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1 hour ago, Sentinel07 said:

As a huge Bernadetta and Ayaka fan, I'd recognize her voice in a heartbeat if it was.

Thank you very much, super fan!

I haven't heard much of Laura Stahl before, but it's always great to see fresh faces (or hear new voices as the case may be) in bigger roles in long running series like this so I'm all for it! Thank you very much, I hope we get more English clips so we can hear more of the new cast soon too! Even English versions of previous clips will be relevant information because of that.

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So brawling is called arts, nice to know. Also daggers are just knives now. I can't remember if they were called knives in the Tellius games but I personally prefer daggers but whatevs lol.

Also, I wonder if that fabrication enemy is a training dummy in Somniel.

I like how NoA is finally catching up with NoJ, but I wish we would get a new trailer or something by now, or at least English character profiles.

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Broken units cannot counterattack until after their next attack, so you can use it to gain the advantage in battle.

That distinction makes breaking way more powerful than it seemed before: now we know a unit will be disabled for the entirety of their opponent's turn and not just for a single attack. That's huge! It also makes the apparent immunity to breaking armor units have even more useful! So I think turtling will still be a viable strategy - you just need to build character specifically for it this time.

1 hour ago, Azz said:

So brawling is called arts, nice to know.

It's easier to say that "brawling" and "martial arts" too, though they've invited a lot of XC comparisons judging by the reply tweets.

1 hour ago, Azz said:

Also, I wonder if that fabrication enemy is a training dummy in Somniel.

At first I thought it was a renamed version of the new generic enemies, but this one is wearing "clean" armor so I think you're right. It makes sense too if Somniel is just a dream and all~

1 hour ago, Azz said:

I like how NoA is finally catching up with NoJ, but I wish we would get a new trailer or something by now, or at least English character profiles.

You mean the Emblem profiles don't count? 😛

I and others have said before that we don't want too many characters spoiled, so a part of me is fine with them skipping those for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing characters eventually. It's even possible English dubbing is lagging behind the Japanese stuff so the dialogue we've seen in JPN may not even be done yet. It may also be why they skipped ahead to gameplay coverage, other than two screenshots just being easier to grab that part of a conversation but that's probably conspiracy theorist level speculation.

I'm just curious what Friday's JP tweet will be now. If it's another technical reveal we may see an English version on Monday (or maybe Saturday? I can't remember when NoA tweets).

Speaking of, has there been a pattern to when NoA puts info out yet?

So far we've had a daily tidbit since the 22nd (Saturday), Marth tweets on the 15th, 17th, 18th and 20th (Thursday); and other tweets on the 12th and 14th (Friday). There's... no pattern there that I can see.

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18 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

That distinction makes breaking way more powerful than it seemed before: now we know a unit will be disabled for the entirety of their opponent's turn and not just for a single attack. That's huge! It also makes the apparent immunity to breaking armor units have even more useful! So I think turtling will still be a viable strategy - you just need to build character specifically for it this time.

It's easier to say that "brawling" and "martial arts" too, though they've invited a lot of XC comparisons judging by the reply tweets.


Which is weird, because Arts have been a thing long before XC. Tales has been calling them that for decades.

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3 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Which is weird, because Arts have been a thing long before XC. Tales has been calling them that for decades.

True, but people will only talk about whatever's most recent or memorable. Take the whole "Neo TWEWY copied Shibuya from Persona 5" thing last year. At least XC and FE are both Nintendo exclusives, I guess?

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On 10/25/2022 at 4:14 PM, DefyingFates said:

Thank you very much, super fan!

I haven't heard much of Laura Stahl before, but it's always great to see fresh faces (or hear new voices as the case may be) in bigger roles in long running series like this so I'm all for it! Thank you very much, I hope we get more English clips so we can hear more of the new cast soon too! Even English versions of previous clips will be relevant information because of that.

If you want to hear more of her, she's Tanya in Fire Emblem Heroes as well as Barbara and Xinyan in Genshin Impact.

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1 minute ago, Sentinel07 said:

If you want to hear more of her, she's Tanya in Fire Emblem Heroes as well as Barbara and Xinyan in Genshin Impact.

Not being mean but do you mean Xinyan's EN VA? Because that voice she does for her is pretty bad.

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11 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

she's Tanya in Fire Emblem Heroes as well as Barbara and Xinyan in Genshin Impact.

That lilt at the end of Alear's dialogue sounded really familiar to me, and that would explain it, thank you very much!

Also, I'm once again astounded by the range that VAs can have. Just comparing Barbara and Xinyan alone is crazy, wow!

EDIT: Does anyone read Japanese? It seems FEE will be covered in the December edition of a Nintendo magazine in Japan which will talk about the Engage mechanic (maybe). Granted we may already know how it works by then, but if anyone already reads those magazines it may be worth keeping an eye out for if we don't.

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

EDIT: Does anyone read Japanese? It seems FEE will be covered in the December edition of a Nintendo magazine in Japan which will talk about the Engage mechanic (maybe). Granted we may already know how it works by then, but if anyone already reads those magazines it may be worth keeping an eye out for if we don't.

Interesting, the second pic of that tweet says the color flip between Male and Female Alear is something important

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8 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

Interesting, the second pic of that tweet says the color flip between Male and Female Alear is something important

Interesting! A few ways that could go, but very few of them are good...


First, Emblems (excluding Marth*) are gender-locked. This would be stupid and limiting but far from surprising honestly. 

Second, this could change which parent was the Divine Dragon. Maybe mother if M!Alear and father if F!Alear? Depending on where the story is going (i.e - Alear isn't actually half-Divine Dragon but half Fell Dragon, or was the Fell Dragon itself), that may change the main villain of the story. 

Third, I have no idea. But I'm sure IntSys will think of something...



*If Marth is gender-locked, however, that would raise some very interesting story questions.

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On 10/22/2022 at 12:50 PM, Armchair General said:

It kind of feels like they're reusing an lot of Awakening's plotline and they aren't even trying to make it subtle.

They aren't. It's an anniversary game and they're using the two biggest era/anniversary points - Marth because he's the start of the franchise and Awakening because it saved the franchise and is a nice touchstone game-wise. Personally, I don't think this is a bad thing so long as the game knows that it isn't Awakening. I don't mind it giving me the same feeling as Awakening. Then again, Awakening is my favorite game...


On 10/22/2022 at 1:08 PM, Sidereal Wraith said:

How will the time skip effect the characters in TH like how different Dimitri seems compared to his younger self? What the hell is up with Dimitri? Etc. Although all these things may not have lived up to the hype depending on different player’s experiences in the final product, at least the trailers hinted at “greater things”. With Engage what you see is really what you get.

To be fair, most people didn't know about the time-skip until the Thanibomb leaks, and fewer believed it until the E3 trailer a mere month before the game released. Until then, all we knew was that the game was set in a school-ish setting and there was a conflict brewing between three nations. We had some mythic lore about the divine goddess, but that was pretty much it. Engage is a little over a month away from its reveal and has around two months before it gets to that point where Three Houses really clicked for everyone. Give it time. 

That being said, I don't feel like an FE game always needs some sort of unique narrative draw in order to be fun, good, or successful. Yes, a unique narrative would help, but that's not a requirement. 


On 10/22/2022 at 2:03 PM, Sidereal Wraith said:

What I mean is it’ll be the most generic, by the numbers FE game ever. Engage May just tick every single box on the “Cliches of Fire Emblem” list.

Sorry, but this rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I think it's the idea that FE cliches and tropes are a bad thing. Like any story, tropes are tools. Sometimes it's good to twist them on their head and deconstruct them (Three Houses and Genealogy), other times it's good to play them straight and enjoy them for what they are (Awakening and Path of Radiance). A used trope or ticking of boxes doesn't have to be a bad thing. Avatar The Last Airbender isn't really unique in the story it's trying to tell (which is basically Star Wars) or the magic it uses (elemental magic is one of the oldest types in the book). What it does do is combine them in a delightful way and bring out the best in the story it's trying to tell. Engage may very well be the same. We're seeing the tropes it's going to be using, but maybe we're not seeing the quality of it. 

Also, for it to be truly cliche, we'd need it to check the "we are or need to help a lord of a fallen kingdom reclaim their throne," and honestly, I haven't seen that yet. Granted, I fully expect it to be in the game, but the fact that it hasn't been shown yet means something. 


On 10/22/2022 at 2:03 PM, Sidereal Wraith said:

because I think at this point they don’t have the luxury of being lazy anymore.

This one stumps me - when has FE ever been lazy in terms of story or gameplay, and why haven't they deserved that right? Each of the past few games have been incredibly ambitious when compared to games before it. Awakening was a love letter to the entire franchise that brought back mechanics used once in the franchise and introduced completely new ones. Its story was a classic FE story, updated and even deconstructed a bit in order to bring us something that would be a fond farewell.

Fates was (well it was intended to be) a nuanced take on Fire Emblem in a way that very few FE games touched on. It was the first FE to fully be split into two completely separate games. Not one game with one alternating path and a few select recruitment differences - two completely different games in terms of maps and design, (most) units available, and overall aesthetic. The gameplay and map design in Fates is still lauded as some of the best in the franchise. (...and the worst, but it's a thing to be at both the top and the bottom!) 

Echoes was the first FE game to have full voice acting, and it fleshed out ideas in Fates and Awakening in terms of skills and combat arts. 

Three Houses modified things even further, bringing an even more morally grey story into the fold and introducing several new mechanics, including a brand-new weapon type, something not done since Radiant Dawn roughly twelve years prior.* And you can complain all you want about the visuals, but it was still a step in a modern direction. (Three Hopes is similar IMO, but in its own way.)


And being lazy - I'm not sure that being the franchise that opened both General Directs this year with two separate games is lazy at all. Being in the position to open said directs because your game sales are the best they've ever been and have pretty much been on a direct increase** for the past ten years isn't lazy. Having the best-selling Nintendo mobile game of all type by leaps and bounds isn't lazy. 

I don't know you, and I don't know if IntSys is doing what you'd prefer they'd be doing or not, and that may make them look lazy to you, but to me IntSys looks anything but lazy. Are they drip-feeding information? Yes. Is it annoying and sporadic? Also yes. But that doesn't mean that IntSys isn't lazy or they don't deserve a chance to rest on their laurels. (Granted, I hope they don't. The desire to tweak and modify and improve gameplay and their ambitious - if not biting off more than they can chew - storytelling is one of the reasons I respect IntSys.)



*IDK if daggers/knives were a thing before RD. 

**Barring Echoes since it was a remake of the black sheep game of the FE family on a dying system. 



EDIT: Sorry about the Double-Post. The first post is from today, while the second one is a post I had in draft form for a few days but never got the chance to finish up before now. I forgot they were on the same thread until after I sent both out. I'll try to make sure I won't do that in the future.

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1 hour ago, Use the Falchion said:

It's an anniversary game and they're using the two biggest era/anniversary points

How is this an anniversary game if FE1 came out in the middle of 1990? 

1 hour ago, Use the Falchion said:

when has FE ever been lazy in terms of story or gameplay, 

Cut & paste routes in 3H, the maps stays empty after an few rounds of combat.

Suicidal AI, cut & paste loadouts (come on, what happened to giving some random dude an anti-cavalry lance?), and an little bit too much foreshadowing. And do we actually need an fucking warning for an route split?

With Engage, I'm not sure if there will be several turns of uneventful marching towards the boss on account of smaller maps and nerfed movement range.


As for the "tropes" that persists throughout the series; sure, they exist and I like an few of them. But there's only so many ways you can retell an joke before people start getting bored with it. Obviously, the twins are Cain and Abel...But they're monks! The armor knight is an callback to Kellam. We've got possessed corpses wandering around to admire the scenery. Of course, it all falls  upon how these ideas are executed and it's too early for me to say that this game will be boring because it's reusing archetypes from Awakening




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1 hour ago, Use the Falchion said:

Interesting! A few ways that could go, but very few of them are good...


First, Emblems (excluding Marth*) are gender-locked. This would be stupid and limiting but far from surprising honestly. 

Second, this could change which parent was the Divine Dragon. Maybe mother if M!Alear and father if F!Alear? Depending on where the story is going (i.e - Alear isn't actually half-Divine Dragon but half Fell Dragon, or was the Fell Dragon itself), that may change the main villain of the story. 

Third, I have no idea. But I'm sure IntSys will think of something...



*If Marth is gender-locked, however, that would raise some very interesting story questions.

Marth isn't gender locked, NOA twitter confirmed it. We see Female Alear with Marth.

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10 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

Interesting, the second pic of that tweet says the color flip between Male and Female Alear is something important

Oh, you know Japanese? It's great that the first person to respond to that is someone who can help us make sense of stuff! 😄

But wow, I thought that was just an aesthetic thing.

2 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Second, this could change which parent was the Divine Dragon. Maybe mother if M!Alear and father if F!Alear? Depending on where the story is going (i.e - Alear isn't actually half-Divine Dragon but half Fell Dragon, or was the Fell Dragon itself), that may change the main villain of the story.

That could be an interesting twist. It'd be the avatar children from Awakening and Fates again, but with parents instead of children. This theory may not hold water if the woman on the top right of the poster is meant to be the dragon though. The latter suggestion could be a riff on the implied canon of M!Corrin = Hoshido/ F!Corrin = Nohr thing too. I know Kienquocsi translated it, but I still feel skeptical that gender will play that big a role in the story. If it does though, that would be a really abstract way to implement a route split!

2 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Sorry, but this rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I think it's the idea that FE cliches and tropes are a bad thing. Like any story, tropes are tools. Sometimes it's good to twist them on their head and deconstruct them (Three Houses and Genealogy), other times it's good to play them straight and enjoy them for what they are (Awakening and Path of Radiance). A used trope or ticking of boxes doesn't have to be a bad thing. Avatar The Last Airbender isn't really unique in the story it's trying to tell (which is basically Star Wars) or the magic it uses (elemental magic is one of the oldest types in the book). What it does do is combine them in a delightful way and bring out the best in the story it's trying to tell. Engage may very well be the same. We're seeing the tropes it's going to be using, but maybe we're not seeing the quality of it.

I love the entirety of this post but I'll just quote this part. While Engage definitely looks like it'll be relatively "by-the-numbers", I don't think that matters if the story is really strong as a result. ATLA is a great example, but PoR is one from within the franchise: everyone loves that game's story even though it's arguably one of the simplest in the entire series (protect the runaway princess until she gets her kingdom back). Simplicity isn't a problem, but boring is. If Engage can be "engaging" (pun unintended) I think it'll be a great entry even if it plays those tropes straight (though yes, I would love if we're getting another deconstruction plot). Thank you so much for writing all of that!

1 hour ago, Armchair General said:

How is this an anniversary game if FE1 came out in the middle of 1990?

According to the leaks, Engage was delayed by over a year due to Covid and Nintendo's interference (probably because their schedule was too packed), so it probably would have come out in 2021 - a few months late but still close enough to the 30th anniversary.

1 hour ago, Armchair General said:

Cut & paste routes in 3H, the maps stays empty after an few rounds of combat.

No one said 3H was perfect, and as awkward as the reused maps in Act 2 were, you can't deny that IS were ambitious in trying to tell a story from three (four if you count SS) different perspectives.

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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

Oh, you know Japanese? It's great that the first person to respond to that is someone who can help us make sense of stuff! 😄

But wow, I thought that was just an aesthetic thing.

That could be an interesting twist. It'd be the avatar children from Awakening and Fates again, but with parents instead of children. This theory may not hold water if the woman on the top right of the poster is meant to be the dragon though. The latter suggestion could be a riff on the implied canon of M!Corrin = Hoshido/ F!Corrin = Nohr thing too. I know Kienquocsi translated it, but I still feel skeptical that gender will play that big a role in the story. If it does though, that would be a really abstract way to implement a route split!

I love the entirety of this post but I'll just quote this part. While Engage definitely looks like it'll be relatively "by-the-numbers", I don't think that matters if the story is really strong as a result. ATLA is a great example, but PoR is one from within the franchise: everyone loves that game's story even though it's arguably one of the simplest in the entire series (protect the runaway princess until she gets her kingdom back). Simplicity isn't a problem, but boring is. If Engage can be "engaging" (pun unintended) I think it'll be a great entry even if it plays those tropes straight (though yes, I would love if we're getting another deconstruction plot). Thank you so much for writing all of that!

According to the leaks, Engage was delayed by over a year due to Covid and Nintendo's interference (probably because their schedule was too packed), so it probably would have come out in 2021 - a few months late but still close enough to the 30th anniversary.

No one said 3H was perfect, and as awkward as the reused maps in Act 2 were, you can't deny that IS were ambitious in trying to tell a story from three (four if you count SS) different perspectives.

To add my take on simple stories, yes simple ones can be good. Heck, Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance are both very simple and I think they're 2 of the best stories in the franchise.

The reason for my own pessimism is a lack of confidence in Intelligent Systems writers these days. I have not been impressed with them, as I consider Awakening to be a poorly paced, underdeveloped mess of a story and the less said about Fates story the better.

I can't even praise them for Three Houses despite how much I loved it's story because most of it was written by Koei Tecmo.

So, that's my stance on it. Simple is all well and good but it doesn't automatically excuse everything. Echoes story was okayish so hopefully they learned a little from that.

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7 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

I can't even praise them for Three Houses despite how much I loved it's story because most of it was written by Koei Tecmo.

This is fair. According to the leaks though, I believe Koei Tecmo is helping out on Engage too, so there's hope there, right?

7 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

Heck, Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance are both very simple and I think they're 2 of the best stories in the franchise.

Yay, Sacred Stones love! Thank you!

Also, if past patterns hold, we should get another reveal in a few minutes. Fingers crossed!

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Say helllo to Chloe!


(Seems to be a huge fan of Celine, nice to see some non-Alear conversations too!)

I wonder if we'll get another ENG tweet soon, since if they're skipping characters I don't know what else they have to how that isn't just a clip from the reveal trailer.

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4 minutes ago, Crubat said:

I'm not sure if the translator is messing up but is her 2nd weapon called... Pistol?? Can @SatsumaFSoysoy confirm? lmao

It's just a Javelin lol. 銃 and 槍 can both mean "gun", and 手銃 is one way to say pistol in Japanese, so I guess that's why the translator messed up.

Then again, depending on which FE you play, a Javelin may as well be a blicky.

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6 minutes ago, Crubat said:

I'm not sure if the translator is messing up but is her 2nd weapon called... Pistol?? Can @SatsumaFSoysoy confirm? lmao

I mean, Gunlances are a thing in other RPGs...

1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

It's just a Javelin lol. 銃 and 槍 can both mean "gun", and 手銃 is one way to say pistol in Japanese, so I guess that's why the translator messed up.

But this makes more sense 😛 Thank you as always, Satsuma!!!

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

It's just a Javelin lol. 銃 and 槍 can both mean "gun", and 手銃 is one way to say pistol in Japanese, so I guess that's why the translator messed up.

Then again, depending on which FE you play, a Javelin may as well be a blicky.

Alright, thank you!!


I don't think I noticed anything new in the clip though but ig there's nothing much to hide other than details of engaging and the story.

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Man even her victory pose seems to puff her chest out, someone on the dev team really liked her breasts. So still hoping for a more modest Peg Knight. 
It would suck to be an Etie fan with how they just skipped her. Or Axe bro and whatever his name is.

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What's the second part of Chloe's class, if anyone can read kanji? The first part says "Lance Pegasus", which is interesting in itself (as it implies there will be "Sword" and "Axe" Pegasi as well, assuming those titles don't change dynamically with the equipped weapon (I doubt that). I assume the kanji just means "Flier" or "Airborne" or something, but that'd still be useful to know. If anyone can help, thank you in advance!

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