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There's also the fact that Nosferatu is Light magic the majority of the time, so don't just consider dark magic users in there.

In fact, the likes of Salem and Izuka are out since Nosferatu/Resire is Light in Jugdral and Tellius. It was only dark in the GBA games, Awakening, and Fates.

Nosferatu/Resire is also curiously female-only in Archanea and Valentia, to wit.

10 hours ago, Jotari said:

The point is they had a set of twins with a clear naming scheming denoting their twins which they kept phonetically but completely remove d in terms of spelling.

Outside both starting with ユ, I don't think there was any theme naming going on to begin with.

10 hours ago, Jotari said:

Yeah it did come up before, but we also talked about how overliteralization can be detrimental to the localisation process.

How is this case detrimental?

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

Worth noting that Izuku is extremely unpopular and is associated with Balberith. As for Validar, if he gets a tome not related to Grima's Truth, Awakening is still missing Goetia.

I could see an "adjective Nosferatu" showing up on a legendary or Ascended at some point, like how Legendary Celica got Saintly Seraphim.

Yeah, I would like to see Balberith get in (and Baselard, don't know what they didn't give that one to Volke). And Goetia is indeed missing (why oh why didn't they give that to Morgan if they had to make him a red tome infantry, it's not like it's even Fallen Morgan that uses it, it's plain old regular amnesiac good guy Morgan inexplicably using a tome named after the villain that you can't even get in Awakening). I'm also hoping we get Waste from Awakening in some day, Reinhardt to this day is still a fantastic unit simply for having a brave tome (and not shit stats like Olwen), stick Waste on as Excelles or an Ascended Dark Knight Thraja or something and you immediately have a unit worth investing in. By the same virtue I kind of wish Legendary Celica had gotten Celica's Gale as a Green Brave Tome. I don't see an Awakening unit getting Celica's Gale, but Celica also already has a tonne of alts.

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12 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I wonder if we'll ever get an actual Nosferatu tome in Heroes. It's kind of in that awkward place where it's too iconic to just be a normal weapon (otherwise they would have named Raurrabbit Nosferatu), but also not really special enough to get a bunch of effects on a legendary hero. Maybe it'll turn up as a prf on a banner unit, Niime actually would have been a good candidate...Huh I can't even think of many dark mages that haven't made it into the game yet (we have Salem now, so everyone form Jugdral, we have everyone from Elibe, there's Izuka in Tellius, I guess. Awakening still has Validar and Excellus, and Morgan bizarrely stold Validar's tome, so there's an opening there. Three Houses still has a potential few, but not a whole lot). Huh, there's really a dearth of dark mages left in the series, the endless procession of red tome infantry GHB might come to an end this year.

Nosferatu isn't restricted to dark mages:

  • Akaneia doesn't have typed magic, but its animation implies light magic.
  • In Valentia, Nosferatu is white magic.
  • In Jugdral, Nosferatu is light magic.
  • In all GBA games, Nosferatu is dark magic.
  • In Tellius, Nosferatu is light magic.
  • In Awakening, Nosferatu is dark magic.
  • In Fates, Nosferatu is dark magic.

It's worth noting that the first game that had Nosferatu is Gaiden.

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

There's also the fact that Nosferatu is Light magic the majority of the time, so don't just consider dark magic users in there.

In fact, the likes of Salem and Izuka are out since Nosferatu/Resire is Light in Jugdral and Tellius. It was only dark in the GBA games, Awakening, and Fates.


14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Nosferatu isn't restricted to dark mages:

  • Akaneia doesn't have typed magic, but its animation implies light magic.
  • In Valentia, Nosferatu is white magic.
  • In Jugdral, Nosferatu is light magic.
  • In all GBA games, Nosferatu is dark magic.
  • In Tellius, Nosferatu is light magic.
  • In Awakening, Nosferatu is dark magic.
  • In Fates, Nosferatu is dark magic.

It's worth noting that the first game that had Nosferatu is Gaiden.

Yeah I'm well aware of that. I kind of got off topic (on myself going off topic) just thinking about Dark Mages in general. Though has far as light mages go there aren't that many candiates from games where Nosfearatu is white magic. Jugdral's light mages are all in (unless you want to count the likes of  Hawk) as are all of Valentia's. I suppose Etzel from Archanea could go for it. Of course any of the exiting charcters could come back as an alt with Nosfearatu.


Nosferatu/Resire is also curiously female-only in Archanea and Valentia, to wit.

Wait what, In Archanea? Really? Etzel can't use it?

EDIT: I just remember Linoan exists. Weird I thought of Hawk before her XD And it's not like Thracia isn't relevant right now.


Outside both starting with ユ, I don't think there was any theme naming going on to begin with.

Yeah, that's the theme naming. Twins having alliteration is a pretty common thing and definitely not just a coincidence. No matter how they were translated they should at least have kept the same first letter for both of them.


How is this case detrimental?

By being monstrously unintuitive to pronounce. Heroes even goes as far as to use literal non English characters in its names.

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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Yeah I kind of got off topic (on myself going off topic) just thinking about Dark Mages in general. Though has far as light mages go there aren't that many candiates from games where Nosfearatu is white magic. Jugdral's light mages are all in (unless you want to count the likes of Hawk) as are all of Valentia's. I suppose Etzel from Archanea could go for it.

We're still missing Rhys and Laura from Tellius.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

We're still missing Rhys and Laura from Tellius.

Yeah, but they're kind of pegged as staff bots. I mean, it's not impossible, they did make Tatiana (possibly the best staff bot in the series) a blue tome unit, but I think most people would consider them staff units. Especially Laura who needs promotion to use a tome (Rhys does too, but only in Path of Radiance). We're also missing the Ashera Staff which fits well in Laura's hands (Matrona also is looking for a user).

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1 minute ago, Jotari said:

Yeah I kind of got off topic (on myself going off topic) just thinking about Dark Mages in general. Though has far as light mages go there aren't that many candiates from games where Nosfearatu is white magic. Jugdral's light mages are all in (unless you want to count the likes of Hawk) as are all of Valentia's. I suppose Etzel from Archanea could go for it.

Homer and Linoan still aren't in. The latter in particular can be a good candidate to have Nosferatu in FEH.

1 minute ago, Jotari said:

Wait what, In Archanea? Really? Etzel can't use it?

Yep, he can't. Only women.

1 minute ago, Jotari said:

By being monstrously unintuitive to pronounce. Heroes even goes as far as to use literal non English characters in its names.

Maybe I'm just not seeing it... or I'm defaulting to pronounce the Iu the Spanish way...

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1 minute ago, Jotari said:

Yeah, but they're kind of pegged as staff bots. I mean, it's not impossible, they did make Tatiana (possibly the best staff bot in the series) a blue tome unit, but I think most people would consider them staff units. Especially Laura who needs promotion to use a tome (Rhys does too, but only in Path of Radiance). We're also missing the Ashera Staff which fits well in Laura's hands.

What about the Begnion senators?

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13 minutes ago, Othin said:

What about the Begnion senators?

Maybe, but most of them have other more fitting alternatives.

Valtome has Valaura
Lekain has Rexaura
Hetzel only had staffs and he's the Senator most likely to be a staff-bot in FEH
Oliver was the one who had a Nosferatu tome (in both Tellius games), but his Tome of Favors has a different effect.

That leaves only Numida, whose niche was having Purge, but that's unlikely to be in FEH... so perhaps, yeah, he could have Nosferatu.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Just now, Jotari said:

Yeah, but they're kind of pegged as staff bots. I mean, it's not impossible, they did make Tatiana (possibly the best staff bot in the series) a blue tome unit, but I think most people would consider them staff units. Especially Laura who needs promotion to use a tome (Rhys does too, but only in Path of Radiance). We're also missing the Ashera Staff which fits well in Laura's hands.

Rhys's summer alt is already a staff unit, so it's less likely that he'll also be a staff unit in his normal version.

If we get the Ashera Staff, it's more likely we'll get it on Lehran, seeing as he as it in his inventory.


Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe I'm just not seeing it... or I'm defaulting to pronounce the Iu the Spanish way...

It's Irish, so it's going to be weird by default. Apparently, it's pronounced like the "oo" in "book".


Just now, Othin said:

What about the Begnion senators?

Lekain has Rexaura when fought as a boss. Hetzel has no weapon and only has two staves.

Oliver has Nosferatu in both Tellius games, but he's already in Heroes and is unlikely to get a second normal version.

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Homer and Linoan still aren't in. The latter in particular can be a good candidate to have Nosferatu in FEH.

Yeah, if you look back at my comment I did remember her (somehow after remembering Hawk first). (I did also remember Homer at the same time but didn't see him as worth mentioning, he's only sort of a light mage any way).


Yep, he can't. Only women.

Well this is the game that made Aura female only despite Linde's father being, well, a man...presumably. I guess they were going for some sort of Light Magic is for girls thing with both Aura and Nosferatu. Though Starlight also exists (and needs an owner) which anyone can use and that's more light than anything else (unless you want to categorize it as Heroes's at the time nonexistent Astral element, not that there's a whole lot of point to classifying Archanea spells into elements when it completely lacks an element system).


Maybe I'm just not seeing it... or I'm defaulting to pronounce the Iu the Spanish way...

The only Irish word I can think of that has "Iu" is the Iúil, the Irish for July, which has an "Ohhh" sound, like the kind of noise you make when you're impressed. Though Iúil also has a fodda while Iuchar(bra) doesn't, and that kind of matters (though none of the Irish names that are meant to have foddas actually do in Fire Emblem and they're all pronunced pretty inaccurately by the Heroes voice actors to begin with).

18 minutes ago, Othin said:

What about the Begnion senators?

Yeah, there's some potential there. Valtome will obviously get his own tome, and if they ever put Numiada in they're going to be scraping the very bottom of the barrel of desired characters (still only a certain number of GHB units, so he'll probably make it eventually). Hetzel and Lekain are pretty good candidates though, and also fit that Linoan niche of "important, but not legendary or dedicated banner sellers overblowing the tome importance".

5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Rhys's summer alt is already a staff unit, so it's less likely that he'll also be a staff unit in his normal version.

If we get the Ashera Staff, it's more likely we'll get it on Lehran, seeing as he as it in his inventory.

By that same virtue seasonal Sephiran is already a staff unit, so they'll probably go tome (Creddiland) for him. Of course, Sephiran also exists in Radiant Dawn as two separately named units, but if they do go Leharn I could also see them making him a mythic pre loss of powers Lehran as a beast unit.  Am I being too fanciful hoping for that? Well maybe, but they need to keep the beast units coming some way and it is a good opportunity. They've also already put Soan and Altina in, so units from that era are already precedent.


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8 minutes ago, Jotari said:

By that same virtue seasonal Sephiran is already a staff unit, so they'll probably go tome for him. Of course, Sephiran also exists in Radiant Dawn as two seperately named units, but if they do go Leharn I could also see them making him a mythic pre loss of powers Lehran as a beast unit.

Sephiran has Creiddylad, so he's almost definitely going to be a tome unit.



8 minutes ago, Jotari said:

The only Irish word I can think of that has "Iu" is the Iúil, the Irish for July, which has an "Ohhh" sound, like the kind of noise you make when you're impressed. Though Iúil also has a fodda while Iuchar(bra) doesn't, and that kind of matters (though none of the Irish names that are meant to have foddas actually do in Fire Emblem and they're all pronunced pretty inaccurately by the Heroes voice actors to begin with).

Wikipedia's example is "fliuch".

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9 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Yeah, if you look back at my comment I did remember her (somehow after remembering Hawk first). (I did also remember Homer at the same time but didn't see him as worth mentioning, he's only sort of a light mage any way).

True, his reasons to favor Light aren't as firm as Linoan's (since she has Naga blood as a descendant of Heim), but Homer is still shown to favor Light magic. His base Light rank is the highest and he comes with a Lightning tome. So at the very least, he'd be added with a Light tome anyway.


Well this is the game that made Aura female only despite Linde's father being, well, a man...presumably. I guess they were going for some sort of Light Magic is for girls thing with both Aura and Nosferatu. Though Starlight also exists (and needs an owner) which anyone can use and that's more light than anything else (unless you want to categorize it as Heroes's at the time nonexistent Astral element, not that there's a whole lot of point to classifying Archanea spells into elements when it completely lacks an element system).

It was only that way in the remake (and I think Warriors too (in story since Linde is the only one who can have it there anyway) but also brings up that it could be an imprint of Miloah left in the Tome the one responsible). In the original she was the only one who could use it, so we could infer it was a bloodline thing, not unlike Falchion, and Kaga's notes did said Gotoh placed restrictions of such in both Aura and Excalibur (which was also Merric-only in the first game and in original Mystery).

Starlight is not yet in Heroes, right? I could see them totally doing that, once Gotoh is ever added...

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21 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sephiran has Creiddylad, so he's almost definitely going to be a tome unit.

It really depends on how they handle him. He's a weird case. Yes, I fully expect to get tome Sephiran with Creiddylad first. It's Lehran that there's more of a question about. Fidelity to Radiant Dawn would be him as a staff unit with the exact same design as Sephiran. That's how Radiant Dawn handles them as battlefield units, but it'd be a bit silly to maintain fidelity to that in Heroes. Because despite what Radiant Dawn chooses to name him in the final battle against Ashera, the senator guy is Sephiran, not Lehran. Lehran is his idenity as an ancient Laguz Heron. If they're going to make him two units, one will be the senator and the other will be the dark grey wing design seen from the epilogue. Now they could just design him as a humanoid laguz and give him a staff, but that would just feel like a miss opportunity compared to just outright making him a beast unit, of which we have precious few remaining. That would lock them into a pre modern variation of the character, but there's enough to work with there as the one who sold the whole medallion plan to Ashera. The other alternative is distant epilogue "I've mostly gotten over my issues" Lehran who could talk a but about the goddess and having a super long life. No matter way you slice it though, it would be just unlikely for them to release a Sephiran and Lehran units that are presented as they are in Radiant Dawn under those names. They're going to do something different with Lehran, so I wouldn't put the Ashera staff as a guarantee on him (of course nothing is a guarantee, Morgan has Grima's Truth! They at least gave him his offical artwork pose on his Seasonal Unit, so that almost feels like they were getting a staff variation of the character out of the way so there's more freedom with him later). Of course we need to actually get him first, which also results in an issue, because both variations of him could work well as Legenday/Mythics, and if one of them is, they're not going to repeat the same character as the Tellius mythic twice in a row, so it'll probably be a hell of a long time before we see both Sephiran and Lehran in the game.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It was only that way in the remake (and I think Warriors too but also brings up that it could be an imprint of Miloah left in the Tome the one responsible). In the original she was the only one who could use it, so we could infer it was a bloodline thing, not unlike Falchion, and Kaga's notes did said Gotoh placed restrictions of such in both Aura and Excalibur (which was also Merric-only in the first game and in original Mystery).

Yeah, I assumed you were talking about the remake.


Starlight is not yet in Heroes, right? I could see them totally doing that, once Gotoh is ever added...

Gotoh makes sense as the guy who made it, even if you can't ever have him use it against Gharnef. The only other options are Wendell (definitely a possibility, he is a pretty well liked unit, for an old guy), Boah (an old guy significantly less popular and less likely to get a prf weapon that good), Etzel (who doesn't really fit that aesthetic or importance all that well), Jubelo (who can use it against Gharef, but only in the sequel where they're rehashing the plot point, so it feels less iconic to me) and Frost (who shares Jubelo's sequel only problem and also comes with a dose of "Wait this guy exists?"). Nyna is also a possibility, even though she can't ever fight Gharnef with it. Wendell would be my personal choice, but honestly I fully expect the owner of Starlight to go to Ascended Linde.

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3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Gotoh makes sense as the guy who made it, even if you can't ever have him use it against Gharnef. The only other options are Wendell (definitely a possibility, he is a pretty well liked unit, for an old guy), Boah (an old guy signigicantly less popular and less likely to get a prf weapon that good), Etzel (who doesn't really fit that aestetic all that well), Jubelo (who can use it against Gharef, but only in the sequel where they're rehashing the plot point, so it feels less iconic to me) and Frost (who shares Jubelo's sequel only problem and also comes with a dose of "Wait this guy exists?"). Nyna is also a possibility, even though she can't ever fight Gharnef with it. Though honestly I fully expect the owner of Starligh to be Ascended Linde.

True. Wendel, Boah, and Frost are also likely to have staffs instead. Even if it was tomes, Wendel is likely to have a Wind one, as a connection to being a former wielder of Excalibur. Etzel is likely to have a Dark tome instead since he is a Sorcerer. Jubelo is more aligned to Anima magic as well. Nyna too could instead have a staff.

Ascended Linde if it happens is certainly another possibility. Specially since she has that "must avenge her father" angle to make her a fitting wielder of Starlight.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

True. Wendel, Boah, and Frost are also likely to have staffs instead. Even if it was tomes, Wendel is likely to have a Wind one, as a connection to being a former wielder of Excalibur. Etzel is likely to have a Dark tome instead since he is a Sorcerer. Jubelo is more aligned to Anima magic as well. Nyna too could instead have a staff.

I'm not sure how they could implement it, but I wouldn't mind Wendell coming with the Barrier staff, as he's the first user of it in the series (right? I don't think you get any barrier staffs before he joins). If it works like in game then it'd simply be Rally Res, but they could do something more unique with it, like granting allies a Crusader's Ward effect. Or they could just make it a weapon that has Drive Res built into it. That would be super underwhelming for 2022 but at least it would be something new if Wendell is the dedicated banner demote.

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ascended Linde if it happens is certainly another possibility. Specially since she has that "must avenge her father" angle to make her a fitting wielder of Starlight.

An ascended Merric could also pull it, as he and Linde are probably the most frequent Gharnef killers in a typical playthrough. Merric also has the "Must save Elice" plot point subtly added in there. I just find Linde more likely because A) Female, so more likely to get an Ascended version any way and B) I think Merric is tied to Excalibur a bit too much to wander off into any non wind based magic. At least in Linde's case Starlight feels something like a promotion from Aura.

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4 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I'm not sure how they could implement it, but I wouldn't mind Wendell coming with the Barrier staff, as he's the first user of it in the series (right? I don't think you get any barrier staffs before he joins). If it works like in game then it'd simply be Rally Res, but they could do something more unique with it, like granting allies a Crusader's Ward effect. Or they could just make it a weapon that has Drive Res built into it. That would be super underwhelming for 2022 but at least it would be something new if Wendell is the dedicated banner demote.

Yes, he's the first.

Could be as a Staff Assist. So it'd heal in addition to add a Res boost, but then that's already done with support staffs likes Rescue so there's already precedent.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

We'll only know when the nest calendar is out, I guess

I believe it will be Legendary but you are right, until next calendar it out, we will know.

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