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It's probably a mistranslation, probably more likely general strength or fitness training. She's definitely not going to be an Effie (whether Japanese or Global translation). I think at most, it is designed to reference her high STR base (assuming stats are correctly shown).

And I don't think a petite person wanting to get into bodybuilding is a bad or disappointing thing, everyone starts somewhere! I think that is more novel than the average bodybuilder that looks the part. I'm certain we are going to get another muscle chick, we've been pretty consistent on getting at least one since Shadow Dragon (Malice, Sully, Kjelle, Rinkah, Catherine) with only Echoes being breaking the trend. Maybe they won't look like our favorite abs-painter, but I think there's at least someone that have some bulk in their design.

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10 hours ago, Armchair General said:

Because, I think that some of these are mainly for identifying an groups of classes, which might have an certain combination of stat modifiers. And that each character is essentially locked into an groups of these classes. 

Is there something in particular that makes you think that's what it is ?

Also, the cover of the 24th of November issue of Famitsu has been revealed, still no Engage in sight. Next is the first issue of December.

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Is it just me or do these "movement types" seem more like "weakness types"? Like certain weaponry will be effective against certain types. As in wyrm slayers effective against dragons, armor slayers vs heavy, magekillers vs mystics, etc. It would make a lot more sense to me than make them all have very specific terrain costs/bonusses.

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7 hours ago, Cysx said:

Is there something in particular that makes you think that's what it is ?

Because one of the twins is essentially your starter FE mage and is listed as an "Mage." Celine is an Noble/Royal and is also listed as an mage. Her brother is cavalry, along with Vander; but Vander is either an actual Paladin or the stand in for heavy cavalry.

As for the rest, well we have: an Pegasus knight, an unique take on the Clerics, and heavy infantry. Etie might share the same description as an thief or assassin, but this also under the assumption that those classes also share the same classification and that reclassing is actually an thing.

I can't really say that there's an low number of these names, considering how we're already at eight or nine and we're almost at the point where the most of the lower-tier classes in the series have been revealed. But it also feels kind of weird that there would be this many movement types when 3H had around 4 to 7 of them.

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12 hours ago, whase said:

Is it just me or do these "movement types" seem more like "weakness types"? Like certain weaponry will be effective against certain types. As in wyrm slayers effective against dragons, armor slayers vs heavy, magekillers vs mystics, etc. It would make a lot more sense to me than make them all have very specific terrain costs/bonusses.

I doubt this is the case, as we have seen effectiveness icons on the left half of the class "name" for both us and the enemies

Edited by Vexal
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Isnt a Pokemon game releasing soon?

Would explain why they are stretching the character bios in japanese and why the NoA account stopped dead on its tracks with the Engage posts as well.

It sucks but hopefully the axe dude is the last one before a new trailer so they can start the new batch of tweets and then the Nintendo Dream Engage coverage.

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Your turn's coming, remarkably generic looking and unnamed axe guy I'm pretty sure almost no one cares about. I'm ready to be impressed, it's not a high bar.

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On the one hand, the game was only announced two months ago, on the other hand, the game comes out two months from now
We still don't have artwork of the main character, or know who the other box characters are besides Alfred, or know what countries there are besides Lythos and Firene

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18 minutes ago, Mysterique Sign said:

On the one hand, the game was only announced two months ago, on the other hand, the game comes out two months from now
We still don't have artwork of the main character, or know who the other box characters are besides Alfred, or know what countries their are besides Lythos and Firene

Well, an lot can happen within two months. Be it an deluge of tweets, an employee going rogue and posting another leak on the web, an in-depth preview with an gaming news company.

But on the other hand, they might be playing it safe, since Houses was spoilered to Hell and back.

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20 minutes ago, Seazas said:

Okay... Where's the next bunch of posts?

Not today, apparently. I'd say we'll get something on Thursday, but after the absence of news on Friday I'm not too sure.

But again, not hearing anything means fewer spoilers. They just picked a really weird place to stop.

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47 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Do you mean the thanibomb leaks, their own marketing, or both? Either is a valid answer.

It was mostly the Thani leaks, although that Famitsu editions did reveal random plot elements, like the Black Beast. But an series an vague details and several interviews about the gameplay features wasn't exactly as revealing as that guy who was selectively leaking stuff on 4chan, but that's an different issue. More like an preview on how bland the first half of the game was.

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Been a while but less news is most likely because Pokemon Scarlet/Violet drops on Friday and they don’t want this game overshadowed by it they might still do one thing but they’re likely gonna boost marketing by December since it’s the next big Nintendo game to push I expect some kinda big overview trailer by then it’s only 2 months and 1 week left (as of writing this)till release.

Edited by Chloé Waifu Supremacy
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1 hour ago, Cysx said:

 Well my day is ruined.

Famitsu cover for the 12/1 edition is out, no trace of Engage. It's Pokémon focused, which makes sense.

So will the January version be out before Engage drops or no?

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8 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

So will the January version be out before Engage drops or no?

It's weekly, there's... 7 unrevealed ones until Engage drops.
... with that being said, they seem to be doing more post-release coverage these days for some reason ? From what I'm seeing ?

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1 hour ago, Rose482 said:

Honestly, I'm fine with them not revealing all the characters. 

Same here. I've said a few times now that I'd really like to learn more about the mechanics, but apart from that I'm good. My only issue is the lack of transparency about when or if we'll ever get more information.

Granted, they aren't obligated to share that information, but being left hanging isn't comfortable at all...

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Seeing how preorders are doing well they know they got to show more, again once Pokemon Scarlet/Violet comes out and about they’ll show more by mid December heavily doubt they’ll have one of their major IPs get released with nothing else to show off before to generate more sales. Also I’m sure we won’t see every playable character at the rate it’s going which is good why would someone wants to know the complete roster right off the bat especially in a SRPG? Three Houses made sense for the setting but nothing was new going in when it came out.

Edited by Chloé Waifu Supremacy
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...what exactly was Chloe fighting in her trailer? Because judging by the fact that it faded away when it was killed, it can't be human. It reminds me of the Risen soldiers in Awakening.

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