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If you had to switch sides and join a villain or antagonist, which one would you side with?


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What the title says! I would define antagonist pretty loosely. I would count someone like Claude as an antagonist since he opposes you if you play Crimson Flower route. If anyone opposed you or the protagonist in the story, feel free to switch to their side!

I do not think I would mind siding with Magneto depending on the situation. I do not think I would fully side with him, but I would not mind allying with him on certain issues.

In the Avatar movie, I think I have no qualms joining with the human marines in claiming the planet for humanity. For some reason, the blue aliens just looks absolutely repulsive and repugnant to me, and I found the plot to be kind of cliche and overused, with some plot points being too similar to Code Geass, my favorite anime of all time. Together, the whole thing just comes across as unoriginal and uninspiring, and by the climax of the movie I came to really dislike the main characters.

Edelgard! I normally despise assholes, but she is somehow different. Surtr and Hel for example are complete assholes and I have no qualms torturing them with Flash and Dire Thunder. For some reason, despite my acknowledgement that Edelgard is an asshole (maybe not to the same degree as Surtr and Hel, but still a complete dick nonetheles), I feel like I am captivated by her charisma and beauty. If she was actually real, I got to know her better over a long period of time, and she is acting as my leader, I think I might do almost anything she asks of me. I will probably hesitate and refuse orders to kill animals and close friends and family members, but innocent human strangers feels fair game to me. For example, while my default reaction would be sparing Claude and any former students if they are opposing Edelgard, if she orders me to kill them instead of giving me a choice, I am not sure I would raise much objection although I might hesitate. If all it takes is for an asshole to have a pretty face, a vision, a sheer force of will, and a bit of charisma to get me to commit crimes against humanity, that realization feels kind of scary and disturbing. Like, literally, the only reason I am not backing Walhart is because he is not a waifu, and that is kind of sad.

Lucina feels like a stretch since you only fight her once and it is not combat to the death. But similar to Edelgard, I like her charisma, beauty, and commanding presence. And unlike Edelgard, she is not an asshole, so I do not think I would have an issue sleeping at night.

Similar to Edelgard and Lucina, I would not mind joining Daenarys, the Mother of Dragons. She is pretty, charismatic, have a dream, and have an indomitable will. It is a shame the Dragon Queen was not able to achieve her dreams at the end.

General Forsyth from Advance Wars is a pretty good guy. He is honorable and nice.

I also would not mind joining the Tau from Warhammer 40,000. They are antagonists to the Imperium of Man, but they follow the Greater Good and are generally nice guys. Fuck the Imperium of Man with all its hypocrisy, backwardness, excess, and taint of Chaos!

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1 hour ago, XRay said:


In the Avatar movie, I think I have no qualms joining with the human marines in claiming the planet for humanity. For some reason, the blue aliens just looks absolutely repulsive and repugnant to me, and I found the plot to be kind of cliche and overused, with some plot points being too similar to Code Geass, my favorite anime of all time. Together, the whole thing just comes across as unoriginal and uninspiring, and by the climax of the movie I came to really dislike the main characters.


So are you saying in this case that you would be one of the navi that would betray your species and side with the humans, or that you'd be one of the humans who betrayed their species and sided with the navi and then would pull of a second betrayal and swap sides again? This seems more like which villains do you think were right rather than who would you swap sides for.

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18 minutes ago, Jotari said:

So are you saying in this case that you would be one of the navi that would betray your species and side with the humans, or that you'd be one of the humans who betrayed their species and sided with the navi and then would pull of a second betrayal and swap sides again? This seems more like which villains do you think were right rather than who would you swap sides for.

Huh, I have not really thought this through as much as I thought I had.

I imagine myself being human since cannot stand the thought of being Na'vi. There is not really anything wrong with the Na'vi except their looks and maybe some cultural cliches/stereotypes. Like for some reason, they just look really, really, really ugly to me and I find them extremely repulsive aesthetically. If I was in the story, maybe I will be one of the first avatars, be too disgusted by how I look as a Na'vi, and then go back to the humans and declare that I never, ever, ever want to be an ugly blue alien again. It does sound kind of stupid now that I typed it out, but I do not think I even care about who is right or who is wrong. I just do not want to see nor experience the ugly blue aliens.

If I get to know a Na'vi in real life, I think I might be able to get over their repulsive aesthetics, but until that happens, I do not know why but I just hate them. I do not hate them in the same way as I hate Surtr and Hitler, but I hate them similar to how I hate cockroaches and spiders, although not exactly the same. Na'vi still looks ew to me, but ew in a different way.

Maybe it is the blue skin? Huge eyes and weird facial proportions? The CGI? I am not really sure. Maybe this is the uncanny valley that psychologists talk about? But they do not look like humans though, and I think the uncanny valley is more for stuff that looks almost like humans.

I feel kind of bad for judging them by their cover and being mean, like I am being a speciest/racist for a dumb reason, just cause they look unimaginably ugly. When I look at Helbindi and Hel, I find them to be kind of ugly, but I do not find them repulsive. When I look at pugs and persians, they do not give off that revolting feeling either despite them looking like the ugliest dogs and cats to me. Like, the Na'vi does not just look ugly to me, they look wrong and disturbing and unsettling, and they look ugly in an extremely different and bad way.

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No one's going to know this character, but [the girl in my signature] Elza Forte. I would outright rather be on her side than the protagonist's.

Picking anyone from Three Houses feels a little wrong since you already can side with any of them...and since I've done all routes, I have.

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Not me.

I might go with the Necrodancer from Crypt of the Necrodancer. It's kind of a gamble. I'm really not a good dancer at all, it's actually mentally challenging for me to do simple dances, but there have been times I would have liked to improve, and for some reason I really like the idea of having another skeleton tear my skeleton out of my body and then making my skeleton dance for eternity in a castle full of dancing skeletons (I'm not saying the source but I did not come up with that idea myself). As Sothis says, "had I a dancing skeleton of my own, oh, I would sing and dance until I fell upon the ground!"

Sergei Smirnov or Homer Katagiri from Gundam 00. Sergei is superior, but I feel like he isn't really much of an antagonistic force in part 2 since he isn't part of A-Laws.

I would also consider siding with Rhea. I mean don't get me wrong, she has a lot of flaws, but so do I, and realistically I'm a pretty status quo type, so if my existence in Three Houses at all mirrored mine...it might sound weird to list her along with two dutiful soldiers, but I guess I'm pretty mercurial and thus not suited to the soldiers.


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I too would join Lucina in defeating Peppa Pig, we must slaughter all pigs and purify the world.
No lie I was rooting for Boba Fett and the empire while watching Star Wars as a kid. The Empire is just way too cooler then the Rebellion.

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The Divine Crusaders of Super Robot Wars.

Because if a guy is going "I've discovered aliens are real, will come to Earth, and likely won't have friendly intentions doing so", and the global government is like "We don't believe you", which forces the guy to go all "Fine, then I'll force you to be ready for when they come"... well, better take the proactive approach even if it costs a bit of human unity against the outside threat if the winning side comes off as stronger and better prepared for it.

But dammit, Bian Zoldark had no choice but include the likes of Dr. Hell and the Zabi Family into his ranks. Well, what can you do about it...

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