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What type of DLC do you think this game will have?

DLC Expectations/Wants  

74 members have voted

  1. 1. What character DLC you expect

    • None
    • Characters from 3H that didn't make base game
    • New characters
    • Returning FEW characters
    • Amiibo characters
    • Other FE game characters
  2. 2. What character DLC do you want

    • None
    • Characters from 3H that didn't make base
    • New characters
    • Returning FEW characters
    • Amiibo characters
    • Other FE game characters
  3. 3. What kind of content dlc do you expect?

    • None
    • New route/house
    • History maps
    • New side missions in existing routes
    • Other
  4. 4. What kind of content dlc do you want?

    • None
    • New route/house
    • History maps
    • New side missions in existing routes
    • Other
  5. 5. Will there be new playable classes added in DLC?

    • New classes
    • Returning classes from older FEs
    • Unused classes from 3H
    • None

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3 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

Oh It's not really a problem per se, this isn't a PvP game, balance is hardly important. And I agree, it wouldn't be a good reason to not give us said class (I'll be frankly very disappointed if we get class DLC and don't get a magic axe class, and even more disappointed if we don't get any new classes at all). But I do still think that given the choice between two classes of the same weapon type, one that can use magic and the other that can't, it'd take a lot to make me pick the one that can't use magic, especially in a game where magic is so damn powerful.

Keep in mind that every other endgame axe class is mounted. For every class other than the gauntlets (who have no competition), the only ways a class can distinguish themselves is through magic, mounts, or both.

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So, toss in the Malig Knight for DLC!

Axes? Check.
Magic? Check.
Mounted? Flying.

We all set.
* * * * *
In seriousness, a Magic Axe would do wonders as Magic Lance and Magic Sword already exists, and Annette could really, really use a Magical Axe class.

I personally still want the original Ashen Wolves classes from Three Houses to make it in. Mounted Tome, Flying Tome, and Magical Fist are good archetypes, with all three being capable of having new movesets. Magical Fist will likely lead into a Paladin -> Holy/Dark Knight situation, but may still be worthwhile.

As of crazy ideas, as of late I've been wanting a Magic Armor class. I keep thinking of Golbez from FFIV as a base and how cool it may be to see a Magic/Tome Armor.

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2 minutes ago, Sire said:

So, toss in the Malig Knight for DLC!

Axes? Check.
Magic? Check.
Mounted? Flying.

We all set.
* * * * *
In seriousness, a Magic Axe would do wonders as Magic Lance and Magic Sword already exists, and Annette could really, really use a Magical Axe class.

I personally still want the original Ashen Wolves classes from Three Houses to make it in. Mounted Tome, Flying Tome, and Magical Fist are good archetypes, with all three being capable of having new movesets. Magical Fist will likely lead into a Paladin -> Holy/Dark Knight situation, but may still be worthwhile.

As of crazy ideas, as of late I've been wanting a Magic Armor class. I keep thinking of Golbez from FFIV as a base and how cool it may be to see a Magic/Tome Armor.

I feel that axes really need an endgame option with no mount. Because every axe character outside of Seteth loses their personal outfit on promotion.


Malig Knight is distinctly unexciting, IMO. And if added, I would prefer that it be a male alternative to Dark Flier, both promoting from Warlock.

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16 minutes ago, Sire said:

So, toss in the Malig Knight for DLC!

Axes? Check.
Magic? Check.
Mounted? Flying.

We all set.
* * * * *
In seriousness, a Magic Axe would do wonders as Magic Lance and Magic Sword already exists, and Annette could really, really use a Magical Axe class.

I personally still want the original Ashen Wolves classes from Three Houses to make it in. Mounted Tome, Flying Tome, and Magical Fist are good archetypes, with all three being capable of having new movesets. Magical Fist will likely lead into a Paladin -> Holy/Dark Knight situation, but may still be worthwhile.

As of crazy ideas, as of late I've been wanting a Magic Armor class. I keep thinking of Golbez from FFIV as a base and how cool it may be to see a Magic/Tome Armor.

Honestly, I was upset back in Three Houses that Edelgard can't use magic as an Emperor, and it still bugs me in Three Hopes. They give Edelgard a very high magic stat, and a cool spell list, but don't let her actually use either of them in her unique class.

Edited by ZanaLyrander
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  • 2 weeks later...

 So I think with the promising sales update for the game, the if, what, and when for dlc is a relevant topic of conversation again.


And I'd like to open with controversy. How would adding other FE reps via Renown rewards be any different or more immersion breaking than Rhea, Sothis, and Arval already are? And to that end, why not enable full free mode on any path that save file has already cleared - it does track that afterall?


And what exciting classes could those heroes bring?


Anna - Sniper -> Adventurer. New Heroes relic too.

Ike - Mercenary -> Hero -> Vanguard

Ephraim - Soldier -> Halberdier -> General -> Sentinel

Micaiah - Bishop -> Sage

Robin - Warlock -> Strategist

Marth, Roy (and Judith) -> Mercenary - Lord -> Lodestar

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I wouldn't mind characters from other FE games, but honestly I wouldn't really care either, it certainly wouldn't be high on my list of priorities, there are so many characters in the game already, and you can only use four at a time, so even with 300+ hours in the game, there are plenty of characters I've barely used still, adding more would only exacerbate the problem. Not saying I'm opposed to DLC characters in general, just that it wouldn't get me excited the way new routes, new modes, or (especially) new classes would.

We could definitely use a free mode, like a random campaign type mode that allows you to use all characters. Rhea, Sothis, and Arval are really underwhelming because while they're nice to have, without an appropriate challenge outside of Record Keeper battles in which to use them, they just kinda sit there. Plus a mode like that would allow for dream teams, all the characters who are typically route exclusive on offer, you can use the best of the best.

But more classes is definitely at the tippy-top of my wishlist: it'd be a great opportunity to fill in some serious gaps in the class tree, and also a way to give every character access to some new abilities, might help improve some previously low tier characters if they get good stuff as part of DLC classes.

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6 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

I wouldn't mind characters from other FE games, but honestly I wouldn't really care either, it certainly wouldn't be high on my list of priorities, there are so many characters in the game already, and you can only use four at a time, so even with 300+ hours in the game, there are plenty of characters I've barely used still, adding more would only exacerbate the problem. Not saying I'm opposed to DLC characters in general, just that it wouldn't get me excited the way new routes, new modes, or (especially) new classes would.

We could definitely use a free mode, like a random campaign type mode that allows you to use all characters. Rhea, Sothis, and Arval are really underwhelming because while they're nice to have, without an appropriate challenge outside of Record Keeper battles in which to use them, they just kinda sit there. Plus a mode like that would allow for dream teams, all the characters who are typically route exclusive on offer, you can use the best of the best.

But more classes is definitely at the tippy-top of my wishlist: it'd be a great opportunity to fill in some serious gaps in the class tree, and also a way to give every character access to some new abilities, might help improve some previously low tier characters if they get good stuff as part of DLC classes.

I'm of the opinion that you don't have to, shouldn't have to, and perhaps even shouldn't try to play everyone. We all have our favorites that we're more likely to main, and that's how the average player will enjoy the game more.

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Just now, Fabulously Olivier said:

I'm of the opinion that you don't have to, shouldn't have to, and perhaps even shouldn't try to play everyone. We all have our favorites that we're more likely to main, and that's how the average player will enjoy the game more.

Yeah, that's fair. I admit, I've never had much of an interest in the FE crossover stuff, so that might be why I'm so apathetic about the idea of characters from other entries. The FE games have typically been self-contained stories in my mind, with a few exceptions, a few returning Awakening characters in Fates for example. And honestly, that example illustrates my point: I'm interested in crossover characters if they're actually integrated into the story of the game, if they're made a living, breathing part of the world. If they're just kinda there, units, but not actual characters, I couldn't care less.

It's another reason I was so underwhelmed by Rhea, Sothis, and Arval, they're not actually part of the story, they're units, but not characters. With everyone having access to most classes in the game, different units aren't all that distinct from each other, two Mortal Savants for example may have numerous differences due to their abilities, arts/spells, stats, etc., but they're still gonna play largely the same. It's the differences in character that I care about. I'd be interested in more characters, I don't care about more units.

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10 minutes ago, ZanaLyrander said:

Yeah, that's fair. I admit, I've never had much of an interest in the FE crossover stuff, so that might be why I'm so apathetic about the idea of characters from other entries. The FE games have typically been self-contained stories in my mind, with a few exceptions, a few returning Awakening characters in Fates for example. And honestly, that example illustrates my point: I'm interested in crossover characters if they're actually integrated into the story of the game, if they're made a living, breathing part of the world. If they're just kinda there, units, but not actual characters, I couldn't care less.

It's another reason I was so underwhelmed by Rhea, Sothis, and Arval, they're not actually part of the story, they're units, but not characters. With everyone having access to most classes in the game, different units aren't all that distinct from each other, two Mortal Savants for example may have numerous differences due to their abilities, arts/spells, stats, etc., but they're still gonna play largely the same. It's the differences in character that I care about. I'd be interested in more characters, I don't care about more units.

Baring in mind, that the main reason most people traditionally play Warriors games is precisely to play characters they have an attachment to. The obsession with improving the stories in these games is a recent development.

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Just now, Fabulously Olivier said:

Baring in mind, that the main reason most people traditionally play Warriors games is precisely to play characters they have an attachment to. The obsession with improving the stories in these games is a recent development.

And I respect that. If people wanna just play around with characters they're familiar with in a different type of game, that makes sense to me, it's the same appeal as, say, Smash Bros. But to me, Fire Emblem games have always been very much story and character driven games. It's what I love about them, what sets them apart from other turn based strategy RPGs: all the units are characters in their own right with personalities and flaws. I have plenty of Fire Emblem characters from other entries that I adore. And while I wouldn't mind the chance to play as them in this kinda game, I adore those characters specifically for who they are. If they don't get to really interact with anyone else in any meaningful way, and aren't really part of the story, the fanservice value would be fairly low for me, even for characters I really like, because there's just not enough of that character present to really excite me. 

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4 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I know there is some sentiment that the unused 3 Houses characters would not be popular enough to sell. But then I remember that Age of Calamity's dlc thought that a generic Guardian would make for a good pack seller (the whole character pack was underwhelming, tbh).

True, but the Guardians are also a well known image for BotW, even people who haven't played the game recognise it, but that doesn't apply for anyone here, except maybe Anna.

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Whatever the dlc is, I really hope it’s designed with people who have already beaten the game in mind. With Age Of Calamity I found the DLC to be super grindy because I had already 100% the game, so had to constantly replay missions to get Robbie’s materials, whereas I feel if you had the DLC at the start of the game it would be much more enjoyable. That problem should hopefully be less jarring this time tho, since you are doing NG+ each time whereas in AOC the map was it.

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15 hours ago, TheCraigadile said:

Whatever the dlc is, I really hope it’s designed with people who have already beaten the game in mind. With Age Of Calamity I found the DLC to be super grindy because I had already 100% the game, so had to constantly replay missions to get Robbie’s materials, whereas I feel if you had the DLC at the start of the game it would be much more enjoyable. That problem should hopefully be less jarring this time tho, since you are doing NG+ each time whereas in AOC the map was it.

Agree 100%, been burned by DLC before in the past

I'm curious if anyone has gotten a survey in the email from Nintendo, they sent one out for the original FEW and FE3H. Don't seem to have seen one for FEW3H, but I feel like they've stopped sending them out for other games too? In the past they had surveys about what we wanted in DLC.

Edited by IonicAmalgam
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Agreed, it's another part of why I'm less thrilled by the idea of new characters: I'm not thrilled at the prospect of having to level up new characters from scratch with no classes mastered, that sounds like a pain at this point, and I'll probably stick with the characters I have already anyway (especially in the case of Cyril, Anna, Hanneman, Gustave... I can't see myself replacing any of the characters I currently use with any of those, especially given the effort/resources required to level them up and teach them abilities). I'm hoping the DLC will be more tailored towards postgame stuff.

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10 hours ago, ZanaLyrander said:

Agreed, it's another part of why I'm less thrilled by the idea of new characters: I'm not thrilled at the prospect of having to level up new characters from scratch with no classes mastered, that sounds like a pain at this point, and I'll probably stick with the characters I have already anyway (especially in the case of Cyril, Anna, Hanneman, Gustave... I can't see myself replacing any of the characters I currently use with any of those, especially given the effort/resources required to level them up and teach them abilities). I'm hoping the DLC will be more tailored towards postgame stuff.

However if all the dlc is geared toward post game, you can't expect it to hopefully pull more interest.

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16 hours ago, ZanaLyrander said:

Agreed, it's another part of why I'm less thrilled by the idea of new characters: I'm not thrilled at the prospect of having to level up new characters from scratch with no classes mastered, that sounds like a pain at this point, and I'll probably stick with the characters I have already anyway (especially in the case of Cyril, Anna, Hanneman, Gustave... I can't see myself replacing any of the characters I currently use with any of those, especially given the effort/resources required to level them up and teach them abilities). I'm hoping the DLC will be more tailored towards postgame stuff.

I've spent 30 hours grinding gold in chapter 12 right now (since I have the + growth rate strategy in that chapter) and I only have everyone at level 40, can't imagine having to get folks either.

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If we assume that they absolutely wouldn't restructure the class tree at all, there are currently 3 openings at Master tier.


1) Linearly advanced and master below Mercenary.

2) Below Warrior

3) Below Bishop


Though it should be noted that the width of the tree actually is dynamic and could be changed if they wanted. Female Shez and female Byleth adds an extra column to the right to accomodate their classes, and of course all female characters lose the brawler column entirely. If they wanted to say, move Gremory over two spaces to the right to fit in a Dark Flier from Warlock and something from Bishop, they probably could.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Engage may have killed DLC for Three Hopes. It's clear that Engage went through some sort of development hell (especially with Toothpaste chan looking quite different from when they originally thought the game was complete). Koei are likely all hands on deck on the title. Looking at the 3D graphics of Engage, I'm wondering if that title is intended as a Switch/Pro Switch hybrid launch title (maybe pro switch for later). This is primarily based on the 3D graphics shown in the trailer being far above what I would expect from any switch title.

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54 minutes ago, IonicAmalgam said:

I think Engage may have killed DLC for Three Hopes. It's clear that Engage went through some sort of development hell (especially with Toothpaste chan looking quite different from when they originally thought the game was complete). Koei are likely all hands on deck on the title. Looking at the 3D graphics of Engage, I'm wondering if that title is intended as a Switch/Pro Switch hybrid launch title (maybe pro switch for later). This is primarily based on the 3D graphics shown in the trailer being far above what I would expect from any switch title.

Koei isn't one team. They aren't throwing Omegaforce, their musou teams (plural, because there is always more than one musou), at a strategy RPG. They have an unnamed SRPG team for Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and they have a JRPG team too (Gust).

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1 hour ago, IonicAmalgam said:

I think Engage may have killed DLC for Three Hopes.

I don't think Engage alone could have killed the DLC, but the release date being so soon is pretty ominous. We could get a Three Hopes DLC stealth announced on Twitter or something, and we could see it launched in February or so I guess, though the latter would probably be a nightmare marketing-wise. I mean, they have to do something with Shez's mother, right? That's the only thing that makes me still think there could be DLC at some point.

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