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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, so this game has two amazing mechanics.

The first is the kick. It's a pathetic-ass shin kick. You can use it on everything. You can kick rocks, crates, beds, doors, furniture of any kind, items lying around, anything to perhaps uncover a goodie. And, of course, "anything" means people. You can kick people in the shin. The first few generic knights I found didn't do much beyond respond angrily. One of them dropped a coin every time I kicked him, which Jack proceeded to pocket in spite of the man's complaints that the coin was his because Jack is a horrible human being.

Then I found a character with a name on the side of the road, kicked him twice in the shin and he initiated combat. And then I found a foreman leading a group of men building a bridge, kicked him in the shin and he too initiated combat. And then I kicked an old woman in the shin and she called the fucking guards on me and they came to beat me up.

I should mention throughout all of this, I'm a rookie knight travelling with my captain to perform an assignment. My captain's watching me kick people in the shin and getting into fights and not only is he not saying anything, he's letting me get wailed on for it. Amazing. Way to make a great first impression, Jacky boy.

As for the second mechanic,


It's not a mechanic, but this has to be the best walk cycle I've ever seen. He even walks normally when he's going up or down stairs, but on level ground he just feels the need to do that.

I love my protagonist already. He's the cockiest, saddest, most punchable little dork.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

But I’m already reading the Dread Empire series and playing Legacy of Kain.

No. Berwick Saga.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is the whitest name you could give a JRPG protagonist.

I guess he is pretty white, at that.

7 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

No, at least not in the context of a joke anyway


7 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You guys have trap shooting over there? There’s a range at a state park about a 1/2 hr from here where I shoot clays once in a while. If you ever make it to the eastern US, look me up. You can give it a try yourself 😎

Oh yeah, I do believe we have that here. Probably nowhere near me, but I could probably find something if I were to look.

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12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think that's the point. It'd be annoying if the format was mismatched.

Yeah but how often does this actually happen to people. I don't think the formatting differences are that big of an issue. If you do have to make a change, it's usually pretty easy.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


It's not a mechanic, but this has to be the best walk cycle I've ever seen. He even walks normally when he's going up or down stairs, but on level ground he just feels the need to do that.

I love my protagonist already. He's the cockiest, saddest, most punchable little dork.

Bros got some moves. He's schmooving.

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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Does it matter? What do we replace it with? President Bad needs to be killed so we can have Next President Good? It'd still be the people taking matters on their own hands all the same.

What is a president if not the selected leader of majority populace vote imposing individuality upon a collective movement. Who is Trump if not just one of many rich republicans enriched by their equally reactionary voting base. What is democracy if not a reflection on the societal issues between the non-monolithic people within our country.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I understand we need to have a game, but I'm just sayin'. Would be kinda fun to end one of these "Bad King Bad" plot lines with "and they established a republic of the people."

A Fire Emblem game taking place during an Industrial and political revolution would be so fucking rad. The amount of ideas they could get from there like traditionalism versus modernism, liberalism versus conservatism, republicanism, a rise of fierce nationality, colonialism, class consciousness, automation, environmentalism, materialism, and so many rebellions. It would be so damn cool to see. They don't even need to get precisely political with it and be vague and somewhat glorifying like they already are with monarchs.

Of course I would like an exploration of politics in a way that would make sense in that world but I understand the desire to keep things relatively fun and not take itself too seriously. It could be like Korra in that sense.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:


This showed on the TL and people going "Americans don't use A4 😮" conveniently ignoring the 12 other countries who also use US Format.

I didn't even know this was a thing, who the fuck gives a shit anyways?

The true North American union.


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13 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Johnny Walker Red Label

I could go for some smoked maple Knob Creek right now after trucking through a snowstorm today, but I was too tired to make that u-turn on the way home from work to hit the liquor store. 

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Oh right, I should mention. The foreman has a large pipe and he uses that as a weapon to bludgeon Jack.

...He also has a really, really slow move where he smokes the pipe and spits the smoke out in Jack's general direction. Or at least, the direction in which he was when the attack initiates - it's so slow I can just walk behind him and hit him in the back.

He also also has a crapton of HP and I'm not sure the game wants me to provoke him into combat at this stage of the game. But eh.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Bros got some moves. He's schmooving.

Bro on his way to starts fights for no reason.

6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

A Fire Emblem game taking place during an Industrial and political revolution would be so fucking rad. The amount of ideas they could get from there like traditionalism versus modernism, liberalism versus conservatism, republicanism, a rise of fierce nationality, colonialism, class consciousness, automation, environmentalism, materialism, and so many rebellions. It would be so damn cool to see. They don't even need to get precisely political with it and be vague and somewhat glorifying like they already are with monarchs.

It'd be a neat break and it wouldn't be as radically different as something like sci fi FE. Alas, FE's not the risk-taking type when it comes to story.

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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

What is a president if not the selected leader of majority populace vote imposing individuality upon a collective movement.

The King of a Republic?

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Who is Trump if not just one of many rich republicans enriched by their equally reactionary voting base.

That's the sad thing of it. Even people like him have some will of the people backing them. That's why Democracy has to be in CONSTANT VIGILANCE mode.

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

What is democracy if not a reflection on the societal issues between the non-monolithic people within our country.

So true. Democracy is basically this:

Symbol of Chaos - Wikipedia

You have so many voices going in many different direction. Give them the chance to pull the country into theirs, and all the conflicting paths threaten the nation to get torn apart. It's the one with the highest maintenance since so many people participate in it, and don't all see eye to eye. Since reaching compromises is oh so hard...

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TIL that Amuro's speech to Char while they're playing cat and mouse inside Axis is their main pre-battle quote in SRW Alpha 2, complete with being voiced. I may not understand Japanese much but I could recognize the words!

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21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The King of a Republic?

That's the sad thing of it. Even people like him have some will of the people backing them. That's why Democracy has to be in CONSTANT VIGILANCE mode.

So true. Democracy is basically this:

You have so many voices going in many different direction. Give them the chance to pull the country into theirs, and all the conflicting paths threaten the nation to get torn apart. It's the one with the highest maintenance since so many people participate in it, and don't all see eye to eye. Since reaching compromises is oh so hard...

It may not be great, but I prefer it to the leader getting the position for life from being born out of the correct womb and having to hope that they turn out to be a capable and empathetic person (against all odds, considering people like this are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and will seldom understand the needs, wants and struggles of the vulgo), because they can do whatever the heck they want and if they are an evil, self-serving and/or incompetent bastard there's absolutely no recourse that can be taken within the system. But that's just me, of course.

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At last. It is finally over.

How i felt beating the game and then how i felt feeling that i could finally start playing other games again.

Review soon.

41 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

A Fire Emblem game taking place during an Industrial and political revolution would be so fucking rad. The amount of ideas they could get from there like traditionalism versus modernism, liberalism versus conservatism, republicanism, a rise of fierce nationality, colonialism, class consciousness, automation, environmentalism, materialism, and so many rebellions. It would be so damn cool to see.

It's called Trails of Cold Steel and it......kinda does it? I mean it sets up a nuanced discussion only to say "yeah all the people who value tradition are war criminals actually" but it's there at least.


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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It may not be great, but I prefer it to the leader getting the position for life from being born out of the correct womb and having to hope that they turn out to be a capable and empathetic person (against all odds, considering people like this are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and will seldom understand the needs, wants and struggles of the vulgo), because they can do whatever the heck they want and if they are an evil, self-serving and/or incompetent bastard there's absolutely no recourse that can be taken within the system. But that's just me, of course.

I mean... is it really that unique to a monarchy? Even a King needs willing subordinates to do as he pleases, and in a republic it's no different. The ruler is at the whim of the people he's meant to serve. And maybe in a Republic it's not from coming from the right womb... but it's still coming from the right party. Since at the end of the day, the ruling party helps mold and picks their successor, not unlike a King can choose who is his heir. Replace Royal Family with Political Party, and the only difference is the latter still needs the people's consent.

Also... it's a good point. Why do we need to hope? People can be molded by the environment they grow up in, yes, but it's not a static one. Why a chain of bad rulers? Get one good ruler, who can mold their successor to also be a good ruler, and get the ball rolling. If anything, in a hereditary system you get a more stable chain of good rulers that way over always having to gamble the guy who gets elected is good or bad.

Personally, I feel there needs to be a healthy balance of stability and change in the system. A too rigid system is no good, but neither is having everything be constantly changing, else... well, see my allegory with the chaos symbol above.

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This is why propaganda is a powerful tool. No need to fear the people ousting you if you convince them to not to. Will of the People, remember? Even a totalitarian fears it.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean... is it really that unique to a monarchy? Even a King needs willing subordinates to do as he pleases, and in a republic it's no different. The ruler is at the whim of the people he's meant to serve. And maybe in a Republic it's not from coming from the right womb... but it's still coming from the right party. Since at the end of the day, the ruling party helps mold and picks their successor, not unlike a King can choose who is his heir. Replace Royal Family with Political Party, and the only difference is the latter still needs the people's consent.

A president needs to prove they are doing stuff to serve the people, or convince them that they will. Or else in four years they're removed. Even sooner, sometimes.

The king doesn't need to do anything, because they can never be removed from power by any means within the system. Keep the inner circle and the military in line (easily done, as proven by every dictator eveer) and everyone else is disposable.

And yes, there's corruption and propaganda and other shenanigans, but the king doesn't even need to do any of that. He can just rob the people blind, it's simply one of the things he can do as the guy holding absolute power.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also... it's a good point. Why do we need to hope? People can be molded by the environment they grow up in, yes, but it's not a static one. Why a chain of bad rulers? Get one good ruler, who can mold their successor to also be a good ruler, and get the ball rolling. If anything, in a hereditary system you get a more stable chain of good rulers that way over always having to gamble the guy who gets elected is good or bad.

And how long will that last until the inner circle becomes corrupt, or something goes wrong and a different member of the family becomes heir, or the king is weak-willed/greedy/mentally unfit to rule, or a combination of them all? Then it all goes to shit because, again, there are no systems in place to ensure the royalty in a monarchy actually do their job right. They can do whatever they want.

If a president and their party turn out to be rotten, they can be punished and forced to change with votes. If the royal line goes awry, welp, that's too bad!

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

This is why propaganda is a powerful tool. No need to fear the people ousting you if you convince them to not to. Will of the People, remember?

But... Again, a king wouldn't even NEED propaganda. Nobody can oust him! He's there forever! 

Now, you bring up fair points. I'm not about to argue democracy is perfect. It has plenty of faults and weaknesses. A lot of the things I've argued here work on the assumption that people don't step out of line, which is a big if.

The problem is that you are doing the same thing. You turn around and completely ignore the flaws and holes of monarchy, presenting a perfect version of the system where everyone just does their job as best they can and all goes super peachy for the rest of days. And I'll argue it's a lot easier for a monarchy to go astray, because the people have absolutely nothing they can do against the leader if he starts bleeding them dry.

Unless you want to argue bloody revolt. A civil war that will kill thousands, and likely not even succeed in harming the king's power because he controls everything and thus has the odds in his favor. I'll take voting, thanks.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A president needs to prove they are doing stuff to serve the people, or convince them that they will. Or else in four years they're removed. Even sooner, sometimes.

The king doesn't need to do anything, because they can never be removed from power by any means within the system. Keep the inner circle and the military in line (easily done, as proven by every dictator eveer) and everyone else is disposable.

And yes, there's corruption and propaganda and other shenanigans, but the king doesn't even need to do any of that. He can just rob the people blind, it's simply one of the things he can do as the guy holding absolute power.

And how long will that last until the inner circle becomes corrupt, or something goes wrong and a different member of the family becomes heir, or the king is weak-willed/greedy/mentally unfit to rule, or a combination of them all? Then it all goes to shit because, again, there are no systems in place to ensure the royalty in a monarchy actually do their job right. They can do whatever they want.

If a president and their party turn out to be rotten, they can be punished and forced to change with votes. If the royal line goes awry, welp, that's too bad!

But... Again, a king wouldn't even NEED propaganda. Nobody can oust him! He's there forever! 

Now, you bring up fair points. I'm not about to argue democracy is perfect. It has plenty of faults and weaknesses. A lot of the things I've argued here work on the assumption that people don't step out of line, which is a big if.

The problem is that you are doing the same thing. You turn around and completely ignore the flaws and holes of monarchy, presenting a perfect version of the system where everyone just does their job as best they can and all goes super peachy for the rest of days. And I'll argue it's a lot easier for a monarchy to go astray, because the people have absolutely nothing they can do against the leader if he starts bleeding them dry.

Unless you want to argue bloody revolt. A civil war that will kill thousands, and likely not even succeed in harming the king's power because he controls everything and thus has the odds in his favor. I'll take voting, thanks.

I think you're overestimating the amount of power a King actually has. If the King is absolute... why did so many got deposed/ousted throughout history at the hands of their own subjects? You think the French Revolution was some hiccup? Actually, isn't the French Revolution a good example of how a King isn't absolute?

I'm not ignoring them. If anything, it's everything else that tends to get ignored.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

president needs to prove they are doing stuff to serve the people, or convince them that they will. Or else in four years they're removed. Even sooner, sometimes.

*Laughs in Hugo Chavez*

Man really conned the entire country into doing away term limits.

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At the end of the day, it goes back to the people's will. You can't take the system for granted. People need to work in good faith so the system works. A bad King will get deposed, Divine Right of Rule be damned. Kings need to prove they are fit to rule, just as well.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

*Laughs in Hugo Chavez*

Man really conned the entire country into doing away term limits.

Trump survived two impeachments, and there's a good chance he'll get elected again. So... yeah.

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

At the end of the day, it goes back to the people's will. You can't take the system for granted. People need to work in good faith so the system works. A bad King will get deposed, Divine Right of Rule be damned. Kings need to prove they are fit to rule, just as well.

I mean, a president can be deposed too if they go full dictator. The difference is, there's more avenues to exhaust before that. For a bad monarch, however, bloody civil war is the ONLY avenue. And deposing a king is not as easy as you make it seem. If they keep the military happy the odds are firmly in the king's favor.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It'd be a neat break and it wouldn't be as radically different as something like sci fi FE. Alas, FE's not the risk-taking type when it comes to story.

They flirted with the concept of modernization in Three Houses a tiny bit. Rhea banning the printing press and something about a mysterious black flammable liquid are referenced in the subtext. And Edelgard's meritocratic approach to government possibly implying the formation of a middle class of sorts in Fodlan.

Also missiles.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The King of a Republic?

That's the sad thing of it. Even people like him have some will of the people backing them. That's why Democracy has to be in CONSTANT VIGILANCE mode.

So true. Democracy is basically this:

Symbol of Chaos - Wikipedia

You have so many voices going in many different direction. Give them the chance to pull the country into theirs, and all the conflicting paths threaten the nation to get torn apart. It's the one with the highest maintenance since so many people participate in it, and don't all see eye to eye. Since reaching compromises is oh so hard...

And there are quite a lot of people who don't vote at all, finding in their individuality that either nothing happens in politics that affects them directly or that their single vote doesn't amount to anything.

In general many folks in the US feel distant from their politics, mostly young folks who haven't seen that change in politics leading to a change in daily life like many older folks have, which is why it's mostly the older generation who are voting as they understand best what skin is in the game and how much things can really change with time because of past decisions.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean... is it really that unique to a monarchy? Even a King needs willing subordinates to do as he pleases, and in a republic it's no different. The ruler is at the whim of the people he's meant to serve. And maybe in a Republic it's not from coming from the right womb... but it's still coming from the right party. Since at the end of the day, the ruling party helps mold and picks their successor, not unlike a King can choose who is his heir. Replace Royal Family with Political Party, and the only difference is the latter still needs the people's consent.

Also... it's a good point. Why do we need to hope? People can be molded by the environment they grow up in, yes, but it's not a static one. Why a chain of bad rulers? Get one good ruler, who can mold their successor to also be a good ruler, and get the ball rolling. If anything, in a hereditary system you get a more stable chain of good rulers that way over always having to gamble the guy who gets elected is good or bad.

Personally, I feel there needs to be a healthy balance of stability and change in the system. A too rigid system is no good, but neither is having everything be constantly changing, else... well, see my allegory with the chaos symbol above.

Generally a president and a hereditary monarch ideally should be held accountable by The People™

And sometimes I look in the past and wonder if the failures of democracy were more of a case of there not being enough democracy from The People™

All men are created equal? Well according to early voting laws in the United States, what they meant was that only white literate men of particularly wealthy status could vote. If you were a peasant, a slave, a laborer, or an Indian life either was unchanged for you or got actively worse. Imagine how different US history would've been had they gone with direct universal suffrage right from the beginning. Imagine if the fantasies of the "White man's republic" was nipped in the bud right from the start.

And though theoretically in law all people over 18 can vote, there are certain groups who just so happen to be in a position where it is especially difficult for them to do so.

And what's more, the assumption that the president may be the only democratically elected official. Local elections and state elections are the backbone of the federal ones and the idea that the president may have supreme authority as an individual is a problem onto itself. This country is not run by one guy but instead by several thousand elected politicians, the vast majority of which are local, the president himself, while powerful, is not limitless, especially when it comes to domestic affairs.

And I think it fits the model of democracy to think of it in that way. Not as great men being the kings of nations but as a large collectives picking and choosing the state managers and legislators.

25 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think you're overestimating the amount of power a King actually has. If the King is absolute... why did so many got deposed/ousted throughout history at the hands of their own subjects? You think the French Revolution was some hiccup? Actually, isn't the French Revolution a good example of how a King isn't absolute?

I'm not ignoring them. If anything, it's everything else that tends to get ignored.

23 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

At the end of the day, it goes back to the people's will. You can't take the system for granted. People need to work in good faith so the system works. A bad King will get deposed, Divine Right of Rule be damned. Kings need to prove they are fit to rule, just as well.

What needs to be understood here is that things have to get dramatically bad to actually get a people to overthrow them, and a reason to prefer republics is that a voter can replace a legislative official, or sometimes be the official themselves, without having to be driven to starvation in order to do so.

With history, it's not evil kings that are disposed, it's incompetent ones. Kings that had the power to crush any rebellion yet failed to do so, kings that were naive and petty rather than ruthless and cunning. The Russian Revolution was the result of over 50 years of agitation against the Tsardom, a person's entire lifetime for that period, and yet it was only when a truly unsuited Tsar like Nicky came into power that the system was actually overthrown. Only when most people were practically starving, including the army did change manage to come.

It is one thing to get mad at the king, it is another thing entirely to get a vast majority of the country to pick up arms against the king.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, a president can be deposed too if they go full dictator. The difference is, there's more avenues to exhaust before that. For a bad monarch, however, bloody civil war is the ONLY avenue. And deposing a king is not as easy as you make it seem. If they keep the military happy the odds are firmly in the king's favor.

Spain's been through this song and dance like 5 times, you get it.



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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, a president can be deposed too if they go full dictator. The difference is, there's more avenues to exhaust before that. For a bad monarch, however, bloody civil war is the ONLY avenue. And deposing a king is not as easy as you make it seem. If they keep the military happy the odds are firmly in the king's favor.

Except the King is still appeasing someone in that case: the military itself. So the military can decide to depose him if they no longer like him being in charge.

For its worth, Great Britain has, admittedly only recently (relatively speaking since it happened in like the 1930's) enacted that an Act of Parliament can force the monarch to abdicate. So a monarchy can have in its system the ability to despose the ruler peacefully.

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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

What needs to be understood here is that things have to get dramatically bad to actually get a people to overthrow them, and a reason to prefer republics is that a voter can replace a legislative official, or sometimes be the official themselves, without having to driven to starvation in order to do it.

With history, it's not evil kings that are disposed, it's incompetent ones. Kings that had the power to crush any rebellion yet failed to do so, kings that were naive and petty rather than ruthless and cunning. The Russian Revolution was the result of over 50 years of agitation against the Tsardom, a person's entire lifetime for that period, and yet it was only when a truly unsuited Tsar like Nicky came into power that the system was actually overthrown. Only when most people were practically starving, including the army did change manage to come.

It is one thing to get mad at the king, it is another thing entirely to get a vast majority of the country to pick up arms against the king.

Yeah, you developed my point better than I could've. Bottom-line, it's much, MUCH easier to vote a president out than to depose a monarch.

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Spain's been through this song and dance like 5 times, you get it.

I won't claim to be the most historically-savvy person in the world, but... Yeah. Monarchy hasn't exactly done that much good for my country. I mean, fucking Franco put the current royals where they are.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Except the King is still appeasing someone in that case: the military itself. So the military can decide to depose him if they no longer like him being in charge

Ask any dictator ever if having to keep the military happy was any major impediment in keeping the people under their thumb.

Anyway, it's super late, so I'm gonna call it a night. I'll resume this in the morning, if there's anything left to be said. Though at this point I feel like we've all said our pieces well enough.

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16 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And there are quite a lot of people who don't vote at all, finding in their individuality that either nothing happens in politics that affects them directly or that their single vote doesn't amount to anything.

In general many folks in the US feel distant from their politics, mostly young folks who haven't seen that change in politics leading to a change in daily life like many older folks have, which is why it's mostly the older generation who are voting as they understand best what skin is in the game and how much things can really change with time because of past decisions.

Sadly also true. It's a game you're still participating in, even if you decide to do nothing. Hence the whole "work in good faith", since refusing to participate is also, well, bad faith.

Oh, yes, I've seen that mentioned lots of times. But sometimes it gets into the bizarre. Like if they're aware Candidate A will be bad for them, but saying they'll not vote, or worse, vote for Candidate A anyway because Candidate B failed to meet their expectations. There's apathy, and then there's self-harm...

16 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Generally a president and a hereditary monarch ideally should be held accountable by The People™

And sometimes I look in the past and wonder if the failures of democracy were more of a case of there not being enough democracy from The People™

The human factor, basically. But it's easier to blame the system and its flaws than our own flaws, more often than not.

16 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And what's more, the assumption that the president may be the only democratically elected official. Local elections and state elections are the backbone of the federal ones and the idea that the president may have supreme authority as an individual is a problem onto itself. This country is not run by one guy but instead by several thousand elected politicians, the vast majority of which are local, the president himself, while powerful, is not limitless, especially when it comes to domestic affairs.

I've seen how this can be a cause of voter turnout problems. Since people tend to think only the Big One matters.

My own state is kinda bad at this. Last elections we only had like 30% turnout, and that was even with the Governorship being on the ballot.

16 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

What needs to be understood here is that things have to get dramatically bad to actually get a people to overthrow them, and a reason to prefer republics is that a voter can replace a legislative official, or sometimes be the official themselves, without having to driven to starvation in order to do it.

With history, it's not evil kings that are disposed, it's incompetent ones. Kings that had the power to crush any rebellion yet failed to do so, kings that were naive and petty rather than ruthless and cunning. The Russian Revolution was the result of over 50 years of agitation against the Tsardom, a person's entire lifetime for that period, and yet it was only when a truly unsuited Tsar like Nicky came into power that the system was actually overthrown. Only when most people were practically starving, including the army did change manage to come.

It is one thing to get mad at the king, it is another thing entirely to get a vast majority of the country to pick up arms against the king.

I feel this is a problem in general with rulers, regardless of system. Even in a republic, it tends to be only when it's too extreme as well. In the US, only three presidents have ever been impeachment, and all cases ended in acquittals. Maybe the Nixon one could've led to a conviction, but he resigned before he was even impeached... and was then pardoned by Gerald Ford anyway.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The Big Gaim:



Don't jinx it.


Daba moving into charismatic leadership as shown by motivating grunts to fight.



Or rather "WTF!" is how I felt at this. -Also "A snake got a portrait?".

Battle was easy, moving on.


People agree with me.


Nubia, well I suppose you could've found a snake or two in that ancient kingdom.


Skipped ahead for that last pic, but now Daba join for the long haul. Kyao and Leecee do too, Amu stays behind. 


A bunch of Rebel Army NPCs show up and die in two turns, utterly useless. I just have to get the Gandor to the southeast corner to flee, but the many enemies are spread out a bit and smash them all. Kyao also commanded a battleship with Repair & Resupply that Daba & co. used in the anime, but I don't get to keep it. It goes with the fleeing Rebel Army, who shall train and grow while Daba is away.


Our next destination, curious what Edon is.


Must be a bloodthirsty villain.😛


Thankfully the Posaydal forces didn't pursue.


Disguising royalty has like 50-50 odds of working I think, you can often tell something is off.


Why would good guys employ a sniper?😕




Some local feudal lord (with an iffy Fu Manchu-ish appearance) is abusing his subjects, he doesn't want the complaints to reach the king, pretty simple.


Saying that has the opposite effect, every time.






Nice instant costume change.


Two new Super Robots have deployed!😃


Daiohja is a three-pilot single-form Super, it can't split into its parts (nor Dancouga, but Daltanious can). Looks okay to me. "Tokuga" tipped me off, but the emblem (mon) of the historical Tokugawa clan on its chest says parody feudal Japan, and thus Edon is not from "Eden", but "Edo".


Baxinger is 5-pilot single-form Super. Bax Sword is a little weak, yet cheap for an ultimate. All the other weapons use ammo, unusual for a Super. The lead pilots for both Daiohja and Baxinger have Support, an SR pilot rarity in GC.


Five motorbikes grow and become an unstoppable giant robot? There's a universe out there, somewhere, where BESPA leaves Zanscare and joins the Gale.


Unexpected Christian representation.


"Oops we're related, so we can't romance'?


Robots, swords, same thing.

Just a handful of grunts is all I'm fighting, but they're Super too, so on the bulkier side.


Where did you come from, and who are you?🧐


Turn 3 and I have another shiny new ally! Sasuraiger!


A four-pilot Super. Looks very weak.😑

This one transforms? Let's see it.



Oooooooh. The vehicle form isn't mere utility like always, the vehicle is the true form!😇




This is meme material.


And Banpresto throwing a tiny, low-poly human model on top is also silly.😄


Canadian, didn't realize those existed in mecha.


So if Braiger is long in the past of Sasuraiger, it wasn't forgotten entirely. -Also, this guy takes over as the main pilot when in J9-III form, like with Braiger's alternate forms.


This info is going to be important.

If there is a flaw that I can see with Sasuraiger, it's that, unlike every other Super barring Soul Saber, none of its pilots have Guts or Guts+. Which is much less important than missing Iron Wall/Guard, which all three of these new SRs have. Still looks awesome.

Also, all three mechs here have slightly deceiving stats, they begin with +2 upgrades in all stats including weapons. Save a speck of money, but not a lot, as SRW's escalating upgrade costs keep that from being a real savings.


The Gandor arrives, more enemies deploy. But really this is just a battlefield to make some introductions.


I captured one grunt. Chobham ain't bad, maybe I need to start capturing more.


Battle over, looks like eager allies.


The evil feudal lord gets Cleopatra'ed it wasn't suicide, Octavian killed her.


Issac speaks, Braiger baddie?


The Galaxy/Galactic -gar trio of Cyclone, Gale, and Whirlwind meet.

They seem to share a few things in common.

  • The first being a young male sharpshooter lead pilot who isn't actually the leader of the group.
  • Set in a world with Earth, but roaming the stars seems normal?
  • There is also a freewheeling, kinda punk vibe I get from them. Both in reading their bios and their music (all of which is good).
    • Braiger sounds the most like traditional for a mecha story, while Baxingar and Sasuraigar more heavily deviate from the "save the world from evil" mecha norm.


This why I posted part of Blues's bio earlier. Blues won big at Bloody God's casino, the criminal underworld boss couldn't stand losing all the money, he challenged Blues with the Big Game bet, Blues didn't turn it down.

Now, SRW has changed the Big Game from "Blue wins if he travel through 50 planets in one year" to "Blues wins if Edon continues to exist in peace and prosperity, Bloody God wins if Edon gets destroyed/thrown into turmoil and ruin". Bloody God is also interested in creating chaos for profits, but the Interstellar Alliance is too strong to mess with, so Earth is going to become his mercantile victim. I think is what this all means (I trimmed out a bunch here)?😅


The Gale have are a biker gang moonlighting as mercenaries, hired by a servant of Edon's king to protect Prince Mito.

Honestly, it sounds like both Baxinger and Sasuraigar are flexible for SRW. They read like they should be easy to weave in, lacking conventional big bad empires to try fitting into the multi-license narrative (I have no idea what antagonists Baxinger even has). They sure look like they're being fitted into unusual spaces here.


...And so it was the 13th Autonomous Corps, now transferred to the Gandor in a distant corner of space far from Earth, gained three new allies.

Daioja, Baxinger, and Sasuraigar not only joined together, GC/XO was their SRW debut -and only game.🙁

That in mind, of course I'll be using them!😄 Sasuraigar in particular is going to be fun to play with. Chugga Chugga Shoot Shoot!


So that's how we're most likely getting back to Earth. I'll be sure to return with something to light up the night sky, how about a Blue Comet?😉

-But first we need to pay the King of Edon a visit. Figure out what this seemingly free, peaceful, and adorable Super star system is doing as part of the evil Alliance -barring being surrounded by the rest of it.

My eyes are beginning to ache now, too much SRW.😆

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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