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... I feel having watched the anime first has spoiled me. I know I must play through the other routes, but I still feel bad having to say no to Nagisa's route, hahaha... haaaaaaaa... sigh...

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's still less expensive than the high-end PCs, which you'd want to keep up with the latest releases

Depends on the release. And besides, more options are never a bad thing.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Spain 🤝 UK

        The only major European powers where the alt right just takes hit after hit.

Well, the UK is... there, yes.

5 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I do not see what others see in Velvet's character. "I want to murder Artorious!" Got old after the third chapter, honestly. I mean, I just dont understand the depth of her character. 

She has two big personalities. Always boils down to that in these cases.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ok so Spain trip finalized for real this time. We leave Saturday, arrive in Barcelona technically on Sunday morning. October 8-10th in Barcelona. On the 11th, we take a local flight to Vigo, where we'll spend the next couple days there and likely cross over into Portugal. On the 14th, we fly to Madrid where we'll spend the remainder of the trip until we fly back home on the 16th. 

Dad didn't tell me about Vigo and he claims the train ride takes longer (does it idk) so hitting up Bilbao, Valencia and Oviedo likely won't happen. Family members will come in to meet us at the specified cities anyways tho so we're still seeing them anyways.

I'll check out the beaches too. Not because i like beaches really but because i'll be able to see both the Mediterranean for the first time ever and the Atlantic from the other side.

Only thing i'm not looking forward to is the return trip. Because of time-zone fuckery, when we leave Madrid at noon and do that eight hour trip, we arrive home at.......2PM. Eight hours in two hours, my internal clock is going to be fighting for it's life. 

Jet lag fun.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me running around all of Spain looking for Ruben (i will give him a note that says "Berwick stinky" and watch as he breaks down).


That would probably amuse me, actually. Berwick stinky lol

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Show up at his house with a Xenoblade Sign.


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Blue light plus a stubborn will is powerful. It's past 4AM now, I'm taking it to the limit.😅 Although I have been something pseudo-“productive” at least. Found a longplay of an old JRPG I own, Suikoden 3, and since I don’t think I’ll go back and finish it (I played a little on PS3 years ago), I decided to watch the game instead. It has proven capable of muting the glum, which is better than nothing.

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:



is that a same VA joke?

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ok so Spain trip finalized for real this time. We leave Saturday, arrive in Barcelona technically on Sunday morning. October 8-10th in Barcelona. On the 11th, we take a local flight to Vigo, where we'll spend the next couple days there and likely cross over into Portugal. On the 14th, we fly to Madrid where we'll spend the remainder of the trip until we fly back home on the 16th. 

Dad didn't tell me about Vigo and he claims the train ride takes longer (does it idk) so hitting up Bilbao, Valencia and Oviedo likely won't happen. Family members will come in to meet us at the specified cities anyways tho so we're still seeing them anyways.

I'll check out the beaches too. Not because i like beaches really but because i'll be able to see both the Mediterranean for the first time ever and the Atlantic from the other side.

Only thing i'm not looking forward to is the return trip. Because of time-zone fuckery, when we leave Madrid at noon and do that eight hour trip, we arrive home at.......2PM. Eight hours in two hours, my internal clock is going to be fighting for it's life. 

ayy sounds hella fun. Enjoy 😄

except the internal clock part


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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Depends on the release. And besides, more options are never a bad thing.

More options are never a bad thing but the Switch has a market pretty much exclusive to them. I mean, nobody's gonna lug around their PC over the place. A high end gaming laptop sure, mine cost $930 but like that's still way too high. People like to point to emulators to how easy Nintendo games can run but my old laptop could barely run a Wii U game. You still need something good.

Putting a game on PC does lower the value of the console somewhat. It's why PS5 still has no games and why most games are just being made multi-plat with PC in mind. The only thing a PS5 does have over PC is cheaper access and earlier access. But the strat if you can afford it is really PC+Switch.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She has two big personalities. Always boils down to that in these cases.

Honestly Velvet doesn't really have sex appeal imo.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jet lag fun.

I'm not even sure how I would prepare for the return trip yet. When going over there, I know I'm going to sleep early and wake up real early to prime myself for the clock shift. I'll wake up as if I were already in Spain. Probably watch Doctor Who on the way (not on the flight itself maybe, I hear plane Wifi is stinky).

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

except the internal clock part

I do not wish travelling the world counterclockwise on my worst enemy.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unfortunately Armagon will be unable to ambush me. I do not live in those towns.

I will physically move the earth to bring your town to my vicinity.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think my country'll treat you well, though. There's a reason a lot of Spain relies on tourism.

Hey are Spanish restaurants open on the weekends. Cause I do want to check out the oldest restaurant in the world that's in Madrid.

....unless it asks for a reservation in which case uh......

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, the UK is... there, yes.

Forgot to respond to this but yes, the UK is a thing. Unlike Spain, where the alt right got beaten the fuck out, the UK's alt right has the different problem of genuinely not knowing what the fuck they are doing. It feels like pretty much everyone is fed up with them, including their supporters. They got duped with Brexit and then went "I didn't think the leopards would eat my face too".

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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

I was trying to be fair and not consider design. That isn't really what i have a problem with, the characters story and drive need to be a bit more interesting than as i said.

Haha, well, I'm not saying you have to have a problem with it. I'm saying that's why people like her.

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

More options are never a bad thing but the Switch has a market pretty much exclusive to them. I mean, nobody's gonna lug around their PC over the place. A high end gaming laptop sure, mine cost $930 but like that's still way too high.

Fair, but I have zero interest in the portability, so that's not a factor for me and I'm sure for a lot of people. For the people who do care, I'm fine with the option being there, I'm not saying they should stop making consoles. I'm just saying options are nice.

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

People like to point to emulators to how easy Nintendo games can run but my old laptop could barely run a Wii U game. You still need something good.

No arguments there. You can use a worser computer to emulate DS and older, but even Wii needs at least a little power.

Hence why PC releases would be awesome! What, you think Switch games would also run that bad on PC? Switch games run bad on the Switch because it's the shittiest console, and they run bad on emulators because emulators are virtual machines and virtual machines are taxing, as you're technically running another system in your system. Straight PC release would be another story, I'm pretty sure.

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Putting a game on PC does lower the value of the console somewhat. It's why PS5 still has no games and why most games are just being made multi-plat with PC in mind. The only thing a PS5 does have over PC is cheaper access and earlier access.

Oh, boohoo, the multimillionaire company might make a few less hundred bucks.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I get it. That's the reason why they don't do it. So they can force idiots like me to give them 460 bucks to play Bing Bing Wahoo Man 37. But it would be better for the consumers if the games were put up on PC, there's no question about that. And frankly, I'd argue that, by tapping into a whole market that is currently untouched (there's a lot of PC gamers out there, y'know), they could probably make at least some of the difference back, if not all of it.

41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But the strat if you can afford it is really PC+Switch.

That really is a strat, but I hate having to give Nintendo 400 bucks for a paperweight. And it really is just that - I use my computer every day for many things. I play games, of course, and I also emulate all sorts of old games, which leads to a range of games no console can even come close to offering. Then I also write some stuff, I hack FE6 and get trolled by it, I edit my little videos for my channel, I draw pixel art when I'm feeling like making a portrait, I recently entered a cybersec course that I also use my computer for... My Switch, meanwhile, has been sitting on a table gathering dust for months at my appartment, over an hour's drive from where I currently am. Because its one and only use is to play modern Nintendo games. Any time I'm doing anything that isn't that, the thing is completely useless to me. And I really don't play that many games on my consoles. I own like 8 3DS games, 12 Switch games, 6 Wii U games, Wii doesn't count because my mom is awesome and pirated it... Hundreds of bucks to play an amount of games I can count on the fingers of one hand.

My computer may have been more expensive, but I've gotten much more mileage out of it and it's definitely going to last me longer than the Switch. And it's the same story with every single console I own. So now it comes time to give Nintendo another 400 bucks for another paperweight so I can play 10 more games over the next five years, and coupled with the fact that they've left me really disappointed in the Switch era, well... Honestly, I already waited a while before I got my Switch, but in this case I think I might wait to see how the new console's emulators end up looking like and perhaps just save the expense entirely. Why not? The primary concern could be online, and they're definitely going to continue with their shitty paid service, so it's not a concern anymore.

tl;dr: Good PC+Switch means I have a gizmo I can do all sorts of things with, not to mention play basically every game that exists, and on the side, a paperweight that lets me play like 10 games maybe. I don't know, when I'm at the point that I have the good PC, the Ninty console just feels extraneous. #NintyPootGamesOnPeeCee

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honestly Velvet doesn't really have sex appeal imo.

Could be. But that's the impression I'm going to get when I am faced with her horny art before I even know what franchise she belongs to.

57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm not even sure how I would prepare for the return trip yet. When going over there, I know I'm going to sleep early and wake up real early to prime myself for the clock shift. I'll wake up as if I were already in Spain. Probably watch Doctor Who on the way (not on the flight itself maybe, I hear plane Wifi is stinky).

Some time back I tried sleeping hours earlier than I'm used to so I could go fetch a friend from the bus station at 6 in the morning.

It was utterly impossible. My best advice is that you have a coffee.

57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I will physically move the earth to bring your town to my vicinity.

Fine, but if you bring Japan closer to me, I won't be responsible for my actions.

57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hey are Spanish restaurants open on the weekends. Cause I do want to check out the oldest restaurant in the world that's in Madrid.

....unless it asks for a reservation in which case uh......

Open on the weekends and that's usually when they do the most business.

Of course, "the oldest restaurant in the world" on Big Shot Capital Madrid, of all places, is likely to have a months-long waiting list and a price to match. I don't know for sure, though. My favorite restaurant is neither the oldest nor is in the big capital, but every time I go I have to run for the shitter afterwards because I eat so fucking much.

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Forgot to respond to this but yes, the UK is a thing. Unlike Spain, where the alt right got beaten the fuck out, the UK's alt right has the different problem of genuinely not knowing what the fuck they are doing. It feels like pretty much everyone is fed up with them, including their supporters. They got duped with Brexit and then went "I didn't think the leopards would eat my face too".

...I won't lie, we're doing a lot better than the UK lol. We have our issues, but this is a pretty great country, all things considered.

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5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

is that a same VA joke?

That's right. As a further trivia, the answer to Milla's question would also be yes, her VA has done work in AE as well.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I just realized.

When Velvet says the whole "three people in the world that look like you", that's more or less what Astolfo says to Igrene in their supports. So, is that like a Japanese saying or what...?

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23 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Has revenge ever been that hot?

16 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Since I'm winding down with Trails into Reverie and Pikmin 4, I'm in the mood to get Tears of the Kingdom... soonish. I'm not sure when I'll decide to get it though perhaps after I actually get every character in Reverie, maybe.

You can do it

16 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Have fun with the lawyering experience.

Thanks. I just wanted the trophies this time, but I won't rush it. Just want to see best girl again.


16 hours ago, Armagon said:

Found 06's favorite game.

Joke's on you, the AoC here is 14. The meme doesn't work.

14 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I do not see what others see in Velvet's character. "I want to murder Artorious!" Got old after the third chapter, honestly. I mean, I just dont understand the depth of her character. 

Velvet - and the rest of Berseria's cast for that matter - are very different from the genre standard. Instead of generic goody two-shoes we have a party of Chaotic Neutral ruthless members led by a crazy woman hellbent on revenge, which in itself is quite different from the portrayal of women in JRPGs. That's enough to make them stand out. It's not much different than the fandom fawning over Yuri, tbh.

And yes, players are horny.

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14 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I do not see what others see in Velvet's character. "I want to murder Artorious!" Got old after the third chapter, honestly. I mean, I just don’t understand the depth of her character. 



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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Straight PC release would be another story, I'm pretty sure.

Would depend on the game. At most some framerate issues would be smoother out. Remember that Switch games are usually designed to run on the Switch.

The main "PC vs Switch" argument generally comes to higher-end third parties. The next Assassin's Creed is probably looking better on PC than on Switch. But at that point people usually just get the better version anyways.

Basically the options for first party would be there in theory but I don't think there'd be enough of a performance difference for the average person to care enough to get a PC for first party Switch games. People are like "but 4K and 120 FPS" as if they didn't mod those in anyways.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But it would be better for the consumers if the games were put up on PC, there's no question about that. And frankly, I'd argue that, by tapping into a whole market that is currently untouched (there's a lot of PC gamers out there, y'know), they could probably make at least some of the difference back, if not all of it.

A higher chunk of Switch sales are parents buying it for their kids. Same goes for any console really. And what would Little Timmy prefer to play on, the brand new console or a computer?

It's less of tapping into an untapped market than simply just supplementing their already existing ones I think. The market's also just non-existent in Japan, there's a reason why it's not uncommon for Japanese games to get a PC port even in the West at a later time.

They could do it but aside from being overprotective of certain IPs, I don't think Nintendo is simply interested. Even Sony never ported their first parties until very recently (and it's a very drip-feed process). Microsoft is the exception, because Microsoft was always PC, the Xbox was simply an addition.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My best advice is that you have a coffee.

Unfortunately I think coffee tastes like shit.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course, "the oldest restaurant in the world" on Big Shot Capital Madrid, of all places, is likely to have a months-long waiting list and a price to match. I don't know for sure, though.

Yeah I might just take a picture and then go to a pizza place instead. There's supposed to be one that does brick oven pizza so it's already top-tier. I can tell without even having been. It would be my first time eating pizza in the old world.

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Joke's on you, the AoC here is 14. The meme doesn't work.

I'm guessing that's the federal minimum tho and the states/provinces/whatever can set their own minimum provided it doesn't go lower than the federal.


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It happened again at work. Couple with their teenage son comes in (homecoming season). I tell the son "parate derecho, ajunta los pies" (stand straight and bring your feet together). His mom tells me "el no habla Español" and I mentally go "fuck you mean "el no habla Español, he's your son and you never taught him Spanish?" Of course what I actually did was just switched to English but like bruh.

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm guessing that's the federal minimum tho and the states/provinces/whatever can set their own minimum provided it doesn't go lower than the federal.

The laws in Brazil apply to the entire country. This isn't Murrica.

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Fire temple was pretty disappointing ngl. Cheesed the Temple and boss fight was Yawn.

Current status: 67 Shrines, 30 Roots, All Tears, 1 Sky tower remains unactive (Ice Gerudo area), Wind and Fire Temple done.

Also, kinda dislike how devoid of enemies the dungeons are

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Oh, those two. Tomoya and Sunohara are so two halves of a whole idiot... XD

Hmm... curious. I've never thought on this before, but now I can't help but notice. Yukine reminds me of an OC I made up years ago for... what was it again? I think for an RP, or maybe when I was just thinking up fanfic ideas years before I actually decided to write. Anyway, there's certainly quite a fair share of similarities... it's actually starting to feel uncanny. I don't remember when I first heard of Clannad or watched the anime, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking on Yukine when I created that OC... but now it's bugging me. Like, feels too much of a coincidence, but it's possible it is just that. Still... agh, I can't help it, they look so much alike! It's even practically the exact same hairstyle I gave my character so long ago! No ahoge, though...

Great, now it will bother me for quite some time, hahaha...

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48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Basically the options for first party would be there in theory but I don't think there'd be enough of a performance difference for the average person to care enough to get a PC for first party Switch games. People are like "but 4K and 120 FPS" as if they didn't mod those in anyways.

I mean, the jump from unstable 30 to stable 60 is pretty significant. The Switch is an extremely low bar to clear.

But to be honest, better performance would be secondary. I just want these games to be easier to access dammit. Nobody would need to deal with the idiosyncrasies of emulators if these games would just be taken to the platform where there's no time limit.

But, again...

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't think Nintendo is simply interested.

Yep. Once again, if they can get morons like me to buy their 400 money paperweights, they win. So why get their games on PC? Follow the money. Game preservation? Why, that's a bad thing! If games are preserved, we can't make money by giving people back games for another whatever bucks. Only the popular ones, naturally - if you want something obscure, fuck you, buy what we tell you.

...I should note, I rant with love. NIntendo's the only console company I give half a fig about lol, I've never given the others so much as a glance. I really really want to happily give Ninty 400 bucks, but as things stand... Well, not happily.

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Microsoft is the exception, because Microsoft was always PC, the Xbox was simply an addition.

PC gaming is basically another Microsoft console, Windows having dibs on games as they do. Again, follow the money.

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Unfortunately I think coffee tastes like shit.

Have some coffee with milk and you can tell yourself you're doing it for the Xeno reference.

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah I might just take a picture and then go to a pizza place instead. There's supposed to be one that does brick oven pizza so it's already top-tier. I can tell without even having been. It would be my first time eating pizza in the old world.

My advice, avoid franchises. The restaurants where I eat best are the ma-and-pa ones. Of course, big shot capitals and all, there's going to be a hundred restaurants and I can't speak for which are good and which are bad, but... yeah. Don't go to McDonalds, please. Leave the national heritage in Burgerland where it belongs.

36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It happened again at work. Couple with their teenage son comes in (homecoming season). I tell the son "parate derecho, ajunta los pies" (stand straight and bring your feet together). His mom tells me "el no habla Español" and I mentally go "fuck you mean "el no habla Español, he's your son and you never taught him Spanish?" Of course what I actually did was just switched to English but like bruh.

I mean, half my family is French and I can't speak a lick of French. My mother tried, but kid me was extremely unreceptive. She had enough to handle with all the rest of my problems, so she gave up on it. I can't really hold it against her.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Man, it's like the moment we entered October the temperatures decided to dive. It felt chilly at night in my room for the first time in months, and we're now seeing temperatures in the mid 20's C.

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