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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Sooks said:


It really is the most lived-in version of Hyrule and unironically, if we start going back to versions of Hyrule where people can't do shit and have to wait for Link to save them, I might actually be a little disappointed. 

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

.I will stand by the godawful drawing distance, though


It's pretty standard. Even the pop-in is the accepted "gradual" as opposed to unoptimized games where things literally pop-in. Like Pokemon.

Obviously things from afar may look low-poly but that's just a standard memory-saving trick. There's no reason why you need to see the exact details on a hill when you're on the other side of a map.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's just typical Nintendo being stuck in the past. The thing is

But also Nintendo just doesn't really care about the "HOT LATEST NEW GRAPFIX".

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

However, Sega's intents for it seem to have been an alternative "more western" Sonic, not actually part of the mainline series. So Boom is terrible, but not that terrible, when thought of that of that way.

There's also two other Boom games but those are 2D and they were better received iirc.

It's all overshadowed by the Sonic Boom TV show.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why? Is it all because Nintendoes what Segadon't? Or is to some degree and to which degree a failure of bring Sonic's signature speed into a three-dimensional world?

Sonic's dip in quality can actually be traced to when the company was acquired by Sammy. Sammy doesn't care about Sonic the video game franchise, they only care about Sonic the mascot which is why the dark ages happened. Only now are they slowly giving Sonic some decent games again.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:





>No chapter next week


She's gonna need the Song of Healing for that one.


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29 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Aaaand that's what happens when you post when tired, you miss important details! 

I'm sorry about that!

It's okay, no problem.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:


It's pretty standard. Even the pop-in is the accepted "gradual" as opposed to unoptimized games where things literally pop-in. Like Pokemon.

Obviously things from afar may look low-poly but that's just a standard memory-saving trick. There's no reason why you need to see the exact details on a hill when you're on the other side of a map.

On the other side of the map, yeah, but in this game it's very short, at least from what I have seen. The grass is supposed to pop up a decent distance away, not right in front of you. To be honest, I don't know if the draw distance in TotK is that much higher from the latest Pokemon Spain's.

Not that it's a massive gamebreaking fault (though to be honest the performance might be a bigger concern, but we both know I'm a bit more picky about that stuff than the rest of you), but it's kinda funny how many corners they had to cut to make the game able to exist in the Switch.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But also Nintendo just doesn't really care about the "HOT LATEST NEW GRAPFIX".

Maybe not, but sometimes it feel less like Nintendo not caring and more that they're constrained by their hardware. Besides, there's literally no downside for the consumer if their games are released on PC and it would lead to a severe decrease in piracy. Everyone wins.

...Except then maybe more people would go play Splatoon on PC and not pay the 20 bucks for the online. And that would simply be a tragedy.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides, there's literally no downside for the consumer if their games are released on PC and it would lead to a severe decrease in piracy.

The downside is that PCs are more expensive than consoles. Even just running a Wii U emulator requires a better than decent rig. Not high-end but better than decent.

Truth is PC gaming for the new latest stuff is not accessible. Anyone with a potato PC can play Beard Blade but if you want to play Spider-Man, the cheaper option is to get it on PS4/5.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

The downside is that PCs are more expensive than consoles. Even just running a Wii U emulator requires a better than decent rig. Not high-end but better than decent.

Truth is PC gaming for the new latest stuff is not accessible. Anyone with a potato PC can play Beard Blade but if you want to play Spider-Man, the cheaper option is to get it on PS4/5.

Except... I'm not saying they can't release their games on the Switch too, I'm just saying to also release them on PC for the people who can and would rather get 'em there lol. Heck just do the Square thing, release them a few months / a year later to preserve some of that sweet, sweet artificial console advantage that is exclusivity.

Anyway go play Beard Blade.

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38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The downside is that PCs are more expensive than consoles. Even just running a Wii U emulator requires a better than decent rig. Not high-end but better than decent.

Truth is PC gaming for the new latest stuff is not accessible. Anyone with a potato PC can play Beard Blade but if you want to play Spider-Man, the cheaper option is to get it on PS4/5.

I mean, they wouldn't need to emulate the entire console, just the games. Otherwise how else are even games on both PC and Switch right now.

You mean Insomniac's? Let's see... my laptop seems to fulfill the minimum requirements specs. So... no, it's cheaper to just get it on PC than to spend on a PS4/5 and the game.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What the fuck is happening now FE6

Damn I also slept poorly last night and I'm starting to really feel the exhaustion. I don't think I can deal with this tonight lol

Seems like its missing some dependencies from the system. Xd

Could be the emulator doesnt have the BIOS packaged with the emulator?

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On the topic of console gamimg vs PC gaming: emulation certainly isnt perfect (graphical bugs, game freezes, etc) so playing on a console is much "safer" I believe.

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Cold Steel III final dungeon musings


I wasn't sure going in what the boss rush lineup would be, but the Gnome goons and miscellaneous Enforcers are fought on the second phase. I was expecting them to save Siegfried for last, personally. It seems the Ironbloods will be fought next, leaving Osborne as (part of) the final boss. Maybe Rean and Valimar will fight Cedric with the Testa-Rossa too, perhaps.

In any case, I'll finish the game tomorrow.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Nice, I couldn’t get Kurt.

I had to use two tickets for him. If I had an extra, I would've used it on Elliot, Emma, or Millium since I had four stars with them.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:


I respect and fear your dedication to getting every romance ending.

Elise still has Patrick in this scenario, so it's a happy ending for her regardless.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Jokes on you tho, you can romance all three simultaneously iirc.

Persona moment

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Nice, I always did want to get into that series.

You have good timing, since another collection was announced the other day.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Honestly, this being my first experience with 3D Sonic, i get the feeling that Sonic as it was before didn't work well in 3D. Super unpopular opinion, i know. But it would explain why Frontiers was received so well.

Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2 were well-received when they released, though their design philosophy was different from Generations in that they placed a bigger emphasis on platforming and exploration (the stages were still linear, but you had more freedom on which paths to take).

People were pretty tired of the "boost formula" by the time Frontiers came out, which is probably why it was seen as a step in the right direction.

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6 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Seems like its missing some dependencies from the system. Xd

Could be the emulator doesnt have the BIOS packaged with the emulator?

This has never happened before. But then, I don't think I've played FE6 in this emulator before. I'm at a loss as to whether it's my fault for touching something and breaking FE6 for the tenth time, or the emulator is acting up.

Either way, I should look into it tomorrow, because it freezes the game lol. I can avoid it by skipping the cutscene, but that's dumb. I'm not making big enough edits that this should be happening.

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Aaaaand yeah, I procured a bios file and now the game just plain crashes. FE6 broke again. For absolutely no fucking reason.


EDIT: Oh wait no FUCK I forgot to remove fucking Yoder's moving commands. Get the fuck outta here old man, you died last chapter. I'm just wondering why the emulator was flipping out about the BIOS now. What, does Yoder live inside the GBA or something?

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: Oh wait no FUCK I forgot to remove fucking Yoder's moving commands. Get the fuck outta here old man, you died last chapter. I'm just wondering why the emulator was flipping out about the BIOS now. What, does Yoder live inside the GBA or something?

This is interesting. His move commands should be proceeded by a "if unit is alive" code, so why is that an issue?

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16 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

This is interesting. His move commands should be proceeded by a "if unit is alive" code, so why is that an issue?

Well, the game spawns a Yoder, then moves him later. I removed the spawn, but the other commands were further down in the event and I forgot them. So the game tried to move a nonexistent Yoder and flipped out.

What mystifies me is the error message. I've done this goof before, and not once or twice. It always either softlocks or freezes the game, but never before did it lead the emulator to somehow detect BIOS problems out of nowhere lol

Then again, it's not the first incomprehensible mystery FE6 has thrown at me. The Sommie fiasco aside, at one point a cutscene would just crash the game. I took the entire code of the scene, pasted it on a different entry, boom, no crash. I have no idea what's up with that other entry. It is used in vanilla, too, like what did I do there? This game is just weird.

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Hell yeah, the best unit from the last game is back! She’s back! And way earlier than before!

…I really hope the game gives me more deployment slots. I already had to abandon poor Ogma, and I wanna use her, Est when she joins, maybe Abel, Katarina even if she’ll be a fourth magic unit…

Also chapter 14 is GOOD. Having to struggle to enter and barely survive the room™ reminds of something from a Conquest chapter. The thieves are confusing to me because they’re usually the units who flee maps and they have treasure on them by default, which is usually a good sign that they’re gonna be anti-turtling incentives. I assumed a way out for them would spawn or something but nope, their only way out is the way you come in. They all bum rush you when you enter, presumably if they had a way out they would prioritize that over attacking, but… they really shouldn’t, it’s gotta be impossible not to grab all the treasure if you want it.

Not that I’m complaining, I needed the master seal and having to push further into the room would’ve been a nightmare. Anyway, time to wrap up this chapter.

Edit: So I was not right about to wrap up the chapter. Everything started moving, and it was a nightmare because I was completely unprepared. It took forever, because only options were turtle and fight one enemy in the hall at a time or die, and Kris kept getting crits that led to his death. It was ultimately a great chapter, and on future play throughs it should go a lot smoother since I know that will happen. Chapter would’ve been perfect if they told you all hell would break loose after you sent Marty to Gordon.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fate speaks, Sooks.

So let’s say that hypothetically, for the sake of argument, I benched him for Merric…

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Cold Steel III final dungeon musings

Oh, incidentally this dungeon had one of the tracks I liked. It’s called Spiral of Erebos if you were wondering.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

In any case, I'll finish the game tomorrow.

Prepare for the best credits theme.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I respect and fear your dedication to getting every romance ending.

I didn’t (because I chose to prioritize character notes instead). I missed Laura, Emma, and Elise, iirc.

But I got the most painful non-Elise ones…


The horror…

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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now, this is not a knock on TotK or the Zelda Team, but on Nintendo. It was a fool's errand to try and fit this game on the Switch. What Nintendo seriously needs to do is stop fretting over losing four or five Switch sales and start releasing games on PC already. Imagine this game, but it actually loads stuff further than 10 meters in front of you while not suffering massive FPS drops every two seconds.

Sounds like processor speed is the problem there aint it?

21 hours ago, Armagon said:

Welcome back.

I did 



I just finished that one where he runs around with the duck on his head that talks to ya and shrinks you down. Had a pretty good time with that one

20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

'ello again!

Even on Hard, the ambushes were the bane of me several times in New Mystery. Certainly played one part in stopping me from moving on to the higher tiers of madness.


9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oh sweet, New Mystery is a great little game to be playing.

Its more doable on lower difficulties, and I think you can cut them off with a flier if you are really clever about it.


You really need multiple people reclass to flier, and have good promoted units to water walk to kill the Swarm mages turn one to really pull it off. The rescues staff is a much easier way of dealing with it really.


Wow, surprised to see that murderous Wyvern Desert map to be talked of favorably. I remember that map being utterly brutal on my first run.


Good God... y’all giving me all kinds of nice stuff to look forward to 😳

Im testing myself with FE7 Elwood hard mode. That might be enough punishment. Noticed the difference already with the lv 1 brigands that take 3 hits to kill

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This is the first FE I’ve played where everyone has such high crit yet such a risk of dying on enemy phases that it’s become a problem. Kris, Caeda, please stop critting everything, you’re just getting yourselves killed.

…as I typed that they both dodged their potentially lethal hits, but that’s beside the point.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Except... I'm not saying they can't release their games on the Switch too, I'm just saying to also release them on PC for the people who can and would rather get 'em there lol.

I think it might just be a demographic thing at the end of the day. Simply put, Nintendo isn't targeting people who have gaming PCs so their exclusivity aside, they see no need for PC ports. And, well, let's face it, but people who want the legal Nintendo PC are a vocal minority. 

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You mean Insomniac's? Let's see... my laptop seems to fulfill the minimum requirements specs. So... no, it's cheaper to just get it on PC than to spend on a PS4/5 and the game.

Well you already have the laptop.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

What is this?

Forgot to respond to this but that's Hero's Path. Basically it records the paths you've taken throughout the game, up to 256 hours at a time. It was DLC in Breath of the Wild, now it's a base game mechanic.

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2 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

just finished that one where he runs around with the duck on his head that talks to ya and shrinks you down. Had a pretty good time with that one

The Minish Cap.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Well you already have the laptop.

Let's face it, it's gonna be more probable for someone to have a PC/laptop already anyway because they needed it for something else. In that case, it's best to cut the middle man. And the PC alone will be cheaper than getting all consoles of any given generation.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Let's face it, it's gonna be more probable for someone to have a PC/laptop already anyway because they needed it for something else. In that case, it's best to cut the middle man. And the PC alone will be cheaper than getting all consoles of any given generation.

Yeah it's a good investment but also it depends on the PC/laptop. Average joe who likes to play video games but also needs a PC likely isn't gonna have the latest in gaming PCs but rather one for every day use. And if they have a Mac because "Industry Standard"? Lmaooooooooooo.

As things are right now, if you have the money, the play is have a high-end PC and a Switch. There, you have 99% of the gaming market covered, leaving the 1% for mobile games and actual PS/Xbox exclusives.

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