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Rumoured FE games in development


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Not that surprised at the announcement of Three Houses Warriors, they have already done something similar for Zelda and TH is the best selling game in the franchise. Kinda dissapointed due to being burned out on Three Houses, but I might give it a shot when it comes out.

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18 minutes ago, Metal Flash said:

Not that surprised at the announcement of Three Houses Warriors, they have already done something similar for Zelda and TH is the best selling game in the franchise. Kinda dissapointed due to being burned out on Three Houses, but I might give it a shot when it comes out.

That and also, let's face it - KT already did the main game, so they could recycle the assets quite a bit. It makes sense from an development operation point as well.

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13 hours ago, Metal Flash said:

Not that surprised at the announcement of Three Houses Warriors, they have already done something similar for Zelda and TH is the best selling game in the franchise. Kinda dissapointed due to being burned out on Three Houses, but I might give it a shot when it comes out.

It makes sense on many levels. There's also the heavy similarities between Three Houses and Three Kingdoms. Koei's influence was profound. In a good way I think.


I would still pay damn good money for History Mode dlc.

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7 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

It makes sense on many levels. There's also the heavy similarities between Three Houses and Three Kingdoms. Koei's influence was profound. In a good way I think.

Funny enough, according to an interview, the Three Kingdoms influence was actually from IS looking over Koei Tecmo's past games when recruiting them for Three Houses, rather than being directly from Koei Tecmo.

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10 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

It makes sense on many levels. There's also the heavy similarities between Three Houses and Three Kingdoms. Koei's influence was profound. In a good way I think.

Oh I don`t deny that it makes sense, I am just not hyped personally.

16 minutes ago, jloweis said:

Hmm, what are the chances of a Fire Emblem direct, say, a month or 2 before the FEW2 release? Like, similar to the one that revealed Echoes? Maybe that's how they would show the next mainline game?

If the rumor about three games being in development is true, it is possible they could have a direct focused on Fire Emblem. I would love for it to happen, but the likelyhood of it happening is pretty slim.

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8 hours ago, jloweis said:

Hmm, what are the chances of a Fire Emblem direct, say, a month or 2 before the FEW2 release? Like, similar to the one that revealed Echoes? Maybe that's how they would show the next mainline game?

It's really hard to say. I don't think we'll be getting an FE Direct anytime soon, as much as I'd love one. I think the next time we get one will probably be around the announcement of the successor to the Switch, whatever that may be. We'd get a new game on the dying system, a Port or two of the older games onto the new system, and an announcement or two for the new system. Add in an official Warriors sequel, and we've got a good Direct. But again, that wouldn't be for a couple of years at best.

As for the next game's announcement, things are...tricky. If NateTheHate is remotely accurate, then we should be getting a remake next year. They have 2-3 potential dates to announce this. The first is during the Summer - previously E3 - Direct. That way they have a year of hype and anticipation to build off of. I'm not sold on this for a couple of reasons though. Not only would a new announcement cut into FEW:TH's marketing mere weeks before the game comes out, it would also mean that fans would have to wait a year before the next game. The last time IntSys did that was with Three Houses...and it was delayed a year. Since then, announcing games a few months before the release date assures that there aren't any delays, and that the media blitz is quick and painless. 

The second potential date would be the Fall/September Direct. This still feels too soon IMO, but that's assuming IntSys is releasing a game in the summer of 2023. If they decide that the next game is ready ahead of schedule, and January is now a profitable month thanks to Pokemon, then a September Direct may be the best time to announce it. If this hypothetical game is coming in summer, then it still may be too early. 

A potential December Direct is also a possibility, but since those are hit-or-miss, I'm not counting on it until I see it. 

Lastly would be the February 2023 Direct. If the game is coming out in the summer, then this is the time to announce it. 


If Markomaro is correct, then they could space out the announcements throughout the year. We could an announcement for an Echoes game in either June or September for a November/December release, depending on how the rest of the year shapes up. Then, during the September Direct, we could get an announcement for a third game coming in early 2022...although by that point, I'd rather they focus on DLC and QOL Support for FEW:TH and promoting the upcoming release. We can wait until February for a third game's announcement. 



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On 2/11/2022 at 1:38 PM, jloweis said:

Hmm, what are the chances of a Fire Emblem direct, say, a month or 2 before the FEW2 release? Like, similar to the one that revealed Echoes? Maybe that's how they would show the next mainline game?

very-very slim. i already said it somewhere why. which is because not wise at all to announce same series in the same system back to back. the audience are pretty much exactly same, you're just dividing sales

while in 2017 announcement case, it was=
1. echoes: 3ds / new3ds game: Echoes
2. new3ds exclusive + switch port (or the other  way around): warrior
3. switch exclusive title: FE3H
4. mobile game: FEH

but nintendo only has switch at the moment, and mobile game still going strong afaik. and no way IS would announce a game without saying it will coming to switch. because that indirectly saying new nintendo console is coming, which is overstepping nintendo (going to other console is also a no-no for 1st party titles of nintendo)

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10 hours ago, joevar said:

very-very slim. i already said it somewhere why. which is because not wise at all to announce same series in the same system back to back. the audience are pretty much exactly same, you're just dividing sales

while in 2017 announcement case, it was=
1. echoes: 3ds / new3ds game: Echoes
2. new3ds exclusive + switch port (or the other  way around): warrior
3. switch exclusive title: FE3H
4. mobile game: FEH

but nintendo only has switch at the moment, and mobile game still going strong afaik. and no way IS would announce a game without saying it will coming to switch. because that indirectly saying new nintendo console is coming, which is overstepping nintendo (going to other console is also a no-no for 1st party titles of nintendo)

While demand curve is always a consideration, that's just an oversimplification of how game dev works.


The next FE isn't sitting completed on someone's flash drive with a "do not release until 6 months after Fire Emblem Warriors" sticky note on it. It's still in development, with a planned release window at some point. Nor is this game slowing down that development, because Omegaforce's team isn't developing Fire Emblem. 

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In the latest podcast episode, NateTheHate notes that he was surprised by Three Hopes and still thinks a new FE game - one he said will have a will have a feature hinted at in the thumbnail of his Direct predictions video* - could still come out in the second half of the year, harkening back to 2017 when Echoes released in May and Warriors released that September. I think most of us would like this to be true, but this all is dependent upon trusting NateTheHate, particularly after Jon from Good Vibes Gaming (and formerly Nintendo Life and GameXplain) went through the hassle of showing how easy it is to be a fake leaker. Humorously, If NateTheHate is right in that we have an original release sometime later this year (or next year), and a Genealogy or other remake after that, then that would ironically prove Markomaro right in their prediction of three FE games. I'm a lot more skeptical of Markomaro - even a broken clock is right twice a day, after all. 

If there's a new mainline FE game coming this year, then I (and even NateTheHate) think that the September Direct is the best time. Again, the second half of the year is pretty empty right about now, and even if the game released in December, there would still be roughly three months of promotion time. It could also serve as a fun reversal from this Direct. We could start with some Xenoblade 3 stuff to remind fans about the game, and then end with a new Fire Emblem coming in November/December. Whichever isn't Bayonetta 3 or BOTW2, if it releases this year.** Or they could randomly release the trailer in July/August and have the game ready by October. That works too. 

But all of this is predicated on the next game being ready or ready by the end of the year, and that's not a guarantee. 


*In terms of the hint, I think it was supposed to hint at a morality system. But honestly who knows. 

**If I had to guess at this time: 

September: Xenoblade 3

October: Bayonetta 3

November/December: BOTW2, if it can come out this year and New Mainline FE to close the year in the other month. 

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12 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

While demand curve is always a consideration, that's just an oversimplification of how game dev works.


The next FE isn't sitting completed on someone's flash drive with a "do not release until 6 months after Fire Emblem Warriors" sticky note on it. It's still in development, with a planned release window at some point. Nor is this game slowing down that development, because Omegaforce's team isn't developing Fire Emblem. 

why do you keep insisting on claiming a point that i dont make in my statement? lol

i hate omegaforce yes. that should be upfront since that is obvious. but no, i didnt think their inclusion or not hinder development. since there are so many part in development that can be done without their technical expertise readily available at the moment. they could work in storyboard, character design, etc. that much i know.

i only said about announcement and sales. not about development. it could be almost done, it could be long way to go. but the fact remain that we are in the dark. so we can only focus and analyze or hyped on whats already announced. if there are FEWarrior and FEremake announcement (with dates!) , dont you think there will be a lot more people with thought like: "i will not buy the warrior because the remake is just a couple months wait" ??

people who care and check rumor are minority only no-lyfe and harcore fans . if majority of people see a new FEWarrior, then next fire emblem title IS warrior for all they care. thats what people gonna buy.

i mean, just look at Xenoblade 3, its just over half year till release date since first announcement. why didnt they announce it in 2020 or 2021? its the AAA-game of switch, ofc its already in development in who knows how many years. why only when its near release. not like next Zelda ? did their work on zelda hinder xenoblade3? isnt it clear at this point XEno 3 will launch before Botw 2 (doesnt have date yet) despite monolith-soft is like "omegaforce to FE" in Zelda development?

tl;dr i just want to point out we wont get announcement. not about not getting progress in next FE, let alone next FE getting pushed to oblivion due to warrior

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On 2/11/2022 at 12:38 AM, jloweis said:

Hmm, what are the chances of a Fire Emblem direct, say, a month or 2 before the FEW2 release? Like, similar to the one that revealed Echoes? Maybe that's how they would show the next mainline game?

The more that I think about it, under the assumption that NateTheHate (and by proxy Markomaro) are right, then I could see something similar to an FE Direct but smaller throughout the year. Again, this is trusting the word of people who have spotty records at best and are downright wrong at worst, so take everything below with a HUGE amount of salt. 

IF we have Three Hopes, New Mainline Game, and Echoes 2 coming out between the end of this year and next year, I can see the promotional pattern being akin to: 

June/Former E3 Direct and Treehouse 2022 - Heavy Gameplay and story focus on Three Hopes, showing how this combines the Musou franchise and FE into something audiences may not have seen (despite Warriors being a thing). We get another story trailer, and then we also get a trailer/teaser for the New Mainline Game, coming in November/December.

September Direct 2022 - DLC for Three Hopes that will come out soon. We also get a longer story/gameplay trailer for the New Mainline Game, signaling the start of the main promotional push. 

February Direct 2023 - DLC for New Mainline Game announced and coming later that month/year (along with more DLC for Three Hopes potentially*), and the announcement of Echoes 2, coming that summer. This could be the optimal time for a10-15 min FE Direct, if they decide to go that route. You get to show off the DLC for two games and announce a third. Add in some merch, and you've got a nice solid thing.

June/Former E3 Direct and Treehouse 2023 - Heavy Gameplay and story focus on Echoes 2. 





This would be a LOT of FE content to enjoy. The salt from the tears of FE haters would make an excellent spice to whatever dish one desires. Moreover, it would solidify Nintendo's faith in Fire Emblem as a mainline series. (Which they do think of it as, if only a smaller one.) 

This may give Heroes about 2-3 more years of content.



This may create false expectations about FE's release schedule. It's not unheard of to have back-to-back releases: Gaiden (1992) and Mystery of the Emblem (1993) were released a year apart, as were Binding Blade (2002), Blazing Sword (2003), Sacred Stones (2004), and Path of Radiance (2005).**

The amount of DLC and the spacing of it would not only be expensive, but it may be overwhelming. 

Two mainline games and a sequel/spin-off released within two years is a LOT of content. It may be better to space it out. 



*Either the rest of the characters who weren't playable, new characters ala Ashen Wolves, or maybe even some crossover material. (Not likely, but Cipher characters and Rowan/Lianna I can see making it in.)

**In Japan, anyways. In America, Sacred Stones and PoR actually released the same year! 




EDIT: Apparently Emly Rogers is now reporting a second FE game from a post on famiboards. IDK how trustworthy this site is in terms of leaks, and I'm not sure how trustworthy Emily is. I know she's trusted more than SamusHunter (known fraud) and Markomaro (low accuracy rate at best), but I'm honestly not sure beyond that. Regardless, she's echoing or possibly even stealing what NateTheHate is saying about a second FE game coming out this year. She doesn't believe it's a set-in-stone thing, with the second half of 2023 being pretty packed, but she thinks it could couple with Bayonetta 3. 

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1 hour ago, Red Dingo said:

Remember when the last time there was a "leak" about a new Fire Emblem game,  it was supposed to be a Vampires vs Werewolves story?

Castlevania Emblem? That was such a fun leak! IIRC, some of the predictions actually turned out true, interestingly enough. More mature themes, Church fighting, and even some of the character descriptions match up some. ("Huon" has Jeralt's personality, "Mirela" sounds like a proto-Annette or Dorothea, while "Miruna" is a proto-Marianne or Linhardt.) 

It's a little disheartening that we haven't gotten any leaks like that one in a while, but I enjoy what we get. 


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12 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Castlevania Emblem? That was such a fun leak! IIRC, some of the predictions actually turned out true, interestingly enough. More mature themes, Church fighting, and even some of the character descriptions match up some. ("Huon" has Jeralt's personality, "Mirela" sounds like a proto-Annette or Dorothea, while "Miruna" is a proto-Marianne or Linhardt.) 

Man, it`s been AGES since I last heard about the Vampire Emblem leak. That was an interesting leak.

I am remaining sceptical of the three games claim until we get an official trailer for the remaining two. 

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2 hours ago, Metal Flash said:

I am remaining sceptical of the three games claim until we get an official trailer for the remaining two. 

That's fair and probably the right choice. I'm trying to separate speculation from expectation. It's fun to speculate and theorize; so long as one does so responsibly and doesn't turn them into expectation, we should be fine. 


On 2/22/2022 at 7:00 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

I mean, the hilarity of the situation is that Markomaro's 3 game leak is currently the most credible one since he's the only one who called a spinoff.

The irony of this situation isn't lost on me either. 

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So, as mentioned in the Three Warrior thread, we have 4Chan leaks

Should these "leaks" be trusted? Absolutely not! But they do make for fun conversation depending on the "leak", and every now and then a leak from 4Chan does happen to be true. Maybe that's the case here. Either way, we can have a little more fun speculation talk. 

You can check out the full leak above, but the part I want to talk about is at the bottom. At the end of the "leak" the leaker states that we'll be getting a FE game this year and one next year. This is a very old story at this point, with NateTheHate, Markomaro, Emily Rogers, and others jumping on this bandwagon now. It's easily the most popular FE theories of this year, and it's one that is honestly low-hanging fruit. So long as an original game and a remake come out, the leakers can say they were right. If the games come out later than expected, then they can claim "delays." The only real difference is which game leakers claim is first, and what the remake they all claim is.

This "leaker" claims that the next game will be an FE 6/7 remake under the Echoes banner. This "leaker" thinks it's coming out later this year, has a tentative title of "Flames of Elibe", and we'll see the New Mainline Game next year in 2023. Now, that title is...uh...also low-hanging fruit IMO, but the rest is the more interesting part. Markomaro (not trustworthy but ironically the most accurate of the FE leakers so far) has been on the 6/7 train for years now. NateTheHate (mostly accurate from what I can tell but has previously backed up some very wrong calls) fully believes that we'll see an original game co-developed with KT next and possibly at the end of this year, and we'll see a Genealogy remake next year. Emily Rogers (has a mixed but mostly accurate record from what I could find (which was really about her pre-2016/2018 era. I think her reupatation now isn't as great, but if someone could fact check me on that I'd be very happy!) states that there's another FE game in development that's been in the works for 3+ years and IntSys had help with a "support studio" on the game. This could match up with the New Mainline Game, with the aforementioned "support studio" being KT. Or it could be a remake. I honestly don't know. Now we have this "leaker" claiming that we'll get an FE 6/7 remake this year and a New Mainline Game next year. 

Overall, unless the rest of the Three Hopes "leak" turns out to be true, I'm less likely to believe someone who has no track record. And yes, the Three Hopes "leak" sounds amazing, but it could very well be one of those things that's too good to be true. Verifying Three Hopes stuff first will most likely validate the 6/7 + New Mainline Game stuff second. 

But in the meantime, we can still have fun with the ideas and dreams of this, so long as we speculate responsibly!

So, what do y'all think?

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2 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

So, as mentioned in the Three Warrior thread, we have 4Chan leaks

The story theories seem pretty solid, but also a bit too safe. Nothing that seems very difficult to guess. The only thing that might qualify is the mentions of lore expansions and other countries, but of course, that's where details are vague.

The roster is where it loses credibility to me. "Everyone is here" makes it sound too much like wish-fulfillment. It even uses the word 'only' for NPCs playable and proceeds to list most of the ones anyone actually cares about, only notably missing Gatekeeper and Ladislava (both a shame to miss out on if this leak turns out true). EDIT: Another issue is that it leaves very little room for DLC, and this game will have DLC.

This will probably be proven true or false when we find out the names of the cover OCs, which I suspect won't take long to be officially revealed.

And then another FE6+7 remake rumor...ugh. If only for that, I hope this is fake.

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2 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:


It honestly sounds like one of those "too good to be true" things. Every Three Houses playable character is on the Three Hopes roster, including the Ashen Wolves? All the major NPCs, too? That'd be great, and I hope it's true, but it seems too good. And then there's supposedly a FE6+7 remake later this year, and a brand new game next year? Elibe is my favorite Fire Emblem saga, so that'd be awesome for me, and a brand new game for next year on top of that? Fantastic. But, again...that just feels way too good to be true.

10 minutes ago, Red Dingo said:

I think a Genealogy-esque remake of the Elibe saga would be fantastic. Hell, make the Tactician a playable character with his own Supports-paired ending and a child in the Roy Arc and you've got the stuff of Game of the Year.

Eh, the thing with Elibe is that it really couldn't work in a Genealogy style, not without heavy changes. Of the 50+ playable characters in Binding Blade, only 11 of them are the children of Blazing Blade characters (Roy, Wolt, Lugh and Raigh, Sue, Lilina, Fir, Hugh, Klein and Clarine, and Igrene). And of those 11, 5 of them have set canonical parentage. Bartre and Karla are a canon couple and have Fir, as is Pent and Louise who have Klein and Clarine, and the games confirm that Canas and Hawkeye both have (or had) wives that mothered their children (Hugh and Igrene, respectively). Would the remaining 6 with only a single canon parent be the only ones to have some kind of inheritance skill? That would be a ton of work for an extraordinarily small percentage of the cast.

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I`m pretty mixed on this leak overall. 

On one hand, the roster claim feels like it falls under "too good to be true", with everyone from the OG game, including NPCs and the Ashen Wolves, being playable. I also can`t take the new classes claim seriously, since the choices feel rather arbitrary. 

On the other hand, the new characters are more or less what I and others have speculated. I also don`t doubt the game would expand on the lore of Three Houses.

I am remaining sceptical until official info comes out.

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9 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

It honestly sounds like one of those "too good to be true" things. Every Three Houses playable character is on the Three Hopes roster, including the Ashen Wolves? All the major NPCs, too? That'd be great, and I hope it's true, but it seems too good


10 hours ago, Florete said:

The roster is where it loses credibility to me. "Everyone is here" makes it sound too much like wish-fulfillment. It even uses the word 'only' for NPCs playable and proceeds to list most of the ones anyone actually cares about, only notably missing Gatekeeper and Ladislava (both a shame to miss out on if this leak turns out true). EDIT: Another issue is that it leaves very little room for DLC, and this game will have DLC.


The roster is a part that's definitely a hard sell, but I don't believe it's too unbelievable either (assuming this is a believable leak). From a very ignorant fan, it seems like a lot of times, the things that take up the most time are story, design (world, characters, aesthetics), assets, and engine. (And dysfunctional developmental teams and leaders. But this is assuming KT and IntSys working together can run a solid ship.) Three Hopes didn't really have to worry about any of those. The story is a Golden Path, which means more of justifying why the characters are working together. The design is mostly the same, with maybe a little over half of new stuff to add, and most of the assets are still there because they're using the same engine and the same characters. Isn't that how some of the GBA games were pumped out so fast? Because they were using the same asset and engine alongside similar (albeit simpler) character designs and aesthetics? Several of the classes and their animations look the same throughout all three games, which means time that would have been spent rebuilding those could be then used elsewhere - could that be the case here, which is why it's easier to get everyone in the game at once? And that's not even mentioning the fact that Warriors games apparently are known for having impossibly large casts. Then again, I'm pretty ignorant of these things, so I could definitely be wrong...heck, I'm most likely wrong! 😅

Gatekeeper will most definitely be an NPC in the game, but I can see him as a bonus character or future DLC, since, as you say and I agree with, there will definitely be DLC. Ladislava missing was a Yellow Flag for me as well though - I can't call it a Red Flag since she and Randolph being NPCs wouldn't be a big deal to me, but one over the other is...well, let's just say I'm wary also. But Gatekeeper and Ladislava would make for a solid starting point for DLC. If we get DLC in waves, I can imagine them being the new Anna and Jeritza of DLC, and later on we get new characters.

Speaking of DLC, this is the part that worries me the least. FE games can and have done whatever they want for DLC. I imagine that Three Hopes will be no different. Three Houses added in the Ashen Wolves, a completely original cast of characters. Who's to say that Three Hopes won't do the same and add in more original characters as DLC? (Great for Heroes as well.) Echoes added in Cipher characters. Who's to say that Three Hopes won't add in the missing four? (Although I'd worry that they wouldn't have time-skip designs...but who knows.) 


9 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Eh, the thing with Elibe is that it really couldn't work in a Genealogy style, not without heavy changes. Of the 50+ playable characters in Binding Blade, only 11 of them are the children of Blazing Blade characters (Roy, Wolt, Lugh and Raigh, Sue, Lilina, Fir, Hugh, Klein and Clarine, and Igrene). And of those 11, 5 of them have set canonical parentage. Bartre and Karla are a canon couple and have Fir, as is Pent and Louise who have Klein and Clarine, and the games confirm that Canas and Hawkeye both have (or had) wives that mothered their children (Hugh and Igrene, respectively). Would the remaining 6 with only a single canon parent be the only ones to have some kind of inheritance skill? That would be a ton of work for an extraordinarily small percentage of the cast.

I love FE 7, but I honestly wouldn't mind changing some of the backgrounds of characters of Roy's story to make them match more in Eliwood's. Remakes are a second chance, and if you're telling a two-part story that doesn't fully mesh well, remakes are the chance to make it mesh well. If that means changing characters' stories a bit to do so...then I say do it. I imagine the OG FE 7 will make its way to NSO around the time a remake releases, be it within the next two years or even farther in the future, and there are other ways to play the game, so I'm not going to cry over that personally. But even if they don't make all of those inheritance changes, just linking the few that they can make and focusing on meshing the story better is worth selling them together IMO. 

Genealogy and and an Elibe duology have the power, as I see it, to satisfy old school fans, long-time fans, Awakening/Fates fans, and newcomers alike. They have the shipping and 2nd Gen mechanics that Awakening/Fates fans like, they both feature a game that maybe even long-time fans haven't played so it feels new, they'd have QoL updates and graphics for newcomers, and they're old games reimagined for old school fans. (Assuming the games are good.) Granted, everyone will still probably be a little annoyed - Mark will most likely be playable in an Elibe remake, shipping won't be a giant focus, things will be changed, not enough things will be changed, etc - but I still think these are the best moves for the franchise at this time. And while I think Genealogy is the better choice of the two at this time, I also have to admit I'm biased in wanting that - I haven't played Genealogy, so I want something new to me at least in gameplay regards. (I am very aware of the story, gameplay mechanics, and characters as both characters and units.) 


Or at least that's how I see it at this time. Anyways, I find it pretty amusing that most of the roster talk is here instead of on the Three Hopes thread, but I'll take the talk anywhere it is!

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