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Fire Emblem x Trails: A Fan Support Conversation Crossover

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This thread deals with supports of characters from Fire Emblem Three Houses and Legend of Heroes series.

You can submit the two characters who shall get a support in classic Fire Emblem style (B, C, A).

The condition: One characters must be from Fire Emblem Three Houses or Tellius series (unfortunately I don't know enough about the other games) and the other one of one of these games:

  • Trails in the Sky FC (Sora no Kiseki I)
  • Trails in the Sky SC (Sora no Kiseki II)
  • Trails in the Sky 3rd (Sora no Kiseki III)
  • Trails to Zero (Zero no Kiseki)
  • Trails of Azure (Ao no Kiseki)
  • Trails of Cold Steel (Sen no Kiseki I)
  • Trails of Cold Steel II (Sen no Kiseki II)
  • Trails of Cold Steel III (Sen no Kiseki III)



  1. Lysithea x Musse Egret (Falcom Knight) (completed)
  2. Ashe x Kloe Rinz (twilitfalchion) (completed)
  3. Felix x Laura S. Arseid (DragonFlames) (completed)
  4. Lysithea x Tio Plato (Yexin)
  5. Claude x Olivier (Shrimperor)


#1 Lysithea (Fire Emblem Three Houses) x Musse Egret (Trails of Cold Steel III)


673243897413238794.png?v=1 (mumbling) Teehee, the professor... so smart... so diligent... so handsome... SO LOVELY!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Jeez... can you stop mumbling, especially when other people are around of you?

673243897413238794.png?v=1don't know what you are talking about, teehee.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3You sure didn't! The whole class heard you!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, of course they shall hear and the professor, too. Everyone in Garreg Mach shall know how lovely and beloved he is!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Lysithea: ... I think you’re all alone with this opinion. Whatever... I would ask you kindly to stop with that crap. It doesn’t suit you at all!

673243897413238794.png?v=1It’s bothering you!?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Lysithea: Of course, it does! Seriously I would not even care, if it didn’t distract me from my magic exercises. Though I have to ask: You’re a noble too! Haven’t you ever felt ashamed by acting that childish by chasing an instructor? You do show no class at all considering your position.

673243897413238794.png?v=1 Oh my... What has nobility to do with it? Isn’t it natural that a grown girl shows their affectionto someone who cares you with that loveliness?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Argh... don’t act like if it’s a behavior of an adult. You just sound like a crazy fan – no like a stalker – who desperately wants to hit on someone with having the knowledge of getting no chance.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Who doesn’t say that I have no chance? Wait... is our Professor already in a relationship... with an other student... or even Lady Rhea?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Ugh... Forget about it! Seriously keep up your “hobby” unless you interrupt me from my duties again. Then I will tell it to the professor!

673243897413238794.png?v=1 What would you tell... hey... Lysithea!?... She’s gone. (speaking to herself): Teehee, it would interest me what she would say to the professor. Is she... jealous... or just a lonely girl who doesn’t grant everyone’s love luck. If she just would be more open for this, she would understand me.



673243897413238794.png?v=1(to the professor): Professor, could you give me a special lesson, please? I didn’t quite the lesson about the combat, but I really would spend more time with you to increase my knowledge. It's beneficial for all of us.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 Umm… What are you doing, Musse?

673243897413238794.png?v=1… Oh hi, Lys.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 So you’re trying to hit on the professor again, aren’t we?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, if you count asking the best and most adorable professor for getting some extra help, then you can consider it as a yes.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 … Extra help in flirting!? Seriously I told you to stop with this in the audience. You put the entire monastry into dirt with your ruthless and shameful behavior!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Ruthless!? My, my, I just want to get support by someone who made me stronger and smarter and I can count on. Though since you are here could I have a bit of your time? I have a few questions since you seem to be a very interesting person.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 I really have no time for small talk, especially with some kind of weirdo as you are.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, I don’t even deny that I can be weird sometimes. But come on, just a little eye to eye chat. I also made some tea and cake because I know you love it.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… Well… fine! But keep it short, ok?

673243897413238794.png?v=1I only will focus on the details. So no idle chat, let’s start. I can assume you are not a very talkative person at all, and I might even know the reason behind it.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 What do you want to state with that?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Your hair… it’s unusual. I only read in books that this white hair can’t be inherited at birth. It has to be made artificially.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 And if it was the case – which I don’t even affirm – how it is your business?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Please be patient, you will know soon enough! This hair is made by experiments, experiments of an evil group who wanted to spread malignancy on humans by conducting crest experiments on them. The result is that the hair fragments turn into white which also means that the life span of this person will be shortened dramatically.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 You will tell me that I’m going to die soon!? Is this what you wanted to say?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Please let me continue! I only read it in books, but I also read there is a way to fix it.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3 (interrupts): You know what!? This conversation went far enough! It’s none of your business at all to intervene in my life at all! I’m done with you!

673243897413238794.png?v=1(speaking to herself): Teehee, it seems like as if I stinged in a hornet’s nest! You might hate me right now, Lys, but it's all for a good sake! 



673243897413238794.png?v=1Lysithea, could we talk to each other, please?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3You really have the nerves to ask me that way after what you did to me? Do you remember on our last “conversation”?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Of course I do. And I’m so sorry about that from earlier. I was very insensitive and didn’t respect your feelings. But please listen, Lys! I would like to talk to you just to explain my reason for going after the professor because I might have found a solution for your problem.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Hmph, you won’t seriously tell me again that I am going to die soon too, right?

673243897413238794.png?v=1No no, don’t worry! I would like to tell you something about my family backround. And in exchange I would like to know more about yours? I have the feeling that we are kinda sitting in the same boat.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… I really have no time for this… ugh… whatever… fine! Since you have figured it out anyways, I have no real chance to be opposed anymore. But please spare me with your selfpity, got it? Otherwise it will have been our LAST conversation for sure!

673243897413238794.png?v=1 Thank you! Yes, I promise it won’t be the case! And of course I will not tell anyone about this little conversation. Here, I have made some tea. It’s your favorite flavor, apple.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3If you think to lull me this way, then you’re mistaken! Though I will gladly try the tea.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Lemme start then. You know that I’m from an Erebonian noble family. My parents died early by a tragic accident and then I was raised by my grandparents. My father’s brother took over my father’s title… to demonstrate power and… cruelty. He was responsible for the plan of resurrecting the Demon Lord Testarossa, the Crimson Knight. It should plunge Erebonia into chaos. He entrapped me into a girl’s school to get rid of me. Though I learned to get to know some handsome people like the princess and sister of the best instructor in Erebonia there.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3I see, then we share that we both lost the majoritiy of our family. But what has it to do with stalking other people? Just because you’re lonely?


673243897413238794.png?v=1The beloved instructor is the bodily son of the Chancellor of Erebonia who’s responsible for manipulating his own folks by making them mobile for a war it doesn’t exist. He burnt down an entire town to make his own people think that an uninvolved country is responsible for these crimes. He sacrifices his own believers just to extend his power. This is something I will and cannot tolerate! I got into contact to his son to see his point of view. I can say he’s not only handsome, fashioned and cute, but he’s also incredibly mature to recognize this situation. He doesn’t follow his father’s goals at all.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Why did you come to Garreg Mach?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Because I see some similarities to the instructor and the professor. Both are so lovely and smart. Though I was interested in that crest stuff because I only have myths about them and I so tried to gather some information. And I have good news for you, teehee! That’s the reason why I invited you. But therefore you have to tell me short what exactly happened so that you can be saved.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Being saved!?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, mhm. Then just tell me if you have two crests? You don’t need to tell me your backround story to save you from pain. I think to know the most anyways, at least the outcome.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… If this is your question… then yes! The major crest of Gloucester... and the......... (almost starting to cry) one of Charon by these....... murders. 

673243897413238794.png?v=1Cheer up, Lys! It's over! (dries Lysithea's eyes) I don't need more information. Anyways the books told me that no one can have two chests. And one way to get it removed is to come the person close, who guides you. And the person who comes closest in my eyes is no one else than the professor himself.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… He could do it!? What do you mean with close?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee… I don’t know. It’s just what the book says. Why not trying it out? You want to have a long life, don’t you? Also this would give you the chance to have children. Doesn’t it sound romantic, teehee? I see you as the most adorable and caring mum of Fodland.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Aww… Draw it mild! It sounds creepy, doesn’t it?

673243897413238794.png?v=1Well yeah, but exciting in the same way.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Lemme think about it.

673243897413238794.png?v=1I see, but don’t take too long. I can imagine other people might be interested in the professor too, teehee.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Speaking of insensitive… you haven’t changed a bit! … But still I appreciate for taking care for me. Thanks Musse!

673243897413238794.png?v=1You’re welcome, Lys! And… sorry! My words tend to be very straight… maybe a bit too straight sometimes. Despite what happened to us in the past, may I ask you if we could be friends? Let’s give us each other a hug!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… Well, you have some strange attitudes and you are a bit insensitive regarding your emotions, but I can’t see you as a bad person, so. You share a similar familiar backround and some traits with me. Yes, I will take this offer!

(hugging each other)

673243897413238794.png?v=1 (blushing): … TEEHEE, I am glad that I had the chance to meet you. You're such a handsome, smart and persistend young woman! Here, I made a cookie for you. I’m better in eating than making them, but I would be grateful if you tried it out.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3Of course! There can’t be anything better than cookies to a delicious apple tea.

673243897413238794.png?v=1Then have a bite!

RL6zmo2.jpg?3mpf, mpf   Wow, it’s delicious!

673243897413238794.png?v=1Thanks for this compliment! I'm feeling flattered. I’m not really that good in the kitchen, but I tried my best.

RL6zmo2.jpg?3mpf, mpf… something’s stingy. There’s something…… like paper…. on my teeth

673243897413238794.png?v=1Teehee, I haven’t told you. It’s a fortune cookie. It’s an ancient rite from the Far East, the republic of Calvard. Inside of a cookie is a little message which determines the future of the person who eats it. Erebonia took over this rite. These cookies are sold in the Summer Festival in Ordis. I really love them. That’s why I made them. Teehee…Aren’t you excited to read what your future will bring?

RL6zmo2.jpg?3… mpf… Umm… mpf… I guess.


Lysithea reads the message of the fortune cookie:

Your past was hard,

but you are robust and smart.

You will overcome it,

by following you target!

Follow the person who does teach you and become his wife,

and you will have a long and happy life!


RL6zmo2.jpg?3........ This rather suits to you, MUSSE!!!

673243897413238794.png?v=1(speaking to herself): Oh my… looks like I am out of luck of having a future with our professor from Garreg Mach. Teehee, seriously Lys deserves him much more than me. Teehee,  I’m really sure he’ll give all the love to her she never could receive, and more important saving her. Aidios, please bless both and letting them have a long and good future! Still not all my hopes are gone. I’ll be excited returning to Leeves. Instructor Rean, I’m looking forward to see you again soon, teehee!


Five years later in Garreg Mach

This music is played.

Lysithea: I know you aren’t here, Musse, but I also know you will hear me somehow, but I just wanted to thank you that you gave me life and saved mine.  But please don’t act, if I stole you the professor, got it!? It was your damned fortune cookie!



Same day in Heimdallr, Erebonia

Musse: Come on Rean, it’s our big day today!  You’re blushing! Teehee, it makes you even adorable that my groom is nervous. It reminds me on the Summer Festival in the exact same place when the princess asked you for to dance with her.

(thinking) Lys, I know you are in good hands now. This reminds me how similar the Professor and Rean are. Unfortunately everyone can pick only one person as husband, but on the other hand this saved Lys. Better one than none, teehee.

Rean, it’s about time! Let’s go to the window and show ourselves the folks! They’re waiting for us!




#2 Ashe (Fire Emblem Three Houses) x Kloe Rinz (Trails in the Sky series)



XXtUKWu.png?2: A bit cheese, the cucumbers… and then… DAMN… where are the tomatoes!?


Kloe enters the kitchen.


3GdzeJq.png?1Oh, hello Ashe! Mmh, it smells tasty. What are you cooking?

bXoJlyJ.png?2Hi Kloe! Thanks! I wanted to cook a special dish today… but I just noticed that I messed up with the ingredients.

3GdzeJq.png?1Ah, that’s unfortunate to hear. Can I help you in some way?

bXoJlyJ.png?2No, that’s fine. I just need to grab some tomatoes. I didn’t realize they all have been consumed already.

3GdzeJq.png?1I could help you, if you want!

bXoJlyJ.png?2…Only if you don’t mind.

3GdzeJq.png?1You're welcome! I’m your classmate so offering to help out each other is the most natural thing in the world. I’d be happy to help you out.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Thanks Kloe! Alright, let’s go then!                 


Both go to the tomato shrub in the garden.


bXoJlyJ.png?2I feel sorry that you ruin your good clothes by helping to grab some veggies for me. 

3GdzeJq.png?1The red splashes don't really hurt them. They can be cleaned easily.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Oh really!? Wow, you don’t look like that kind of person who would do such kind of things.

3GdzeJq.png?1Huh, why not?

bXoJlyJ.png?2I mean, you’re looking like a noble… I mean someone… who would not do that kind of dirty work.

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe, there are way dirtier works than collecting some tomatoes. But yeah, I’m a noble, but it has nothing to do that I don’t do tasks any other people do.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Sorry if I insulted you… I admit I had a different imagination how nobles spend their freetime.

3GdzeJq.png?1Heh, you don’t need to apologize at all! As I said it’s part of my life, so I’m absolutely glad that I could accompany you. It was a fun gathering for me after all. My friends and I from my world do the same thing. It's even way scarier: We even fought monsters to gather their meat for the dishes. These dishes were important for our battles because they could increase our status. By the way Ashe, what you do plan to cook?

bXoJlyJ.png?2A King Burger. It’s a special recipe I learned from my dad. It will regain strength. It’s the first time I’ll ever make this, so I’m a little nervous.

3GdzeJq.png?1I'm optimistic it will turn out to your satisfaction. And if not, see it as an experience. You only get better by doing some practice.

bXoJlyJ.png?2I think we should have enough tomatoes. Let’s go back to the dorm.

They go to the kitchen to cook the King Burger together.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Voilà, it’s done!

3GdzeJq.png?1Wow, it tastes great! I’m impressed about your cooking skills.

bXoJlyJ.png?2…It wouldn’t have been turned out that well, if you hadn’t helped me out, Kloe!

3GdzeJq.png?1I did very little, you did the major part. I can see a professional cook in you, Ashe! I would like to try out more of your dishes.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Thank you very much!

Obtained two king burgers: consumable food in battle; heals 50%, restores 30 CP




XXtUKWu.png?2Hi Kloe! I’m going to gather some mushrooms in the forest for a dish. Would you like to accompany me?

3GdzeJq.png?1Mhm, some fresh air would be really nice.


Kloe and Ashe go to the forest nearby Garreg Mach. Kloe is picking up some mushrooms. Suddenly a boy appears and shoves Kloe.

3GdzeJq.png?1… Aaaw!

XXtUKWu.png?2Kloe! Are you alright?

Kloe: … Yeah… what was it!? Oooh... a boy!

Boy: ... Crap!

XXtUKWu.png?2Let me handle this!


The boy tries to run away, but Ashe catches him in time.


XXtUKWu.png?2Do you think you can escape?

Boy: …Aaah! Let me go, LET ME GO!

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe, please don’t be so rude on him!

XXtUKWu.png?2Let’s see what we have here! Aha, a bag!

3GdzeJq.png?1… It’s my bag with all the mushrooms.

Boy: Give it back to me! I said: Give IT BACK! It’s MINE, YOU BASTARD!

XXtUKWu.png?2Calling me bastard!? Mhm… I think the only bastard here is you! Robbing a harmless girl out is quite ruthless, don’t you think? What would have happened, if she was injured?

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe, please calm down!

Boy: You took everything from me what belongs to me!


Boy: You took everything from me, my house, my family, my life! EVERYTHING! Sniffs

3GdzeJq.png?1Aww… Little boy, I don’t know what happened, but please tell us your story. I promise we will listen to it and we don’t harm you, alright?

Boy: You are the ones who took everything from me! You work with them!

3GdzeJq.png?1I’m afraid it’s a misunderstanding. We detest any kind of such cruelity. Please I beg you to tell us your story. Otherwise we won’t be able to help you.

XXtUKWu.png?2Yeah, go ahead!

Boy: … You won’t be able to help me anyways… but whatever… fine. It was a couple of years ago when a group of dark and masked people broke into our house. ... They threatened us with weapons... but my mother refused to hand over our goods. ... Then one of the blackmen hit her on the head and she fell down on the ground... and her head hit the stone floor. ... She did........ not move... NOT MOVE. My sister and me watch that up close. The blackmen said: The kiddos are helpless and can't do anything, so let's light a fire and go! I tried to move... the body... but I was too weak. I carried my paralysed sister out of the house before the flames could hit us.

3GdzeJq.png?1(hugs and holds the boy): ... I'm so sorry for you!

Boy: My mother......... my home......... disapperead.

3GdzeJq.png?1… Who would just do such a horrible thing... especially to a mother with her children nearby!? This is just inhuman!

XXtUKWu.png?2People who care about their own ego and no one else. 

3GdzeJq.png?1So cruel! By the way what is with your father?

Boy: ... I never met him. Idk... I was alone with my sister. We had no home, no food, no money, NOTHING! The only way to survive is to look for stuff in the rubbish bins… and stealing… thing which belonged to us formerly.

3GdzeJq.png?1So the motive of stealing just to keep your sister alive, right?

Boy: Yeah, she's the only person left in my life and I want to grant her as less painful situation as possible.

3GdzeJq.png?1I see, and seriously I envy you! You took all your burdens on your shoulders just to protect your little sister. 

XXtUKWu.png?2Yeah, I understand your desperate situation. But it’s no justification to use that cruelty to rob out a little girl and being that selfish and don’t even give a little thing about her. Do you know what could have happened? What would you have done, if she had been injured or even worse. Robbing is no cavalier offense at all!

Boy: … I’m sorry, Miss!

Kloe: Ashe, it’s fine. I’m ok! I think it’s the best to go back to your sister and give the bag with some mushrooms to her! It should be enough for a little meal.

XXtUKWu.png?2Wait Kloe, are you sure?

3GdzeJq.png?1Yes, I am! The boy did very little and needs everything he can get to care his sister and himself. I wished I could do more, but I hope that bag of food is enough for you.

Boy: … WOW! Thank you, Miss! I’m sorry what I did and said to you! You’re not a bad person!

3GdzeJq.png?1Hihi, it makes me happy to hear that! Just have a good meal and take care of your sister and yourself! If you need something again, please feel free to come back to us at any time.

XXtUKWu.png?2Please don't do it ever again!

Boy: Alright… thank you very much!



The boy leaves.


XXtUKWu.png?2Hahaha… Why does this feel all so familiar for me…

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe? You're looking so pale now!

XXtUKWu.png?2Oh Kloe… umm... it's nothing… just let’s head back to the monastery…




3GdzeJq.png?1 Ashe, may I ask you, if you're feeling alright? Since we came back to the monastery you seemed so pale and you didn’t even cook the dish you wanted. I’m a little worried about you.

XXtUKWu.png?2Thanks for your concern, Kloe. I’m just a bit lost in thoughts.

3GdzeJq.png?1Oh, I don’t want to intervene in your private matters, but I recognized something on you. I have the feeling that you have to carry some heavy burden with you. When the little boy told that he stole to save his sister, you became very pale and silent… almost even paralyzed. Something really must be really bug. Of course this tragic story burdened me too, but

XXtUKWu.png?2Kloe, you’re a good friend, so I can trust you. I have a question, no, a favor! I would like to tell you something about my childhood, but I would like to keep it as secret among us. So I would like to ask to tell no one what I will talk to you?

3GdzeJq.png?1Whatever it is, I will promise you to keep this for myself as part of our bond.

XXtUKWu.png?2Alright! Actually I have another favor: After telling you my story you’d not leave me… because what I’m going to say is… not nice.

3GdzeJq.png?1We know and trust each other long enough that I’ll promise to stay for you.

XXtUKWu.png?2Thanks! This situation in the forest gave me a flashback of my childhood. You must know my parents died from a disease when I was very young. I had two younger siblings to take care of. You can imagine it’s not easy to make ends meet without family, home and money. I looked for several jobs in the restaurants… but they were not enough. I couldn’t take care about my siblings… and that’s… why I… saw no other way… than to… steal.

3GdzeJq.png?1… I had the feeling you would say that. But not the fact you stole bothered me, but that dire situation you have been involved. You didn’t do it for selfishness! You did it for your siblings, to save them! Of course I can’t approve crime, you have to consider in what kind of desperate situation you have been. No one would blame you for what you did, even if it was wrong! Actually rather opposite, you tried to protect your remaining family! This is something you can be proud of! You’re a great brother!

XXtUKWu.png?2One day I was spotted when I broke into a noble’s mansion. But instead of being arrested I met Lord Lonato who not only spared me, but also adopted me and my siblings. I am very grateful to him that he has given my siblings and me some “life”. Though he’s not more either… But he taught me how to life and complying the laws. I still hate myself for doing all this… I used crime on innocent people. And that’s why I…

3GdzeJq.png?1… tried to protect me, right?

XXtUKWu.png?2No! I totally overacted. I grabbed him rudely and even threatened him. I hate myself so much…! Using violence on a little boy. (sniffs)


Kloe hugs him


3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe… didn’t you notice on yourself, that you totally rejected that kind of crime and furthermore you had the civil courage to care for me and caught the “culprit”? It showed that you didn’t notice to tell between right and wrong, but you also had the encouragement to act against offenses. Your reaction was absolutely understandable, even if it was a bit too harsh. But at the end the situation came to a good end thankfully. And if you didn’t catch the little boy, we never would have known about his background and not been able to help him. As the result he even learned to know that stealing isn’t right. You should consider it, Ashe!

XXtUKWu.png?2… I see. Honestly I learned from this situation… Yeah, if the boy had run away, I still would have had a heavy heart. Honestly I already feel a little bit better now.

3GdzeJq.png?1Hihi, these are the words I wanted to hear! I’m absolutely glad your heart opened a little bit. This “incident” yesterday was a very lucky one for everyone after all. We all drew positive conclusions and learned a lot for ourselves!

XXtUKWu.png?2Yeah, this is true! Kloe, I promise you that I will live a rightful life!

3GdzeJq.png?1… You shouldn’t promise to me, promise it to yourself! It’s your life, your life is in your own hands! But it’s great to hear such an important self-set target. Of course I’m always happy and thankful to support you whenever I can, as the Princess of Grancel.

XXtUKWu.png?2Hehe, thanks! ….. WAIT… WHAAAAT? You’re a PRINCESS!?

3GdzeJq.png?1You weren’t quite wrong when you spoke about my clothes. My name is Klaudia van Auslese, the Princess of Grancel, but please just keep me calling Kloe.

XXtUKWu.png?2...I’m so sorry! I treated you like some punk by letting kneeing on the ground to grab some  food.

3GdzeJq.png?1As I said before it’s part of my daily life. Despite being a princess I still do the life tasks every other person does too. And I’m a student after all like you, so there’s absolute no need to treat me differently than you do with the others. I’m absolutely please to talk to people informally.

XXtUKWu.png?2Alright… thanks Kloe, for everything you did to me and that we had the opportunity to meet each other!

3GdzeJq.png?1The pleasure is all mine! I could learn a lot in the past weeks, not only at school. It was a great time.


Edited by Falcom Knight
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11 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

#1 Lysithea (Fire Emblem Three Houses) x Musse Egret (Trails of Cold Steel III)

Hey, that A support was reallly good! That was an interesting twist that Musse set up one of the best Byleth pairings next to Byleth x Marianne. I thought she was trying to nab him for herself.

Admittedly, I know basically nothing about the Trails series. But I looked up some of the characters. How about Kloe Rinz x Ashe Ubert?

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hey, that A support was reallly good! That was an interesting twist that Musse set up one of the best Byleth pairings next to Byleth x Marianne. I thought she was trying to nab him for herself.

Admittedly, I know basically nothing about the Trails series. But I looked up some of the characters. How about Kloe Rinz x Ashe Ubert?

I almost misread Ashe as Ash and got confused to see two Trails characters.


But yeah, Kloe x Ashe is pinned for next support.


I will do one complete support (C, B, A) per a week.

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i suggest Tio x Lysithea
this way our favorite white-head missy might actually learn a thing or two from someone with a similar background but who isn't such an annoying brat, and is also just as good a magic nuke as she is

anyway, i think it would be really nice if you could allow non-3H FE characters to participate
but hey, your thread, your rules

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21 minutes ago, Yexin said:

i suggest Tio x Lysithea
this way our favorite white-head missy might actually learn a thing or two from someone with a similar background but who isn't such an annoying brat, and is also just as good a magic nuke as she is

anyway, i think it would be really nice if you could allow non-3H FE characters to participate
but hey, your thread, your rules



Tbh I don't really know much about the other characters from most games.

Tellius would also work for me, I guess.


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Ashe Durand (Fire Emblem Three Houses) x Kloe Rinz (Trails in the Sky series)



XXtUKWu.png?2: A bit cheese, the cucumbers… and then… DAMN… where are the tomatoes!?


Kloe enters the kitchen.


3GdzeJq.png?1Oh, hello Ashe! Mmh, it smells tasty. What are you cooking?

bXoJlyJ.png?2Hi Kloe! Thanks! I wanted to cook a special dish today… but I just noticed that I messed up with the ingredients.

3GdzeJq.png?1Ah, that’s unfortunate to hear. Can I help you in some way?

bXoJlyJ.png?2No, that’s fine. I just need to grab some tomatoes. I didn’t realize they all have been consumed already.

3GdzeJq.png?1I could help you, if you want!

bXoJlyJ.png?2…Only if you don’t mind.

3GdzeJq.png?1You're welcome! I’m your classmate so offering to help out each other is the most natural thing in the world. I’d be happy to help you out.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Thanks Kloe! Alright, let’s go then!                 


Both go to the tomato shrub in the garden.


bXoJlyJ.png?2I feel sorry that you ruin your good clothes by helping to grab some veggies for me. 

3GdzeJq.png?1The red splashes don't really hurt them. They can be cleaned easily.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Oh really!? Wow, you don’t look like that kind of person who would do such kind of things.

3GdzeJq.png?1Huh, why not?

bXoJlyJ.png?2I mean, you’re looking like a noble… I mean someone… who would not do that kind of dirty work.

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe, there are way dirtier works than collecting some tomatoes. But yeah, I’m a noble, but it has nothing to do that I don’t do tasks any other people do.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Sorry if I insulted you… I admit I had a different imagination how nobles spend their freetime.

3GdzeJq.png?1Heh, you don’t need to apologize at all! As I said it’s part of my life, so I’m absolutely glad that I could accompany you. It was a fun gathering for me after all. My friends and I from my world do the same thing. It's even way scarier: We even fought monsters to gather their meat for the dishes. These dishes were important for our battles because they could increase our status. By the way Ashe, what you do plan to cook?

bXoJlyJ.png?2A King Burger. It’s a special recipe I learned from my dad. It will regain strength. It’s the first time I’ll ever make this, so I’m a little nervous.

3GdzeJq.png?1I'm optimistic it will turn out to your satisfaction. And if not, see it as an experience. You only get better by doing some practice.

bXoJlyJ.png?2I think we should have enough tomatoes. Let’s go back to the dorm.

They go to the kitchen to cook the King Burger together.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Voilà, it’s done!

3GdzeJq.png?1Wow, it tastes great! I’m impressed about your cooking skills.

bXoJlyJ.png?2…It wouldn’t have been turned out that well, if you hadn’t helped me out, Kloe!

3GdzeJq.png?1I did very little, you did the major part. I can see a professional cook in you, Ashe! I would like to try out more of your dishes.

bXoJlyJ.png?2Thank you very much!

Obtained two king burgers: consumable food in battle; heals 50%, restores 30 CP

I wanted to add some varied sprites regarding their current mood to the content, but as for Kloe I can't find them. So I had to choose a generic sprite. I removed the "spoilery" part in C, but I am not even sure, if I'll add it in B or A support since I technically blocked the content for these levels already. I might add it to A, but then this conversation will become extremely long. I have to make my thoughts for the exact content.

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3 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I wanted to add some varied sprites regarding their current mood to the content, but as for Kloe I can't find them. So I had to choose a generic sprite. I removed the spoilery part, but I am not even sure, if I'll add it in the B or A support since I technically picked the content of these levels already. I might add it to A, but then this conversation will become extremly long. I have to make my thoughts for the exact execution.

Really nice support! I picked them both (although I know next to nothing about the Trails series) because they seemed somewhat similar in their personalities, being reserved, thoughful characters. I thought that they would play off each other well. Thanks for writing this!

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I honestly don't think they are similiar. The scale of their duties is waay different.

Similar in personality. From what I read about Kloe, she is reserved, kind, and timid, kind of like Ashe.

From the Trails wiki: "Klaudia is a kind and caring girl who can be a bit timid at times. She is mindful of others and sometimes chooses to prioritizes others over herself....During her first year at Jenis Royal Academy, Kloe was socially awkward, partly due to her royal status, and was filled with crushing self-esteem issues." Sounds like Ashe to me, even with his self-esteem issues over his thieving past.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

My boy Ashe has founded Fodlans first Burger King, I see.

I don't know who Kloe is, but this was a great support! Keep it up!

The King Burger is an actual consumable item in the Crossbell games. Heroic sagas about this burger made it to Fodlan.

I don't want to spoiler anything about her, but she is a very important character in the Sky series storywise, characterwise described in one word: heartful

And bedankt!

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Nice work, as usual!


9 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Really nice support! I picked them both (although I know next to nothing about the Trails series) because they seemed somewhat similar in their personalities, being reserved, thoughful characters. I thought that they would play off each other well. Thanks for writing this!

If you're relating to their kindness, then yes. And this a good base to let them support each other.



And bedankt!


Also only a third has been done yet - actually less since B and especially A will be longer - so it's just a very little part of their conversation so far. I try to do the rest till upcoming weekend at latest.

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XXtUKWu.png?2Hi Kloe! I’m going to gather some mushrooms in the forest for a dish. Would you like to accompany me?

3GdzeJq.png?1Mhm, some fresh air would be really nice.


Kloe and Ashe go to the forest nearby Garreg Mach. Kloe is picking up some mushrooms. Suddenly a boy appears and shoves Kloe.

3GdzeJq.png?1… Aaaw!

XXtUKWu.png?2Kloe! Are you alright?

Kloe: … Yeah… what was it!? Oooh... a boy!

Boy: ... Crap!

XXtUKWu.png?2Let me handle this!


The boy tries to run away, but Ashe catches him in time.


XXtUKWu.png?2Do you think you can escape?

Boy: …Aaah! Let me go, LET ME GO!

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe, please don’t be so rude on him!

XXtUKWu.png?2Let’s see what we have here! Aha, a bag!

3GdzeJq.png?1… It’s my bag with all the mushrooms.

Boy: Give it back to me! I said: Give IT BACK! It’s MINE, YOU BASTARD!

XXtUKWu.png?2Calling me bastard!? Mhm… I think the only bastard here is you! Robbing a harmless girl out is quite ruthless, don’t you think? What would have happened, if she was injured?

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe, please calm down!

Boy: You took everything from me what belongs to me!


Boy: You took everything from me, my house, my family, my life! EVERYTHING! Sniffs

3GdzeJq.png?1Aww… Little boy, I don’t know what happened, but please tell us your story. I promise we will listen to it and we don’t harm you, alright?

Boy: You are the ones who took everything from me! You work with them!

3GdzeJq.png?1I’m afraid it’s a misunderstanding. We detest any kind of such cruelity. Please I beg you to tell us your story. Otherwise we won’t be able to help you.

XXtUKWu.png?2Yeah, go ahead!

Boy: … You won’t be able to help me anyways… but whatever… fine. It was a couple of years ago when a group of dark and masked people broke into our house. ... They threatened us with weapons... but my mother refused to hand over our goods. ... Then one of the blackmen hit her on the head and she fell down on the ground... and her head hit the stone floor. ... She did........ not move... NOT MOVE. My sister and me watch that up close. The blackmen said: The kiddos are helpless and can't do anything, so let's light a fire and go! I tried to move... the body... but I was too weak. I carried my paralysed sister out of the house before the flames could hit us.

3GdzeJq.png?1(hugs and holds the boy): ... I'm so sorry for you!

Boy: My mother......... my home......... disapperead.

3GdzeJq.png?1… Who would just do such a horrible thing... especially to a mother with her children nearby!? This is just inhuman!

XXtUKWu.png?2People who care about their own ego and no one else. 

3GdzeJq.png?1So cruel! By the way what is with your father?

Boy: ... I never met him. Idk... I was alone with my sister. We had no home, no food, no money, NOTHING! The only way to survive is to look for stuff in the rubbish bins… and stealing… thing which belonged to us formerly.

3GdzeJq.png?1So the motive of stealing just to keep your sister alive, right?

Boy: Yeah, she's the only person left in my life and I want to grant her as less painful situation as possible.

3GdzeJq.png?1I see, and seriously I envy you! You took all your burdens on your shoulders just to protect your little sister. 

XXtUKWu.png?2Yeah, I understand your desperate situation. But it’s no justification to use that cruelty to rob out a little girl and being that selfish and don’t even give a little thing about her. Do you know what could have happened? What would you have done, if she had been injured or even worse. Robbing is no cavalier offense at all!

Boy: … I’m sorry, Miss!

Kloe: Ashe, it’s fine. I’m ok! I think it’s the best to go back to your sister and give the bag with some mushrooms to her! It should be enough for a little meal.

XXtUKWu.png?2Wait Kloe, are you sure?

3GdzeJq.png?1Yes, I am! The boy did very little and needs everything he can get to care his sister and himself. I wished I could do more, but I hope that bag of food is enough for you.

Boy: … WOW! Thank you, Miss! I’m sorry what I did and said to you! You’re not a bad person!

3GdzeJq.png?1Hihi, it makes me happy to hear that! Just have a good meal and take care of your sister and yourself! If you need something again, please feel free to come back to us at any time.

XXtUKWu.png?2Please don't do it ever again!

Boy: Alright… thank you very much!



The boy leaves.


XXtUKWu.png?2Hahaha… Why does this feel all so familiar for me…

3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe? You're looking so pale now!

XXtUKWu.png?2Oh Kloe… umm... it's nothing… just let’s head back to the monastery…



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3GdzeJq.png?1 Ashe, may I ask you, if you're feeling alright? Since we came back to the monastery you seemed so pale and you didn’t even cook the dish you wanted. I’m a little worried about you.

XXtUKWu.png?2Thanks for your concern, Kloe. I’m just a bit lost in thoughts.

3GdzeJq.png?1Oh, I don’t want to intervene in your private matters, but I recognized something on you. I have the feeling that you have to carry some heavy burden with you. When the little boy told that he stole to save his sister, you became very pale and silent… almost even paralyzed. Something really must be really bug. Of course this tragic story burdened me too, but

XXtUKWu.png?2Kloe, you’re a good friend, so I can trust you. I have a question, no, a favor! I would like to tell you something about my childhood, but I would like to keep it as secret among us. So I would like to ask to tell no one what I will talk to you?

3GdzeJq.png?1Whatever it is, I will promise you to keep this for myself as part of our bond.

XXtUKWu.png?2Alright! Actually I have another favor: After telling you my story you’d not leave me… because what I’m going to say is… not nice.

3GdzeJq.png?1We know and trust each other long enough that I’ll promise to stay for you.

XXtUKWu.png?2Thanks! This situation in the forest gave me a flashback of my childhood. You must know my parents died from a disease when I was very young. I had two younger siblings to take care of. You can imagine it’s not easy to make ends meet without family, home and money. I looked for several jobs in the restaurants… but they were not enough. I couldn’t take care about my siblings… and that’s… why I… saw no other way… than to… steal.

3GdzeJq.png?1… I had the feeling you would say that. But not the fact you stole bothered me, but that dire situation you have been involved. You didn’t do it for selfishness! You did it for your siblings, to save them! Of course I can’t approve crime, you have to consider in what kind of desperate situation you have been. No one would blame you for what you did, even if it was wrong! Actually rather opposite, you tried to protect your remaining family! This is something you can be proud of! You’re a great brother!

XXtUKWu.png?2One day I was spotted when I broke into a noble’s mansion. But instead of being arrested I met Lord Lonato who not only spared me, but also adopted me and my siblings. I am very grateful to him that he has given my siblings and me some “life”. Though he’s not more either… But he taught me how to life and complying the laws. I still hate myself for doing all this… I used crime on innocent people. And that’s why I…

3GdzeJq.png?1… tried to protect me, right?

XXtUKWu.png?2No! I totally overacted. I grabbed him rudely and even threatened him. I hate myself so much…! Using violence on a little boy. (sniffs)


Kloe hugs him


3GdzeJq.png?1Ashe… didn’t you notice on yourself, that you totally rejected that kind of crime and furthermore you had the civil courage to care for me and caught the “culprit”? It showed that you didn’t notice to tell between right and wrong, but you also had the encouragement to act against offenses. Your reaction was absolutely understandable, even if it was a bit too harsh. But at the end the situation came to a good end thankfully. And if you didn’t catch the little boy, we never would have known about his background and not been able to help him. As the result he even learned to know that stealing isn’t right. You should consider it, Ashe!

XXtUKWu.png?2… I see. Honestly I learned from this situation… Yeah, if the boy had run away, I still would have had a heavy heart. Honestly I already feel a little bit better now.

3GdzeJq.png?1Hihi, these are the words I wanted to hear! I’m absolutely glad your heart opened a little bit. This “incident” yesterday was a very lucky one for everyone after all. We all drew positive conclusions and learned a lot for ourselves!

XXtUKWu.png?2Yeah, this is true! Kloe, I promise you that I will live a rightful life!

3GdzeJq.png?1… You shouldn’t promise to me, promise it to yourself! It’s your life, your life is in your own hands! But it’s great to hear such an important self-set target. Of course I’m always happy and thankful to support you whenever I can, as the Princess of Grancel.

XXtUKWu.png?2Hehe, thanks! ….. WAIT… WHAAAAT? You’re a PRINCESS!?

3GdzeJq.png?1You weren’t quite wrong when you spoke about my clothes. My name is Klaudia van Auslese, the Princess of Grancel, but please just keep me calling Kloe.

XXtUKWu.png?2...I’m so sorry! I treated you like some punk by letting kneeing on the ground to grab some  food.

3GdzeJq.png?1As I said before it’s part of my daily life. Despite being a princess I still do the life tasks every other person does too. And I’m a student after all like you, so there’s absolute no need to treat me differently than you do with the others. I’m absolutely please to talk to people informally.

XXtUKWu.png?2Alright… thanks Kloe, for everything you did to me and that we had the opportunity to meet each other!

3GdzeJq.png?1The pleasure is all mine! I could learn a lot in the past weeks, not only at school. It was a great time.

Next support will be Felix Arundel x Laura S. Arseid.

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Felix x Laura



Gq9mD2h.png?2Hello Felix! I wanted to ask if you might have the time to train with me?

GxWWrF8.png?1… What is this about all of the sudden!?

Gq9mD2h.png?2I just wanted to test the swordmanship of House Fraldarius. I have heared great things about the techniques of your family, so it would be a good opportunity to test my strength and to learn from you.

GxWWrF8.png?1Pfft. And even if so, don’t you see that I’m busy with something else?  There are enough of kids in the campus you can play with your “knight games”.

Gq9mD2h.png?2Well… yeah… but none of shares a similar sword wield style as you have. I kinda have the feeling that you don’t appreciate me.

GxWWrF8.png?1It’s not like that. I would have said the exact same to anyone else. It doesn’t make a difference for me at all that you that you use the same weapon as I do and even use similar techniques. I just don’t want to train with you, got it?

Gq9mD2h.png?2I see. Then may I ask the question, how are you so good in swords play, if you never train?

GxWWrF8.png?1Hmpf… Why do you even try to intervene in my private stuff? And when did I say that I never train. I just told you that I don’t want to train with you. And this opinion about this hasn’t changed. So could you bother other people with your begging, please? I have to do right now.

Gq9mD2h.png?2… Very well.


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B support



Felix enters the arena.



Gq9mD2h.png?2Oh hello Felix. Sorry if I distracted you with my noises.

GxWWrF8.png?1It’s ok, I guess. I’m just not used on hearing a woman screaming whilst her weapon training. Though I have to admit you seem to take your training quite serious. Don’t know too many people who do this.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…I take this as a compliment. Thank you!

GxWWrF8.png?1No need to thank me. You don’t do it for me, but for yourself. But with this attitude I can imagine you become a good sword wielder.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…Are you serious?

GxWWrF8.png?1Hmpf… Why shouldn’t I? Why should I lie to a beautiful and strong girl as you are?

Gq9mD2h.png?2Heh… I still have a long way to go to step in my father’s footprints. I’m just a beginner.

GxWWrF8.png?1You’re lacking on self-confidence, but on the other hand you’re modest and ambitious. As I said most people don’t really know what war actually means. They think the monastery is like a funfair where everyone can have their fun. You are different, and you shouldn’t take it as insult.

Gq9mD2h.png?2I just try to become honest to myself. I’m still in the beginning of my path I have to go. School and also social contacts will help me to develop myself to reach my target.

GxWWrF8.png?1Well, then good luck with that!

Gq9mD2h.png?2Hold Felix! I just wanted to thank you for motivating me. I really appreciate the any kind of moral support. Though I must ask you, how are you so good with the sword? I never ever have seen you training.

GxWWrF8.png?1Why is this question so important to you?

Gq9mD2h.png?2I just wanted to know why you didn’t want to train with me. You didn’t seem to be that busy against your words.

GxWWrF8.png?1Do I have to declare myself to you? I mean I can’t say I was that busy. Just saying I prefer training alone since I don’t want to become a puppet for some fool who steals my time for boring me to death with their non-existing skills. Though in your case I would not be entirely uninterested to have a little battle with you at least.

Gq9mD2h.png?2Does it mean you would like to train with me?

GxWWrF8.png?1Well, after tomorrow’s breakfast I would have a little time for that.

Gq9mD2h.png?2This would be more than I was hoping for. It would be a great honour as the daughter of Arseid's blade school to test my strength on the son of House Fraldarius.

GxWWrF8.png?1Hmpf… You surely don’t know how not to exaggerate. Also I would be honored if you kept your formalities aside. We’re still students after all.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…Sorry Felix, my blood just streamed through my heart with happiness when you confirmed my request. Anyways I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

GxWWrF8.png?1(speaking to himself): … What shall I just do with her!?


17 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

as i already said in LPW, well done^^

A Knight and a Knight hater, i wonder how this will go...

... Maybe not to your satisfaction.

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11 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:


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B support



Felix enters the arena.



Gq9mD2h.png?2Oh hello Felix. Sorry if I distracted you with my noises.

GxWWrF8.png?1It’s ok, I guess. I’m just not used on hearing a woman screaming whilst her weapon training. Though I have to admit you seem to take your training quite serious. Don’t know too many people who do this.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…I take this as a compliment. Thank you!

GxWWrF8.png?1No need to thank me. You don’t do it for me, but for yourself. But with this attitude I can imagine you become a good sword wielder.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…Are you serious?

GxWWrF8.png?1Hmpf… Why shouldn’t I? Why should I lie to a beautiful and strong girl as you are?

Gq9mD2h.png?2Heh… I still have a long way to go to step in my father’s footprints. I’m just a beginner.

GxWWrF8.png?1You’re lacking on self-confidence, but on the other hand you’re modest and ambitious. As I said most people don’t really know what war actually means. They think the monastery is like a funfair where everyone can have their fun. You are different, and you shouldn’t take it as insult.

Gq9mD2h.png?2I just try to become honest to myself. I’m still in the beginning of my path I have to go. School and also social contacts will help me to develop myself to reach my target.

GxWWrF8.png?1Well, then good luck with that!

Gq9mD2h.png?2Hold Felix! I just wanted to thank you for motivating me. I really appreciate the any kind of moral support. Though I must ask you, how are you so good with the sword? I never ever have seen you training.

GxWWrF8.png?1Why is this question so important to you?

Gq9mD2h.png?2I just wanted to know why you didn’t want to train with me. You didn’t seem to be that busy against your words.

GxWWrF8.png?1Do I have to declare myself to you? I mean I can’t say I was that busy. Just saying I prefer training alone since I don’t want to become a puppet for some fool who steals my time for boring me to death with their non-existing skills. Though in your case I would not be entirely uninterested to have a little battle with you at least.

Gq9mD2h.png?2Does it mean you would like to train with me?

GxWWrF8.png?1Well, after tomorrow’s breakfast I would have a little time for that.

Gq9mD2h.png?2This would be more than I was hoping for. It would be a great honour as the daughter of Arseid's blade school to test my strength on the son of House Fraldarius.

GxWWrF8.png?1Hmpf… You surely don’t know how not to exaggerate. Also I would be honored if you kept your formalities aside. We’re still students after all.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…Sorry Felix, my blood just streamed through my heart with happiness when you confirmed my request. Anyways I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

GxWWrF8.png?1(speaking to himself): … What shall I just do with her!?


... Maybe not to your satisfaction.

Seems like Felix is warming up to the "beautiful and strong girl," as he described her. He seems like the kind of guy to be enamored with a female warrior. Another really nice support!

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After Felix and Laura had breakfast:

Gq9mD2h.png?2It’s about time, shall we practice now?

GxWWrF8.png?1Only after you!

Gq9mD2h.png?2I swear to my father I’ll show you what I’ve learned from the Arseid school.

GxWWrF8.png?1I hope so. Otherwise you would just have stolen my rare free time.

Gq9mD2h.png?2I won’t disappoint me you! I will fight with everything I have!

GxWWrF8.png?1Good, good! I won’t hold back either. I will show you that no one can mess with me!

Gq9mD2h.png?2Alright, let’s begin!




Five minutes later…


Gq9mD2h.png?2… I couldn’t deal a single scratch on you - how embarrassing.

GxWWrF8.png?1Hehe, you’re as tough as a nutshell. I must admit I haven’t had as much fun in facing someone as I have now. Can’t believe you were able to dodge all my attacks. Is this the Arseid school is capable of? Not bad!

Gq9mD2h.png?2Though I hardly could land a hit on you. You’re as skilled as I expected.

GxWWrF8.png?1Hehe, no need to hide your light under a bushel! I couldn’t defeat you after all either.

Gq9mD2h.png?2It was an instense and fair fight even if we couldn’t find a winner. Thanks for taking the time and effort to give me the chance to test my skills on you, Felix.

GxWWrF8.png?1It was even a bit fun for me too. I can’t remember when I fought such a strong caliber as you are. Probably against my… brother

Gq9mD2h.png?2Thanks for your compliment. I also admire your sword style and toughness, Felix. Let’s do it again sometime, Felix!

GxWWrF8.png?1I’m in. Well, let’s cool down a bit. I will spend you a dish, what’ya say?

Gq9mD2h.png?2This is a generous offer, but I would gladly take it.

GxWWrF8.png?1Alright, let’s go off then.


Both go to the canteen and offer smoked salmon with potatoes and mustard.


Gq9mD2h.png?2Thanks for this invitation, Felix. I truly appreciate it.

GxWWrF8.png?1It’s fine. You entertained me today, so I just want to pay you out for this.

Gq9mD2h.png?2May I ask who did teach you the sword skills? Was it your brother?


Gq9mD2h.png?2Oh, my apologies if my question hit a very private area of yours. I just remember that you said that it was your brother you had a close enough match, so I should have known not to mention him.

GxWWrF8.png?1You can’t know about it, so it’s fine. I mean I’m old enough not to react like a little child to run away when someone confronts me with a topic I don’t like. Well, since you are truly an opponent I will give you an answer. Yes, I have an older brother who was a master on the battlefield and also a good brother. We had a very close relationship and he taught me how wield a sword. We trained every morning, every midday, every evening and even at nights. He was rough to me, but that’s exactly what I wanted. I need to feel pain to get stronger. Though one day… everything has changed.

Gq9mD2h.png?2…May I ask what happened?

GxWWrF8.png?1You might have heared about the Tragedy of Duscur? Some punks assassinated some Kingdom Royals on a diplomatic mission. Duscur was literally flattened. Dimitri… and my brother… has been involved. Dimitri survived… but Glenn… not. Dimitri saw his corpse, full of “pain and regret”. It was my foolish father who let him stay on the battlefield and retreated and instead of supporting him. He’s such a piece of… I HATE HIM SOOOOOOO MUCH!

Gq9mD2h.png?2I can only imagine how hard it must have been for someone to lose their brother who cared so well and was a true warrior on the battlefield. You have my deepest condolences, Felix! But it’s not the right time and place to let out your anger on wrong people at the wrong time! You rather should continue the heritage of your brother. He taught you how to become a proud and honorable knight.

GxWWrF8.png?1A proud and honorable knight. Hah…hahahaha… this feels like an insult being called that because I fight for what I think is right and wrong… but you’re not wrong… I should continue focusing on the targets Glenn had. I owe it to him! I should live as long as possible and get stronger to realize everything.

Gq9mD2h.png?2That’s what your brother would be proud of for you! If he means so much for you, then it’s the right choice. Of course everyone from the Monastery including myself of course would appreciate to support you.

GxWWrF8.png?1Taking someone’s help who’s not my brother!? Seriously the longer the conversation goes, the weirder it becomes.

Gq9mD2h.png?2It was just an advice.

GxWWrF8.png?1Well, I will think about it. Anyways the little fight and chat were a nice breather.

Gq9mD2h.png?2Pleasure’s on my side. It was a great opportunity to test my strength on you and get to know about your background. Honestly I admire you for having such a great brother.

GxWWrF8.png?1Well, therefore you have a good dad!? A dad with the title “Blademaster” is definitely more worthy than someone with a stupid noble’s title who is just a coward. Anyways I’m looking forward to the next battle! I still have to settle a score with you!

Gq9mD2h.png?2And I yet have to continue my practice till I have beaten you once! We’ll see again!


Edited by Falcom Knight
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