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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The media will report anything provocative in order to secure those sweet, sweet ratings. You can call it "irl clickbait", too, if you are so inclined.

And that was why the Spanish War happened. The media blamed Spain for that ship explosion in.....Puerto Rico, was it? Despite there being no evidence that Spain was actually responsible.

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8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Oh ha ha Twilitfalchion, next time your world comes crashing down replete with hurricanes of flame and the screaming of the dammed don’t come crying to me!

*Takes another drink*

Why...god, why didn’t I discover the writings of Manly Wade Wellman earlier in life? Why didn’t I read more in general when I was a teenager? I would have loved reading authors like him and would have been enriching my lexicon as well. But no...*drinks* I had be foolish enough to think anime was the greatest piece of artist genius since Shakespeare and Poe!

*Quietly sobs on the floor with his head laying on the ground*

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*Empties the whiskey bottle in his mouth before throwing it away while on the ground*

Oh Fire Emblem, why hast thou forsaken me?

*Starts to fall asleep on the floor*

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On the topic of love lives, mine is also nonexistent.

Tbh, I don't really care about finding love right now. I'll just wait until I go to college and see if anyone can cause my cold, dead, emotionless self to feel something vaguely resembling love.

Also I'm like 17 so

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Civ VI was literally unplayable for a month for me b/c an update broke it (it affected the Switch port only). The latest update included a fix for that, though glitchy UI remains. Decided to play an easy Prince match going for a Diplomatic Victory with Mali b/c the change of Pagodas to providing Diplomatic Favor makes Religion extraordinarily powerful in winning World Congress votes. It was my first Diplomatic Victory, and it's sure to be my last for a long while, I like the idea of it, but it's too random and not "diplomatic" enough.

I never used my insane Malian Gold generation from up to 22 Trade Routes for buying Diplo Favor b/c the UI made the amount of Favor I was buying invisible when I tried to do it. I had no nearly desert in my empire despite Mali's start bias for it. The Feed the World Follower Belief allowed me to create a slew of thriving arctic and antarctic cities instead, on lands no other civ reached or wanted. No Dance of the Aurora for stupendous Faith generation even if I got over 600 per turn, I picked Religious Settlements for my Pantheon instead. 


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

And that was why the Spanish War happened. The media blamed Spain for that ship explosion in.....Puerto Rico, was it? Despite there being no evidence that Spain was actually responsible.

Amateur historian here, it was Cuba. "Remember the "Maine, to hell with Spain." Yellow journalism at its worst.

Puerto Rico and the Philippines were taken from Spain despite the war being specifically for the freedom of Cuba. If I remember my high school textbook correctly, Puerto Rico and the Philippines were taken for one reason- the Second Industrial Revolution had sent the US economy skyrocketing, and the country was hungry for action and hungry for empire- or at least so a political elite believed. A generation had peacefully passed since the Civil War, so perhaps domestic weariness to war had declined. The US seized Hawaii and bought Guam, American Samoa, and the US Virgin Islands around the same time (as in a couple decades). And by the last decade of the 1800s, Europe and Japan had established vast empires, the US gov't didn't want to be left out of the empire game.

As for Cuba, the US forbade itself from keeping the island, buuuuuuut inserted legal provisions to keep the country under indirect American hegemony. Guantanamo Bay stemmed from this, the US needs naval bases for its "Great White Fleet". And it needed break off Panama from Colombia because its gov't refused the US's money offer for that Panama Canal so the Great White Fleet could be a two-ocean navy.

History lesson for the day.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Curse of the moon is fun and all

but god

is it jank

like really jank

It is the perfect recreation of OG Castlevania, for better and worse.

If you'd like a smoother Inti Creates experience, the Azure Striker Gunvolt and Blaster Master Zero games are the best bets. All of them are on sale on the eShop rn (Steam also has every Gunvolt and BMZ game but I'm not sure if Steam is offering the same as well). Highly recommend, Inti Creates is peak 2D action platformer 98% of the time.

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2 minutes ago, Caster said:

Mega Man Zero

Also very good games. I played the original Zero collection on DS but i still haven't picked up the Zero/ZX collection on Switch for some reason.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

but i still haven't picked up the Zero/ZX collection on Switch for some reason.

I picked up the collection a while back. It was done really well with minimal input lag. And the casual mode is perfect for people who are terrible at platformers like me.

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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I picked up the collection a while back. It was done really well with minimal input lag. And the casual mode is perfect for people who are terrible at platformers like me.

The casual mode is how I played the original Zero collection lmao. Once I pick up the Switch version, I'll play it like normal.

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Yes twilightfalchion that’s very droll...man what I would give for a glass of water...what was I talking about again?


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Just now, Wraith said:

Yes twilightfalchion that’s very drool...man what I would give for a glass of water...what was I talking about again?


Also last night I applied the new deodorant/anti-perspirant last night and HOLY HELL MY ARMPITS FELT LIKE BELHALLA

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2 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Also last night I applied the new deodorant/anti-perspirant last night and HOLY HELL MY ARMPITS FELT LIKE BELHALLA

Was it a natural deodorant? Sometimes those have a negative reaction for those with sensitive skin (like myself).

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27 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Also last night I applied the new deodorant/anti-perspirant last night and HOLY HELL MY ARMPITS FELT LIKE BELHALLA

*The shadow of the drunken torturer falls over Espurrhoodie*

Come on guys...I’m too drunk to deal with this tonight...I’ll probably have to force him to play TMS #FE for punishment but *shutters* that may be to cruel and evil, even for me.


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