getting a worldwide release. Then again, Grendizer is popular in places like Europe and the Middle East. I'm pretty sure I posted once that Saudi Arabia had a giant Grendizer statue.

The developer is located in France.🇫🇷😉 No surprise the game will be internationale.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Endless cycle of work is crushing your soul?🙁

You speak as if there's s soul left to crush, i am a machine more than human i feel like xD

Oh wait, games is what's left of my humanity is holding into lol

Engage saving lives

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I hope things can get better for you.


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Okay, so I'm watching the start of a Tristrat playthrough to hold me over till Osvald Traveler tomorrow, while I write some Berwick Saga misery, and two things strike me.

First, the PC version's superiority is plain to see. Second, the Spanish localization has absolutely nothing to do with the English version. Guy has the English voices on and the difference is like night and day. Every single line is just completely different. They even changed the country names to shit like Frozenforge and Highdune. I can't say if it's better or worse, Travis yelling "my molars!" when he's beaten is pretty amazing.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am so close to telling life to just kiss my ass

Please hang in there, mate. Is it all work's fault? Honestly, if this job is so hellish that it's consuming you and your happiness, perhaps you might have to consider quitting. I won't pretend to know your finantial situation, and I understand this is easy for me to say, but... Well, no job is worth your life, I'd say. Either way, have you continued looking for more offers? I believe you mentioned before that you have, but I'm not sure.

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I've returned.


The horrors of war


Robin x Anna A support moment.




That is actually really cool how some dialogue changes depending on what side missions you did.


I love how Jeritza always sounds like he's on the verge of tears

Also damn it all, I wish Imgur videos could embed.


Actually it e\was more the other way around seeing how I missed a high percent attack and you proc'd both your crest and a critical for your first attack.


Getting near the end of the game here it looks like Edelgard will be Protagon's S support and-




Just give me a compilation of every death I've caused through this crazy series.


D-Did...did I just get "I think of you as a brother"d by fucking Edelgard?


Woah, calm down dude, at least take me out to dinner first.


*sigh* such cool character designs we were never meant to have...


Brave weapon meme.


I too remember that cutscene in Verdant Wind.



There was rarely any internet in Tikal so I spent a good chunk of time playing games.


New screen saver,




A simpleton may blame it on quirky localization, but an intellectual like myself understands that this game actually takes place in an alternate universe where Japan colonized the Americas

...But only in the English versions.


It's been 45 minutes and I've yet to see Miles Edgeworth.


Fun fact, while I was playing through this part it was nighttime in the jungle and a bunch of Howler Monkeys were making noise right outside our room.

If you don't know what a howler monkey sounds like, it's something like this.

Except there were like 20 of them and it echoed all throughout the forest, so I was genuinely terrified through this part.


I love it when they give these old evil guys kids. Like how did that happen.


Free internet reaction images.


'Kay now I know this isn't America.


I might actually try and complete a decent junk of the Pokedex in some of these games. Not all of it of course since no trading and all that but at least as much as I can with one copy.


Could really go for some jelly donuts right about now.


To protect the world from devastation...


My goals are beyond your understanding

On 2/21/2023 at 7:14 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Aww...hopefully you can share a cut tapir picture or two when you are back in Internet lands again.

Definitely will create a separate post of the best pictures I took in Tikal to share with all of you, because there are some great ones.

On 2/20/2023 at 2:57 PM, Armagon said:

Also I could be wrong but the North American school is apparently located in Salem. Yes, that Salem.

Oregon Salem?


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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Actually it e\was more the other way around seeing how I missed a high percent attack and you proc'd both your crest and a critical for your first attack.

No but don't forget, the cutscene said that Kostas survived getting killed, charged at Edelgard who lost her axe for some reason, and then she would've been totally screwed had Byleth not heroically jumped in the middle of them. Which is pretty amazing when you consider she hired him. Writing!

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


*sigh* such cool character designs we were never meant to have...

I'll admit, I'm not that fond of Rodrigue and his -5/10 lines that he drew on his face with a marker, but Judith was so obvious. So, so painfully obvious. She exists to fulfill the same role for Verdant Wind that Gilbert fills in Azure Moon, or Seteth in Silver Snow. And then they forgot to make her playable. Because Three Houses is not allowed to do things that could please me.

5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


New screen saver

It is a pretty accurate depiction of the series. I swear this bumbling idiot will believe anything, so long as it's not coming from the mouth of someone on the defense's side.

5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Eat your hamburgers, Quetzal.

5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

A simpleton may blame it on quirky localization, but an intellectual like myself understands that this game actually takes place in an alternate universe where Japan colonized the Americas

...But only in the English versions.

Historical masochism? Kinky.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Fun fact, while I was playing through this part it was nighttime in the jungle and a bunch of Howler Monkeys were making noise right outside our room.

If you don't know what a howler monkey sounds like, it's something like this.

Except there were like 20 of them and it echoed all throughout the forest, so I was genuinely terrified through this part.

I can't believe you managed to turn Ace Attorney, of all games, into a horror game.

Don't worry though. Gumshoe has your back. He'll fight off them howlers.

7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I love it when they give these old evil guys kids. Like how did that happen.

The mystery that the entire fanbase has been wondering for eternity. Personally, I think Von Karma is so evil that he reproduces asexually. On sheer evil energy.

In other words, he pooped Franziska out.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


To protect the world from devastation...

If only those three had been in the game, I would've made it past the first hour lololololol

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it all work's fault?

Not as much work as much as it is routine fault


and this might be an understimation

Utterly and completely despise routines


I am also very effective at them

Which leads to me feeling like a machine and less like a human and life becoming utterly colorless and everyday just being the same over and over and over and over and over and over again

Even before my illness when i worked full time back then i felt the same. I hate that feeling.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Either way, have you continued looking for more offers? I

Waiting for a year to end because leaving a new job less than a year in is very very sus.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

won't pretend to know your finantial situation

If worst come to worst, i can go stay with my parents and help them....

But the idea. I just

Haven't lived at parents since i was 16 xD

12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

ve returned.

Jo welcome back 😄

Don't forget about linked ironman 😉

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

A simpleton may blame it on quirky localization, but an intellectual like myself understands that this game actually takes place in an alternate universe where Japan colonized the Americas

...But only in the English versions.

Ahaha, close. The official explanation is that the Immigration Ban Laws of the early 20th Century were never enacted. As a result, Asian immigration to California continued unimpeded.

Those laws are the reason why here in Baja California we have a sizeable Chinese population, because it was the next best thing I guess. And my hometown can boast we have the best Chinese food outside China itself.

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I love it when they give these old evil guys kids. Like how did that happen.

Well, you see, when two beings love each other so much...

I mean, dude seemed to behave regarding his perfect work record. Outside that, he might...

... or maybe he just found a woman very similar to him that they actually hit it off?

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

'Kay now I know this isn't America.

California did enacted gun control laws in like the 60's, due to the Black Panthers. Perhaps here they were harsher or even more were enacted over the years.

If it had been Texas then yeah I wouldn't believe them either.

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Could really go for some jelly donuts right about now.

Do you at least have your trusty drying pan for those rains?

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My sense of humor is fucked. Actual, real jokes make me smile slightly. Often I try to chuckle to be polite.

Then this shit drops in my reccs at random and I fucking choke.


3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Not as much work as much as it is routine fault


and this might be an understimation

Utterly and completely despise routines


I am also very effective at them

Which leads to me feeling like a machine and less like a human and life becoming utterly colorless and everyday just being the same over and over and over and over and over and over again

Even before my illness when i worked full time back then i felt the same. I hate that feeling.

Yikes... You have my sympathies. Not a society made for the adventurous, unfortunately.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Waiting for a year to end because leaving a new job less than a year in is very very sus.

Yeah, that's true...

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If worst come to worst, i can go stay with my parents and help them....

But the idea. I just

Haven't lived at parents since i was 16 xD

Well, at least you have the option. Worst case scenario...

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22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so I'm watching the start of a Tristrat playthrough to hold me over till Osvald Traveler tomorrow, while I write some Berwick Saga misery, and two things strike me.

Oh, you’re playing Octopath 2 day 1 now? Nice.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am so close to telling life to just kiss my ass

I’m in high school and have like, no idea on life advice or anything like that, but please hang in there. I hope stuff gets better for you.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You have my sympathies.


4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not a society made for the adventurous, unfortunately


My dream is pretty much to go around the world, ie. An adventure, but....

Hmm if could find a job like that. I already speak 3 languages that should help..

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

but please hang in there. I hope stuff gets better for you.

Thanks thanks

And dw, the most i will do if i decide on it is go full hobo or something xD

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh, you’re playing Octopath 2 day 1 now? Nice.

Yeah, it looks good enough. Moreover, I want to have enough time to get my fill of Osvald Emblem before the Spring sale begins and the Benedict brainworm takes over for real. And the only thing I've got on my gaming plate right now is my utter desecration of the best strategy game ever made. I can slow down on that a little, it's okay.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m in high school and have like, no idea on life advice or anything like that, but please hang in there. I hope stuff gets better for you.

In the context of this conversation, some would tell you to enjoy high school and cherish your time before adulthood and its corresponding responsibilities.

...But then, I've only become happier since I left high school, so uh... I'll let somebody else say it for me.

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