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Chapter 32 on eliwood's story is too hard for me

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so yesterday i found an emulator for the game boy advanced (since i don't have my super old GBA anymore) and found FE7 on it and like any other nostalgia craving dumbass spent all of those 2 days without any sleep trying to rebeat the entire game and dear god i fucking hate it i got all the way to the final chapter and just can't seem to keep all my units alive (example of such: my hawkeye missed his second hit with the brave axe on morph uhai and that means wil's crit wasn't able to finish him off and wil died, Pent misses a elfire and ends up dying from kenneth and etc <i  have too many>) please somebody for gods sakes please have a strategy for me i'm fucking begging oh yeah also here's the emulator you can save you're data as a computer file


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5 minutes ago, Ghostly Sennias said:

so yesterday i found an emulator for the game boy advanced (since i don't have my super old GBA anymore) and found FE7 on it and like any other nostalgia craving dumbass spent all of those 2 days without any sleep trying to rebeat the entire game and dear god i fucking hate it i got all the way to the final chapter and just can't seem to keep all my units alive (example of such: my hawkeye missed his second hit with the brave axe on morph uhai and that means wil's crit wasn't able to finish him off and wil died, Pent misses a elfire and ends up dying from kenneth and etc <i  have too many>) please somebody for gods sakes please have a strategy for me i'm fucking begging oh yeah also here's the emulator you can save you're data as a computer file

I think I will pass along some small bits of advice. Don't be afraid to overuse Athos, he can clear this map if you use him carefully (and don't forget to hand him a Luna tome if you have one). Don't fight Uhai at range, stay out of his range, let him come closer, and surround him, taking advantage of him not having 1 range. If have uses of Ninis's Grace, and Filla's Might, consider using them when you need more defenses/offense. Be warned reinforcements will arrive from the bottom of the map after you open the door to Nergal.

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Just have Athos go to town on the Morphs with Luna, it's the simplest way to clear the map. 

I remember that the very first time I played this map I got my ass kicked, similar to you, but after playing it several times and becoming more experienced with FE in general this map ended up being pretty easy. Although, how easy the map will be will depend a bit on what resources you have left.

For combat it's honestly ok to let Athos do like 90% of the work. For some of the bosses he needs Nini's Grace to comfortably survive, but so long as you didn't kill Nils you probably still have at least a few uses of the ring at this point. Using Pure Waters or the Barrier staff when taking on the room with the magic enemies also does the trick. If you still have uses on either the Sleep or Berserk staff left taking on the Reed brothers is almost a joke. The Berserk staff will make them kill each other, while the Sleep staff will let you take them on one at a time. Either option allows you to negate their A support. Athos has a massive 30 Magic, so he has a pretty reasonable hit rate on them from up close with status staves. 

I believe that there's a Swordslayer axe somewhere in the lategame in ENM, probably in Sands of Time but I haven't checked. If you have that thing, it makes short work of Lloyd. Harken makes the best use of it, but I suppose that Hawkeye would do the trick too. He gets doubled and probably killed, but with Nini's Grace he should survive ez pz.

I know that I'm repeating myself, but Athos with Luna can 1 or 2 round most of the Morphs. His other tomes are ok too if you somehow lost both of the Luna tomes, but Luna is Athos' best tome by far.

If you still have uses in the Warp and Rescue staves they're really nice in this map to quickly reposition your units. You can have Athos murdering everyone in one room but then send him all the way across the map in 1 turn with these staves. The game doesn't really give you many chances to do Warp skips, so you probably still have at least 1 or 2 uses left by now. Maybe you even have the Hammerne staff left to recover some uses.

There are some Berserk staves near Nergal, so have Pent carry a Restore staff just in case. You can probably kill Nergal in 1 turn, but it doesn't hurt to have the extra safety.

The Fire Dragon is an absolute joke for Athos. With a bit of luck he can straight up OHKO it, although in most scenarios it takes 2 turns. It doesn't even matter if your Hector and Eliwood are crap.

EDIT: Do you have the actual save file? Your link just takes me to the emulator with an empty file. It'd be easier to show you something specific if I had an actual file, or at least knew what your units and items are.

EDIT 2: If you still have the Body Ring from Sands of Time, giving it to Athos is a good idea. This far into the game there aren't any other good candidates for it anyway, and IIRC the +2 CON lets him hit some doubling thresholds with Luna that he would otherwise miss, but I'm not 100% certain on that one.

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Multiposting because I got ninja'd and I don't think I can quote when editing, but:

15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Don't be afraid to overuse Athos

I would go a step beyond that and instead say: "Abuse Athos for all you can. If the game is going to give you an absolutely busted unit but only for 1 map, might as well squeeze all the use you can out of it" xd

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  • eclipse changed the title to Chapter 32 on eliwood's story is too hard for me

RE: the bosses:

Uhai can't counter direct attacks. Worst comes to worst, you can just surround him with 3 or 4 units and he'll be unable to do anything, freeing you to kill everything else. Of course, you're gonna want to allow him to leave his room before doing so.
Kenneth won't move unless someone gets in his range. Also, Athos wrecks him with Luna. You can set up someone with Barrier or Pure Water beforehand, thus cutting his threat level by a lot. That being said, the Bolting Sage in that room is who you should be most worried about.
Brendan is easily foiled by a sword user, but if he hits, it'll hurt like hell as he has 52 attack (and the Silver Bow warrior nearby might finish off whoever he attacked if he hit). You're best off allowing him to leave his room before engaging him.
Darin gets wrecked hard by Hector or any good mage. Like Athos.
Jerme is a joke, as he only has 22 attack with his Runesword.
Ursula is fairly speedy despite being weighed down, and unlike Jerme, she actually hurts, so mind who you allow to battle her.
Lloyd is deadly up close, but can't do jack if attacked from range. You'll probably want to have Athos Luna him twice, as he can be aggravating to deal with (especially as he has an A support with Linus that makes them harder to kill if they're within three spaces of each other, which they are to start). Linus has a Brave Sword (allows consecutive attacks), so keep fragile and/or slow units away from him. You can also just put one of the two to sleep if you got the Sleep staff, then allow the other to leave the room, and the other's support range.
Nergal is best dealt with using Aureola or Luna. Note that you'll want to have units near the top end ready to act before you kill the last enemy, as once Nergal's room is opened, there's a Druid with a Berserk staff that you're really gonna want to squish before he can get the chance to use it.

The final boss does fixed, defense ignoring damage (37). Because of this, you'll want to set a unit who can significantly damage it, is fast enough to not get doubled, AND has 38 HP at least WITHOUT ATTACKING (at least unless you have Physic); note that this is likely to be one of the lords or Athos, as they all get weapons effective against it. Of course, Luna works here too. 

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Alright, I went and recorded a little something. The TL;DR is that I did the final map with just Athos, Pent, Hawkeye and Nils, all of them at base level, to show how easy this is when you just let Athos destroy everything.

I don't consider this to be particularly impressive, but it gives you a good idea of what you can do in this map when you put your best resources to work. I wanted to note a couple of things about this, so I'll copy/paste it from the description I put on Youtube:

Some things to note:

> I didn't feel like playing FE7 all over from the beginning just to show this, so I grabbed a random save file I had lying around where I was at Cog of Destiny in HHM. The OP of the thread was probably asking for ENM, but IIRC the bosses of this map are mostly the same.

> To accelerate the process of getting to the final map I used some cheats to give Hector capped MOV. Lyn and Eliwood also have +3 MOV. However, this doesn't impact this map because I never make them move more than 5 tiles in a turn (which would be their normal MOV). I also had some super haxed Paladins with everything capped and Uber Spears to get to the final map faster, but I don't deploy them on this map for obvious reasons.

> I wanted to show the Fire Dragon kill, but unfortunately this is HHM and I got unlucky with the STR roll. The Dragon got the maximum possible STR, so he OHKO's Athos and thus killing it is impossible with the units that I deployed. I do want to note, however, that this is very unlucky and it can't happen in ENM anyways.

Resources that I used:


  • Athos
  • Pent
  • Hawkeye
  • Nils

I should note that both Pent and Hawkeye are at base level, meaning that all 3 of the combat units I'm using require exactly 0 investment. I can't undeploy the lords obviously, so I just keep them out of the way.

Notable Items:

  • Luna
  • Brave Axe
  • Ninis' Grace
  • Warp Staff
  • Physics Staff
  • Restore Staff
  • 1 Elixir
  • 1 Pure Water

I had a few other items but nothing as key as these. The Iron Rune is important, but there's no way you miss out on it. Athos has to use Forblaze to kill generic Druids to conserve Luna uses, but again, you can't miss out on getting Forblaze. The tome that Pent uses doesn't matter too much. I also had a Rescue staff ready but I end up not needing it.

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1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

RE: the bosses:

Uhai can't counter direct attacks. Worst comes to worst, you can just surround him with 3 or 4 units and he'll be unable to do anything, freeing you to kill everything else. Of course, you're gonna want to allow him to leave his room before doing so.
Kenneth won't move unless someone gets in his range. Also, Athos wrecks him with Luna. You can set up someone with Barrier or Pure Water beforehand, thus cutting his threat level by a lot. That being said, the Bolting Sage in that room is who you should be most worried about.
Brendan is easily foiled by a sword user, but if he hits, it'll hurt like hell as he has 52 attack (and the Silver Bow warrior nearby might finish off whoever he attacked if he hit). You're best off allowing him to leave his room before engaging him.
Darin gets wrecked hard by Hector or any good mage. Like Athos.
Jerme is a joke, as he only has 22 attack with his Runesword.
Ursula is fairly speedy despite being weighed down, and unlike Jerme, she actually hurts, so mind who you allow to battle her.
Lloyd is deadly up close, but can't do jack if attacked from range. You'll probably want to have Athos Luna him twice, as he can be aggravating to deal with (especially as he has an A support with Linus that makes them harder to kill if they're within three spaces of each other, which they are to start). Linus has a Brave Sword (allows consecutive attacks), so keep fragile and/or slow units away from him. You can also just put one of the two to sleep if you got the Sleep staff, then allow the other to leave the room, and the other's support range.
Nergal is best dealt with using Aureola or Luna. Note that you'll want to have units near the top end ready to act before you kill the last enemy, as once Nergal's room is opened, there's a Druid with a Berserk staff that you're really gonna want to squish before he can get the chance to use it.

The final boss does fixed, defense ignoring damage (37). Because of this, you'll want to set a unit who can significantly damage it, is fast enough to not get doubled, AND has 38 HP at least WITHOUT ATTACKING (at least unless you have Physic); note that this is likely to be one of the lords or Athos, as they all get weapons effective against it. Of course, Luna works here too. 

i'll be entirely honest none of my lords have 37 health my highest health lord is hector with 35 then lyn with 33 and eliwood has 28

also my main strategy has been have hawkeye attack uhai with a silver axe and hope to god that 29% crit chance kicks in and instakills then i have athos with my canas go to the top left and forblaze + nosferatu the absolute fuck out of kenneth and the morph while markus and pent wait at the axe area with my valkyrie priscilla nearby so when ursula comes in pent can just elfire it dead in like 2 or 3 confrontations before having hawkeye and markus go after laus and once more athos and canas fuck the final 2 over and then lyn hector and eliwood fuck over the 3 units with the new weapons and then have athos super weaken nergal before having eliwood take the final hit but my main problem is the dragons breath it keeps fucking one shotting any of my lords although on my first time getting to the dragon i admit that markus did die

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16 minutes ago, Ghostly Sennias said:

i'll be entirely honest none of my lords have 37 health my highest health lord is hector with 35 then lyn with 33 and eliwood has 28

also my main strategy has been have hawkeye attack uhai with a silver axe and hope to god that 29% crit chance kicks in and instakills then i have athos with my canas go to the top left and forblaze + nosferatu the absolute fuck out of kenneth and the morph while markus and pent wait at the axe area with my valkyrie priscilla nearby so when ursula comes in pent can just elfire it dead in like 2 or 3 confrontations before having hawkeye and markus go after laus and once more athos and canas fuck the final 2 over and then lyn hector and eliwood fuck over the 3 units with the new weapons and then have athos super weaken nergal before having eliwood take the final hit but my main problem is the dragons breath it keeps fucking one shotting any of my lords although on my first time getting to the dragon i admit that markus did die

Well, that's what Athos is for. He has enough HP to take a hit from the dragon, and can hit it back with Luna (or Forblaze or Aureola).

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40 minutes ago, Ghostly Sennias said:

my main problem is the dragons breath it keeps fucking one shotting any of my lords although on my first time getting to the dragon i admit that markus did die

Like @Shadow Mir said, that's what you have Athos for. He has 40 HP, so the Dragon will never OHKO him in ENM. In HHM it can roll more STR and do 40 damage, but that's not the case in ENM (which is what I assume you're playing on).

All you have to do is have Athos wait in front of the Dragon with Luna or one of the legendary tomes equipped and heal him to full every turn. Just put everyone else out of the Dragon's range and you're gucci.

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If you still have Physics staves, those are excellent to keep Athos healthy with zero risk and without any rescue/drops required. If you bring multiple healers (Serra+Priscilla+Pent, for example), you might be able to attack the dragon on both player phase and enemy phase, but I'd recommend doing the maths beforehand ;):

Nils is quite useful here - he can either refresh your best healer (Pent, most likely) or use one of his special dances to boost Athos's damage or crit. The latter pairs well with Luna's innate crit rate.

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This is in Athos' page in FE WIki: "Despite it seeming like a waste of a Speedwing or Body Ring, giving one to Athos is highly advised, as he can possibly one-round the final boss with one, due to the fact that he will be able to double with the Luna tome equipped. A Filla's Might can also make him the only unit in the game capable of OHKOing the Fire Dragon". So... yeah? Giving him a speed wing sounds a nice idea.


  •  For the final boss:

 - Your first turn: you should let Athos kill him alone, so attack the dragon and then heal Athos with physics (probably using Pent, but thats up to you of course)

 - Enemy turn: The dragon will attack Athos and he will counterattack (obviously, you should leave everyone else out of its range)

 - Your next turns: Heal Athos with physics (since he was injured by the dragon on enemy phase), Then attack the dragon with Athos, refresh Pent(or whoever you're using to heal Athos) with Nils and then heal Athos again so he will be full health again by the enemy turn. Repeat this step for every player phase now until you kill the dragon.


 As for Light part one, use save states if you can, and abuse Nils as much as possible (give him boots if you can too, so he will reach whoever is needed to be refreshed in time). Also, Jerme is a joke but beware because he is an assassin so he can instakill your units if he gets lucky (I don't think he can do this with ranged attack though, bu not 100% sure, so you better try to stay in 2 tiles range from him I guess?)

 Also, you might want to build your last supports in Light part 1 after Nergal's door is open but none of your units is in his (or his henchmen's) range yet, its the best time to do it and if you don't get in anyone's range you can spend several turns grinding supports. In light part 2 you can also build supports for the same pairings even if you raised their support level in Light part 1 since it counts as a different chapter (and also there is that special Pent and Louise conversation, if you managed to have the other two). And don't forget to give the S rank weapons to whoever in your army can use them.


Also, I always thought that I was being awesomely smart and creative for giving Luna to Athos when I first played this chapter, but guess its almost common sense and everyone did it. Maybe I should feel a little less proud of myself...


 Anyway, I also put a GIF here for you with the order that the doors are going to open in Light part one, it might be useful to you.


 EDIT: Actually, now I see that the GIF is not working so here is the link from where I got it, it should work now: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/4/4e/RnKF1.gif/revision/latest?cb=20091129180455



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1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Despite it seeming like a waste of a Speedwing or Body Ring, giving one to Athos is highly advised

While a Speedwing isn't necessarily a "waste" on Athos, it's extremely unlikely you still have a spare one at this point of the game. This game is stupidly stingy with the Speedwings. In normal mode you get a single early Speedwings from Zoldam but you have to steal it, while in hard mode you don't get a single one until Pale Flower of Darkness and that's only if you go to the Kenneth map. The only other one is in Night of Farewells. HHM taunts you with a stealable Speedwings in The Berserker that you can't realistically get because you only have 1 free deployment slot that you're definitely not spending on a thief. So the chances that you still have a Speedwings by the time you reach Light are very slim.

The Body Ring though is totally worth giving to Athos. You get the last one at a point where no one else can really make use of it. I don't know if it's enough to double the Fire Dragon but I do remember that you can hit a few doubling thresholds that he misses out on otherwise.

1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Also, Jerme is a joke but beware because he is an assassin so he can instakill your units if he gets lucky (I don't think he can do this with ranged attack though, bu not 100% sure, so you better try to stay in 2 tiles range from him I guess?)

Jerme cannot crit you at 2 range with the Runesword. Jerme will also always prioritize attacking at 2 range so he will never proc Silencer on your units.

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2 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Also, Jerme is a joke but beware because he is an assassin so he can instakill your units if he gets lucky (I don't think he can do this with ranged attack though, bu not 100% sure, so you better try to stay in 2 tiles range from him I guess?)


1 hour ago, GonzoMD1993 said:

Jerme cannot crit you at 2 range with the Runesword. Jerme will also always prioritize attacking at 2 range so he will never proc Silencer on your units.

Also, the Runesword will always use magic to attack, even at 1 range. What's more, it cannot crit, period.

1 hour ago, GonzoMD1993 said:

While a Speedwing isn't necessarily a "waste" on Athos, it's extremely unlikely you still have a spare one at this point of the game. This game is stupidly stingy with the Speedwings. In normal mode you get a single early Speedwings from Zoldam but you have to steal it, while in hard mode you don't get a single one until Pale Flower of Darkness and that's only if you go to the Kenneth map. The only other one is in Night of Farewells. HHM taunts you with a stealable Speedwings in The Berserker that you can't realistically get because you only have 1 free deployment slot that you're definitely not spending on a thief. So the chances that you still have a Speedwings by the time you reach Light is very slim.

The Body Ring though is totally worth giving to Athos. You get the last one at a point where no one else can really make use of it. I don't know if it's enough to double the Fire Dragon but I do remember that you can hit a few doubling thresholds that he misses out on otherwise.

He has 9 con, right? A Body Ring bumps that up to 11. Luna weighs 12. The Fire Dragon has 15 speed (at least, unless you're playing HHM), so that allows him to double it.

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One trick I use is to run away from Uhai at the start. Even though you have units in range, it's unlikely that a single one of your units will be able to oneround. If, however, you run out of his range, he'll move his full move to approach you and then you can gang up on him with more units. Also, it might seem strange to do so but if you can open a door early (only if you know you can handle it) then the turn where that door would normally be open will instead skip to the next door. If part of your issue is that facing a new room of enemies is too much for you, you can open a door early to buy yourself an extra turn later. I usually do this with either Darin's door or Brendan's door.

1 hour ago, GonzoMD1993 said:

Jerme cannot crit you at 2 range with the Runesword. Jerme will also always prioritize attacking at 2 range so he will never proc Silencer on your units.

Jerme actually can't proc silencer. Silencer is completely unique to Jaffar in fe7.

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1 minute ago, OriginalRaisins said:

Jerme actually can't proc silencer. Silencer is completely unique to Jaffar in fe7.

I would say it's less that and more that his weapon prevents him from performing a critical hit at all.

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18 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I would say it's less that and more that his weapon prevents him from performing a critical hit at all.

He can't proc it in ch 25/27 and he has a light brand equipped in that map, which can crit. Also I'm not sure whether or not Runesword can crit in melee.

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19 minutes ago, OriginalRaisins said:

Jerme actually can't proc silencer. Silencer is completely unique to Jaffar in fe7.

Wait, what about promoted Matthew and Legault? I have basically no experience with promoting them, but I'm pretty sure all character guides I've ever seen mention silencer for them.

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1 minute ago, ping said:

Wait, what about promoted Matthew and Legault? I have basically no experience with promoting them, but I'm pretty sure all character guides I've ever seen mention silencer for them.

Almost 100% certain they can't proc it. I have no actual evidence for the claim it's just hearsay from the time I've spent around people who would probably know this sort of thing.

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48 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

He has 9 con, right? A Body Ring bumps that up to 11. Luna weighs 12. The Fire Dragon has 15 speed (at least, unless you're playing HHM), so that allows him to double it.

Ah, I see. Yeah that would allow Athos to double the Fire Dragon.

51 minutes ago, OriginalRaisins said:

Jerme actually can't proc silencer. Silencer is completely unique to Jaffar in fe7.

Interesting, I actually had no idea. I always thought that the entire point of giving Jerme magic swords was so that he couldn't proc Silencer on your units, so I never considered that he just didn't have Silencer at all.

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33 minutes ago, OriginalRaisins said:

Almost 100% certain they can't proc it. I have no actual evidence for the claim it's just hearsay from the time I've spent around people who would probably know this sort of thing.

I just remembered that Mekkah did these :lol: And luckily, he opened this video with Matthew silencing Canas. I guess it's possible that possible that the Link Arena follows different rules, but since this is the first time I've seen the claim that Silencer is Jaffar-exclusive, I'll assume that your sources are wrong on this one. I don't have any save file close enough to the end to check myself right now, though.

Maybe it's that Jaffar is the only enemy who can proc Silencer? Even if he's only a red unit in cutscenes? That would make sense, since it would be an anti-frustration "cheat" by the developers.

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12 hours ago, OriginalRaisins said:

Almost 100% certain they can't proc it. I have no actual evidence for the claim it's just hearsay from the time I've spent around people who would probably know this sort of thing.

11 hours ago, ping said:

I just remembered that Mekkah did these :lol: And luckily, he opened this video with Matthew silencing Canas. I guess it's possible that possible that the Link Arena follows different rules, but since this is the first time I've seen the claim that Silencer is Jaffar-exclusive, I'll assume that your sources are wrong on this one. I don't have any save file close enough to the end to check myself right now, though.

Maybe it's that Jaffar is the only enemy who can proc Silencer? Even if he's only a red unit in cutscenes? That would make sense, since it would be an anti-frustration "cheat" by the developers.

Out of curiosity I went ahead and checked it. I couldn't be bothered to play all the way up to Cog of Destiny to check, so I used cheats to get a Fell Contract and a bunch of stat boosters super early. I can confirm that Matthew can proc Silencer; it's not a Link Arena only thing. 

Can't say if enemy Assassins have Silencer or not though. I'd have to find some kind of cheat that lets me give Jerme a regular sword.

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In the end I couldn't help my curiosity and I went to test if Jerme could proc Silencer xd I used the Mine glitch in the final chapter to make Jerme discard the Runesword and instead take the Regal Sword and the Brave Sword from the Reed brothers, and then let him use Oswin like a practice dummy. As it turns out, Jerme CAN proc Silencer when he's holding a weapon that doesn't negate his crit like the Runesword. I was using the emulator speed up while fishing for crits so the video isn't super smooth, but I did slow it down to normal when I saw the Silencer proc.

I find it weird that I've never seen Jerme proc Silencer in Pale Flower of Darkness since the Light Brand can crit, but it's possible that his SKL is just too low to crit most of your units. Wouldn't be surprised, seeing how the Jerme in Light barely has 11 crit on my 3 LCK Oswin and considering that the Pale Flower of Darkness Jerme has like 10 less SKL and also doesn't have the S Rank crit bonus.

EDIT: Alright, since I spent this much time on this already I decided to go all the way and see what was the deal with Jerme in Pale Flower of Darkness. And in short, yes, Jerme CAN proc Silencer with the Light Brand. Meaning that in any regular playthrough, without hacks or cheats or anything, if you're unlucky enough Jerme could instakill one of your units.

There's a few caveats, however. The main one being that the Light Brand sets your crit to 0 at 2 range, but only at 2 range. I found this out testing, but it was actually written in the Serenes Forest Page (here, to be precise: https://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/miscellaneous/calculations/; "Note 1: Critical rate is 0 if user attacks with a Light Brand (indirect), Runesword or Wind Sword (indirect)"), which is different from the Runesword which negates your crit at both 1 and 2 range. When you couple this with the fact that Jerme will ALWAYS attack you at 2 range if you're holding a 1 range weapon and the fact that even at 1 range he only has like 10 crit (so any unit with 10+ luck has a 0% chance of getting crit), chances are that you will never, ever see Jerme proc Silencer even though he's actually capable of proccing it.

Jerme Light Brand Silencer:


Jerme Silencer in Light (with weapons traded with the Mine glitch):





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