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civility and the internet

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has anybody noticed that people tend to be VERY rude on the internet, some people that I knew to be the most gentle, introverted personalities end up being the meanest foul-mouths in existance, does not being able to see someone automatically make it alright to curse at someone.

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Ah, seems like you haven't been on MSN in a few days or I was just gone. Anyways, topic time for me.

Another big part of it I think, is people dealing with self esteem problems by trying to show off online, which does tie into what I said previously. Immature kids, idiotic adult and the internet just do not mix. Want proof? "LOL I LIEK MUDKIPS" I have counted seeing that over 250 times in the last 6 months, I had a Wordpad file where I kept track. This isn't even just random browsing, it's 3 different forums alone.

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It's easy to talk a lot of good shit while hiding behind anonymity on a site you can easily leave and talking to people who can't punch you in the face.

In that same line, I remember seeing an image macro in a random forum: "normal person + anonymity + audience = complete fucktard."

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I'm more partial to "children + internet = goodbye world". I mean really think about it, a lot of kids are very impressionable and they are seeing every idiot get their word in. That could be chalked up to bad parenting, but what can't these days?

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I think it depends on where you go to be honest. Obviously at places like 4Chan and Gaia you're going to get a lot of idiots, but I generally don't join forums where I think the memberbase is stupid or uncivil, hence why I don't hang out at FEP or FEFF anymore, and stuck to my forums and FESS. The jury's still out on this place, since I see a lot of good potential.

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I make it a point not to say anything on a forum I would not say to someone's face. Obviously not everyone can be made to do this though.
I adhere to this as well. I don't argue in a way that conflicts with my personality outside of the Internet.

If you were to read some of the first posts I made in forums when I began to venture on-line, you might feel inclined to gouge your eyes out. I altered my manner of writing as time progressed to reflect my own evolving preferences, I think it's unsafe to suggest that children are so impressionable that exposure to the Internet will damage their interpretation of civil or reasonable behavior because it's not necessarily true. Some people will choose to act differently as they get older, some will not; I don't think it much matters because everyone will have their own personal motivations for engaging in discussion in on-line communities. Some people may indeed just be venting under the guise of anonymity, but others may simply be having fun playing around in a way that suits them best and are not particularly rude to anyone.

Ultimately, I think the ease with which one can find communities that embrace, or at least allow for, civil discussion on-line is evidence against the perceived dominance of arrogance or inane argument on the Internet. Individuals should still ideally be considered in regards to their own actions by all of those who communicate with them because a negative behavioral generalization of people on-line won't necessarily be true of everyone even on websites like 4Chan or GameFAQs.

Edited by Wist
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I wasn't speaking generally, if "I think it's unsafe to suggest that children are so impressionable that exposure to the Internet will damage their interpretation of civil or reasonable behavior" is for me. It does happen, but I suppose I was unclear and made it sound like I think it is common.

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Well see, it's easy to be an asshole behind anonymity, but it's a challenge to be respectful. The only proper way to be accepted in all groups, is to be respectful.

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I act the same here as I do IRL. I can be respectful, nice, and very thoughtful. However, I can also be a flaming bastard. If I feel you're acting retarded, I'll call you on it. You guys think me and Masu only flame each other here? We always attack each other IRL. We're comfortable enough with ourselves to not take everything so seriously. I don't need to hide behind a screen. These words are nothing but a projection of myself with a cooler different name.

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I act the same here as I do IRL.


I guess it's easier to be an asshole in the internet cause the consequences are far less worse on the internet than in real life.

Scenario 1 (Internet)...

Person A: Go eat a dick fatass.

Person B (is an admin): Fuck you. *Bans from site*

Summary: Pretty harmless.

Scenario 2 (IRL)...

Person A: Go eat a dick fatass.

Person B: *Beats up person A* All talk. What a pussy.

Summary: Painful.

IMO, acting differently on the net is stupid. It's like they're trying to escape reality, which is pretty pointless.

Edited by Boo
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I guess it's easier to be an asshole in the internet cause the consequences are far less worse on the internet than in real life.

IMO, acting differently on the net is stupid. It's like they're trying to escape reality, which is pretty pointless.

Yeah. I must say, I am a bit harsher on the internet, but that's only because a majority of my friends are female, and I have been raised to be a gentleman. I am, however, still a douche to guys XD.

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IMO, acting differently on the net is stupid. It's like they're trying to escape reality, which is pretty pointless.

Escaping reality is one of the main attractives of the internet, however.

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Funny thing is I've heard of the opposite being true.

That is people being nice online but offline they are basically rude, sarcastic* jerks.

*-Well you know how it is sarcasm doesn't work well on the internet (or the written word).

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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Just like they described in Death Note, (most) people are their true selves on the internet because you remain annonymous. Or because people just get a kick out of being an asshole, one of the two

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On the internet, you can be anything. Because there is no physical interaction or representation, you can be the strongest, fastest, most attractive person in the world. It's based on that lack of normal interaction that individuals communicate in such a manner, and that relative anonymity acts as a source of strength for a lot of people. There are no real repercussions for behaving coarsely to another, and that is one of the real reasons that individuals behave as they do on the internet.

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It has to do with the fact that you aren't looking the persons' faces.

Most of the language goes through gestures, and online that is impossible. Therefore the brain works differently in most cases.

Can't cite the study I was looking for- it'll take sometime to track that in a psychology book I was reading.

It was about a study made along this lines, about some group of strangers talking online. When checking conversations, they found many of them were far more sexual in them. Then went on explaining what I said above.

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Yeah, like many people have stated before me, you are anonymous on the internet. And most people think, who cares what some dude I hardly know who lives on the other side of world thinks about me. And when I read comments, I unconciously don't connect them with an actual person's answers. While in real life that person is in front of you.

But I try to act on the internet just like I act normaly. But I think just about everyone is a bit less polite here than in real life.

Edited by Ragnell
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