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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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On 2/22/2023 at 7:20 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



The Revelation Boltzerker. Comes later than the Birthright Boltzerker I had documented, he must've been aboard one of the Nohrian boats prior to the Camilla-Flora battle, got seasick and fell overboard and drowned to death. His soul drifted off to Valla.

On 2/22/2023 at 7:20 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Not even on Luna/Max weapon Rank can Maids use Soldier's knife. Make it dropable on a Ninja or something idk

Feels like Maid/Butler should've been a double-A rank class, like Paladin. Only three promoted classes barring Dread Fighter get concealed weapons. -Although Maid/Butler does get S rank Staffs for lolBifrost.

And a certain worse instance of the rank issue shows up later in Rev. I don't understand why, IS had no issues hacking Iago a staff rank on CQ.

On 2/22/2023 at 7:20 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

This map also comes with lotsa money and dropables, which is good, because we need it as i only had 1k gold

Yeah, this is one of the more fun Revelation maps from what I remember.



On 3/2/2023 at 4:14 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


This....This has less enemies than i remember. Is it that Hard/Lunatic difference?




It's a common difference on Birthright as well. Here it's not so bad, but for Lunatic BR it does make things more palpably more difficult than Hard BR.

On 3/2/2023 at 6:33 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And they appear way too late lol, i finished the map too fast xD

Happens all the time for me. I'm not sure if I've ever seen them.


On 2/24/2023 at 7:51 PM, GuardianSing said:


Charlotte...I'm so sorry.

Vaike was always in the most precarious situations, it seems his luck finally ran out...

I don't blame you, this fight I remember being on the hairier side for me. The conversion to lava floors, rushing to the chests before they get destroyed by the lava, and the sheer enemy volume with more than a few fliers IIRC, ended up making it more dangerous than usual.


On 2/28/2023 at 5:13 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Whelp, I have gotten Charlotte's child with no extra losses, and while I am tempted to grab another kid, I think I will save it for after the Fox Hell map.

Seems like it was a little precarious for you, although my memory of Velouria's paralogue is quite thin. I can't recall how dangerous it is exactly. Has to be better than Siegbert's (which I kinda like, as tough as it is with terrain that appears too samey), but then that's not saying much.

On 3/5/2023 at 2:59 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

First off Azura, stop picking on the furries, they get more crap than they deserve online to begin with,

I am aware that furry is a legitimate gay community judging from a few video games, more on the beary & bara side of things. Nothing wrong with that.

I also acknowledge that there are some perfectly normal people who find self-expression in costumed persona. CNN actually did a documentary episode on this once, though I forget the contents b/c I don't recall watching all of it.

That, and it does get annoying how some people on the web see anthropomorphic animals and assume the worst. When it's entirely possible to like such things innocently. Unfortunately for me, I watched snippets of a Star Fox Adventures longplay recently to refresh my memory on that game, Fox "meeting" Krystal for the first time is mega-cringe.

On 3/5/2023 at 2:59 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

As I plan on having everyone except Elise paired up for a modified version of the classic @starburst formation, the main modification here being using the best bond unit, trusty Rusty's second copy of Elise's personal skill Lily's Poise to add two pairs beside him in the formation. Now I have them paired up to cover my squishies, and beast vulnerable units in the back of the pairs, and done in a way to maximize the minimum defenses of the group as a whole in the formation. I also end up applying a skill tonic onto each of the front halves of these pairings. I haven't been mentioning the Witch's Brew skill before, but it did end up saving me a little money here, as I got mostly skill and speed tonics, all of which I used in preparation for this map, I also had a spare defense tonic thanks to that skill as well so I used it on my lowest defense pair just in case.


On 3/5/2023 at 2:59 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:


For a respectable victory.

I'm impressed in general by this.😀 I played this map normally the very first time, maybe once thereafter, yet all the other times I resorted to the cheaty "solo on a mountain with a Beast Killer" approach. Not a casualty in sight is amazing. You're doing well with Conquest's sweltering mid-lategame.

And, you can take your time with posting these, it's no problem.



Time to grab Rinkah’s child before Rinkah completely fades out of existence due to quantum entanglement, who is to say, Sophie.


There is an N64 game called Blast Corps, which involves stopping a runaway nuclear missile carrier from colliding into buildings and other debris in its path. The game is inherently unrealistic, as I don’t believe you can set off atomic bombs via accidental collision. Sophie’s paralogue is an allegory for Blast Corps. And the only solution isn’t to redirect the uranium/plutonium/hydrogen villagers, it’s to destroy absolutely everything in their path first. Technically, saving the civvies is optional, but I’m trying for the reward.

What stands in the way of perfect victory is Paladins of 32-35 Atk, Silver Bow!Adventurers, a couple Strategists (only one with a tome), Sorcerers, and a bunch of 43 Atk 18 Crit Berserkers. The biggest threat is obvious (all of these are level 20/4 or 10 BTW).

For my team, I sideline Mozu even if it leaves Takumi at C with her, and I bring Kaden instead b/c Azama likes DS more as an enemy-phaser while Takumi might want to OS here. Reina takes the bench for this one and Sakura joins on so Felicia can be freer to focus on spell-slinging. I pop a bunch of HP/Str/Mag/Spd/Def tonics on people for peace of mind, some of which were actually useful.

On Turn 1, Saizo moves north and ORKOs the Adventurer. Silas then kills the Sorcerer (needed the Spd Tonic here), being a Paladin with a Res Tonic and the Guard Naginata, the Sorcerer deals only 6 damage to him, and the Pallies can’t do more than 5 with his 30 Def after factoring in the Tonic & Guard. Takumi slays the first Berserker, and Ryoma kills the one beyond that, 78 Avoid makes the pre-WTA 116 Hit of the Pallies tolerable. Everyone else follows safely behind the vanguard out of or barely in the three Pallies’ ranges.

On Turn 2, Takumi kills the one Pally that went south, the other two went to Silas, who recruits his daughter and DS with her. Sophie uses her Offspring Seal to promote to a 20/4 Great Knight for the extra Def and E Axes a little over halfway to D. Sophie with Rinkah as a mother isn’t bad, and while faster than her father usually, I’m not exactly fond of using her as more than lategame filler, and her stats aren't terribly impressive here either. Scarlet kills the second Pally, but the third is awkwardly left alive this turn, no big deal b/c he can’t kill anyone. Ryoma chokes the bridge and lets the two mobile Berserkers fall upon him, while Corrin paired with Orochi almost kills the Sorcerer that moved.

Scarlet crits the last proximate Pally on Turn 3. Paired to his GK daughter, Silas now has 35 Def with the Guard Naginata, and so invites the north Pally trio and Strategist to fall upon him. Takumi waterwalks and kills the Sorc Corrin didn’t finish, Ryoma double-crits the immobile General with a Dual Katana, Corrin slays the Berserker Azama injured (he can shrug it off) and trades Ryoma his Rajinto in being equipped again.

Turn 4 sees one of the north Pally trio move south, while the other two plus Strat fall upon Silas, the weaker of the two Ps he ORKOs. Takumi waterwalks and OHKOs an Adventurer over the river, Azama kills the Sorc, Felicia and her replica weaken the nearer Adventurer for Sakura to kill, Ryoma slays the diverted Pally and Corrin holds the chokepoint. Silas fails to kill the Strategist, and the injured Scarlets flies off to safety instead.

Turn 5 sees all the enemies held up at the western bridge, most injured by Corrin, vanquished. Silas kills the tome Strat, and while I could’ve slayed the boss and ended the battle, b/c he has a portrait, I spare him. Level 20/14 with awful stats for being so highly leveled and no skills make him bleh, but I have Orochi capture Nicols anyhow. I just barely kill the three Strats on Turn 6, then Felicia injures the boss and Orochi does her job.

Overall, much easier than I expected! The villagers were never in immediate danger. A Partner Seal and an Energy Drop are my rewards.

Level Ups:

  • Silas:
    • Str/Skl/Spd
    • HP/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res
  • Ryoma- Spd/Res
  • Scarlet- HP/Str/Skl/Def (And Rally Defense.)
  • Takumi- Str/Skl/Spd/Lck
  • Corrin:
    • HP/Def
    • HP/Str/Lck/Def/Res
  • Felicia- HP/Lck
  • Azama- HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def
  • Orochi- Mag/Skl/Res

And to roll into Chapter 20...


Chapter 20 is the last in the trifecta of the Birthright mid-lategame collapse. We’re fighting level 19 Faceless with 21 Atk again. I’m stronger than I was two chapters and a Paralogue ago, these are not. Skill assignment is almost nonexistent, one has Countermagic, another Counter, the boss is quintuple-breaker (missing Shurikenbreaker), yet those are the only notable things. I could have Scarlet Lunge with a Throwing Club on Turn 1 to go over the wall, and then end the fight on Turn 2 via a boss-kill. This isn’t tragedy, it’s farce.

This map has poison tiles again like 18, but it’s a much narrower map with far more of its enemies shown upfront, although overabundant reinforcements still exist. You can readily DV away the acid bog which also brings an end to the reinforcements, but I didn’t bother. I chose once more to “play” the entire fight. I wanted the chests on the other side. And it’s not my fault that an intern at IS was stuck designing this battle, while the rest of the Fates team was recovering from a night of getting as drunk as skunks for having 100% finished fine-tuning the Conquest campaign the day before.

Owing to being underleveled, the enemies provide little EXP. This was mostly an opportunity to build up WEXP and Support ranks. I brought Sophie and benched Felicia, her 2x healing would’ve been nifty for countering the poison, which the primary source of damage intake in this battle. Didn’t need the healing though, given the aforementioned enemy weakness.

This minor irritation ends on enemy phase Turn 9 after Azama baited the boss. Some reinforcements were still around b/c the boss attacked first, but everyone who wanted Support points had by then well hit the per chapter cap, I had acquired all the treasures too.

With Chapter 20 over, all Seals are now infinitely buyable, and Felicia buys a Heart to return to being a Maid after her whirlwind tour elsewhere. Her final skillset shall with 48 more EXP be: Tomebreaker, Inspiration, Poison Strike, Replicate, and Shurikenfaire. Azama could return to Mechanist, but uses the Partner Seal from Sophie’s paralogue to take on his now-unusable wife’s Master Ninja, I did wed them in hopes of eventual Shurikenfaire as a final flourish.

Level Ups:

  • Scarlet- Str/Skl/Res
  • Sakura:
    • HP/Mag/Skl/Res
    • HP/Mag/Spd/Def/Res
  • Reina- HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def
  • Saizo- Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck


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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't blame you, this fight I remember being on the hairier side for me. The conversion to lava floors, rushing to the chests before they get destroyed by the lava, and the sheer enemy volume with more than a few fliers IIRC, ended up making it more dangerous than usual.

I'd like to believe that it was the dangerous map but really I should've remembered that that one warrior had a bow on 'em.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I am aware that furry is a legitimate gay community judging from a few video games, more on the beary & bara side of things. Nothing wrong with that.

I also acknowledge that there are some perfectly normal people who find self-expression in costumed persona. CNN actually did a documentary episode on this once, though I forget the contents b/c I don't recall watching all of it.

That, and it does get annoying how some people on the web see anthropomorphic animals and assume the worst. When it's entirely possible to like such things innocently. Unfortunately for me, I watched snippets of a Star Fox Adventures longplay recently to refresh my memory on that game, Fox "meeting" Krystal for the first time is mega-cringe.

This post here sums it up pretty well I think.


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I should take more screenshots of level ups and stuff and just my general management of things, maybe next time.

But here we go, chapter 19!



That's a wall, Chrom.


The fact that I don't have enough for the extra 3 slots really puts my brain in anxiety mode.

I'd love to get some children but most of them aren't wise to do before finishing the Valm arc and the ones that are aren't available to me at the moment.


My strategy was to wittle them away wave after wave but Jesus fucking Christ fliers are terrifying.


Anna nearly dies but is saved by Sully.


Ah, damn it, the screenshot didn't capture it well but trust me when I say Gaius did a glorious 1 crit damage to this guy because of Lethality.



I...I can't believe it, my negligence in looking up the details of this map will lead to the death of not just me, but of us all. A terrible twist of fate that drags all of us down the watery grave of hell, all because I failed to do the basic task of remembering that Walhart can move on this map...

What more can I do as I stare at this screen? Chrom may survive the hit but will undoubtedly be bombarded by the numerous enemies around him, not doing too much damage on their own but collective with this hit from Walhart will most certainly kill him.

The world is frozen but I'm running out of ti-




And with a mere 15 HP left...the run lives.


And Tharja and Gaius just casually one round him like it's nothing.


You ever beat a really stressful FE map and once it ends be flabbergasted at seeing how few turns actually happened?

I could have never predicted this outcome...

Well, I probably could've.

Please god let me remember to check the map wiki next time.


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16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There is an N64 game called Blast Corps, which involves stopping a runaway nuclear missile carrier from colliding into buildings and other debris in its path. The game is inherently unrealistic, as I don’t believe you can set off atomic bombs via accidental collision. Sophie’s paralogue is an allegory for Blast Corps. And the only solution isn’t to redirect the uranium/plutonium/hydrogen villagers, it’s to destroy absolutely everything in their path first. Technically, saving the civvies is optional, but I’m trying for the reward.

Those villagers cause so much stress with this map, especially if you clear it with promoted enemies around.

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turn 5 sees all the enemies held up at the western bridge, most injured by Corrin, vanquished. Silas kills the tome Strat, and while I could’ve slayed the boss and ended the battle, b/c he has a portrait, I spare him. Level 20/14 with awful stats for being so highly leveled and no skills make him bleh, but I have Orochi capture Nicols anyhow. I just barely kill the three Strats on Turn 6, then Felicia injures the boss and Orochi does her job.

You got Nichol!

Hell, if need be he's free sacrificial fodder.

20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And it’s not my fault that an intern at IS was stuck designing this battle, while the rest of the Fates team was recovering from a night of getting as drunk as skunks for having 100% finished fine-tuning the Conquest campaign the day before.

The sad part is I'm not sure if this or C9 Conquest were done first, .

30 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


That's a wall, Chrom.

Clearly behind the wall Chrom.

31 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



I...I can't believe it, my negligence in looking up the details of this map will lead to the death of not just me, but of us all. A terrible twist of fate that drags all of us down the watery grave of hell, all because I failed to do the basic task of remembering that Walhart can move on this map...

What more can I do as I stare at this screen? Chrom may survive the hit but will undoubtedly be bombarded by the numerous enemies around him, not doing too much damage on their own but collective with this hit from Walhart will most certainly kill him.

Walhart moving never doesn't cause upsets.

Not to mention beast killers don't even get effective damage on him.

31 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



Wait, I thought "We're not done yet!" was one of Chrom's quotes.

31 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

You ever beat a really stressful FE map and once it ends be flabbergasted at seeing how few turns actually happened?

C11 Engage for instance.

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23 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


And a certain worse instance of the rank issue shows up later in Rev. I don't understand why, IS had no issues hacking Iago a staff rank on CQ.

Fun little obscure fact about Iago in CQ, he is the only unit capable of using a staff in a class with a class bonus to accuracy, which does actually effect staff accuracy.


23 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yeah, this is one of the more fun Revelation maps from what I remember.


Its another map that takes ideas from Conquest, and just lets you play around with them.


23 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Seems like it was a little precarious for you, although my memory of Velouria's paralogue is quite thin. I can't recall how dangerous it is exactly. Has to be better than Siegbert's (which I kinda like, as tough as it is with terrain that appears too samey), but then that's not saying much.

Funny you mention Siegbert, as I considered him as well for Charlotte's baby, but his map is routest rout map they could make, and I didn't want to deal with how exhausting that sounded.


On 3/6/2023 at 8:59 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:


Time to grab Rinkah’s child before Rinkah completely fades out of existence due to quantum entanglement, who is to say, Sophie.

Funnily enough, Sophie was also one of the children I grabbed before chapter 20 as well.


On 3/6/2023 at 8:59 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Chapter 20 is the last in the trifecta of the Birthright mid-lategame collapse. We’re fighting level 19 Faceless with 21 Atk again.

...Birthright can be very mind-numbing at times.


23 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

This post here sums it up pretty well I think.


It may not be my thing, but the furries are one of the nicest online communities out there.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:



The fact that I don't have enough for the extra 3 slots really puts my brain in anxiety mode.

I'd love to get some children but most of them aren't wise to do before finishing the Valm arc and the ones that are aren't available to me at the moment.

That is rather worrying...and seeing the promoted Kellam I killed off at the bottom there makes me feel a little bad for adding to that burden.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Anna nearly dies but is saved by Sully.

...At least she isn't linked if she had died.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:



And with a mere 15 HP left...the run lives.

Lucina saves the whole run right there. A true time traveling hero.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Please god let me remember to check the map wiki next time.

Seeing as this is an ambush spawn game, that seems like a good idea.


I do have two paralogues to upload soon, and despite a close call or two, I made it out with no casualties.

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Alright, lets start with the first paralogue I did before chapter 20 uploaded here, as I first went to get a Mozu!Sophie



This was an unlucky break as chef, but I am going to try something sneaky, he tends to make revolting meals that penalize the stats you "plan" on getting from the meal, but instead get a +1 to something else, so I made a meal with the stats I least want for this map,


And I lucked into the stat I most want in an ironman like this.


...I hate to say it Sophie, but it sounds like you dad may not have your best interest at heart.


It looks like the horse is driving the plot now.


Fates, why do you try so hard to infantilize characters we are about to bring to war.


Ah yes, road toll are real banditry 😛


Seems Nichol is trying to be the opposite of Robin Hood's Merry Men...which feels extra funny considering which paralogue I take on next.


Don't jinx it now Sophie.


Oh no...she starts as a green unit doesn't she


And this is lemming death the map...


In retrospect I should have brought Shura instead of Xander, as I end up using a lot of Vulneraries due to having only one healer, but here we go.


And a big thing is setting up my deployment to kill the Sorcerer, and Adventurer there, that way I can setup a defensive line to cover for the cavs coming in


I did also want to test if I could warp to green units, but alas, you can't.


Now a strength rally here should be just enough to


Grab the kill on the Sorcerer perfectly. I did also have Elise do a Resistance rally to ensure even a crit wouldn't screw him over as well,


in a position to give Mozu the attack stance she needs to get the kill on this first 'zerker as well.


And that takes care of the Adventurer


For an OK levelup from the Odin kill.


And that should keep Niles from suffering the consequences of his attack, although in retrospect I should have had Silas a little further forward when he did this, but it really isn't that big of deal


We can still make a functional defensive line, and defensive rally up said line as well.


This should work well for enemy phase


...Oh this map has stupid AI. I guess it wasn't made for just Conquest.


Now the most important thing for next turn is to clear the path for


For Silas to recruit her daughter before she green units herself to death.




And that is another unit I plan on using gotten, and I even intend on keeping her in the Cav line, although on a different path from Silas.


I do also pass Niles along to her too, as I have a bit of a plan for Sophie on this turn...


We have a bit of cleanup to do first.


That way I can get her a defensive rally, that way she can


Promote where she can get some enemy phase action in.


I am liking the look of her as a Paladin, and it makes for a fitting contrast with her father.


This is probably a lost cause, but I do separate some of my troops in the lemming's direction, in case I think I can actually save the goobers.


We do end turn 2 with a very spread out crew


And Sophie is showing up the enemy Paladins approaching her.


Unfortunately an enemy healer undoes most of her work, but with a Lunge here


I can pull this guy closer to my other troops while getting in some chi-


or he can luck into the kill and get a nice little levelup off of it.


Elise isn't close enough to heal, so she vulns up in preparation for her next bit of enemy phase action


And lets keep this healer from undoing any of Sophie's work again.


Sigh, this is a mistake, but I think I will try to save the Lemmings. I told myself at the start of the map that I would just let them die, but I just can't help myself.


This is probably overly cautious, but she needs the bronze bonus to get the Berserker's crit rate down to 0. I really regret not having a bronze knife for this map, as 1-2 range would be useful for countering t-


Oh, or the Sorcerer could just clog up the space enemies could use to attack Mozu at all, and just kill one of the lemmings instead. Fortunately you still get the best loot with one casualty.


The Lemmings have decided to move in a slightly less suicidal direction at least.


Time to start dealing with the next group of enemies Sophie drew in


And thanks to that passive damage from Savage blow there Sophie can kill one, despite another healer meddling in her work, speaking of which


Her daddy once again kills the meddling healers, but this time its a case of bring your daughter to work day for the assist on the kill.


With a fair number of troops between my two main positions, I can send a few, like TeeHee here, to help Sophie out by grabbing an easy kill. Although we have another front to cover in this little map


First by rallying up Mozu from across the green units


To avoid some damage on the mage kill. Although Mozu has had the rather useful Ophelia trapped underneath her for a while


So I trade a more physically defensive pairup partner for her, while adding a defensive rally in preparation for the Berserker coming in


And we get a fair number of our troops in the southern squad, as the enemies over here are rather dangerous


Although that does not mean the north is going to be trivial either


Mozu can take the hit if she has to


Although these aggressive reinforcements complicate things.


Although we can start by killing the injured Berzerker


For a comfortable little levelup on Soleil.


Then we can trade her over to a more defensive weapon, while defense rallying her as well.


Back in the north, Sophie can continue her journey with another vulnerary chugging for healing


And I switched around her partner, and added in Rusty's buff for more safety against those hard hitting Berzerkers


And I have prepared Soleil for a similar encounter


Uhhhhh...maybe I should have gave her a bronze sword instead. She is fine, she dodge it, counter killed it


and got this great little defensive levelup off of it.


Meanwhile Soleil blocked the hit from her 'zerker with a full shield gauge, although I should have been more careful about those crit rates.


Fortunately Niles has a forged Bronze Sword she could borrow for enemy phasing the next berzerker.



This is a bit silly, but I need some more bodies in the north to delay the suicidal march of the lemmings for a few turns.


Plus this should deal with all those Paladins coming in on enemy phase


Like so.


And she gets the kind of levelup that a slaughter like that


And Sophie's enemy phase kill on the other Berseker proves much safer on this turn.


As for the next turn, its Niles vulning up


As we have to put a few of our troops into danger to stop the relentless suicidal march of the lemmings


So many of Elise's levleups have been  from healing like this, and barring the random strength gain, its a very Elise levelup.


This is another more enemy phase turn, as we are pulling back a bit in the south, to get the Adventurers charge towards us in a better position to safely slaughter them.


What a kill, as for the north


They did the most pointless thing they could, instead of having a archery duel with Niles. Now we have one Adventurer to deal with in the south


Like so, and the Sorcerer right behind him


Which Soleil kills for free thanks to the block gauge.


And Mozu can then grab the pairup, for some unnecessary precaution on enemy phase.


Meanwhile in the north, I arrange for this beautiful kill on the water walking Adventurer that decided to debuff himself on enemy phase.


Alas, Niles is unimpressed.


Unfortunately our actions in the north are merely delaying the lemmings, I don't quite have enough warm bodies to fully stop them, and I can't keep these delaying actions up forever. Really I have been taking my time in the south


But with this enemy phase kill under our belts


For a rather vicious Mozu levelup, we just have the imobile enemies, and one healer to deal wi-


...Huh, I don't think I have ever wait around on this chapter long enough to see these guys show up. To be fair I don't have to deal with all the enemies on the map, I can just go for the boss kill and finish things...although, perhaps I can...Well lets deal with the two stationary enemies in the south first


With this attack first so that


even if the berzerker crits it can't kill Soleil


So Odin can grab that kill


And Velouria the other


For a rather tanky levelup on her.


I should be able to finish this next turn, with three of my fast moving troops heading to intercept the reinforcement Berserkers, Ophelia warping by the group that just took to island for some more assistance in the reinforcement kills, and Niles and Corrin staying in position to wipe out (and capture) the boss.


And we open that final turn with an extremely rare instance of Xander attacking something for this playthrough


So Rusty can grab one kill


And Silas can grab another with the effective damage of the Axe Splitter


For a strength levelup

But the most beautiful maneuver is yet to come


Into this utterly gorgeous Pairup-Warp-Switch-Transfer-Trade combo to get the exact damage kill on the last, higher level Berserker in the back.


With a levelup that is just icing on the cake.

There is also a healer still around, so I can


Grab this solid little levelup on the chip


And this defenisve levelup on the kill, just leaving the boss


This should be enough to be 100% certain that Nichol will be either captured by Niles, or killed by Sophie if he manages to miss


Unless TeeHee just crit kills him herself.


It is kinda silly that such a cartoonishly evil character is recruitable in any way really.


TeeHee seems to have simply decided she will be a mixed attacker with those stats on her.


I may have dragged this chapter out a bit too long all things considered.


That is what happens when you go from being a green unit to a blue one 😛

Now I grabbed Sophie to replace a unit which I have been begrudgingly bring along, but just can't bring myself to seriously use, Xander


Don't worry girl, you don't have to surpass Xander at all, just be a unit that I find palatable enough to use, speaking of which, the next child will be gotten for similar reasons...


Oh this poor girl, her hair isn't even that long to begin with...



I did also get all the nice loot from keeping enough green units alive, but I doubt I will end up using any of them anyway...

I will have another paralogue to upload soon enough, one which did not go as well in my opinion...

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On 2/22/2023 at 6:20 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



At least he don't got Gamble.


3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Sigh, this is a mistake, but I think I will try to save the Lemmings. I told myself at the start of the map that I would just let them die, but I just can't help myself.

Elementary, my dear Fang, it was GREED that got him.

....Not really, since nothing bad came of it.

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4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This was an unlucky break as chef, but I am going to try something sneaky, he tends to make revolting meals that penalize the stats you "plan" on getting from the meal, but instead get a +1 to something else, so I made a meal with the stats I least want for this map,


And I lucked into the stat I most want in an ironman like this.

Meanwhile when it goes wrong in Engage you're staring at -2 to all stats.

Well, least it worked well enough for you.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Ah yes, road toll are real banditry 😛

The tolls are really getting expensive huh?

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I can pull this guy closer to my other troops while getting in some chi-


or he can luck into the kill and get a nice little levelup off of it.

Good old Rusty, taking kills for himself.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Oh, or the Sorcerer could just clog up the space enemies could use to attack Mozu at all, and just kill one of the lemmings instead. Fortunately you still get the best loot with one casualty.

RIP random villager, you could have been not a lemming.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


and got this great little defensive levelup off of it.

Can't complain about those stats can she?

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...Huh, I don't think I have ever wait around on this chapter long enough to see these guys show up. To be fair I don't have to deal with all the enemies on the map, I can just go for the boss kill and finish things...although, perhaps I can...Well lets deal with the two stationary enemies in the south first

Yeah, never seen these either in any runs I've pulled off, never manage to corral the villagers to risk it.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

And Silas can grab another with the effective damage of the Axe Splitter


For a strength levelup

But the most beautiful maneuver is yet to come


Into this utterly gorgeous Pairup-Warp-Switch-Transfer-Trade combo to get the exact damage kill on the last, higher level Berserker in the back.


With a levelup that is just icing on the cake.

This play, I like it:


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This should be enough to be 100% certain that Nichol will be either captured by Niles, or killed by Sophie if he manages to miss


Unless TeeHee just crit kills him herself.

RIP another warm body option.

(This guy is considered free across routes right?

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Don't worry girl, you don't have to surpass Xander at all, just be a unit that I find palatable enough to use

Xander, you have been benched.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I will have another paralogue to upload soon enough, one which did not go as well in my opinion...

That's gonna be a yikes from me.

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Time for a very undeserved never punished chapter



And I decided to get TeeHee!Nina as my second child


And I went with the double defensive meal. Honestly, it has simply became a habit to go with defensive meals, but there were enough points in this map where I was looking for 1 more damage, that going for a more offensive meal might be something I should consider more, but this time around the bit of extra defense probably saved me from my own blunder


And we are working with a rich asshat, who isn't even subtle about the fact that he wants us to protect stuff he stole from other people. Also this line makes me think of the classic "it belongs in a museum" quote.


Not only is this a clear takes a thief moment, but we can also just steal from the guy ourselves.


This comment comes off especially strange knowing he is about to catch his own daughter, although he might have had to clean her diapers before.


Must these paralogues always call into question the competency of the unit I am about to recruit?


Cue the sitcom laugh track.


It is funny to finally get a paralogue that points out how negligent putting your kids in the hyperbolic baby chambers is.


Nina has become a Robin Hood figure, leading her own Merry Men in the act of righteous thievery.


Tragically the chapter requires we help him exact this bit of corporal database on poor Nina here.


I do love the term burgle, even if the plan is a simple smash and grab at this point.


Alas here is the scary little fail condition we have, for the first stretch I have to press in to catch her.


And the first step is to freeze her in place to make that easier


And the open the door to get at her.


And then setup a defensive line so that Niles and Elise don't get obliterated, and the fact I needed to warp to finish said defensive line is a bit of a hint that my first turn wasn't well thought out overall


I thought I was so clever transfering Ophelia over here, but I missed


That terrain would prevent her father from transfer-separating her away.

Although that wasn't where things almost went so wrong, it was with the part of the plan where Mozu would thin out the archers to the east. A good plan in theory, but I did all my numbers with the idea that she would have a defense rally, which I then forgot to actually do. What makes it feel especially embarrassing is that a pairup would have also made her survival certain, but


She got the dodges she needed to survive anyway. I probably should have grabbed a few more enemy phase shots, as Sophie also lucked into a critical kill on one of the heroes on enemy phase


And I was flabbergast by my own recklessness enough that I didn't grab a shot of Sophie killing one on enemy phase, but did with the nice little levelup she got from the kill, but the important thing was to clear the way for


Me to then clear out this general with magic attack, whom is blocking my path to Nina


Also TeeHee gets a solid little levelup from the kill there as well. But back to me almost bungling this map


Here I thought this transfer here was so clever, getting some extra defense he doesn't actually need for enemy phase, without realizing


That the bit of speed he got from the Ophelia pairup was what let him double, meaning I now have to rely on this far less reliable Raider Yumi, instead of the 100 accuracy options I had before. I think I can fix a miss here with a freeze use (as Nina living long enough to debuff Niles could be disastrous), so I go for it


Again I luck into an entirely undeserved never punished here by getting both hits, and a dodge to boot. So Niles manages to spank his misbehaving daughter.

On a more serious note, with that task done, a bit of weight lifts off my shoulder, as the rest of the map is just gravy.


Now to clear out the remaining Heroes


...And Mozu gets an uncomfortable kill here.


She is going to need the health for latter, as Mozu is really good at dealing with the enemy bow wielders on this map.


Now Niles has to face fire from


These two Adventurers on enemy phase, so lets deal with them first


Like so.


Mozu is way too effective at solving large sections of this map, as she is clearing out more of the eastern foes, with a bit of help from Soleil just in case.


I do also take advantage of the full guard gauge Niles got to draw in


This hard hitting Berzerker, and the two Generals moved with him, so I have a few enemies to deal with again.


And Mozu gets a nice little levelup from the enemy phase mage kill here.


Now to deal with the remaining forces in the center, first with this nice little Lightning use to cancel out this General's wary fighter skill for one kill


And I cripple the other with her father


Glad I dealt with this guy mostly on enemy phase, although


Taking him out from range isn't that hard to manage either.


That takes care of the center, so Niles and Mozu can work on opening some "doors" for us.


And thanks to Mozu's full gauge it is safe to do despite the General at the door.


And now the enemy have reached this mansion's loot. I still have a chance to kill it off of them though, but I might have to get a bit clever to nab it all.


Also Mozu damaged this General just enough for this perfect damage kill here, although much to my minor frustration


Mozu is exactly 1 strength shy of killing the one that grabbed the partner seal without a strength rally.


This is a little sneaky, but I have a plan for getting the shining bow, if I can just bait the sorcerer one space down...


We also do some stealing of our own while we are at it.


Although I don't manage the rest of my forces as well, but I think I will wait til next turn to explain why.


Fortunately the Sorcerer takes the bait, which will let us get the Shining bow, as I can now


Use him to lunge through a wall in position to get the warp kill on the one carrying the shining bow, the issue is that now is when I made the uncomfortable realization that the two units I could feasibly get the kill on him both need a Strength rally to pull it off, and while I moved Ophelia close to the Niles option


Velouria is only really close enough to buff the Mozu option, so instead I have to make this


Just comically long transfer chain to get Mozu onto Ophelia


To then pull off the warp-switch-kill to secure the Shining Bow. Admittedly the reinforcements that appeared on the stars south of here worry me a little, but that is why I sent TeeHee along with the Beruka lunge maneuver.


Now I am sending most of my forces after the last bit of loot in the east. There is a mage that basically gets a free attack on us, but I am not all that worried


As he was always too weak to kill itself on Mozu before, and I was committed to taking the hit with someone basically from the beginning of the turn.

Although the first thing to deal with on next turn is the paired reinforcement in the east,


But the kids have got this dealt with, no problem.


That takes care of the Sorcerer as well


Although he obviously needs a good round of healing after that counter.


The forces in the east are pressing in to intercept the last bit of loot, and those in the west are pulling back separating Beruka and TeeHee for more action while taking advantage


of a full guard gauge to get a solid little magic damage enemy phase hit.


That lets me finish off the General half with TeeHee


And kill off the whole Berserker half with Beruka's Handaxe, and a classic Lightning attack stance hit from Ophelia.


Back in the east, Silas catces a ride with Rusty to...just miss the kill here


But Silas can pick up the slack, and then


I can overextend myself a little with an awkward attempt to warp kill the last loot carrier. Mozu is one strength short of the kill, Ophelia is one magic short of the kill with her strongest weapons (or if she transfers to Rusty there one speed shy of the kill, but I was watching for that mistake this time), and while I could try for two chances at a 48 crit, I decide to play it a little safer, as the defense bonus on the Horse Spirit makes it certain that she can take an enemy phase hit as well


Or that could happen.


If only she had that extra magic a moment ago.


And that gets me the last little bit of loot from the map.


Now the enemies in the east are all wiped out, and the enemies in the west are making a run for the exit, and I decide to just let them flee.


And just in case I use a few turns to


Warp my people out of that half of the map entirely.


And after a turn or two more of waiting we have a victory from them fleeing the map.


Its funny that she is the first kid I grabbed that emphasizes this hangup, as by all right, all of them really should have it. These kids were mostly abandoned, and had to make their own life.


And in the process you suffocated her chance of growth, until she made her escape.


Although I can understand the trauma that led to this...for Niles at least.


Like most of the wealthy, they make that wealth by stomping all over other people


And lucky for us this is a video game where such villainy is punished.


Oh right, its time to introduce Nina's quirk


Her little real life Yaoi fetish...


And she deserves to go to horny jail for it.


I do decide to send her the path of the Adventurer, to theoretically replace Shura. To be fair, I probably should just use Shura, but I just haven't been, so I figured the new face might encourage me a bit more to use my Adventurer a bit more.

That takes care of the paralogues, but I haven't gotten around to doing chapter 20 yet, as the wind mechanic always ends up annoying me.

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On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


This comment comes off especially strange knowing he is about to catch his own daughter, although he might have had to clean her diapers before.

He's just insulting them.

That is a funny coincidence in this case, if a bit unsanitary.

On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


Must these paralogues always call into question the competency of the unit I am about to recruit?


This game is patronising to children.

On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although that wasn't where things almost went so wrong, it was with the part of the plan where Mozu would thin out the archers to the east. A good plan in theory, but I did all my numbers with the idea that she would have a defense rally, which I then forgot to actually do. What makes it feel especially embarrassing is that a pairup would have also made her survival certain, but


She got the dodges she needed to survive anyway. I probably should have grabbed a few more enemy phase shots, as Sophie also lucked into a critical kill on one of the heroes on enemy phase

This should not have worked, but hey, least it did.

On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


Me to then clear out this general with magic attack, whom is blocking my path to Nina

I get why you don't, but I personally think this is a great capture option, .

On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


To then pull off the warp-switch-kill to secure the Shining Bow. Admittedly the reinforcements that appeared on the stars south of here worry me a little, but that is why I sent TeeHee along with the Beruka lunge maneuver.

The trainser daisy chain to warp here, well played.

On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


And after a turn or two more of waiting we have a victory from them fleeing the map.

Finally, a true rout map!

On 3/12/2023 at 2:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


And she deserves to go to horny jail for it.

Let the dog do it:


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On 3/11/2023 at 10:06 AM, Punished Dayni said:

RIP another warm body option.

(This guy is considered free across routes right?

Yeah, I need to get back in the habit of collecting warm bodies like that just in case.


On 3/13/2023 at 3:50 PM, Punished Dayni said:


This game is patronising to children.

Well when you put it that way, it makes me sounds like the unreasonable one for deploying children...


On 3/13/2023 at 3:50 PM, Punished Dayni said:

I get why you don't, but I personally think this is a great capture option, .

He really is a great capture option, but I both wasn't thinking about it at the time, and it would have been difficult to pull off.


On 3/13/2023 at 3:50 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Finally, a true rout map!

It is kinda funny that it is.


On 3/13/2023 at 3:50 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Let the dog do it:


Thanks for the expert doggo assist on that one.


Also I have completed chapter 20 with no casualties, will get to getting the write up done in a day or two.

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Time for Fuga's wild ride, and it is a bit of a long one...



So I decided to do something a little funky here, and use a Partner Seal on Niles to go into Kinshi Knight. These next two chapters are particularly good for fliers, and getting Air Superiority on a bow user before chapter 24 would be funny, but I do not intend to keep him in Kinshi forever, as I want to also grab Shuriken Breaker before chapter 25 as well, and getting out of Kinshi before 24 makes a bit of sense, that way he can more safely deal with enemy Kinshi. I also decide to counter the decrease in strength that comes with the class change using a strength tonic on every chapter I still have him in this class.


I do also decide to go with a mix of offense, and defense with the meal, and the flair is an interesting touch overall. I do also use a speed tonic on anyone that could theoretically be doubled by enemies on this map.


I hate to break it you Elise, but not allowing either army pass through your sovereign territory, is definitely the thing to do if you are committed to neutrality.


That must have been really awkward, and I really don't see how that would have worked. Like what was she going the whole nation...




Honestly, we are lucky they stayed neutral to begin with, seeing how much effort Iago made to ruin Nohrian relations with this place.


Ah yes, TeeHee's form of peace. We will probably kill them all.


Luckily we are an oddity.


Although we do have to move to the map of wild winds, which can take a while if you try fighting the winds.


And much like  Fate's writing they actually mean Fuga is going tell us some vital information about the blade in my grasp




It is interesting what this implies about the politics of the Wind Tribe, that while Fuga is the leader of the Wind Tribe, there are enough check and balances in the system that his personal feeling about the Hoshidan royals doesn't supersede the best interests of the tribe as a whole.


It is a shame that Fate is one of the Fire Emblem games to cowardly to just say Fire Emblem...


And of course the test involves combat where we try to deal nonlethal damage


And they are totally trying to kill us.


It really is Leo...well lets get on with it then...

or I guess there is still a little more talking to get through


And sorry to disappoint you Fuga, but those two have been benched for a while now.


Oh for the love of...Stop flirting with the shota TeeHee, we have a battle to win, with our own children to fight for us.


I really thought I got enough kids that I could avoide deploying both Xander, and Shura, but I still had room for Shura, and an extra lock touch unit, and staff bot is useful, so he still gets deployed.


Now this map has the major gimmick of the winds, and it is a gimmick I have

Now I did a minor screw up almost immediately, but it is also the least dangerous of screw up to do. I set up all my plans for enemy phase, and ended turn then and there, moronically not moving a fair chunk of my army, or catching an image, but


Part of that plan was to enemy phase one of the spearman to the east with Rusty to prevent an enemy seal skill


And get Nina an enemy phase kill on one of the mages in the west. Mozu was also tempting one of the mages more in the middle, but they didn't take the bait.


And we open turn two to the minor annoyances the winds have caused us.


One important thing to point out for this map is that I am actively trying to get Elise's tome rank up to C rank before next map, that way I have a second lightning user for the endless staircase. I am also trying to do so in a way that doesn't feed her any kills, so expect her to randomly chip, and participate in attack stance hits randomly throughout this map. Now Elise did have her defense sealed in this attack, but if she ever had to use that stat she would be dead anyway, so no big loss


In a similar fashion I don't worry about Rusty getting Strength sealed here, as his best attack action have become magic hits (especially with the Bolt Axe).


And Beruka gets the kill on the poor chipped thing.


For a rather underwhelming levelup, for a three stat levelup.


I am also actively trying to get Nina leveled up as well on this map (and Veloura did Strength rally her to assist in that), as her not being available for her own paralogue leaves her slightly behind the rest of my crew's level curve.


And I tried to feed Nina some easy attack stance chip exp here, while getting Niles a kill, but


He had a miss, so Ophelia gets to clean up after him.


Now I was tempted to go for the kill on the last Spearman with the folks in the center, but it was a bit tricky to set it up, and it was safer to just let him chip and debuff one of the Wyverns instead. I have also been careful with the folks in the west to make sure the winds don't push them too far. As you can tell, at this point, I am still fighting the winds, and have yet to truly take flight upon it...but I am getting ahead of myself.


Beruka has enough defense that the defense deal isn't the worst thing in the world.


The lengths I am going through to get Elise some tome rank without kills.


But Rusty sure gets a great levelup from the effort.


And Elise gets another skill levelup healing up Beruka from her chip damage, just in case.


But it is time for the rest of my army to take flight, to get the drop on those mage north of us


But things can never be simple, and our foes try to clip our wings with fear. Not only have reinforcements come from behind, but


True flyers now threaten our assault of the center...but this wont stop us.


As we can kill them with a functional defensive line intact


Although I will need a shelter to protect Nina here, although an untimely low odds miss, and low odds crit would be awkward...


And Nina makes it clear that she wants to kill our foes with that kinda levelup


This is a little awkward, as when I thought I wasn't going to deploy Shura again, I had him put all his stuff in the convoy, and forgot I had to have him manually equip weapons again, so Niles gets no attack stance here, and I hate to burden Niles with a strength debuff, but I need this chip


To get the kill here with the potentially defensive Velouria


And its Silas that levels with the attack stance hit, for a nice bit of extra defense.


And before I forget, I trade Velouria back to the defensive rune, and shelter Nina to safety, completing our defensive line. I do also have some of those reinforcements from the rear to deal with


And I can start with using Beruka's wing to get some nice tome rank on Elise


And setup the Rusty kill. Heck the Elise miss resulted in her getting an extra bit of tome rank out of this mess.


And I get Soleil in position so that they can get the kill without worrying about debuffs.


So ends an eventful turn, but fortunately the winds are pushing those left behind to catch up with the rest of us.


And the flyers can't break our lines, but that does mean we have to deal with them now


Which is no problem with our father-daughter archer duo right there.


Niles even gets this little levelup out of it.


I even manage to get a bit of Elise tome rank out of one of them


Even if TeeHee has to one shot it after that miss


I do also try to lure in the Kinshi Knights across the way into attacking a Nos-tanking Odin, but alas they don't take the bait, and winds are pushing the main army back to some of the reinforcements from the rear


And one of them has a spooky skills on them


Also, its funny how much better Nina is with the shining bow, even against magic foes like this. Although this little side sow of a turn was just the windup


For our army's next flight


As we are ready to secure our first chest, and once again enemy fliers try to match our wind based flight, but this time we have to deal with both.


Although we start with more tome grinding


Before the trivial kill here from Sophie


Which gets her a levelup with the same energy as the kill she got.


Velouria also give Elise some more tome rank with the unnecessary assist. The next kill will be easiest with Ophelia's warpstrike, but before I commit to using my warp, lets make sure I can deal with the other front first.


And we are opening with an attack that is predominantly clearing space for


Nina to get the kill, although she did need that little bit of chip as well, and I must admit, I just assumed she would get the kill with effective damage, so I am glad I gave Odin some chip exp.


Again with the Str and Mag levelup...I guess she just wants to hit things as hard as she can.


She also gives her father the easy assist on his kill on the other flyer as well.


I should be able to finish off the spearman the fliers dropped, so it time for Ophelia to secure the chest


And she doesn't even take the damage from his counter strike


I almost missed this, but I need to do the lunge here to keep Rusty out of Kinshi Knights. They didn't move before, but I am not willing to test that AI behavior with a tasty effective damage kill.


Although its not quite enough for the kill


But its easy for Soleil to finish him off after the lunge.




Well I can also grab the chest now, as our army is in the clear, with all threats dead, and a quiet time for the winds.


But the lull is short as we are flying forward again next turn.


Although I must admit, I wasn't expecting Sophie to get all the way up there with that flight


But we should be able to deal with these foes


I do end up trade switching Nina over to Dual Yumi here


For better accuracy on the attack stance hit, in hope that Velouria doesn't take half her health from the counter here.


Which earns her an almost perfect levelup off of it.


And we can still work on that tome rate while letting Rusty the kill


And this father-daughter duo clears out the last of them.


Although the rest of the turn is mostly  just avoiding being pushed back by the wind


Although those that are pushed back can still go after this skill filled shota. Despite the accuracy, the real thing I am going for here is a Draconic Hex debuff


Which lets Velouria get a very reliable kill on him.


It is nice that it is the children who kill the enemy's child.


Shura opens another chest, but we have to keep pressing on to our next foes


And I will draw in one of these foes using the shield gauge here


And it makes for an easy kill with NIna


For an excellent little levelup on her as well.


Next Beruka can chi-

...Or she can crit, that works too I guess. That was a little slow so instead


So instead I let Velouria enemy phase one of the next lancer


And perfectly block the range one after it.


That deals with the Bolt Naginata one


And Ophelia breaks the pairup


For what is probably the best one stat levelup she could get.


As for the last one, I go for the most accurate chip/debuffing I have access to without clogging up the kill space, and Rusty procced the Dragon's Fang skill I forgot he even had, so


The kill is especially trivial.

Time for me to get a little overly fancy now


By using Beruka's flight to switch and heal Nina, into a transfer switch rally to prepare her with a defense rally as well.


While she gets some free healing exp/staff rank while getting in position


for her to get some enemy phase chip on the utterly neutered lunge priestess here


And I prepared her with the killer bow to give her the best chance


To make that enemy phase chip, into an enemy phase crit kill.


I tried to do something similar on the mages next turn, but


I way over did it, and they didn't go for her, but


That wasn't even my best trap.


This was actually a fairly difficult kill to pull off, as I needed to use Velouria's Strength Rally to boost Silas's attack stance hit, and Odin needed the +1 damage from Elise's Lily's Poise to get the exact damage 100 kill here.


For a solid levelup on the guy.


And I can finish the other off with a warp-transfer for the kill, and some more Elise Tome rank.


We are getting closer to the end here


And I try to setup some more windy shenanigans, although I must admit, the Kinshi's reluctance to move is keeping me from really pressing in as much as I need to for this to work


As I can only really setup a defensive lure, which I completely bungle, as I remember one of the spearman having a Bolt Naginata (which is a Lunatic only inclusion), and my defense is too high to lure anything in...


But the Kinshi Knights move anyway...WHY???


Whatever, lets not just look this gift Kinshi in the, but shoot them in the mouth instead


As for the other I get the kill with TeeHee


For an excellent physical leveluup on her, and I also


setup a very similar defensive lure from last turn, but intentionally don't add a defensive rally to her so


They do take the bait this time


And I am using silly weapon options here to ensure Elise can get a tiny bit more tome rank on her in this kill.


Good work Mozu 👍


Although I feel a little more comfortable


to use the wind to finish that last one off instead of drawing him in.


like so, and I can even


Claim the last chest with Shura with a flight pairup.


Although I don't feel like I can get the positions I want for the next assault,


So I end up waiting a turn or two for


Some winds I can work with.


And I start with a very easy kill here


And then let Nina setup a safe kill for her father.


I should even have the power to deal with Fuga himself


With a fun little boss convo for funsies.


As she just needed to apply her debuff to him for this kill right here.


I could end things right now, but I know some reinforcements are coming, and I think I can handle them. Plus I still need a bit more to get Elise to C rank tomes.


As these goobers show up, and some fliers to the west as well.


And we are in the home stretch with the tome rank grind here


As I even include it in this kill here


Although I feed the other kills to people without giving her more of that precious tome rank, which I kinda regret, as it is going to be tight


But Nina did get a great little levelup out of it.


That just leaves the three fliers, and I will just wait


The two turns for me to have a very trivial kill on them with my bows


And I make sure she gets some tome rank from this kill


And this chip


Which pushes Niles into his next levelup


And get Elise even more tome rank from even more chip on that flier


But I do need to reposition Elise to get her any more tome rank


And with this kill


She hits C rank exactly...phew. That was a lot of work to accomplish.


This is a little silly, but not only did Odin crit for the "Rusty" kill


but he also hit D rank tomes


And got an excellent levelup from it.


Could be a lot worse, with how much time and effort I expended on some last minute rank grinding.


Thank you Fuga, the praise is appreciated.


But I am a bit nervous, as the last Hoshidan stretch is one of the toughest parts of Conquest, assuming I even make it past the stairs...

Here is hoping I handle the Stairs just as well.

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4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Oh for the love of...Stop flirting with the shota TeeHee, we have a battle to win, with our own children to fight for us.

Once again, Fates is condescending to children.

Though this guy's a terror using Hexing Rods.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Again with the Str and Mag levelup...I guess she just wants to hit things as hard as she can.

Nina really got a lot of offence level ups.

She's getting real offensive.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And she doesn't even take the damage from his counter strike

The invisible eye is something mages seek like a third eye.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Which earns her an almost perfect levelup off of it.

No complaints about levels like this.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


It is nice that it is the children who kill the enemy's child.

Child violence and siccing animals on children, fox genocide, Hostile invasion of several other nations, Corrin's a monster and we haven't even reached Hoshido.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This was actually a fairly difficult kill to pull off, as I needed to use Velouria's Strength Rally to boost Silas's attack stance hit, and Odin needed the +1 damage from Elise's Lily's Poise to get the exact damage 100 kill here.


For a solid levelup on the guy.

That is a pretty good one to get for your troubles.

After a few minutes trying to find the promotion gains (It is not clear that it's just the bases between the two so I went looking for a few minutes), I've confirmed the Spd is 1 above average, which is about as far as your non-Res and HP deviate (HP's 2.55 below, Res is 2.4 above)

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And got an excellent levelup from it.

Why is Rusty getting as blessed as he is?

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Welcome to Anthony's promotion fiesta!



Common Kaze W


Niles really wants to prove me wrong this run doesn't he


Another STR/SPD. Blessed chapter?


Critruka strikes again. Did you know that Berserker Beruka is the best Berserker in Fates?





No spd tho 😞




Charlotte good magic mother confirmed?


Fates challenger.png


The STR/SPD bless continues


Nice. Guess who's gonna get that






Shura momoent




Her first attack in the run, crits!




Some gold



Lol Master Seal

We got the last chests and... 


Let Fastrochi finish the map

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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Welcome to Anthony's promotion fiesta!

Disco Anthony would later be shut down due to transforming customers not tied to Teehee. The reason for this remains unexplained.

16 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Let Fastrochi finish the map

This is still shocking to me.

The Spd I mean.


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The end of the Valm arc finally.



*Sigh* so stressful, but I will bring Olivia on this one at least even though she wont be able to do much


Chrom, who are you talking to?


We've gotten to the point in the game where most of my units dodge and tank most physical attacks so the strategy is to make sure nobody gets swarmed and watch out for mages. Overall this map is just a slow steady march towards the end


Do you think it'd be funny to risk the life of Beruka, Azama and Clair to get this one kill for Cherche?


That'll be the last time I make a risk like this, I swear



Olivia could've been a fun project to work on but at this point it's probably not worth it.


The elite strikeforce of Gregor and Cherche secured the Spirit Dust stolen by this map's thief!


So just in case you didn't already think pair up was broken.


Capitalism wins again


Didn't even level her up to 15.

Nice and easy with no casualties.

Now for the level ups so y'all can actually learn what my team is about.











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12 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Do you think it'd be funny to risk the life of Beruka, Azama and Clair to get this one kill for Cherche?

Funny is one way to put it.

12 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Olivia could've been a fun project to work on but at this point it's probably not worth it.

Least she can dance?

22 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



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On 3/11/2023 at 8:13 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:


...Oh this map has stupid AI. I guess it wasn't made for just Conquest.

Well it is a shared route child. The map design of the child battles tend to reflect on which routes the father/Azura/Corrin are available on, I suppose the same is true of the AI if it shows its usual CQ smartness on a CQ child map.

On 3/11/2023 at 8:13 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am liking the look of her as a Paladin, and it makes for a fitting contrast with her father.

The opposite of what I went with, Pally dad and GK daughter, an attempt to counter their natural weaknesses.

On 3/11/2023 at 8:13 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:


...Huh, I don't think I have ever wait around on this chapter long enough to see these guys show up.

Same, I don't remember them at all in all my Fates plays.

Berserkers... the choice of Fates to ditch Warrior (Why not give Blacksmith Yumi instead of Katanas? It'd be unique then instead of knockoff Hero.) helps fliers b/c that's one less potential bow-using enemy, but Berserkers having a Crit bonus makes them a bigger threat to all units.

On 3/11/2023 at 8:13 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Into this utterly gorgeous Pairup-Warp-Switch-Transfer-Trade combo to get the exact damage kill on the last, higher level Berserker in the back.

Sounds 👌. Such marks of calculated brilliance I find to be a little hair-raising, since they not infrequently happen in kinda dangerous situations.

I get the impression that overall, this map was a bit more difficult for you than for me. 

On 3/17/2023 at 9:24 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

So I decided to do something a little funky here, and use a Partner Seal on Niles to go into Kinshi Knight. These next two chapters are particularly good for fliers, and getting Air Superiority on a bow user before chapter 24 would be funny

Considering Sniper > Kinshi, and Sky Knight is a lackluster class line in general, I feel Air Superiority goes underutilized. Would be neat to see the nifty idea of a skill make a serious contribution for once.

On 3/12/2023 at 10:10 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

That takes care of the paralogues, but I haven't gotten around to doing chapter 20 yet, as the wind mechanic always ends up annoying me.

Having to dance around the winds is annoying indeed. It's also perilous b/c the last thing you want is to have someone moved into a pack of enemies that'll kill them. -Although the one time I used the winds to my benefit was nice- killing Lunatic Hayato without ever stepping into his Hexing range.

On 3/17/2023 at 9:24 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is interesting what this implies about the politics of the Wind Tribe, that while Fuga is the leader of the Wind Tribe, there are enough check and balances in the system that his personal feeling about the Hoshidan royals doesn't supersede the best interests of the tribe as a whole.


From what I've gleaned, it seems that "tribes" or clans, be it indigenous American or sub-Saharan Africa, or even some of the "barbarian" groups that once were across Eurasia, weren't one-man tyranny. A leader yes, but perhaps, rule less by a single person, and more by the consensus of the societal elite (in the North American cases at least, sometimes including female voices), not necessarily "democracy", more "oligarchy". When contact got heavy with Europeans, then I think some North American tribes saw their power structure more consolidated into their leader. And Europeans did intentionally mess with African socio-political units with the invention of "paramount chiefs" for the sake of their colonial governance.

I'm not saying that dictatorship is "unnatural" in that it does not exist in non-intensive agriculture fully-settled societies. But perhaps it's the case that "civilization" -defined as intensive agriculture and fully-settled, with an associated increase in the division of labor and thus separation of political power from a majority of people, increases the likelihood of strongman rule (although oligarchy taking hold in what is nominally despotism has often been a reality too).

On 3/17/2023 at 9:24 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also, its funny how much better Nina is with the shining bow, even against magic foes like this. Although this little side sow of a turn was just the windup

The Shining Bow is 13 Mt, 2 more than Steel (and no AS penalty), 5 over an Iron. No crits and skills aren't major drawbacks when reliability is important in Fire Emblem. The high Mt might be a thing b/c it makes the weapon more attractive to a physical unit with low but not entirely unusable Mag, on a hybrid, the magical weapons thus end up being strong.

On 3/17/2023 at 9:24 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:


Could be a lot worse, with how much time and effort I expended on some last minute rank grinding

Indeed. Taking your time with this battle was fine. The stationary enemy formations are fairly tight, and while the mobile enemies aren't that threatening, I dunno, the wind mechanic makes this map more difficult than it initially appears.


On 3/20/2023 at 3:12 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Let Fastrochi finish the map

Oh how little you wrote.😛 The difference between Rev and the Engage you've been playing, a gap like Mars and Earth?


On 3/21/2023 at 9:24 PM, GuardianSing said:


Do you think it'd be funny to risk the life of Beruka, Azama and Clair to get this one kill for Cherche?

You dare endanger the life of my little pet project!😠

-I mean, if it were only my wonky monk-y then go ahead, BR ain't an issue.😛 But Beruka and Clair are on the line too, so don't.

On 3/21/2023 at 9:24 PM, GuardianSing said:

That'll be the last time I make a risk like this, I swear

That's what we all tell ourselves.😝

On 3/21/2023 at 9:24 PM, GuardianSing said:

Didn't even level her up to 15.

Just 9 EXP from Acrobatics. A neat skill that seems like it could be useful ...except it's a level 15 promoted skill.😑 So many good abilities, locked in Awakening and Fates to very high level requirements.

On 3/21/2023 at 9:24 PM, GuardianSing said:

The end of the Valm arc finally.

From what I remember it feeling like, the start of the "Grima Arc" features Awakening's second-to-last enemy power spike. -The very last being those Spotpass paralogue battles (or at least Priam's) that you needn't tackle and risk anyone lives on. I wouldn't outright stop you from doing any of them though.😜


18 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Least she can dance?

Given how crazy Awakening is with enemy phasing, Olivia might be the worst dancer in all of FE. Dancing only helps with the player phase, and dancers are always fragile. Ninian had her special rings, SS wasn't that EP-heavy, Reyson had flight and quad-refresh.



Now for Chapter 21 Birthright:


Chapter 21 brings an end to Birthright’s worst days. With the exception of a misplaced Outlaw, all enemies are promoted (20/5) and most have reached 30-36 Atk. Most classes here are Hoshidan, barring a few Heroes, Adventurers, and the Stoneborn, gotta keep an eye out for those 1-5 ranged assailants. With this map broken into four strips divided by cliffs and lava, the enemies are incapable of being aggressive and overwhelming, so this is a gradual easement back into a semblance of difficulty.

The gimmick of this battle is the lava, if you pick the wrong Dragon Vein at the statues, that strip of the map gets flooded with painful, movement-slowing lava. IIRC, it’s always the DV under the orb the statue is holding that is the correct answer.

Bringing several fliers here can be useful for killing the boss and ending this battle a little early. Yet I did not want to risk failing to do so, and with only two trained fliers (and I chose to leave Reina behind for Felicia, plus Mozu, Setsuna, and Kaden to work on support levels) -even if only as Defensive Stance ferries- I out of an abundance of caution opted to go slower here. I prepped a +Spd/Def meal, but skipped on Tonics this time. I purchased a second Guard Naginata (about time I did) and gave it to Sophie for a nice 28 Def.

For Turn 1 I highlight the nearest Stoneborn (32 Atk) that I can’t reach on this turn. Scarlet used a Def Rally on most of my clustered bulky units as an excessive precaution, Takumi ORKO’ed a Master of Arms and entered the outermost limit of the range of the Stoneborn on the other side of the lava (which didn’t attack him on the EP). Sakura attacked the other reachable MoA and Ryoma did a crit to kill it, denying Saizo some EXP. Corrin DS’ed Orochi (they remained so for the entire map) and she ORKO’ed (it has only 8 Spd) a Stoneborn taking exactly 0 damage in return between (18 base Def +6 from Pair Up, +1 food, +4 Rally Defense +3 Horse Spirit). The Master Ninja I injured with Sophie paired with Silas, but Ryoma missed a hit so it lived (only 22 Atk makes it very weak, though 28 Spd), it ran to one of those odd healing holes on this map on the enemy phase.

I finished the first tract enemies on Turn 2, Sakura got the MoA, Ryoma used the Dual Katana on a Master Ninja and Saizo got the kill, Orochi ORKO’ed another Stoneborn (40 HP 23 Def is isn’t easy to ORKO physically), Azama with Kaden backpack took the MN in a foxhole. At this point, I could’ve played cautiously, done nothing, and wait until Turn 3 to pop the first Dragon Vein. I didn’t, as Takumi could use it and my units were pretty safely positioned. I unpaired Sophie and Silas in front of the new stone bridge, choking it without standing on it, Scarlet Rally Def’ed Sophie, and had Felicia and her replica passively provided Inspiration to both of the horsies outside of enemy range.

The invincible duo baited four of the enemies, Azama finished a near-dead Great Master, Saizo + Silas Dual Strike (well, Saizo critted actually) took out the Outlaw, Corrin crit the Levin Sword!Hero, and Takumi crit the Stoneborn. The father and daughter Pal & GK held the opposite end of the bridge and baited the two SMs (both slain with Dual Strikes on the EP) and one Hero, again, with Rally Def and Inspiration. On Turn 4, Felicia killed the Hero, and the RD’ed cavs baited the two Heroes and Stoneborn left in the second strip, everyone else moved.

On Turn 5, Saizo and Azama took out injured Heroes, Orochi slew another Stoneborn. Takumi then activated the second DV, Ryoma and the cavs then baited an Adventurer and Stoneborn. Turn 6 looked slightly tricky- as in wrong placement might kill somebody for once. Silas was sent to injure a Stoneborn but landed a crit, Azama killed an Adventurer, and Sophie yet again choked with her father, although her 17 Res was bit worrisome with two Onmyoji on the other side of the bridge, but she survived. -She wouldn’t have had an Onmyoji suicided on her up close and the Adventurer not had a mere 22 Atk b/c a Killer Bow, the 34 of the Sniper twice would’ve killed her. Turn 7- Saizo ate an Onmy, Ryoma the Advent, Silas injured the Sniper finished by Scarlet (99% Hit rate with a Throwing Club), Takumi the other Onmy, Sophie injured the Stoneborn and Azama took it.

Turn 8 moves everyone into along, Corrin uses the last DV, Sophie healed up baits the next group of purely physical enemies (the traversable path surprisingly narrows to one tile wide). Turn 9 Ryoma kills a Sniper, Azama an Advent, Takumi a Mechanist, Silas Javelins a Stoneborn and helps his daughter then kill it. The next turn gives the last Mechanist to Takumi, the Sniper to Azama, and the cavs hold yet another bridge. Turn 11 has Saizo finish a Spear Master, Takumi crits a Stoneborn (it was going to survive with 2 HP, Scarlet with the Throwing Club would’ve finished it), Ryoma flawlessly ORKOs a second Stoneborn, Corrin gets an exact kill on the third Stoneborn, Azama injured a second SpM and Sophie finishes it, Silas moves into the range of one the three immobile Stoneborn.

Saizo and Azama are given the injured SpMs on the following turn, Corrin exactly deletes the nearest immobile Stoneborn, Silas attacks the boss for a little damage …and the entire fourth zone turns into lava, its 10% max HP damage is hardly a threat at this point, though it does slow everyone down. More enemies spawn from the holes on the enemy phase and I decide to end the map now with the boss kill, Silas weakens the last SpM for Scarlet to kill, Felicia and Sakura munch on a nearby Sniper spawn, and Corrin ends the battle. Feels like this map would be a slog if you didn't pick the correct Dragon Veins.

Level Ups:

  • Ryoma- HP/Skl/Lck (It feels like he has been coasting by on his bases + Rajinto, I don’t think he has grown well.)
  • Sophie:
    • Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Def (And Luna.)
    • HP/Str/Lck/Def/Res
  • Azama:
    • Str/Spd/Def/Res (And Locktouch. His Str is now capped as a Master Ninja.)
    • HP/Spd/Def/Res (And Poison Strike.)
  • Felicia- Mag/Skl/Spd (And Tomebreaker.)
  • Silas- Str/Mag/Skl
  • Takumi- HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def
  • Sakura- HP/Mag/Lck/Def
  • Saizo- Str/Skl/Spd
  • Corrin- Str/Spd (Spd for once, but dang his levels have been bad.)

Easier than I remember it being. Maybe it’s b/c it’s only Hard and not Lunatic, but- generous spacing, enemy isolation, a lack of aggressiveness, all keep this from being difficult anyhow.

Azama hit A Kaden, so now I can swap him to Basara when I want to pick up Rend Heaven for maximum decadence, he hit D Naginatas while in Great Master, so it’s not a big deal for him. Ryoma hit S Setsuna, so Shiro is available. His map has a pinch of fun. -But I think I'll wait one more story chapter first.

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29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The difference between Rev and the Engage you've been playing, a gap like Mars and Earth?

It's not just Rev

I have been having trouble playing every non CQ FE after Engage

These two are just on another level. Like yesterday i spent 2 hours...on 5 turns in an Engage map because everything had to be so damn precise. I love it xD

29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Felicia- Mag/Skl/Spd (And Tomebreaker.)

Lvl 15 so late

I usually reach it at ~Ch.13 in CQ with Felicia.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Given how crazy Awakening is with enemy phasing, Olivia might be the worst dancer in all of FE. Dancing only helps with the player phase, and dancers are always fragile. Ninian had her special rings, SS wasn't that EP-heavy, Reyson had flight and quad-refresh.

I'd say it's Rafiel, personally. Sure, he has 4-person refresh, but that doesn't help much when he is stuck with 5 move, and thus cannot keep up with... well, anyone else, really, thanks to every other unit having at least 6 move. Doesn't help that one of his part 4 maps makes him be a liability thanks to fog of war and fliers.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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Prologue time!



Lets get the bastard!


Anna finally learned Acrobat


I too scream that at teenage girls I run into.


"Why are your eyes so much bigger than mine?"


This will exclude her from using staves but it's not like we were using much of those.


Binding Blade? What's that? I'm American by the way.


And we got this one as well


Don't know how useful a General will be at this stage though...



I was just checking the enemy levels in this map, didn't think I'd see the world embrace the call of Cuthulu

On 3/22/2023 at 5:00 PM, Punished Dayni said:


I don't even remember the last time he gained less than 5 stats in a level up


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Sorry about how long it is taking me to get my writeup done, but I lost power on Tuesday, and didn't have it come back up til late Firday. I am still catching up with the chaos that caused, but I will try to get it up tomorrow.


On 3/20/2023 at 12:12 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Niles really wants to prove me wrong this run doesn't he

Niles redemption arc in coming


On 3/20/2023 at 12:12 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The STR/SPD bless continues

hard to ask for a better stat blessing.


On 3/20/2023 at 12:12 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Her first attack in the run, crits!

Look at those stars in her eyes, she is ready to shine in combat.


On 3/20/2023 at 12:12 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Some gold

You do have a Berserker on the team, so you could use it if you want. I will note that attack stance hits can both clear the debuff, and don't trigger the debuff to get added to the wielder.


On 3/21/2023 at 6:24 PM, GuardianSing said:


*Sigh* so stressful, but I will bring Olivia on this one at least even though she wont be able to do much

Honestly surprised she has been left behind on any map at all with her dancer powers.


On 3/21/2023 at 6:24 PM, GuardianSing said:



That'll be the last time I make a risk like this, I swear


Arrested Development Narrator: It was not the last time


On 3/21/2023 at 6:24 PM, GuardianSing said:



Olivia could've been a fun project to work on but at this point it's probably not worth it.

She is a dancer, which has a lot of value with no training at all.


On 3/21/2023 at 6:24 PM, GuardianSing said:



Capitalism wins again

Must we always be in the worst timeline.


On 3/23/2023 at 11:37 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

The opposite of what I went with, Pally dad and GK daughter, an attempt to counter their natural weaknesses.

Whereas I was playing into their natural strengths, countering their weaknesses in other ways.


On 3/23/2023 at 11:37 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering Sniper > Kinshi, and Sky Knight is a lackluster class line in general, I feel Air Superiority goes underutilized. Would be neat to see the nifty idea of a skill make a serious contribution for once.

I never seem to manage it, but I keep trying to reach Speed Rally in Conquest, and always balk at how bad the Sky Knight line ends up being, and end up pivoting into getting Air Superiority instead, as Kinshi Knight is an alright class, and Air Superiority really helps out in chapter 24



On 3/23/2023 at 11:37 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Having to dance around the winds is annoying indeed. It's also perilous b/c the last thing you want is to have someone moved into a pack of enemies that'll kill them. -Although the one time I used the winds to my benefit was nice- killing Lunatic Hayato without ever stepping into his Hexing range.

I have some visceral memories of having turn count in the 60s and 80s by fighting the winds, but this time I did a lot better job of taking advantage of them


On 3/23/2023 at 11:37 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

the Stoneborn, gotta keep an eye out for those 1-5 ranged assailants.

Oh I know that issue real well...


On 3/23/2023 at 11:37 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I out of an abundance of caution opted to go slower here.

Way better safe than sorry in an ironman setting like this.


On 3/23/2023 at 11:37 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Stoneborn (40 HP 23 Def is isn’t easy to ORKO physically)

Trying to deal with one of those monsters physically is something I can't help but laugh at, but I guess you don't have Lighting tome to power through them.


On 3/23/2023 at 7:26 PM, GuardianSing said:


Lets get the bastard!

Good old Odin, hopefully you manage to get as much good out of him as I have.


On 3/23/2023 at 7:26 PM, GuardianSing said:


I too scream that at teenage girls I run into.



On 3/23/2023 at 7:26 PM, GuardianSing said:



And we got this one as well

Finally filling out the ranks with the children I see. At least nobody died in the process of getting the children.


On 3/23/2023 at 7:26 PM, GuardianSing said:




I was just checking the enemy levels in this map, didn't think I'd see the world embrace the call of Cuthulu

That is the Tiki Paralogue isn't it... yeah that is a dangerous one, and balking at doing it now is probably safe.

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17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You do have a Berserker on the team

...i do?

*checks team again*

I am not using any Berserker this run XD

18 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I will note that attack stance hits can both clear the debuff, and don't trigger the debuff to get added to the wielder.

Yup 😄


20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sorry about how long it is taking me to get my writeup done, but I lost power on Tuesday, and didn't have it come back up til late Firday. I am still catching up with the chaos that caused, but I will try to get it up tomorrow.

take your time^^

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