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I think that's a little harsh. And no offense Cynthia, but why do you feel the need to judge/condem everyone you disagree with? Can't you just ignore them? You don't have to police the forest.

I'm doing so because last time it caused a huge fight that a lot of the forest got involved in. Therefore it would be irresponsible to allow the stepping stones that lead to such a thing to happen again.

I never have condemned anyone I disagreed with. I merely disagreed and gave my opinion. I don't hate Miss Kilvas, but I do disagree with her actions.

Ironically, isn't that judging and condemning me, telling me not to do something because you disagree with it?

Edited by Cynthia
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You don't need to listen to Cynthia if you don't want to. Cynthia's just voicing their opinion, which seems pretty harmless to me. Then again, I'm not the one who that opinion is being voiced towards, so...


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I think that's a little harsh. And no offense Cynthia, but why do you feel the need to judge/condem everyone you disagree with? Can't you just ignore them? You don't have to police the forest.

I agree. You may think it's your responsibility to fix everything in the forums, but it is not. Maybe you should not come to FFtF at all if you take everything so literal. I can point out many instances where you started flame wars.

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I never have condemned anyone I disagreed with. I merely disagreed and gave my opinion. I don't hate Miss Kilvas, but I do disagree with her actions.

What did she even do :blink:

You sound like a prosecutor.

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This thread is not special. This relationship is not special Lyle, princess Kilvas, or anyone else in this thread is nothing special.

Wanna know why?

Because only Wario is special.


The fact that I did this is entirely your fault

Edited by Thingy Person
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You don't need to listen to Cynthia if you don't want to. Cynthia's just voicing their opinion, which seems pretty harmless to me. Then again, I'm not the one who that opinion is being voiced towards, so...


I think Vincent said what I was going to respond to you with Knife.

Also, I have NEVER started a flame war, as starting a flame war requires someone to flame, and a flame is basically an intentionally insulting post. I have never made an intentionally insulting post.

Any post that resulting in a war after was because of someone's reaction to it. I have NEVER said anything that wasn't an honest opinion based on knowledge. If stating your opinion and it happening not to agree with someone else' is a flame, then this forum is one big flame war.

Also my warn record shows no warns of any kind. So clearly the staff disagree, as they have seen my posts.

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What did she even do :blink:

You sound like a prosecutor.

Started another relationship after the previous one ended in a huge flame war on the forum.

And Doom, I'll answer it after dinner, as it's going to be ready in about 5 minutes.

But, I was giving a personal opinion in a topic talking about said person, and stated it was an opinion and not fact. What I say does not change who someone is. If I can't speak out against them when I disagree and then state why, when may I do so?

Edited by Cynthia
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Started another relationship after the previous one ended in a huge flame war on the forum.

And Doom, I'll answer it after dinner, as it's going to be ready in about 5 minutes.

Sorry for the hassle

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Lyle and Princess Kilvas. Congrats!
I had a dream where Princess Kilvas and TLS got married :mellow:
Roast Beef and Horseradish, now there's a lovely couple. *continues eating dinner.*
I have a question: why would a shark want lettuce? Just out of curiosity.
Don't be silly, creepy uncle Shuuda.
How did this happen?
It's quite simple. Lyle + Kilvas - intelligence + Shark + Lettuce +Others = This thread.


Does this help?

In response to nobody in particular:



Yup this pretty much sums up whats going on here.

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I think if you make a topic about a person or yourself, you're opening up to criticism.

Not EVERY comment that doesn't agree with you is a personal attack, people need to learn this. I was actually giving advice.

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Not EVERY comment that doesn't agree with you is a personal attack, people need to learn this. I was actually giving advice.

Advise...come on. No one is going to follow that advise. Shouldn't you have realised this by now :blink:

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I think if you make a topic about a person or yourself, you're opening up to criticism.

Not EVERY comment that doesn't agree with you is a personal attack, people need to learn this. I was actually giving advice.

Many people here don't take kindly to advice... <_<

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