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If i had a nickel for every decade in which there was a disaster involving the Titanic followed by civil war in Russia, i'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, it's just weird it's happened twice.

18 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

hinking about it, I'm pretty sure Super Mario Bros NES and Super Mario Odyssey are the only two Mario games I've actually beaten.

You could clear out all the pre-NSMB 2D games in like a day on the Switch.

Edited by Armagon
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40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Super Mario Bros review

They announced a new 2D Mario after like a decade so it's time to go over these. It's Super Mario Bros. Legendary historical game that's aged fine but this also isn't gonna be anyone's favorite 2D Mario either.


I never finished SMB1, and ended up using the first Warp Zone to zip past like half of it. I've done better with SMB3, but it was still tough and I never finished it. SMW is the lone classic Mario platformer I ever finished, strangely.

I think my problems with SMB1 began with some jumps demanding running momentum to be successful. And, if you jump forward and overshoot a platform, you have little control backing up for a safe landing. Springs were too finicky too. You can understand why jump-assisting powerups- raccoon, cape, propeller, squirrel; became the norm later on, they provide some forgiveness for mistakes.


10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, now that it's morning over there...

We might finally see more on what's happening.

Prigozhin has at last revealed his true name- Dimitry Ivanovich, and he wants his throne back.

How strange this is.

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

If i had a nickel for every decade in which there was a disaster involving the Titanic followed by civil war in Russia, i'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, it's just weird it's happened twice.

History has a cruel sense of humor.

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You could clear out all the pre-NSMB 2D games in like a day on the Switch.

I have played every mainline Mario game but I always seem to fall of them in the middle and forget everything about them afterward, like have almost beaten Mario Galaxy back in the day but I honest to god could not tell you about a single level in that game.

That being said playing the first four would get some use out of my NSO, and they're nice turn off your brain type of games which are pretty much the only games I have energy for these days.

...Except for the lost woods bit in Mario world, I never figured out that one

Now that I think about it, I did also beat 3D World, so that makes three Mario games.



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2 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:


I’m using OpenEmu which isnt giving me real trouble at all, but one thing I did notice was with GBA games every so often they’ll hang up for a couple seconds. The audio will keep goin but the video would stall 

Not a big deal with turn based games but with stuff like metroid or castlevania that can be a bit of a problem 

I dont think the emulator should be having that many issues. Thats definitely strange.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Super Mario Bros review

They announced a new 2D Mario after like a decade so it's time to go over these. It's Super Mario Bros. Legendary historical game that's aged fine but this also isn't gonna be anyone's favorite 2D Mario either.


Hell I remember well when the original came out

Going from the the Atari 2600 to the NES was a big deal then. My buddies and I used to run home from school hollering “first one to so-and-so’s house gets to go first” Lol 😆

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The Lost Levels review: 

People like to clown on the NSMB games for being too similar too each other but this one's literally just a Kaizo DLC pack sold as a sequel. Yeah it came out in the 80s but even then, Nintendo's "second games" in that era were all vastly different.


What's wild is even Japanese critics back then thought the game was, to put in modern terms, "DLC".

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think my problems with SMB1 began with some jumps demanding running momentum to be successful. And, if you jump forward and overshoot a platform, you have little control backing up for a safe landing. Springs were too finicky too. You can understand why jump-assisting powerups- raccoon, cape, propeller, squirrel; became the norm later on, they provide some forgiveness for mistakes.

Yeah i noticed that a lot. It was the NES, the very first Super Mario, who can blame them. They were likely going off Mario Bros physics too i feel like.

27 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

..Except for the lost woods bit in Mario world, I never figured out that one

Google moment.

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21 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Hell I remember well when the original came out

Going from the the Atari 2600 to the NES was a big deal then. My buddies and I used to run home from school hollering “first one to so-and-so’s house gets to go first” Lol 😆

It's always fascinating to hear stories of the old school gaming. I didn't get seriously into gaming until the tail end of the Wii's lifespan (despite having it since launch year) so the jump in gaming power felt huge compared to when i looked at old consoles, from my point of view.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

People like to clown on the NSMB games for being too similar too each other but this one's literally just a Kaizo DLC pack sold as a sequel. Yeah it came out in the 80s but even then, Nintendo's "second games" in that era were all vastly different.

It must have skill checked you. Lmao

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14 hours ago, Armagon said:

There's a whole new wave of "it's a good game but not a good _ game" and I'm gonna start killing people.

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Human nature in a nutshell.

Especially since this is a big game that'll attract many who look upon it. Every set of eyes is another being capable of making an opinion, add the lack of responsibility for one's words the Internet allows, and you get less-than-diplomatic wording of those opinions -assuming an instance is real and not trolling for the sake of attention.

The main reason why they are seething is because of the story. Final Fantasy fans are used to gameplay and setting changes since 12.

3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

To be fair, when's the last time a Final Fantasy game didn't make people seethe?

Final Fantasy VI, almost 30 years ago.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

But would Russia be liberated or placed under new management? Cause with coups it's usually the latter.

Either way, with any luck it will mean an end to the war.

...Not that it would mean much for Ukraine, because then half the world will start demanding payment for the military aid received and their country will go bankrupt on top of flooded, exploded and generally ruined. But at least it won't keep getting bombed. It's something.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

After playing AC2 again that marks the second time this year I've killed the pope in a video game

Good job. Keep at it.

...In Minecraft.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Fivehead Edelgard is certainly an iconic creation

One of the models of all time.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I have played every mainline Mario game but I always seem to fall of them in the middle and forget everything about them afterward, like have almost beaten Mario Galaxy back in the day but I honest to god could not tell you about a single level in that game.

That being said playing the first four would get some use out of my NSO, and they're nice turn off your brain type of games which are pretty much the only games I have energy for these days.

...Except for the lost woods bit in Mario world, I never figured out that one

Now that I think about it, I did also beat 3D World, so that makes three Mario games.

Mario games are like that. Simple fun, not unchallenging, but straightforward.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Lost Levels review: 

People like to clown on the NSMB games for being too similar too each other but this one's literally just a Kaizo DLC pack sold as a sequel. Yeah it came out in the 80s but even then, Nintendo's "second games" in that era were all vastly different.


I liked it because you could play as Loogi.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Least insane Splatoon fan

Could've at least ranted about something relevant.

...Like the shitty online--

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Intelligence Systems: The theme we chose for Fire Emblem Engage is that whoever you were born as, and wherever you were born, if you live your life as the person you want to be, your dream will come true. Alear and Rosado, and to some extent, all of the characters in the game reflect the theme of living as the person they want to be. So while many of the characters might contradict the first impression they give, we hope you can discover who they are through support conversations and so on.

But Alear doesn’t have any concept of who they are or where they were born due to having amnesia. And finding out about their origins doesn’t really affect Alear or the other characters as it should probably have done so in the story. I guess you could say that Alear wanted to live as a “good dragon” and did, but it’s just such a boring and cliche characterization.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

liked it because you could play as Loogi.

You could play as Loogi in the original too.

2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Game expects literally frame perfect jumps though.

The rewind mechanic on the table.

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I think I’ll get back to Rune Factory 5 today. I was drowsy midday yesterday from overplaying J, but I wasn’t exactly in the mood to (re)start on anything else, I needed a day off from gaming.🥱

Nonetheless, I still wanted to play something, I ofc knew my options, but none electrified me into booting them up. This resulted in a weird feeling when I first woke up abruptly early (pre-sunrise) and then later in the evening. Like, if you gave me a hypothetical (attractive male) dakimura to hold, I would have non-suggestively squeezed it so tightly that its head would have been ripped off. I wanted something to cling to, but I had nothing to take my clinginess out on, nor would anything be substantial enough short of a real boyfriend. What strange whiplash, to go from being lost in mecha, a realm of the eunuchs known as “nerds”, to what manifested as a sudden strong desire for intimacy.

I’m guessing it might not have been a true desire for love. Rather, my brain was -in a manifestation of immediate withdrawal symptoms- trying to fill the nagging void left by SRWJ’s completion, through the powerful feelings of fantastical romantic yearning. Yearning of such a kind, given my IRL situation, is itself a kind of plea seeking an end to incompleteness.

Whatever they are, it can’t hurt to see if Rune Factory can keep the bizarre feeling from returning.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You could play as Loogi in the original too.

Yeah but like, he's a Meryo clone there. SMB2 is where his signature properties surfaced, his higher jump and his slippery shoes. This makes SMB2 a masterpiece in the series, as it constitutes Loogi: Origins: The Movie: The Game.

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

But Alear doesn’t have any concept of who they are or where they were born due to having amnesia. And finding out about their origins doesn’t really affect Alear or the other characters as it should probably have done so in the story. I guess you could say that Alear wanted to live as a “good dragon” and did, but it’s just such a boring and cliche characterization.

Wraith, that's... literally what they're saying, that it doesn't matter where you're born, but rather who you want to be going forward.

You can't just quote a passage and then proceed to whine about something that doesn't even apply to it, dude. You should know that, you're the reader extraordinaire among us!

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Not that it would mean much for Ukraine, because then half the world will start demanding payment for the military aid received and their country will go bankrupt on top of flooded, exploded and generally ruined. But at least it won't keep getting bombed. It's something.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Plenty of frozen Russian assets that can be seized for such purposes.

Also, there is such a thing as not expecting payment due to the circumstances. A lot of the military aid was outdated stuff that was in line to be scrapped anyway. Also, stuff they now have data for for future upgrades/modifications, so that's also payment in itself.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Plenty of frozen Russian assets that can be seized for such purposes.

Make Russia pay Ukraine's debts, then? I don't know how that's going to go down, especially if these mercenaries do end up taking over - and, y'know, gaining control over the nukes. Be that it could be so easy, but I don't know.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, there is such a thing as not expecting payment due to the circumstances. A lot of the military aid was outdated stuff that was in line to be scrapped anyway. Also, stuff they now have data for for future upgrades/modifications, so that's also payment in itself.

I think it's rather naïve to expect superpowers like the US of A to just take millions' worth of military equipment to some country they couldn't point out on a map before this whole thing started and gift it all to them for free out of the goodness of their hearts. On the contrary, this was the perfect chance to move all that outdated stuff out of the warehouses and get some extra buck out of it, and looking good while at it. Then they reap the benefits when the time is right. Maybe when the war is over they'll start airing out some dirty laundry of Zelenski's to make the payment demands acceptable. And the ones who get screwed over are, as usual, the common folk who get an economic catastrophe added on top of everything else.

...Or, perhaps I'm being overly cynical here. With any luck, I'll be wrong. I just don't think it can possibly be so simple as "country gets invaded and everyone else rushes to their aid because they're very kind-hearted like that."

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