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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Gonna go in a bit to have some churros and chocolate at my family's.

Here's hoping that, at least, goes well. Everything's gone backwards today, I swear. Stupid fucking FE6.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If I want to unlock Olaf's Sea Strike, and I do because I want Olaf in the final battle

Good Observer. Good Observer.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why no women soldiers though? The USSR had few qualms about letting women fight. -That probably would've required more effort to work in.

That's probably it. Skin color is just a retexture, a female soldier would require making a whole new model.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why didn't this game update to add attack zone toggling like FE as had begun with Path of Radiance? A game so old Advance Wars was still alive at the time!🤨

No more babying, now you fight like an adult!

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Speaking of Fire Emblem innovations.

It's not broken, at all. You can't go back to a previous turn to undo a terrible enemy phase. AW has only the teeniest amount of RNG in its combat too, unlike FE where you might be inclined to use the Turnwheel/Pulse until you rig a 45% crit/dodge. Only useful for tiny accidental mistakes like the one in the snowy screenshot actually.

I can't wait for the reveal where Andy has the power since birth.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Musically, Grit's theme got even lazier, slower, than it already was. Others got heavier, he got lighter. Like how?

Eh, I'd say it fits thematically. Just some light theme to chill... and snipe you from like 20 tiles away.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-And yes, nooooooo Advisor what-so-ever confirmed beyond any doubt! Ironic, the seed that birthed Mark who went dormant and would be reborn into Kris-Robin-Corrin-Byleth-Alear-Shez-GatchaPerson, erased.

Well, you know what Garuben says...

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14 minutes ago, gnip said:

I like to say that old farts have been complaining about KIDS THESE DAYS constantly for literal millenia, so one can only imagine what strong, smart, kind, respectful folks the cavemen must have been. But I'm sure that this time the old farts are correct and everybody below the age of 40 is a useless bag of shit.

(I know, "below 40" is a generous bracket to define "KIDS THESE DAYS", but I want to include millenials in this, considering how much boomers love complaining the we ruined the economy by, say, not buying enough diamonds, even though the oldest millenials are getting to an age where they're KIDS THESE DAYSing, too)

Those darn kids these days!

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Speaking of sporting events, I just remembered the Olympics are next year and looked where it's gonna be at.

2024 - Paris, France

And it seems 2028 has also been set: Los Angeles, USA

Can't wait for the next Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Uggggh.😵  Dare I resort to a guide like I did long before?

After like ten tries, I gave in...

...and discovered that Re-Boot Camp automatically unlocks Olaf's Sea Strike no matter how you win. Yaaaaaaaaay!😄 Still provides alternate victory dialogue if you are a masochist though and try to win by rout.

...Wait a second, does this mean that you can't get Max on Blue in the final battle then?🤔 Since it was Max if Andy at the Blue split without playing OSS, Olaf was Andy with OSS played, and Grit was Max at the Blue split. Curious how it goes now.


I've also realized that when you're selecting a battle on the campaign world map, the Re-Boot music (for AW1 at least) is a remix of this.:

This was not the case in GBA, unless the track was remixed beyond recognition.

Another SFW nod.


50 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eh, I'd say it fits thematically. Just some light theme to chill... and snipe you from like 20 tiles away.

I don't dislike the change, I was just surprised you could take empty gas station at sunset along the desert highways music Grit's theme and max the chillax even more than it already was. It's doubling down on his essence.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I can't wait for the reveal where Andy has the power since birth.

Turns out Andy's clone isn't a clone of Andy, because Andy himself is a son-clone of the CO Who Commanded Time.


59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gonna go in a bit to have some churros and chocolate at my family's.

Desert is never not a solution to personal frustration. -Unless the frustration is about dieting, or as in your earlier case today, cooking the desert yourself.



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I have found out about FDR's proposed Second Bill of Rights, which would've added a eight new amendments into the Constitution. 

  • The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
  • The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
  • The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
  • The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
  • The right of every family to a decent home;
  • The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
  • The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
  • The right to a good education.

The main thing stopping FDR from pushing these (he really tried it looks like) is he caught a mild case of he fucking died 84 days into his fourth term. How America would be like if they did pass, well i can make a few predictions.

Whether or not you'd be able to pass that in wartime is another thing. Although WWII was approaching its end. I'm unaware if Roosevelt would've had the legislative majorities for it, but if he did, that would indeed have been a precious lost window of opportunity. Since Republicans regained Congressional ground again during Truman's time, which squashed the plans of his social-legislative Fair Deal.

And TBF to Roosevelt, three terms in the White House during economic collapse and then war when you're already old does a number on you. The only reason he ran for a fourth was b/c the war was still underway (and yet they still chose Truman -a relative nobody moderate who was appealing for lack of political baggage and who had no existing rapport with Roosevelt- as the VP of a president who everyone who knew him knew wouldn't live much longer).


53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of sporting events, I just remembered the Olympics are next year and looked where it's gonna be at.

2024 - Paris, France

And it seems 2028 has also been set: Los Angeles, USA

Going with the big recognizable cities. TBF, holding the Olympics is an act of self-sacrifice, so it is said.

Instead of an opening ceremony next year, the French president will welcome athletes, tourists, and foreign emissaries to explore Paris and witness the rich diversity of ways to protest that the French are non pareil in. The French government will not be responsible for your failure to keep a safe distance from burning objects and the vapours of tear gas (For what is protest but an art? And what are ze arts without both revelry and suffering? For life is suffering.🚬🇫🇷😛).

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You'll never guess the reason I'm hoping this guy is playable.

...Actually, he might just be. He's getting an odd amount of screentime in two camp quests for some irrelevant guy who appeared out of nowhere, and he and his pal Borislav would fit right into the two codex profiles that are yet hidden. There's one at the Bs, and one at the Rs. Hmm... Might be Beard-time soon. Still missing an old woman, but they can't all be as based as Covenant

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



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More Re-Boot posting.


This is new. I don't think this was true even of APCs. Days of Ruin Carriers could do this (and restore 2 HP per turn too), maybe DS Carriers as well -but we're talking Cruisers here. I need to pay attention and see if this applies to all transport units now, it's a nice update.

Olaf's Sea Strike... I didn't really remember it, but it's tougher than I thought it'd be, took me a few tries to win the sea war spotlessly. You really need to keep both battleships at full health because the enemy island takes a while to whittle down the defenders on. And SMH at this map having no APC despite giving me two subs.


This is new? Didn't I on GBA have to finish the entire campaign first before I could unlock any COs outside of the starting four?


Lyn's bazooka toting sister Sami has arrived. Or rather, "Domino" in Japan, maybe the "ends in "o"" made Nintendo of America think the name too masculine for a lady? But Sami is a gender-neutral name as well.

The "hard mode" CO of AW1's campaign she be. Mech spam is a notoriously cheap and effective strategy, but the campaign's many pre-deployed battles and general map design vs. Versus/War Room maps makes Mech swarms ineffective, and Sami's direct non-infantry firepower penalty ends up hurting her a lot more. A lack of Victory March in AW1 hurts her too.

And while Sami introduced herself, an existential thought, one which I've thought of plenty already this past week or so, popped into my brain for no apparent reason. It struck me at my core, I took the above screenshot at 2:20, it has been two hours and I still feel some residual warmth in the upper right shoulder region where my pulse quickened with great intensity. Why? I felt so much better waking up today. I felt existence and consciousness to be surreal, that being is strange, that all is but a physics reaction like that of any other in the universe, that life is "inorganic". Yet this was a neutral disconnection, my appetite had returned and I ate breakfast for the first time in days. I tried, because this improving state felt wrong, to force more existential thoughts into my mind and force on depression once more, I couldn't generate a reaction almost at all. Now, thanks to that one out-of-nowhere thought, I'm left terrified again.😔

I managed to continue on and complete Sami's Debut. A battle which really frontloads you Eagle-boosted air units in Fog of War on map with no production facilities. On Advanced Campaign, the skies are so laden with fighters, bombers, and b-copters, that some players unconcerned with ranks opt to waste like 40 turns to allow Eagle's stationary air forces to run out of fuel and crash. This said, on Normal, the map can be over with pretty quickly, if you're lucky. -And yes, I used Sami here for Eagle to the right in the final battle.


Ah yes



Why'd they change his name from Kikuchiyo? Too long for gaijins to wrap their brains and tongues around?

Of Gold Comet, I don't think the change was necessary, the five nations of AW are named after astronomical things + a basic color. But sure, go ahead if, b/c of Covid-induced rise in anti-Asian sentiments, you want to try doing the littlest of things to prevent yourself contributing to it.

The AW1 bio sentence describing Kanbei said nothing of him being a ruler, and indeed I don't believe it is ever stated in AW1 that he is the Emperor of 'Comet. That was a BHR thing, in AW1 he seems to be just an honor & might obsessed Japanese general (wearing samurai armor in Japan) with a daughter he loves.

His theme remix be good with plentiful Japanese wind instruments and strings (I think?). A little lighter in tone and culturally different from everyone else, if still dense with sounds.


You honor your great ancestor the Tiger of Kai!

Cleared Kanbei Arrives! in seven turns, one under the limit needed to unlock the Sonia battles.


International hat + green, yet with Japanese glasses. Sonja/Asuka (why change Kanbei's daughter's name to something from a different cultural/language than his?) looks best with this blending I think.

Also, about Casual Mode:


To the left is Mighty Kanbei on Classic Mode, to the right is the same map on Casual Mode. The four Medium Tanks are replaced by light Tanks, that's a serious weakening for a map that should ideally be finished in ten turns or less. No enemy count reduction here, but as I glimpsed a guide earlier, Olaf's Navy removes three naval units on Casual. Casual doesn't affect damage values, just some curbing of enemy quantity and quality.

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I just killed a teammate with friendly fire alongside the last enemy.

I can't rewind that, so I have to redo the entire skirmish.


13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


International hat + green, yet with Japanese glasses.

Best of both worlds, I'd say. Glasses are always cool.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Why'd they change his name from Kikuchiyo? Too long for gaijins to wrap their brains and tongues around?

Or just too long for the text boxes/strings. This was originally a 2001 GBA game. Golden Sun, released also in 2001, also had to deal with the same problem. Someone like Jasmine had to become Jenna, for instance.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The AW1 bio sentence describing Kanbei said nothing of him being a ruler, and indeed I don't believe it is ever stated in AW1 that he is the Emperor of 'Comet. That was a BHR thing, in AW1 he seems to be just an honor & might obsessed Japanese general (wearing samurai armor in Japan) with a daughter he loves.

Well, why not add it retroactively, I guess. Oh, you meant they still didn't? I guess they aren't making too many changes to the script, then. Though I'm pretty sure there are some changes.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, about Casual Mode:


To the left is Mighty Kanbei on Classic Mode, to the right is the same map on Casual Mode. The four Medium Tanks are replaced by light Tanks, that's a serious weakening for a map that should ideally be finished in ten turns or less. No enemy count reduction here, but as I glimpsed a guide earlier, Olaf's Navy removes three naval units on Casual. Casual doesn't affect damage values, just some curbing of enemy quantity and quality.

Ah, so that's what it does.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And TBF to Roosevelt, three terms in the White House during economic collapse and then war when you're already old does a number on you. The only reason he ran for a fourth was b/c the war was still underway (and yet they still chose Truman -a relative nobody moderate who was appealing for lack of political baggage and who had no existing rapport with Roosevelt- as the VP of a president who everyone who knew him knew wouldn't live much longer).

Yeah, FDR didn't even want to run the fourth time. But he had to see the war through.....I mean, he didn't but you know.

Makes me wonder, if he stopped after the third term, would we still have Presidential term limits? The fourth term is what really made Congress go "yeah that's enough" but even before FDR, a few Presidents sought a third term. Including Teddy, if he hadn't gone Bull Moose, he probably could've been elected in 1912, which could've ended WW1 sooner (Teddy was just itching to fight the Axis while Wilson was like "nnnnno I don't wanna". A war ending earlier also might've prevented Communism from taking hold in Russia (the war would've ended before Germany sent Lenin).

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Chapter 21 was a fucking awesome map. There are a bunch of scattered, panicking allies, and you have to spend the first few turns running around taking command of them by waiting next to them. Then you take your re-assembled army and take on a gauntlet of minibosses as you try to escape the big bad himself coming to fuck you up from behind.

One of the most fun maps in the game so far, in my opinion. Dang, I wasn't expecting this game to turn out quite so good.

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Xelha before Sagi I see. 

...Counting down from five, using cards. Are tHey Boasting LittLe Cheekily? To what End?😛


I've been watching just a little of the US Open (which has just ended as I type). I don't follow any sports whatsoever, but I do kinda like tennis are willing to have have it on in the background with the occasional moment of serious attention. Probably owes a lot to playing Mario (Power) Tennis on the 64 and GameCube.🎾🍄😆


Just want to offer another thank you to everyone here.🙂 I've been on my own IRL for the past one and two half-days, not as long as I have been in other circumstances, but I don't ever recall being in this kind of state of mind while left to solitude, so thank you all again!



2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:



For a moment I thought the "Blue Moon"was going in the bowls. Probably because I watched a video yesterday on beer punch. Although being Slavic, is Blue Moon in AW vodka instead?



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Chapter 21 was a fucking awesome map. There are a bunch of scattered, panicking allies, and you have to spend the first few turns running around taking command of them by waiting next to them. Then you take your re-assembled army and take on a gauntlet of minibosses as you try to escape the big bad himself coming to fuck you up from behind.

One of the most fun maps in the game so far, in my opinion. Dang, I wasn't expecting this game to turn out quite so good.

This reminded me of one of Days of Ruin's lesser campaign battles, the one where Will/Ed has to rally every together. More of a story event than much of a real battle, but still, the concept sounds vaguely similar.

The rest of the stuff you describe sounds like one reaaaaaaaaal high point in the narrative. I don't see all that happening in a filler chapter.

Metacritic puts the game at 75/100 for critic reviews, luckily for you, it sounds like the average is WRONG!.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, FDR didn't even want to run the fourth time. But he had to see the war through.....I mean, he didn't but you know.

Makes me wonder, if he stopped after the third term, would we still have Presidential term limits? The fourth term is what really made Congress go "yeah that's enough" but even before FDR, a few Presidents sought a third term. Including Teddy, if he hadn't gone Bull Moose, he probably could've been elected in 1912, which could've ended WW1 sooner (Teddy was just itching to fight the Axis while Wilson was like "nnnnno I don't wanna". A war ending earlier also might've prevented Communism from taking hold in Russia (the war would've ended before Germany sent Lenin).

Eh, those weren't the Axis.

Anyway... would the war be prevented altogether instead? Perhaps if you had a President Teddy wanting to jump in and mediate, as it happened with the Russo-Japanese war.

Now I wonder. Would being president at the time affect what he would think about the assassination? Considered McKinley and all that. Sure, Ferdinand wasn't the Emperor, but as the Heir, it'd be the equivalent of murdering the winner of a Presidential Election before Inauguration Day.

35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


For a moment I thought the "Blue Moon"was going in the bowls. Probably because I watched a video yesterday on beer punch. Although being Slavic, is Blue Moon in AW vodka instead?

Hmm, good question. Probably.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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