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So i decided to play some XBC2 a bit, haven't touched this game in years

Man i miss Blade combos, elements and the narrator...and the game is actually quite faster than XBC3

Otoh, XBC3 healing and character switch are future i always wanted, so...

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Reminds me I should wrap up with Gaur Plains this weekend. Perhaps even today after work. Well, if the weather and Eduardo cooperate.

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19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I've visited it a few times and it's glorious.

I refuse to believe it's not a shitpost, there's no way any of it's genuine.

The freakiest part for me wasn't even anything to do with the site. When I read Biden's article, I was faced with this image of Biden


assumed it was a shitty edit, and was told it was real over the span of five minutes.

Like, why would Biden's PR team do that to him lol

19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Yep, and as others have said we don't really have public transit in cities or trains in rural areas, the lines that exist are owned by freight companies and so Amtrack (Our largest public transport railway) never has the right of way on those tracks, causing hour long delays.

Amtrack does have plans to build their own lines, but since barely anybody is using them and they aren't getting funding anytime soon, the money to do so just isn't there.

This is why homelessness and poverty is such a common problem in the US by the way, buying and managing a super expensive car is pretty much the only reliable way to get around and it's just not something everyone can afford.

America! Fuck yeah!

19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I don't understand why that already isn't the case, the train heritage in this country is far bigger than the gun heritage. The whole explosion in gun culture is mostly a result of post 9/11 American nationalism so it's quite new in comparison.

Go back to your roots, Unitedstatesians. More trains.

19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm currently resisting the urge to do the Fire Emblem thing and use her anyways.

Why would you resist doing the right thing?

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So i decided to play some XBC2 a bit, haven't touched this game in years

Man i miss Blade combos, elements and the narrator...and the game is actually quite faster than XBC3

Otoh, XBC3 healing and character switch are future i always wanted, so...

Before I would've had some snark, no doubt, but I'm still processing the fact that Morag is a main character.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Ngl, since you're in Ch.6, I also kinda struggle to see what you mean that the plot is "inconsequential" too. The only chapter that most people agree is probably filler is Ch.4. Ch.1, 2, 3, 5 and onwards all have big traditional "plot moving" moments

Maybe I'm forgetting something, but IIRC not much has happened aside from us sauntering around to different titans. 

...Maybe I should restart my playthrough, but I'm already, like, 65 hours in...

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

can't see it as by characterized outside the main story when a lot of it is in the story

A lot of it may be in the story, but... Well, I'm thinking it might be a little off-topic if the meat of the story takes 65 hours to reach. Maybe it's because I've mostly been reading books instead of playing games lately, but I still strenuously believe that, in comparison to even a play like A Raisin in the Sun (which everyone should watch) or the other JRPG I've played, it really could have done better at developing the cast with the story as opposed to alongside it.

...Or is this a Sky FC thing where I've absolutely maimed the game beyond recognition with my play-style?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:



Well, I know Nia is a Blade even though I'm certainly not supposed to.

It was worth the spoiler though, those ears are very cool.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Ehhhh it does depend on the plot/character ratio. 

Maybe I live under a rock, but off the top of my head, I can't really think of any stories where the plot and characters are highly distinct from one another. Dramas are super popular, and they're almost all driven mostly by characters. Maybe sit-coms and, like, super action-y stuff like John Wick (never watched either of that type of show) bypass that?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Canada probably has more trains than the US.


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14 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I guess you could use mods if on PC to set the rates to 100% pulls.


I pretty much have all blades

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

but IIRC not much has happened aside from us sauntering around to different titans. 


Alot happened tho???


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*Sigh* Day was going fine, but then I overheard someone make a little insensitive comment that hit a nerve. I wouldn't say it was intended towards me, yet I was in the room. I kept perfectly calm and said nothing, showed nothing, the way I prefer things to be. Nonetheless, it has been weighing on my mood in the hours since. Perhaps a little RF5 would be the perfect palliative -except its sweetness would very much remind me of the micro-trigger. It has only been ten days since I complete my first SRWJ run, too soon to resort to that as an alternative bona fide pick-me-up. Not sure what to play right now. Hold my breath for the next few days for reasons, and maybe this time next week I'll finally see about booking a virtual appointment with a psyche that I've delayed on for well over a year. But my natural not-sinful inertial nature (as opposed to my sinful laziness) means that could very well not happen yet again.

-Typing the responses below, I feel better now.😃 If only momentarily this might end up being. Being able to bounce back like this -wrongly- makes me belittle myself into thinking I don't truly need to talk to anyone. That's part of the problem.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Patty has now been radicalized.

Radicalized... towards primitiveness?🤔

Barter preceded the invention of money as a universal medium of exchange. And with regards to the history of Europe, one of the Middle Ages's signs of decline from the sophistication of the Roman Empire was the reliance on gifts land as payment to the elite (the good old aristocracy!) and taxes being payable in kind (non-cash items like crops) and labor. Not to say the Roman elite didn't ingratiate themselves other with grand estates (and slaves), people from all eras like being paid in big houses.

Generally speaking however, the more a government can:

  • Collect taxes in cash instead of kind and mandatory labor...
  • And pay its employees/elite in cash over kind, labor, and land...

...the more "advanced" that society could be considered. A monetized economy is a developed economy.

If you hear of people resorting to bartering on a massive scale in a present-day country for products available elsewhere for currency, that could very well be a sign of the country's economic status being really bad and the national currency worthless.

As is sometimes told, good old founding father George Washington was rich -but cash poor. Land via agriculture does provide consistently yearly returns, but they take literal seasons to grow & sell for $$$. One whose wealth is most heavily in land is faced with a conundrum- if you want fast money, you have to sell the land. But there is only so much land to sell, and once sold, you can't sell it again. Thus, land is an inelastic and sluggish form of wealth generation, life as a merchant is quicker to bigger profit (if riskier and likely in need of a talent for business). But, I suppose governments can seize and manage lands easier than businesses, and that the perpetual, no-learning-needed (because peasants work all the farmland for you) income of a big estate was historically well-suited for hereditary aristocracy.

...Why did I go off on an Economics 101 tangent?😆


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As I sit here, still waiting for my train, now accruing over hour of delay and not expected to arrive for another 15 minutes (if the voiceover didn't lie - this time), I just have to wonder. How horrible are trains in the US that Burgerlanders think this shit is great?

Supposedly, we were once good at trains. The post-US Civil War Industrial Revolution that saw the creation of a transcontinental railroad, so glorious this age for the locomotive that it led to the rise of ultra-rich families like the Vanderbilts who were known as "robber barons". Towns alongside wherever the tracks ran grew, those that were unfortunately further away from the iron ribbons were at risk of dying.

When did things go downhill? Maybe when Ford-General Motors-Chrysler and whoever else created the American automobile industry established the "Tyranny of the Automobile" -my phrasing.🚗 Once enough highways were built to support cars, the spiffy newly-rich automobile lobby bribed governments across the US into making pro-car cities, pro-car states, an entire pro-car country. Public transportation via rail began to die, it still lives in a few places, yet hauling freight aside, it is pretty dead. This is especially true further out west in like California. The Atlantic seaboard megapolises like NYC, Boston, and Washington DC were denser and older and I suppose they already had a public transportation element built in that the automobile manufacturers could only castrate, not kill. The skyrocketing boom of say Los Angeles didn't start until close to the automobile's rise, and Ford and the ilk had freer reign to shape it in their preferred image. All attempts to modernize America's existing public transport infrastructure and expand it, have met challenges that have prevented it from ever changing the automobile-centric landscape established around a century ago.

There are entire books that could tell you how public terrestrial (to set aside airlines, and I'm told the various USA big airlines rank quite poorly globally as an aside) transportation in America was murdered by the Model T, I read excerpts from them in college in my "History of Urban America" course, -but I don't remember of any of their names.


2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

It's really fascinating how a day that wasn't even that big in Mexico spread to the US as this day of pride for Mexican Americans.

It's sorta the same with St. Patrick's Day I believe, it's more "Irish-American Day". Corned beef & cabbage -a dish associated with that holiday- is what happens when Irish immigrants toss some cabbage in a pot alongside some beef bought from their neighboring Jewish delicatessen (they would've too poor to buy beef back home, and the British overlords kept the cows under armed guard so the story goes).


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Like it's really just MOMO (Xenosaga)

Except for the part where like everyone can learn Medica. Half the cast in Ep.III can learn some form of it right away.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Add in Xenogears and Xenosaga and that number goes up to two.

Like it's really just MOMO (Xenosaga) and Fiona (Xenoblade 3) huh.

Actually Haze (Torna) and Miyabi (Xenoblade 3) so that's four.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You think it's BS?

I'm memeing.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

refuse to believe it's not a shitpost, there's no way any of it's genuine.

Conservapedia considers Dead or Alive to be a family game.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm currently resisting the urge to do the Fire Emblem thing and use her anyways.

Sharla's gimmick is that she has to take a break every once in a while.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like, why would Biden's PR team do that to him lol

He's embracing the Dark Brandon memes.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Maybe I'm forgetting something, but IIRC not much has happened aside from us sauntering around to different titans. 

...Maybe I should restart my playthrough, but I'm already, like, 65 hours in...

You definitely need a refresher in at least rewatching the cutscenes.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

books instead of playing games

Yeah these are two different mediums.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Maybe I live under a rock, but off the top of my head, I can't really think of any stories where the plot and characters are highly distinct from one another. Dramas are super popular, and they're almost all driven mostly by characters. Maybe sit-coms and, like, super action-y stuff like John Wick (never watched either of that type of show) bypass that?

Slice-of-life genre generally has like a really basic plot that only matters like 10% of the time. The other 90% is devoted to exploring the characters themselves. Hence, the characterization is the plot. 

That's not exclusive to SOL of course.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why did I go off on an Economics 101 tangent?😆

Opportunity to flex your knowledge haha.

In the Atelier context, noblewoman Patty is finding out "wait what the fuck is my city charging up the price".


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Only in part

I would still recommend a fresh start with mods personally, but do what you can do with the capabilities you have at your disposal i suppose.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

loads of worker cooperates

I have no idea what this is...

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This brief convo has reminded me that I recently discovered Conservapedia, and it's like, the funniest website in the entire internet.

Conservapedia? What's-




This might be the best thing I've ever seen.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I mean, if you weren't enjoying, restarting won't help i think

Infact will hurt the experience more

Nonono, I enjoy the game, I just don't remember much of it.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh yeah, this weekend I'll also start Three Houses proper.

Nice! I can't remember if you picked your house yet, though.

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25 minutes ago, Benice said:

Nice! I can't remember if you picked your house yet, though.

I plan to play through them all, but I will start with CF. To get it out of the way asap.

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