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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I should probably look up what I do for that strat: a possibility now that I think about it is switching partners to the generic who I reclassed into Witch for Warp and buffing as much as possible for defences after opening the door then warping back if he survived, but the AI could just stay in place. Although, if this does work I can then actually leave the rest of the party at the start of the map.

I use Rescue to bring Corrin and their pair up partner back to safety, then charge with everyone because once you spot Mikoto, the guards are a non-factor.

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On 6/10/2023 at 4:44 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Corncob, going through strange weather and sandstorms, lands in the hidden secret tomb of Alexander the Great!

...or so he thought anyway, instead he comes face to face with the next best thing - Mommiefied Mom!

A strangely fitting joke after a visit to Egypt.


On 6/10/2023 at 4:44 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


...and this map utterly sucks - Like most Rev Late game maps. And Elevator hell is waiting for me after Yikes.

Yeah both  are such iconicly bad Rev maps. Fire Emblem has never really done stealth maps well, and adding a cheap trick to the end of it makes it even worse, and the Elevator map has one of the worst invalid to valid spaces ratio is FE history.


On 6/10/2023 at 4:44 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I summon the enemy reinforcements because honestly i am not in the mood for hide and seek

Its not worth doing the stealth as you need to do so in force to deal with Mikoto's defenders at the end.


22 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

I use Rescue to bring Corrin and their pair up partner back to safety, then charge with everyone because once you spot Mikoto, the guards are a non-factor.

Do you still get the underwhelming Stealth reward if you get seen after opening Mikoto's door?


Also of note, I have beaten Ryoma with no casualties, but it will probably take a few days before I get my writeup done.


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16 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Do you still get the underwhelming Stealth reward if you get seen after opening Mikoto's door?


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4 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I use Rescue to bring Corrin and their pair up partner back to safety, then charge with everyone because once you spot Mikoto, the guards are a non-factor.

So being in range of guards do not trigger reinforcements and break the mission? Well that makes things less of an issue.

I did proceed to clear it, with the idea of retreating, but this was weird as I expected Mikoto's initial party to follow me. But they didn't after I left their range. It also gave the stealth reward as you said, so there's that.

34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Do you still get the underwhelming Stealth reward if you get seen after opening Mikoto's door?

Can confirm as well.

35 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also of note, I have beaten Ryoma with no casualties, but it will probably take a few days before I get my writeup done.

Well that's a good sign.

I'm curious how much you went for.

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:


I'm curious how much you went for.

Seems a bit spoilery for my future update, but if you are that curious


I stole all the loot, and killed all the foes, with Ryoma being the only thing alive by the time he started his assault.


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Let's get this over with so we can head to the finish line. Almost there!

And so that i can finally play a non-awful map





What the Vallite are seeing

Time to play block a door





He was in range? FFF

And he missed the second attack *phew*




Time for Ryomafair...i mean Swordfaire!


Open Sesame!




New Objective: Speed!














Father vs. Son GO

And Ryoma missed both attacks lmao

And oh everyone is missing now

oh ugh



Critrochi finishes and saves the day! Otherwise we would've lost like 7 units lmao xD

I comitted and everyone except her missed (~65-70 hit) kek

GGz and Good Riddiance shitty Rev Maps


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Father vs. Son GO

And Ryoma missed both attacks lmao

And oh everyone is missing now

oh ugh

How many "Doh, I Missed!" was that with everyone missing?

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On 6/15/2023 at 11:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



He was in range? FFF

And he missed the second attack *phew*

Was someone else in range if there was a crit? I'm assuming that didn't happen here.

On 6/15/2023 at 11:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Ryomavate: verb. To decorate an area with one's foe's blood.

On 6/15/2023 at 11:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:





What are Odin's stats at this point?

On 6/15/2023 at 11:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Critrochi finishes and saves the day! Otherwise we would've lost like 7 units lmao xD

I comitted and everyone except her missed (~65-70 hit) kek

Yeah, Sumeragi and his goons are scarier than you'd think, managed a similar situation on Lunarev but I don't think I was this close to screwed. Orochi this run is powerful, it needed to be limited to Rev so she couldn't capture body bags on top of it.

Next time: The enemies are coming from the ocean's grey waves!

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Sorry it took so long to get this written up, but I have been a bit busy.


Lets start with the preps


And as you can see by the meal, Speed is a major focus for this map, with a bit of defense as well. Adding to this about half my team took speed tonics to hit specific thresholds, I had a few people take Luck tonics (for those less than 22 luck, as at 22 its easy to raise it above enemy crit rate with Luck rally, or a basic pairup, not to mention bronze weapons in an emergency), gave Niles a strength tonic, and finally gave TeeHee a defense and health tonic, just in case she has to tank Ryoma alone for a little bit. For similar reasons I bought some consumable healing items for her convoy as well. To be fair, quite a few of those tonics I had just lying around thanks to Witches Brew, so it wasn't as large an expense as it seems


...Sorry TeeHee, its just so hard to coordinate things like this, it just takes time.


The idea of a secret space in front of the throne rooms seems a little silly to me, that just seems like too trafficked a space to really contain a secret.


Case in point, it is literally where everyone is planning to meet up...


And we can't have that, TeeHee has to kill him herself 😛


This is kinda minor, but I like how they talk about Garon taking the field personally. It adds a little more weight and legitimacy to him being the final (or semi-final) boss of most routes.


Sounds like the bloody spear isn't seen as the best of proof, but carrying around a severed head sounds ridiculous for a lot of reasons. Just think about the logistics of it, the absolute mess it would make with the blood and viscera dripping down the neck hole, and the more general difficulty of carrying a relatively round object everywhere, not to mention severing heads is more difficult than it sounds. Plus what if the head was damaged during the battle that killed her, or in transporting it after the act, how would it act as proof then. Having someone carry the whole body would probably be more effective in the end (although much heavier).


Plus TeeHee has an excellent excuse here. It doesn't get talked about much now a days, but many executions by beheading required multiple swings to fully sever, because fully severing a head is a lot more difficult than media makes it seem.


I do also like the very practical approach Garon has to this whole little argument as well.


I am not, but I am as ready as I am going to be, so lets do this.


Daaawww. Praise from my enemies is always the best.


As it always has been in an ironman...for us at least


You are full of shit Iago, he is going to be able to summon up a whole maps worth of troops for this battle.


...Why is Hinoka's lance fletched like an arrow?


Alas our lie about Hinoka's death comes to bite us in the A-


...Ryoma, I know you have that bone your "sister" guilt free letter in your back pocket, so stop pretending she is "our" sister just to guilt us.


Either way its time to D D Du Du DU DU Duel


Such an endorsement  of TeeHee here...


But I am not willing to risk the ironman on Xander's endorsement alone,


But we have a whole map to deal with before we can cheat this little duel here.


But we will all have to do our best FOR TEEHEE!


Sigh, well we still have an extra slot for Llewelyn the dragon tamer.


And I do mess with starting placement very specifically here to setup my opening gambit, but first


While killing Ryoma is technically the objective of this map, I don't trust in my TeeHee being able to pull that off alone without more RNG than I am willing to risk on an ironman, so really our objective is


And I open with a lot of rally, most notably a Strength and Luck Rally to


Make this kill as safe as possible, and a skill rally as well to make


This second kill as safe as possible. Taking out these two is the heart of my opening though, so the rest of my turn


Is just positioning, as I plan on taking out Kagero's side first. Despite some people being in range, these folks all have linked AI that makes it more difficult to bait them, but that does come with a downside for them as well, as it lets me just


Get the drop on them instead.


Although I do have to get a little creative with pairup shenanigans to get the strength rally Niles need for this kill here.


This is more fancy than I really need to be here (as I could easily use Ophelia for the warp kill instead), but this lunge


and chip (at the cost of a seal strength on her)


Lets me finish it off with Silas instead.


I am fairly certain that the enemy with Mozu in range has too much linked AI nonsense to actually move, but blocking the red from spilling out onto squishier troops beyond makes me feel more comfortable.


And killing that cowardly goof is a little tricky thanks to that countermagic skill, but with the aid of both Strength rally, and rally luck we can get it with Mozu alone here, that way I can then


Shelter her to safety afterwards.


But the corridor of death is not to be underestimated, so the only other thing I do for the turn is lure one of the 40% health dropping skill spy shuriken into a position where I can kill them next turn


In a way that is perfectly safe, which then lets me...hmm...actually, without a dancer I am going to need to


Use a Freeze staff on the other


And Elise gets a healing levelup


Just so I can feel more comfortable with Niles getting the kill here


But that was a bit redundant as I was always going to shelter him back


But without a dancer the shelterer is going to be in range of the next Master of Arms (and the Spy Shuriken without that freeze)


Although I didn't setup the kill for enemy phase


So I can pick who gets the kill exp come player phase.


But otherwise this turn is just luring the other Spy Shuriken


Although I was less extreme with my positional buffs this time, so it isn't a triple 0.


And that has mostly defanged the corridor of death.


...17. Maybe I should work on feeding some of my other troops kills, instead of just using my best units as a crutch here.


So I trade switch him over to a weapon that wont kill on enemy phase


As the plan for enemy phase is to just let him face the ninjas that are left


And despite having bad enough luck for this guy to hit


Even without the perfect block Niles would live this assault, although the speed drop from Silver Shurikens means that second one


Needs the tiniest bit of extra chip (with repositioning Lunge to have the space to kill both)


So Beruka gets one kill


And I switch to Odin to get the other for a


Levelup that gives him the things he most needs to Nostank.


I then break down this wall to


Get the warpkill on the last enemy to the east


To rightfully earn her level 35 skill.


That was a productive turn.


I let Mozu remain my master of unlocking here as I take on the western group


And I open with some magic chip to  more easily give


Kana the kill here,


As he was one of my furthest behind units level wise, and he gets a great one out of that kill


but the more I look at that pairup beast that is left, the less comfortable I feel taking him on from my position, so I switch up my tactics a little to instead buff Kana defensively (especially with the Dragon Stone trade), to be too tanky for the high crit half of him to attack Kana


Which baits him into switching to the higher damage, but overall less dangerous side.


Which lets me get the kill with another unit falling behind the level cur-


...or he can live it with an Aegis proc. Oh well, instead I give the kill to


The next furthest behind


Which gets her to...to...is that a Magic levelup?


The high crit half I kill exclusively at range for safety, which leaves just Kagero's defenders.


And my plan is to bait them in with Kana's perfect block to make things especially safe...although the Spy Shuriken one in the back didn't actually bother to move, so I just block the one Shuriken attack


Who gets eaten alive by Velouria.


And Rusty mulches his attack stance partner, which earns him


For an excellent levelup


And what proves to be one of the most difficult questions of skill equipping mid map so far...I end up dropping Dragon Fang, as his primary weapon prevents proc skills anyway, but it was a difficult choice overall.


In retrospect, I should have taken this attack now, but I moved here for a completely different reason, so


Instead I wait, before


Ophelia gets the warp kill on the one hiding a spy shuriken behind his back.


And she doesn't even risk the counter thanks to a crit.


And with just Kagero left


I am already having some of my troops move back to the center.


I do take the free Niles attack next turn, but with the staggering avoid she has I don't see a safe unit to really get the kill to from this position (that I want to feed the kill to at least), which makes this a bit of a mistake, as if I were thinking about it better, I can do the same thing next turn instead, and use a 100 reliable attack stance kill to feed the kill, but instead


I wait after some more repositioning (and grabbing the chest on her side)


With plenty of troops still heading back towards the next front.

The issue is, after the fort healing Kagero can't be taken out by Nile's attack stance hit alone, but


With Nile's pairup partner I find a reliable enough alternative to give the kill to someone else.


RIP Kagero, dead so few chapters away from me achieving that peace for Nohr...hopefully.


And we still have a few turns of marching before we get to the next front, so I will just jump ahead, with some images in a nested spoiler box for the overly curious



And by the next turn we have some units at the front, but I need more strength to feel comfortable with the initial assault of the next front.


And by the end of next turn they can all fit on a single image.


And that should be enough to get things started


And I open the next front by luring enemies in with overwhelming defense.


As the ninjas here are willing to make 0 damage attacks if they can deal damage with skills and the like, with the ninja chip being just enough to get Beruka to


The Swordbreaker skill just before the Sword Master attacks. I couldn't have planned that better if I tr-

...uhh is that another Magic levelup...what is going on here.


Alas, Swordbreaker isn't the biggest impact overall, but this did safely draw in all three


With Silas getting this needed speed levelup (and access to the armored blow skill) from the perfect block exp.


This is more what Sword Breaker is for, getting an accurate attack on the Sword Masters...


But I have Velouria claim the first kill on one of the Ninjas


For a strongth levelup, and access to a chip damage kill.


Now for that Swordmaster skill Beruka setup


Which gets him even closer to his level 35 skill as well.


Onto the kill of one of those Beruka chipped enemy phase with a safe Odin kill


And a less safe Soleil kill, but


It does get her a nice little levelup out of it, and means the lowest level deployed unit is now 14.


For the first time, in a long time, I try to get in some chip with Llewelyn


's attack stance partner, who crits.


Although really it was all just to try and give the kill to Kana here, which he thankfully hits.


And so we have secured our beachhead in the west. But that is only the beginning.


With a combination of Magic Rally, Skill Rally, and a Ophelia pairup, we get this respectable Entrap chance to help defang this upcoming Lunge blender


And with it entrapped I open the attack with this bit of debuffing


And more importantly it gets him the chip exp he needs to level...although I personally find Nohrian Trust an underwhelming skill.


And I let Soleil get the kill exp.


Not sure why I tested AI I already knew was too cowardly to move, but I guess I was feeling paranoid.


As next turn is just preparing unbreakable defense to trigger the lunge trap with (and getting the stair boost for whatever that is worth).


Which works like a charm, but leaves this father daughter pair a bit isolated in enemy territory.


And I open my attack on the lunger with this unlikely kill, but in fact chip as only one crits, which lets me


Give the kill to Izana.


Silas then lets his daughter get the Ninja kill he setup on enemy phase.


As I break an exit hole for the pair, I prepare to bait in swordsmen pinning them in as well, although


I was more expecting the Melee, Ranged pair to work together, instead of just the range one making its attack on my back row, but I might have gotten too used to the Ninja AI when setting this up. And so I go after


That random pair in the corner using a ranged lunge to draw them closer


And I try for the more accurate magic attack for some chip (but the debuffing is likely more important anyway). It does hit, which lets


Izana claim kill for


Access to Tomefaire. Now onto a less side objective, and finally deal with the range enemy I drew in before


But thanks to Vantage it wont be a free kill


 And that gets Odin to Bowbreaker, with a nice little humble level as well.


Now we try for the kill on the back half of that pairup with a Swordcatcher oneshot, but alas that lower accuracy bits us in the butt


Twice, as Ophelia also has a miss that lets it live, and now I want to check if something will hit the other Swordsman before choosing who to finish each of these off


And with Mozu hitting this chip, that means I can


Get the kill here with Velouria, while


Beruka can get the safe kill on the other one.

Next turn I almost bungle half of it by accidentally healing single digit damage instead of pairing up with someone with Nina, but I manage to Shelter her


And transfer her along to


Open the chest


Although the other half of the turn was preparing for the next lunger


By enemy phasing it.


For a great levelup, and the Axe Breaker skill. That gets everyone except Llewelyn...and the trapped TeeHee all the way to their level 35 Skill.


For the next lunge, I go with another unbreakable defense strat


Which works well enough that the Life-And-Death Swordmaster only deals 2 damage a hit. Speaking of which


That is the first enemy I kill for a


...WHAT SoRcErY IS THIS ? a THIRD Magic levelup ?!?


Onto the next ki-


...Huh, she missed a 96. I guess it was bound to happen eventually, and it really isn't a big deal, just a bit surprising.


And that deals with the lucky Ninja


The other Ninja I try for the crit kill, but merely get the chip, so


Odin cleans up.


And that leaves just Saizo


...and the titular Ryoma.


I let Mozu go for the possible kill


Which she gets just fine.


Although the poor guy dies in delusion.


And so we clear the regular map...on EXACTLY turn 25.


And with Ryoma not moving on turn 25, I decide to start moving in on him a bit, which gets him to finally act, and despite giving him the option to attack Swordbreaker Beruka he gives me a big battle quote instead,


Why does everyone assume TeeHee personally killed Hinoka?


What a brutal strike at her conscience


While she tries to explain, but the history of deceit and betrayal Garon fostered undermined that attempt




And so we are an impasse of violence


😠 This games story was very intentionally sabotaged on the alter of weird incest.


And after all that bluster the coward does minuscule damage at range.


...that is an ominous sign.


Next turn I try to lure him out of the duel room, and heal TeeHee


Safely thanks to the power of shelter.


With any luck I can jump him next turn...


But he refuse to leave his room, and instead goes back to his starting position


So I have to take matters into my own hands with the DV use


So I open with this rather safe chip.



Which should make this a safe kill....I think. I am fairly certain that each hit of Astra will fill two tick of the gage, and after her opening hit the killing final shot should be perfect blocked...


And I am about to find out...


...actually he misses multiple times so the run is fine either way.




Bah, Ryoma you were no disgrace, but in this timeline Hoshido had to fall.


Don't kid yourself Ryoma, there are still two+ chapters after this one.


With how cruel Garon would be to him, Ryoma is probably right to worry what would happen to him if he lived.


And only now when it is too late does she get the truth out.


Oh don't you start believing Iago's bullshit now TeeHee.


At least Ryoma gets to learn the fate of his family before his end


Although TeeHee's comment here is a bit too genre savvy for her eternal naivete.


[citation needed]


Alas Garon is finally ready to force the issue here, make the "pure" "innocent" TeeHee "actually" kill...


But she tries to pretend sadism to get out of it alas, Garon has his own moment of


Which convinces Ryoma


to commit Seppuku,


But TeeHee is too much of a cowardly monster to allow him the mercy of trying to behead him, and end his pain early.


Alas TeeHee gets away with this suicide technicality...Again...


The buffoon does know that we have seen multiple independent nations already, right?

Sigh, Fate's world building is so bad even the writers forgot what little world building they put in it.


I feel this moment begs a comparison with Hector, as TeeHee fails to hold back tears, the far better written Hector is torn up by him succeeding.


So we have TeeHee the traitor, whose treachery will save us all from the goo-father.


...Oof, that is a painfully depressing idea TeeHee is sharing about herself here.


Alas we are getting close to the ending, with this truth...


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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...Why is Hinoka's lance fletched like an arrow?

It's a large model of an arrow.

Wait, does that explain that one glitch for Merchant we saw before in Teehee?

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...WHAT SoRcErY IS THIS ? a THIRD Magic levelup ?!?

Beruka's clearly getting ready to use the Bolt Axe.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Which should make this a safe kill....I think. I am fairly certain that each hit of Astra will fill two tick of the gage, and after her opening hit the killing final shot should be perfect blocked...


And I am about to find out...


...actually he misses multiple times so the run is fine either way.

Well, it was a calculated risk (That would have worked anyway) but man, Ryoma was bad at math.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


[citation needed]

Hoshido will remember that

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...Oof, that is a painfully depressing idea TeeHee is sharing about herself here.

Well, it's arguably more accurate in an Ironman situation.

Anyways, good job on the clear, managing to get through the enemies in the turn limit was nice to see.

Edited by Punished Dayni
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Before I get on with killing Duma, a question.

In the context of SoV, I have access to the Cipher DLC mainly to check out the units. Now, the question is should I just not bother with the units and get on with Chapter 5, or would everyone like to see if I fuck up those maps? Frankly I'm leaning towards the first answer, but I'll take opinions on the matter.

7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Technically I think @Interdimensional Observer hasn't completed the Xander chapter yet, but you actively have to avoid trivializing that one from what I remember.

That's Chapter 26 for BR, so IO would have had to wait for that anyway.

Edit: Wait, the Iago chapter!. False alarm, me.

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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

That's Chapter 26 for BR, so IO would have had to wait for that anyway.

Goes to show how memorable I find Birthright that I forget what chapter 25 is on that game, but I am fairly certain the last number chapter he reported on was 24.

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This one can be tricky because of the amount of reinforcements so my strategy is basically to get an archer up to Aversa as quick as possible


Going forward I'll probably willingly leave Tiki out since she has no pair up partner and I can't be bothered to train her up right now


Other than the race to the finish, the normal strategy is no different, just have two teams make there way slowly up the map while keeping just enough distance from all of the reinforcement spawns to not be sniped


Wow, what a terrible bind I've found myself in!


...Such a shame I didn't have an assassin with 12 movement to KO the boss.


Gave the kill to Noire so she can level up a bit


And that stage is complete! This one did take a bit of time because I had to be careful with unit placement to account for reinforcements but the last chapter till the (from what I remember) easy to beat endgame is done!


Our journey is almost at it's end


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On 6/20/2023 at 7:53 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Technically I think @Interdimensional Observer hasn't completed the Xander chapter yet, but you actively have to avoid trivializing that one from what I remember.


On 6/20/2023 at 7:57 PM, Punished Dayni said:

That's Chapter 26 for BR, so IO would have had to wait for that anyway.

Edit: Wait, the Iago chapter!. False alarm, me.

I can move on? Sorry! ! I didn't realize I could do that yet.😅

As I finished my second playthrough of Super Robot Wars J yesterday, I can get it done tomorrow. Just need a pinch of time to get back into an FE mindset, even if BR is easy, it's got nothing on the map-after-map massacres I was doing towards the end of J.


On 6/18/2023 at 9:01 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Next time: The enemies are coming from the ocean's grey waves!

Ah yes, Valla- the land where all the water you bathe and wash your hands, dishes, and laundry in ends up via magic portals in your household plumbing. If utilized properly, it can be reused as toilet water, for crop irrigation, and giving martial form to spirits of the dead, thereby conserving precious freshwater supplies.


On 6/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



He was in range? FFF

And he missed the second attack *phew*

The boredom of Rev turned off your strategic thinking more than it should've? Difficulty from deception. Well, it was only Orochi on the line.😛

On 6/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Time for Ryomafair...i mean Swordfaire!

TBF, I don't think anyone else wants to spend much time in Swordmaster in Fates, it might as well be Ryomafaire.

On 6/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Father vs. Son GO

And Ryoma missed both attacks lmao

He must been confront with Chapter 5 RNG again, where ??? daddy who magically hid his beard seemingly always defeats his eldest son eventually.

On 6/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Critrochi finishes and saves the day! Otherwise we would've lost like 7 units lmao xD

I comitted and everyone except her missed (~65-70 hit) kek

The Hagakure Blade's Avoid boost was useful for once -just, not the player.


On 6/20/2023 at 6:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


This is more what Sword Breaker is for, getting an accurate attack on the Sword Masters..

Clever play, not needing it, but nonetheless using a mid-battle skill acquisition to contribute towards victory. Calculating everything and factoring into your strategy.

On 6/20/2023 at 6:10 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


Which should make this a safe kill....I think. I am fairly certain that each hit of Astra will fill two tick of the gage, and after her opening hit the killing final shot should be perfect blocked...

Took me a moment to remember Astra halves damage dealt. Looked scarier forgetting that.

I don't really remember Ryoma's last stand, oddly. Sakura's fortress, Takumi's wall, Hinoka's aerial assault, Iago & Hans, I don't remember individual enemy formations or anything, but an imprint of these ordeals rests in my bones. Ryoma's also infamous map didn't do that. Which makes my appreciation for your smooth completion of this lategame hellhole less than it should be.😅


25 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


...Such a shame I didn't have an assassin with 12 movement to KO the boss.

Now that is what a hitman wants.

26 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

but the last chapter till the (from what I remember) easy to beat endgame is done!


Our journey is almost at it's end

Spotpass Paralogues! Paralogues! Priam Priam Priam!

-I joke, especially the Priam part, his has a sizable enemy stat bump. Please don't do them even if you can.

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Just now, Eltosian Kadath said:

Goes to show how memorable I find Birthright that I forget what chapter 25 is on that game, but I am fairly certain the last number chapter he reported on was 24.

  Just realised that. That chapter was one I had a rough time with on Hard.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Wow, what a terrible bind I've found myself in!


...Such a shame I didn't have an assassin with 12 movement to KO the boss.

What a pity that is, having to fight your way through all the enemies-

Aversa: dies

Well, job done.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As I finished my second playthrough of Super Robot Wars J yesterday, I can get it done tomorrow. Just need a pinch of time to get back into an FE mindset, even if BR is easy, it's got nothing on the map-after-map massacres I was doing towards the end of J.

The latter maps being very bloody?

Good thing these last maps are defeat boss in BR then.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

TBF, I don't think anyone else wants to spend much time in Swordmaster in Fates, it might as well be Ryomafaire.

I'm getting Swordfaire on my LunaRev Corrin, but that'll be for 2 levels total, not what you'd call sticking around.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-I joke, especially the Priam part, his has a sizable enemy stat bump. Please don't do them even if you can.

Maybe do it like I might do the first half of Thabes. 😛

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On 6/24/2023 at 4:10 AM, Punished Dayni said:

The latter maps being very bloody?


-Just the first attack. I would've made a gif, but it was taking way too long to upload.

Entire waves of grunt reinforcements, vaporized in a single strike via one overpowered unit (bosses got seriously dented too). Not exactly something that happens in Fire Emblem.


Chapter 25 Birthright:


Iago’s second encounter is similar to Hans’s, packed with enemies surrounding you on all sides. With in the castle’s wide hallways and reinforcements coming in from both sides, there is no place to retreat to for safety, and the enemies start much closer. Although the map being bigger, it isn’t quite as potentially hectic as Hans’s. On Hard, reinforcements here are slashed to two per turn from the east and west alternating, and the initial enemies in rows are mostly missing a member- only two instead of three as on Lunatic. The reduced villainous manpower should make this much easier, if still having the appearance of possibly being dangerous.

I chose not to Tonic this time, I don’t think I’ll need it. Ryoma and Takumi got +4 Str & Def for one battle from the random MyCastle boosts. Setsuna was in the Mess Hall making Disgusting food, so I opted not take a meal. I’m able to bring my entire team, newly recruited children included, minus the now-permabenched Reina.

Turn 1 begins by dispatching the three immobile Generals and lone stationary Strategist within sneeze distance of the starting positions. The Gens have Silver Lances instead of their Spears equipped, so Orochi, Sakura, Takumi and Kiragi can dispatch them and Saizo the Strat (which has a useless Entrap). Ryoma with Shiro as backpack receives a Rally Def and attacks the eastern upper Great Knight, Silas with Sophie backpack distract the western four enemies. Felicia, Asugi, and Azama multiply.

Over the enemy phase, Ryoma dodges the lance!GK and kills all four enemies. Azama, his clone, and Silas+Sophie injure but kill none of the western baddies, Silas emerges unharmed, and Azama shrugs most of the damage off via Renewal. One Bow Knight and one lance-using Great Knight appear in the west too. Scarlet uses all her movement and kills an injured western GK, Sakura, Felicia, and Asugi Replicant hide behind a phalanx of the Azamas and Silas+Sophie. Ryoma baits one of the Gens guarding the eastern chest room, he has a Dual Guard ready to negate a Spear hit. Takumi & son, Asugi, Felicia Replicant, and Saizo head east too, to deal with the reinforcements. Orochi pairs to Corrin to bait the western Berserker, Shura follows him.

Azama kills a GK on the enemy phase, injures another, takes Bow Knight chip, the ‘serker takes the bait, Ryoma Astracrits one east Gen, and two reinforcements -a GK and one Dark Knight- appear to the east. On Turn 3 player phase, Azama kills the Bow Knight with a Dual Strike crit, Shura finishes the near-dead ‘serker. Silas takes a Rally Def and equips a Javelin to bait the west chest room hallway Gens. Corrin+Orochi moves east to get closer to the range of the eastern ‘serker. Takumi ORKOs the other eastern Gen, Kiragi and Saizo kill the GK reinforcement, Felicia the DK. Ryoma is confident enough to move north and try heading towards the Sorcerer in the east chest room to kill that sooner.

Turn 4, and the same reinforcements as Turn 2, easily dispatched along with the two west Gens. With Quixotic obtained, Azama makes his final class change back to Mechanist. A stray Maid is descending from the north center to the right, so Takumi heads towards it, Ryoma swaps to Shiro to bait the Sorc in the east room, the remaining four characters remain camped in the southeast corner for more enemies from there. Corrin moves into the range of the east ‘serker, whilst staying just beyond the range of the double-Entrap Strategist near Iago and three Gens, two Heroes, and ‘serker, a staffer threat is peculiar in Birthright, if the norm in CQ. Shura heals Silas+Sophie and he heads toward the west chest room.

The ‘serker and Sorc acted as expected, the Maid oddly moved no more. Orochi kills the ‘serk, Takumi moves to bait the mobile Maid, Shiro kills the Sorc. Felicia, Kiragi and Saizo kill another two expected reinforcements, Asugi moves towards the east chests. Silas has just enough movement to enter the western edge of the west chest Sorc’s range, whilst avoiding entering Entrap range, and he does so with a Javelin equipped. The westside units cautious move northward, but remain within striking distance of any future reinforcements.

Takumi killed the moving Maid, Silas badly injures the Sorc which attacked him. Two southwest reinforcements again, and a Sorc + Hero unexpectedly in the west chest room. Azama Replicant ORKOs the Bow Knight reinforcement, Sakura and Scarlet kill the GK. Silas pulls back and keeps the Javelin equipped while Shura heals him, Azama and Asugi R approach him. Orochi enters the southernmost point of the Entrap Strategist’s range and swaps to Corrin, leaving him exposed to naught but the last Berserker. Takumi pulls back for some healing, Kiragi and Asugi cautiously inch towards the east chest room knowing reinforcements are likely to be there soon, Felicia R and Saizo remain camped where they are.

The Entrapper takes Corrin who kills the last ‘serker, Silas kills the injured Sorc, wounds the other, two Maids appear in the east chest room, no reinforcements in the south. Turn 7 player phase begins with me realizing Corrin can’t ORKO the Entrapper. Orochi grabs a Snake Spirit out of the convoy hammerspace her lord husband has access to and uses it to ORKO the Strat. Only had an 87% hit rate and if smart the Entrapper could’ve yanked them towards death if it survived, but I took the unnecessary gamble.😅 She has 20 pre-bonuses Def in case the Maid chooses to leave the Launcher and attack her. There was an adjacent Dragon Vein I should’ve used instead. It instantly corrodes away all the equipment of all baddies in the central room, it’s otherwise not very useful. One of the two east chest Maids is ORKO’ed by Ryoma, who with a Dual Katana faced triple-zeros from the Maid. Shura healed Silas, Azama nearly killed the Hero which Sophie finished, Asugi killed the Sorc. Everyone else began moving north.

Another Sorc and Hero in the west chest room, Azama crits the Hero dead, Shura chips the Sorc and Sophie slays it. Kiragi kills the surviving east Maid. Corrin uses the Noble Yato to injure the Maid at the Launcher. Felicia pairs to Scarlet and heals Asugi R, who opens the first chest. Another two east Maids appear during Turn 8, which Kiragi and Ryoma dispatch. Azama R kills the Orb Sorc, Orochi the Launcher Maid, the Asugis have now opened 3/4 of the chests. Boots, the Pursuer yumi (Takumi could use it with an Arms Scroll, but he doesn’t need it), a Great Festal (Felicia can have it).

Turn 10 arrives and a Berserker has appeared up the stairs in the north to the left side, a General to the right. On Lunatic, I think reinforcements like these appeared sooner. Asugi opens the last chest, the Waterwheel naginata (nobody has the rank for this). Corrin equips a Horse Spirit to bait a stationary Tomahawk!General, Azama R shall bait the other with a Barb Shuriken. Corrin and Azama critkill their Gens, Azama R also drew out a Hero who Dual Struck. Sakura womans the Fire Orb and shoots the Berserker and left Hero, it misses the Hero, but leaves the ‘serker juuuuuust injured enough for an exact 32 damage 100% hit kill to it. Azama Rend Heaven-crits the Hero, which Takumi would’ve otherwise killed.

Turn 12 sees another ‘serk and Hero appear, more easy but not harmless prey. Sakura + Takumi + Azama R kill the Turn 10 Gen, Corrin injures the ‘serk. Turn 13 has Takumi slay with the immobile General next to Iago, Felicia finishes the ‘serk, Orochi kills the other Gen. Azama moves into Iago’s range, but doesn’t attack him out of logical or illogical fear of Ginnungagap + Vengeance OHKOing him. Iago (who still has his unique Sorcerer staff rank that he doesn't use at all here, whereas it's everything about him in CQ26) is disposed safely on on the enemy phase and drops the Hagakure Blade (Ryoma would need an Arms Scroll for it, not worth it).

Overall, rather boring and on the easier side. Being able to safely camp at reinforcement spawn points isn't a good thing! The map felt a just little too big, even if it isn’t, the center was too empty and the side halls could've been shortened with some doors blocking the chest rooms to compensate. This map feels more hostile on Lunatic if memory serves. Does the handful of extra Lunatic enemies push it past some critical mass, wherein it become difficult to player phase devour all threats that'd result in a character death, there?


Level Ups:

  • Sakura:
    • Mag/Spd/Lck
    • HP/Mag
  • Saizo- HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def (Str and Skl are capped.)
  • Ryoma- HP/Str/Spd/Def (And Ryomafaire.)
  • Scarlet:
    • HP/Mag/Spd
    • Str/Spd
  • Azama- Lck (And Quixotic.)
  • Felicia- HP/Mag/Skl
  • Shiro- Str/Skl/Spd
  • Silas- Str/Spd/Def
  • Orochi- HP/Mag/Def/Res (And Rally Magic.)
  • Corrin- HP/Str/Skl/Lck/Def


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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Just the first attack. I would've made a gif, but it was taking way too long to upload.

Entire waves of grunt reinforcements, vaporized in a single strike via one overpowered unit (bosses got seriously dented too). Not exactly something that happens in Fire Emblem.

Gambits ain't on this level.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There was an adjacent Dragon Vein I should’ve used instead. It instantly corrodes away all the equipment of all baddies in the central room, it’s otherwise not very useful.

This also loses you the 10K that strategist has.

Source: I have lost that 10K before.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Being able to safely camp at reinforcement spawn points isn't a good thing!

I definitely don't share that memory of this map, not enough units I had seemed capable of taking damage. Though I did focus more on facing the early reinforcements first from what I remember.

And yeah, I think now we can say go time. Endgame, here we go!

(I'm going to fuck this up aren't I?)

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Would be cool if we could all agree on a time to start endgame together and post updates life here.

Would be super hard to plan tho

On 6/24/2023 at 4:04 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

seemingly always defeats his eldest son eventually.

I have seen the reverse before

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Slashing more than Prices!

Honestly the real reason behind this is that i want to give Orochi 2 Levels so i can get Tomefaire on her to also inherit to Ophelia

Since i have 2 spots open for the final map i am getting Ophelia + either a capture or Anna...although Anna comes at lvl 10 so probably i will capture something from Ophelia's map


Why can't i get this Anna tho....



Rip Speed


To the surprise of no one


Corn in action




Door jumpscare

...Orochi missed an 84...i will have to burn a rescue to not lose her lol...

Or actually maybe not let me cook


Myrmidon moment


She carries the frozen sword


STR/SKL Niles O.o

Healed, Rally'd and Ryoma'd. That should work....




"I am just holding back"



...15 EXP away from Tomefaire lol...


Lol. Why doesn't she scale



Atleast tomefaire lol (just went for a fast skirmish for the remaining EXP)


This paralogue can be a bit of a pain. I like it, but on Lunatic it's pretty tough if you wanna get all the rewards


Really wish i had Life and Death on Odin Dank. That would be too much of a pain now tho



Probably the slowest Ophelia i have ever gotten

Then again...Orochi lol



Odin opens it up with a dual attack crit



I think i am starting to regret doing this chapter lol


I will capture that guy with OrochiPowah


What's better than Wyverns with Darting blow? 2!

Hard weapon ranks suck tho


Some Mag or Str would be cool...


Something something Hoshido Glory



Also fuck Ninjas xD

I wanna capture one of them but...



Magic powah


And captured Ninja!


FFS Orochi missed....


Big lvlup tho


Is that how a rejection feels?


This chapter is sponsered by Luck lvlups!




Is this what they call the fabulous 15s?


Now that's a lvlup


She will be an absolute crit machine won't she?




Power of Corn!


Seno captured!


Skl o.o


So strong, he solo'ed the top half of the map lol


Time to hold her hostage until i get the last item lol


Item get!


And i finish the map by capturing her!

Wew. The chapter i had to think the most so far.

Then again, this is a Conquest chapter lol





Now that's the Niles i know


Pushing through the mid. Imma not gonna bother with the Chests






Myrmidon Lvlup continues!


Ah yes, the Myrmidon lvlup


Hi Gunter


Bye Gunter


Finale at hands, my friends!

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5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Why can't i get this Anna tho....

I remember the Anna I made a Mechanist, capped offensive stats and able to use most of the weapons.

Probably the best I ever had, though 4 less Mag than Adventurer stings a little.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Door jumpscare

...Orochi missed an 84...i will have to burn a rescue to not lose her lol...

Berserker using locktouch

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


This paralogue can be a bit of a pain. I like it, but on Lunatic it's pretty tough if you wanna get all the rewards

That is why I do this by Chapter 18 or something like that.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Probably the slowest Ophelia i have ever gotten

Then again...Orochi lol

23 Spd Ophelia.

I can't. That's.... Wow. That's after all the Spd Orochi has levelled.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I didn't remember Felicia still being used, but hey. here she is.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Bye Gunter

Back to the bench he goes.

On 6/25/2023 at 4:35 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Would be cool if we could all agree on a time to start endgame together and post updates life here.

Are we co-ordinating just the final map?

I'll get myself caught up to it then.

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16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I didn't remember Felicia still being used, but hey. here she is.

Staff duty, nothing else XD

16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Are we co-ordinating just the final map?


Would be pretty cool if we could (final 2 in Fates' case since they are played together)

I would even write a lore chapter for it lol

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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