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Grand Hero Battle- Holst


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@GuiltyLove Nice spring clear! The princess sisters did great, Maria tanking basically everything and Minerva taking down Holst.

@Diovani Bressan Nice clear with definitely four Marths! Zanbato Marth actually looks pretty cool, too bad he didn't get to use it against the one cav unit on the map lol


I was pretty late with doing this clear thanks to being very busy with an exam until the last day of the map. Thankfully the map itself wasn't too hard, though the skillset they put on Holst is actually kinda worrying... With the combination of Guard effect plus Tempo it's effectively impossible to charge Galeforce on him without having some kind of Tempo effect yourself combined with special pre-charge or brave hits, and this combination is technically available to any random Infantry enemy in an Abyssal map through a Guard weapon and Tempo B-skill. If they ever do multiple of those on a single map it could get extremely annoying to one turn clear...

Anyway, Harmonic Tana released since last time! Now I have kind of a hard time deciding how to handle clears, since Harmonic Tana can't Galeforce and thus it's not actually possible to player phase one turn most maps with a team of 4 Tanas... But she also has that refresh on her Harmonized Skill, which makes it possible again! But that means hitting the "cheat button" which I until now have made a point of avoiding... So I'm not sure if I should just make an exception for her in order to make Tana Emblem work, or just do clears with one guest unit as I've done until now since I kinda liked the variety that came with that.

In the end I ended up doing both for this map, one clear with all Tanas and one with the new Female Shez, which is a unit I'm definitely merging up as I get the copies. She seems like a fantastic Galeforcer with that special charge effect built into her weapon. My search for Harmonic Tana isn't going super great sadly, only pulled 3 copies in over 700 orbs (and to troll me the game has given me just as many off focus Letizia in that amount), so she's only +3 for now with the one I sparked. Hopefully my luck turns and she starts showing up a bit faster next month, otherwise I won't even be halfway before I have to wait for the DSH.


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@BoaFerox Tempo and Guard are both quite troublesome to work with in combination, but at least you managed a clear despite that. That's unfortunate to hear about Tana! I had horrible luck yesterday when trying to get my last Grima merge, which took more than 300 orbs because I got to 12%... Female Shez looks great 😄 I will try to build her up as well. I didn't buy the new game, but I watched playthroughs of it and really liked her

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