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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


  • Acacia Sgt


  • Saint Rubenio


  • Armagon


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nah, go for the Void.

-I was listening to that last night. (It had been a while since I last SRW music-binged. Though I avoided SRWJ b/c my final run is like a month or so away.)😆

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The Special Disc is kinda like Rengoku. Has a few playable missions, and while it does have some extra stuff unlike Rengoku, it's still a bonus thing separate from Z. Although, there is connectivity between the two, since you need to do stuff in one to unlock stuff in the other. I'm guessing it relies on checking Save Data on the Memory Card to do so.

So yeah, it would make it seven "works", but like with Rengoku, it'd be more of a 0.5 of a game thing.

Thank you for explaining that.😀 Akurasu has no data on the Special Disc, it seems.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But yeah, I can't really help much there. The Z-lore is among the ones I'm least familiar with. Still know quite a bit, but not enough, as it were.


When I read years ago all the Z mecha entries Akurasu has, the situation with the spheres sounded odd. I'm not going recheck b/c I don't want to, but not all 12 spheres ended up having major relevance?

-I'm more okay than I used to be now with the heroes not obtaining all of the spheres. Since Xenosaga cleanly split the 12 Vessels of Anima into three batches of four, with the heroes being given one batch. (Nor did Xenogears give the heroes all 12 Anima Relics, but in that case there wasn't any intentional symmetrical distribution.)

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wonder if there will ever be another Endless Frontier game. Or it's gonna become a Reiji & Xiamou situation where anything left to wrap up will be done through other games. Then again, for those two, it was always done that way, no?

IIRC, it was implied that Neige's father might still be alive. The other oddity suggesting the possibility of another game was Gerda and Hamelin saying to the effect "We'll pay you back one day" after Alady very un-Shura-like spared their lives. Yet they never showed up again after their defeat. Haken also says basically "let sleeping dogs lie" when they step into the W Numbers storage room in Exceed, it's possible Ws 01, 02, 04, 08, and 09 are still functional, just powered down. Considering the trouble Ws 03 and 06 created, maybe they should physically check the others to make absolutely sure.

Given Banpresto did the strange thing of making three sequels to Masoukishin 16 years after the Super Famicom first entry, I won't rule out the possibility of another EF some day. Although if it happened now in the OGverse chronology, with Haken & Aschen aboard the Kurogane, we could be in a situation where they weren't playable -or at least not right away (they could copy Reiji's dashing entrance in Exceed later on).

21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

CDN media

Fin Funnels make a good accessory. A hands-free weapon that be readily worked into a backdrop.


59 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Basically: Bracers

Well, Not bracers to be more exact.

Or, despite not being Bracers anymore after Sky, we still are bracers in everything but name.

-Remember I haven't played any Trails. That word is lost on me.😛 -Yet I can deduce based on prior uses of the word to mean "elite bounty hunters/mercenaries, with their own union".

59 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Can't talk about Kuro, all participants in the discussion were peeps who dropped the series after CS, but from what i saw it's the same? with some blood added to the mix

And gentlemen's clubs and (meaningless?) SMT alignments. I know that much.

59 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The series couldn't use the "new" setting to their advantage to create something new, and every game post sky basically follows the template set by Zero no Kiseki to a T.

The series never changes. Heck, this formula even infected Ys in Ys 9, which was liked quite less than 8 and made many people afraid Ys will become Trails but with Ys gameplay - thankfully it seems Ys X destroyed these fears from what people tell.

Stuck in a "do sidequests to progress the plot" rut? With an overarching villain group whose ultimate plans we still know less of than scientists do of the dark energy that fuels the universe's expansion?

59 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Ys, despite almost always following Adol, is much more fresh and every title does change the formula in some way despite being Ys. Yeah you do have Adol crashing ships every other game and myth of the week, but it still feels fresh and has changes in the formula and the characters.

Ys Seven-IX do feel fairly gameplay similar. Though X is changing the paradigm on that front thankfully. And despite the generally-acknowledged missteps of IX (stuck in the city, the aforementioned pub hub with requests), it did attempt change. (And while Dana >>>>>>>>>>>> Aprilis, the non-Adol playable cast felt stronger in IX than VIII, minus maybe Bull.)

59 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

During the discussion, we wrote some points down and we arrived to 2 conclusions:

  • Sky feels like the "Ys" between all the Trails games, and sense of adventure/wonder was kinda gone after because everytime we got hub + quests
  • Even if liked CS, i would've maybe left the series somewhere/-time behind due to how formulaic it is.

Quiet burnout, I could see that happening. Maybe the formula would've undermined whatever charm the games may have continued to have?

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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


When I read years ago all the Z mecha entries Akurasu has, the situation with the spheres sounded odd. I'm not going recheck b/c I don't want to, but not all 12 spheres ended up having major relevance?

-I'm more okay than I used to be now with the heroes not obtaining all of the spheres. Since Xenosaga cleanly split the 12 Vessels of Anima into three batches of four, with the heroes being given one batch. (Nor did Xenogears give the heroes all 12 Anima Relics, but in that case there wasn't any intentional symmetrical distribution.)

I'm pretty sure they do. Just not all at once. Or if so, it'd be only during Tengoku.

But yeah, it was never a "player eventually gets all of them" situation.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

IIRC, it was implied that Neige's father might still be alive. The other oddity suggesting the possibility of another game was Gerda and Hamelin saying to the effect "We'll pay you back one day" after Alady very un-Shura-like spared their lives. Yet they never showed up again after their defeat. Haken also says basically "let sleeping dogs lie" when they step into the W Numbers storage room in Exceed, it's possible Ws 01, 02, 04, 08, and 09 are still functional, just powered down. Considering the trouble Ws 03 and 06 created, maybe they should physically check the others to make absolutely sure.

Given Banpresto did the strange thing of making three sequels to Masoukishin 16 years after the Super Famicom first entry, I won't rule out the possibility of another EF some day. Although if it happened now in the OGverse chronology, with Haken & Aschen aboard the Kurogane, we could be in a situation where they weren't playable -or at least not right away (they could copy Reiji's dashing entrance in Exceed later on).

I suppose we might see one day. Hopefully.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fin Funnels make a good accessory. A hands-free weapon that be readily worked into a backdrop.

Though perhaps they may be too heavy when carried, heh. Unless you're always psychically holding their weight.

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51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yet I can deduce based on prior uses of the word to mean "elite bounty hunters/mercenaries, with their own union"

and legal*

*depending on the mood of the current ruler of the country

51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And gentlemen's clubs and (meaningless?) SMT alignments. I know that much.

oh yeah

do these even matter xD

54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he non-Adol playable cast felt stronger in IX than VIII

I am not sure i can agree on that, but opinions xD

I do rate that Ys 8 playable cast quite higher, but maybe also because the whole cast (including island NPC) was much better developed in my opinion so it influences playable as well?

Was not really big on Ys 9 cast in general. Or Ys 9. Only the ending saved it to be a "good" game XD

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ys Seven-IX do feel fairly gameplay similar


but the setting and formula was different - and even the bosses play differently. Each of these games does at least one thing unique to it, for better or worse. The memories in Celceta, seven and the whole Tia and runaway Adol thingy, 8 and Dana sections and the Island survival, etc. (I could name much more differences between them, but just listing some examples)

59 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe the formula would've undermined whatever charm the games may have continued to have?

Could be

We would never know is at that by point my anger and hate at the series was boiling XD y'all remember how i was a few years ago lol

Although, now that i think about it, admist all the haze produced by hateful and angry memories, i do remember a "Why are we doing this again?" at CS3 lol

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Life comes at you fast.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They won't be able to do that with the final final final final final final final arc though? Or at least the truly honestly undoubtedly certainly can't-be-otherwise last game (excluding the epilogue game)? 🤔 Now you have me wishing the SRW Zverse was translated, all five-six (or seven?) parts.

Like, how are you going to write The Protagonist of the Ultimate Conclusion? Can they really afford to be ordinary yet not feel insignificant if a bunch of old heroes show up for the grand finale? However, do you really want to make them obscenely stronger than everyone who fought hard and came before them?😐 -Maybe you write The Antagonist of the Ultimate Conclusion first -whom all the heroes will hate- and then write a protagonist who is specifically designed to be deeply linked to the villain and could not exist as a hero (as opposed to a normal person in the world) without them?

I don't think there's going to be an actual "final arc", i think there'll just be a final game and that's it. Simply titled: Trails.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The series couldn't use the "new" setting to their advantage to create something new, and every game post sky basically follows the template set by Zero no Kiseki to a T.

I think it made sense in Crossbell but (and i know it's because it's hopping on the Persona bandwagon) i think Falcom got a little reserved when they got to Erebonia because they went "shit this country's actually fucking huge" even though Erebonia's whole thing is trains so they just reused Crossbell's hub system to tackle the country in increments. Calvard being a similar size probably has to do with this same mentality even if they aren't following the Persona'isms anymore.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Stuck in a "do sidequests to progress the plot" rut?

Atelier also does this funnily enough. Granted the older games but a timelimit on things but it still followed the same hub system that Trails does. 

Actually i'd say Atelier is more formulaic than Trails but it's settings are self-contained. What happens in Arland stays in Arland, so things can be more bite-sized. So that's an advantage it has over Trails.

35 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

i do remember a "Why are we doing this again?" at CS3 lol

Because Falcom made the game too big again and had to split it.

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Life comes at you fast.

If info is to be believed, it was a Nikki or Vivek supporter. EDIT: Seems it was both, actually.

So... twice a Republican has tried to kill Trump. If I had a nickel...

25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't think there's going to be an actual "final arc", i think there'll just be a final game and that's it. Simply titled: Trails.

That we blaze?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"shit this country's actually fucking huge" even though Erebonia's whole thing is trains so they just reused Crossbell's hub system to tackle the country in increments. Calvard being a similar size probably has to do with this same mentality even if they aren't following the Persona'isms anymore

Probably the root of many problems the series has. You can't use a system that maybe worked with a small city state on 2 big ass countries

Tbh, i still think the hub in Crossbell was a mistake

And if i am gonna be fair one time in my life towards Erebonia, most of it's problems stem from Crossbell.

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Atelier also does this funnily enough. Granted the older games but a timelimit on things but it still followed the same hub system that Trails does. 

Actually i'd say Atelier is more formulaic than Trails but it's settings are self-contained. What happens in Arland stays in Arland, so things can be more bite-sized. So that's an advantage it has over Trails

It also helps that it fits Atelier, since ya know, you run an Alchemy workshop and all.

That said, i do find the differences between the 2 Atelier games i played to be quite bigger than anything between Crossbell and Erebonia games.

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because Falcom made the game too big again and had to split it.

And Persona'ism.

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10 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Tbh, i still think the hub in Crossbell was a mistake

Alright but Crossbell is just that small, a hub just made sense.

12 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

That said, i do find the differences between the 2 Atelier games i played to be quite bigger than anything between Crossbell and Erebonia games.

The only two you've played were added to their subseries years after they ended tbf.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alright but Crossbell is just that small, a hub just made sense.


But it started this whole formula i honestly dislike lol

Even if we leave Trails out of the discussion, i do think hubs more often than not don't work. Ofc depends on setting and game - Ys 8 hub works perfectly for example while Ys 9 had me groaning - but many hubs usually either make me go 🤨or 💢

Fates and Engage hubs are plain nonsense, while 3H and 3 Copes hubs were a mistake, as examples from our beloved series

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The only two you've played were added to their subseries years after they ended tbf.

Yumia next!

Or dusk. Still gotta play that sometime.

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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6 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Ain't she the one with the most Trails appearances, with 8 consecutive games?

well, atleast they picked one of the good CS characters

She has the most "usability", yes.

That animation is sick as hell, I don't care what anyone says lol. 

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Unless you're always psychically holding their weight.

Orbitars in Kid Icarus: Uprising called.😛 -Honestly I always liked the concept as a weapon shame I was shoddy at the combat and the weapon fusion system wasn't very transparent. The Palms were cool too.


1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

and legal*

*depending on the mood of the current ruler of the country

-Like any monarch opposed to a free society would want an independent group of warriors operating within it?

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

I am not sure i can agree on that, but opinions xD


  • Laxia had the "I don't trust Adol initially b/c he accidentally saw me naked" issue. -But once that's past she wasn't a bad character. Not bad the "ordinary, secondary heroine".
  • Hummel... I know he's popular, and I can continue to think he has some kind of otome-audience appeal that I don't personally feel.😆
  • Sahad- ordinary, sometimes gently crass older man.
  • Ricotta was a silly little girl, slightly feral, pure and simple.


  • Cat- Our younger female character. No silly, instead, kinda-decently handled questionable-capitalism background. She was fine.
  • Hawk- Hummel's replacement in a loose fierce young adult male sense (and separately Laxia's substitute in gameplay). I think I liked him well enough.
  • Doll- Not a bad fantasy automata (separate from sci-fi robots/androids). Certainly not my favorite play Baten Kaitos: Origins!, but Doll was decent.
  • Bull- Too ordinary, not bad. But really, if we were only going to get six playable characters, she didn't need to exist, Aprilis should've occupied this spot.
  • Renegade- I quite liked him, even if his family matters were resolved too nicely.

Dana vs. Aprilis I already ruled in the former's favor, very much so.

The playables in Ys IX also benefit from being a Monstrum package, whereas the VIII fighters are a random-ish assortment that aren't exactly glued together. Hummel having barely any relevance, while Sahad had only the ghost ship, and Ricotta didn't really matter all that much either.

-Not to say that I dislike Ys VIII's cast. It's fine.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

I do rate that Ys 8 playable cast quite higher, but maybe also because the whole cast (including island NPC) was much better developed in my opinion so it influences playable as well?

Castaway Village vs. Bar The Name Of Which I Forget, yes indeed, Castaway wins, by a landslide. The bar felt like it was copying Castaway too much, but with an urban setting, might've needed more originality but what Nox needed most was fewer Grimwald Nox defense battles.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


but the setting and formula was different - and even the bosses play differently. Each of these games does at least one thing unique to it, for better or worse. The memories in Celceta, seven and the whole Tia and runaway Adol thingy, 8 and Dana sections and the Island survival, etc. (I could name much more differences between them, but just listing some examples)

Those were memorable, for sure.🙂

And yeah, the general vibes did change with each game.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Even if we leave Trails out of the discussion, i do think hubs more often than not don't work. Ofc depends on setting and game - Ys 8 hub works perfectly for example while Ys 9 had me groaning - but many hubs usually either make me go 🤨or 💢

Fates and Engage hubs are plain nonsense, while 3H and 3 Copes hubs were a mistake, as examples from our beloved series

Turn every hub into a ship. Air, sea, landship, whatever. Now it can move around and remain relatively close to the heroes even when they decide to make a long-duration/distance deployment. ...Or don't because not every story can/should accommodate a ship.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Atelier also does this funnily enough. Granted the older games but a timelimit on things but it still followed the same hub system that Trails does. 

-Including Iris 3, which is one the criticisms I've seen for that game. Both Mana Khemias too even though you can only get one character's ending on a given playthrough, if you want to see as many character bonding events as possible, ace all the assignments to maximize Free Time. The punishment for bad grades is the wasting of Free Time.

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Guys i drew a lizard.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Laxia had the "I don't trust Adol initially b/c he accidentally saw me naked" issue

Tale as old as tale.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turn every hub into a ship. Air, sea, landship, whatever. Now it can move around and remain relatively close to the heroes even when they decide to make a long-duration/distance deployment. ...Or don't because not every story can/should accommodate a ship.



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46 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

They added it via update. Critical up VI is lol broken.

Oh, yes, was aware of that. Though not that it was to both the base game and Torna.

43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Orbitars in Kid Icarus: Uprising called.😛 -Honestly I always liked the concept as a weapon shame I was shoddy at the combat and the weapon fusion system wasn't very transparent. The Palms were cool too.

Maybe it should be more like the Masoukishin's High Familiars, heh.

43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turn every hub into a ship. Air, sea, landship, whatever. Now it can move around and remain relatively close to the heroes even when they decide to make a long-duration/distance deployment. ...Or don't because not every story can/should accommodate a ship.

Hey, if SRW can make it work...

Although, in the old games, the battleship could actually not be used in a lot of indoor maps

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tale as old as tale.

At least Laxia didn't turn Adol into a stag and have him killed by his own hunting dogs.

-In a different game I later played, Luminous Arc 3, Levi the protagonist gets in hot water the first time he meets Ashley b/c he was taking a nap in the flowerbeds she maintains how does one comfortably sleep near roses?. The situation almost instantly reminded me of Adol & Laxia, one bad first impression that leads the strong-willed female character to be outwardly distrustful of the protagonist for quite a while. Must be a trope I concluded.

24 minutes ago, Armagon said:


-That does count as a ship upon the sea of time, I suppose.😆


9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe it should be more like the Masoukishin's High Familiars, heh.

Adding Kuro and Shiro to the unending KIU commentary wouldn't be the worst idea. Might as well having Masaki around then too. Bring back Power Suit Cybuster.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Hey, if SRW can make it work...

...Mecha/SRW was exactly what I was thinking of.😆 Though airships in fantasy JRPGs are common too, if only as vehicles. ...And while it's not a true gameplay-centralizing hub whatsoever, Tales of Berseria did place a good measure of emphasis on the Van Eltia.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Although, in the old games, the battleship could actually not be used in a lot of indoor maps

And OG1 did a cool thing where the heroes left the immobilized yet still functional Hagane behind to distract the majority of the enemies when rushing in to strike down Bian (maybe copied from SRW2?). While the last two battles inside the White Star on Kyosuke's route has the battleships stay outside as the heroes likewise blast their way inside for the kill. 

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22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Adding Kuro and Shiro to the unending KIU commentary wouldn't be the worst idea. Might as well having Masaki around then too. Bring back Power Suit Cybuster.

Was thinking more on the "no need to carry the drone if you can have something or someone else turn into it" angle... but the idea of Kuro and Shiro just randomly quipping in on the peanut gallery does sound hilarious. XD

And doable. Masaki (more than one of them, even!) has canonically ended in different games when lost, so it works! lol

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Mecha/SRW was exactly what I was thinking of.😆 Though airships in fantasy JRPGs are common too, if only as vehicles. ...And while it's not a true gameplay-centralizing hub whatsoever, Tales of Berseria did place a good measure of emphasis on the Van Eltia.

I suppose 30 came close what with you could upgrade Dreisstrager (apart from the usual stat upgrades) for various boosts. This mechanic was also in the VTX trilogy, though you were not upgrading a battleship in those.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And OG1 did a cool thing where the heroes left the immobilized yet still functional Hagane behind to distract the majority of the enemies when rushing in to strike down Bian (maybe copied from SRW2?). While the last two battles inside the White Star on Kyosuke's route has the battleships stay outside as the heroes likewise blast their way inside for the kill. 

Not quite the same. The second to last map is a clash against Last Battalion right outside Jaburo (as that's where Bian took over and used as his main base). So no need for a diversion. As it is, there's no reason that barred the Ra Cailum from coming inside beyond the "no battleship in indoors maps" restriction.

That's also the reason why the last map is just Bian, Shu... and randomly Rakhan and Keyla just being there too.

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I suppose 30 came close what with you could upgrade Dreisstrager (apart from the usual stat upgrades) for various boosts.

That was nice. The Dreisstrager really was the true awesome Original in 30.

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Not quite the same. The second to last map is a clash against Last Battalion right outside Jaburo (as that's where Bian took over and used as his main base). So no need for a diversion. As it is, there's no reason that barred the Ra Cailum from coming inside beyond the "no battleship in indoors maps" restriction.

So he DID seize the Earth capital's in the Classicverse? (Obviously not Japan the land of Mazinger and Getter methinks though, considering the Far East Brigade is what stubbornly resists in OG.) Very different from OG1, where had the Hagane been a little slower, Bian would've left his fictional South Pacific island of Aidoneus for Europe, and where he would've conquered Geneva with the help of Maier making Earthfall at the same time.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's also the reason why the last map is just Bian, Shu... and randomly Rakhan and Keyla just being there too.

...I sense that Haman wasn't the de facto leader of Zeon (IIRC, you said the Zabis take control of the Neo DC in 3, and a pseudo-OYW happens in 4), but it sounds strange that her subordinate would be present, not the pink lady herself.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That was nice. The Dreisstrager really was the true awesome Original in 30.

Would've been perfect if it had a humanoid form it could transform into.

Like, come on, designed by the same person who did the Macross and no thought on going full-in on references? Not to mention, it'd make Dreisstrager into a giant Grungust like mech if it could transform, hahaha. We got the Huckebein, but outside Dresistrager sort-of having the original Grungust's color-scheme... nothing for the Super Robot? On Super Robot Wars? What. Were they still that apologetic on the Huckebein series being practically barred from showing up for years?

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So he DID seize the Earth capital's in the Classicverse? (Obviously not Japan the land of Mazinger and Getter methinks though, considering the Far East Brigade is what stubbornly resists in OG.) Very different from OG1, where had the Hagane been a little slower, Bian would've left his fictional South Pacific island of Aidoneus for Europe, and where he would've conquered Geneva with the help of Maier making Earthfall at the same time.

Actually, the intro text of SRW 2 talks about "Super Robots falling against DC's might" or something like that. Probably means having their laboratories/bases captured and the staff/pilots detained (since not one actually shows up in the game, likely due to licensing restrictions, and considering the ones that 3, EX, and 4/F/FF would eventually introduce we know there indeed were other mechs around). It states the Mazinger, Getter, and Gundam were the only big mechs that didn't.

We never actually go to Japan in SRW 2, so hard to say what its status, but considering the above, it might've indeed fell to DC. And that's why the Mazinger and Getter teams are at the White Base at game start.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...I sense that Haman wasn't the de facto leader of Zeon (IIRC, you said the Zabis take control of the Neo DC in 3, and a pseudo-OYW happens in 4), but it sounds strange that her subordinate would be present, not the pink lady herself.

Oh, no, she does show up, though her role is indeed not quite major. She's fightable in a couple maps, mostly space ones. Her big scenes are in her first appearance, where Paptimus Scirocco is also deployed and decides to leave after a turn or two, with her noting he could be up to something. Which indeed he does, trying to take over DC from within, but fails. Her other scenes mostly revolve on the Ple's recruitment processes. Her only other big scene is in the third to last map, and her final appearance, when the group is crossing over the Panama Canal en route to Jaburo. She unleashes Gilgilgan on the heroes, boasting that DC cloned/revived it (this part seems to imply SRW 1 is also canon to Classicverse? At the very least, it's definitely a reference to the first game). So yeah, she's not there for the Last Battalion fight or with Bian himself, as it were.

As it were, yes, she is still not a big shot yet. Since the Zabis take over DC (no Neo DC yet) in 3, then they die off sans Mineva like in Gundam canon. Then finally in 4 (and also F/FF I believe), she finally does her thing in establishing Neo DC in lieu of Neo Zeon. Because, for some reason, it's Don Zauser of all people who takes command of DC in 4. Don't remember how it goes in F/FF, since the Meganoids don't show up there.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Be in a more involved place where I'm feeling pretty good actually.

The anxiety or whatever it is:

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-I wrote out something... *checks the date* May 5th-6th, 2022 (the fiasco was Apr 29th of that year). A full email written like a written letter that I never sent.😅 Not 100% reflective of what I'd say now, some things are out of date with how I feel, though generally it isn't bad. But I've other bullet points well entrenched in my skull.

And there's the thought "if they don't believe me, do I show pics?". Do I hammer them with the repetition of the s/s games I've played? -But I really don't want to get that personal. I'd rather keep how I felt Eternights to myself and this topic, and keep the MCxYohan CG securely enshrined, away from eyes that might dismiss what it dearly means to me. Paradiso would be something I'd also want to keep away, I have no regrets about getting it, but with things getting 😋 after a boss battle, that I own such a game might trigger a reaction.🤣 And this topic would be evidence I would consider bringing up to counter any accusation "I'm confused and I just want friends" b/c y'all my buds (with no rub).😀 Except I dare not risk putting my existence here out in the open.

-What I do know is that going in with anger would likely not be the most effective. Despite occasionally internally venting with scripted anger.😆

So you do have the points figured out. Ultimately I can't say more than encourage you to proceed with a virtual cheerleading pompom shake.

And yeah, maybe pics are a bad idea.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

rue. It's doubly frustrating.

  • There's the ugh! of having to muster the effort and make the visit. And having had this hanging over me for me the past month or so.😩
  • But then, I shouldn't feel like seeing one of America's great historical immigration hubs & the Green Lady is a chore. Many would love to see these things Shrimpy wanna body-swap with me tomorrow?. That my struggle to wholeheartedly look forward to such a little trip is a sign I'm waaaaay too much of a homebody.🤨

Hate the daytrip? Or hate myself? -Why not both?😑

...The idea of visiting Ellis came in part from watching a video about it online earlier this year. -Yet somehow I feel almost content with the vid alone. Between video games and the Internet, I feel like I'm not exactly the most connected to physical reality. That to learn in the abstract, provides contentment to me than it does for the average person. Kind of how I like the ideas of snow, the beach, and the underwater world (I read about deep sea exploration earlier today -but ew! at the premise of being immersed in seawater for hours on end), but the physical realities I don't hurry out the door for.🤔

-And now I think I've just canceled it for tomorrow, during an interlude as I was typing this out.😅 TBF, somebody gave me an excuse (under the guise of being considerate of them) to delay it again. No new fixed date this time. I feel both relieved and like an idiot.😕

Funnily, I can relate to the not going on a trip bit, even if my excuse was different. I'm pretty sure I did feel I had to be the one to stay behind, pretty consistently the case for years; I'd be holding the fort, if admittedly not as alone as one might assume with that in the earlier years because I wasn't the only one living at home (Again, more factors there). I was doing the least of us after all, I shouldn't be on the trip, someone has to keep an eye on the place and it might as well be me, so on and so forth.

I didn't feel any better for it (see: 2018, where I was in a depressive state), especially when I was actually alone while everyone else was off. I'd say take it as an opportunity.

I'm being asked about it come winter lately. Which considering my current situation sounds like a terrible idea, off focus of what I'm meant to be doing, etc.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:


Life comes at you fast.

Sheesh, again.

The would-be culprit lived this time, so there's that.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:


Guys i drew a lizard.

The lizard:

6 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


In which Steampunk Marianne used TWISTD tech for an industrial revolution /s

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Would've been perfect if it had a humanoid form it could transform into.

Like, come on, designed by the same person who did the Macross and no thought on going full-in on references? Not to mention, it'd make Dreisstrager into a giant Grungust like mech if it could transform, hahaha. We got the Huckebein, but outside Dresistrager sort-of having the original Grungust's color-scheme... nothing for the Super Robot? On Super Robot Wars? What. Were they still that apologetic on the Huckebein series being practically barred from showing up for years?

IIRC, Irm comments on that.

But yes, the Drei could've benefited from a late/endgame upgrade of some kind. Even if maxing the AOS stats already give it a ton of bonuses.

I'd say "Let the Huckebein 30th dock for the transformation" -but then Valzacard already did that.😛 (Valhawk as an aside might be Real, but 32.8m tall is decidedly above the Real norm. Also for comparison, in length, Dreisstrager is 2021m, Valstork is 185.5m (oddly, they haven't given measurements for the OGverse battleships).)

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Actually, the intro text of SRW 2 talks about "Super Robots falling against DC's might" or something like that. Probably means having their laboratories/bases captured and the staff/pilots detained (since not one actually shows up in the game, likely due to licensing restrictions, and considering the ones that 3, EX, and 4/F/FF would eventually introduce we know there indeed were other mechs around). It states the Mazinger, Getter, and Gundam were the only big mechs that didn't.

We never actually go to Japan in SRW 2, so hard to say what its status, but considering the above, it might've indeed fell to DC. And that's why the Mazinger and Getter teams are at the White Base at game start.

...Now that's a little unusual. Japan is very friendly territory for the Steel Dragons in the OGverse, the heroes in both J (for the pre-Alaska midgame) and W use Japan as the center of their operations, you mentioned one of the Z games had two Japans, and ofc it's the Land of Super Robots so it practically always shows up for that reason.

As for the first paragraph, besides providing an explanation for why Raideen/GoShogun/Daitarn/Zambot/Combattler/Daimos/Dancouga don't show up, it does add in its own way to the threat the DC posed.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, no, she does show up, though her role is indeed not quite major. She's fightable in a couple maps, mostly space ones. Her big scenes are in her first appearance, where Paptimus Scirocco is also deployed and decides to leave after a turn or two, with her noting he could be up to something. Which indeed he does, trying to take over DC from within, but fails.

The Titans' leader isn't one to settle for second place?

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Her other scenes mostly revolve on the Ple's recruitment processes.

-I get it's sorta canonical to ZZ, but SRW2 forcing one Puru to die no matter what is weirdly grim for how things would later go in SRW.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Her only other big scene is in the third to last map, and her final appearance, when the group is crossing over the Panama Canal en route to Jaburo. She unleashes Gilgilgan on the heroes, boasting that DC cloned/revived it (this part seems to imply SRW 1 is also canon to Classicverse? At the very least, it's definitely a reference to the first game).

I think that Lune might in Lord of Elemental (during the dialogue interlude between Masoukishin Parts 1&2) stated SRW1 was canon? I can't remember exactly what she said, but that the DC War was indeed known in-universe as the 2nd Super Robot War.

Speaking of whatever Haman got, I thought I heard Char, for all his fame, barely showed up in SRW2? Like a few early scenes and then he vanishes until SRW3 first battle?

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Since the Zabis take over DC (no Neo DC yet) in 3, then they die off sans Mineva like in Gundam canon.

Which does align with OG1's midgame semi-adaption of SRW3, where the DC+UCC (under the leadership of the corrupt elements Bian knew might take over on his passing) was still known simply as the DC. It wasn't until OG2 that they became initially the DC Remnants, later renaming themselves Neo DC after they unleashed their (Earth Cradle + Vindel-backed) renewed might.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Then finally in 4 (and also F/FF I believe), she finally does her thing in establishing Neo DC in lieu of Neo Zeon. Because, for some reason, it's Don Zauser of all people who takes command of DC in 4. Don't remember how it goes in F/FF, since the Meganoids don't show up there.

...Bian had genius & charisma, the Zabis had wickedness, Haman sounds possibly like a workaholic, Don Zauser is comatose. -How could he have achieved that?😆


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Be in a more involved place where I'm feeling pretty good actually.

As Voltaire's iffy advice at the end of Candide went- "Let us tend to our garden", rather than spend too much time speculatively discussing the nature of the world. (But then the Frenchman admitted he was a shallow person.)

57 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Funnily, I can relate to the not going on a trip bit, even if my excuse was different. I'm pretty sure I did feel I had to be the one to stay behind, pretty consistently the case for years; I'd be holding the fort,

-Which I still do to this day.😆 I can get away it with b/c dogs.🐶

59 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'd say take it as an opportunity.

We still haven't decided on a date for it yet, but a DC trip for October is still in the works. Since that'd require booking a hotel, my feet would be held to the flames for that.😅

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