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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although I am sorry to say, I will be taking a bit of a break here, as other obligations have caught up to me, but hopefully I wont be gone for too long.

We'll be with ya all the way to the end!

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:





2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Lmao xD

Me writing something about this Alm's much reduced social circle after the war

Response: Lmao.


2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Unlike most maps I start with most units paired, Sophie with the paired generic Llewelyn (plus Nina for backup) I put in the Swordmasters room, Silas with Niles Pairup and Elise as backup in the Spear Masters Room. The rest I leave paired in the south, but I will wait to reveal who paired with who until they are entrapped by the map.

For the first turn the main thing I do is have Elise move back into the passage to be protected by Silas, simalr idea on the other side, but Sophie moves back enough that only one Sword Master can hit her (partially due to lower defense, but also because their armored blow means she will have to deal with them more on player phase, the rest I have pointlessly move forward...

  Already plenty to work off of with that map, though at least you seem to have faith in this lot holding those corners.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Now for player phase 2, I open with Soleil switching to the Practice Katana to one round the Berserker, with 0% chance of being hurt in return, She even earns a sweet Strength, Speed, Defense levelup from it.

That's a powerful way to start off.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Blight Dragon moves but doesn’t attack anyone was it because it was going to use the lower-left Dragon Vein that Azama was sitting on? Felicia got hit by a rock but lived and a great many enemies moved in.

I think so.

Which makes it getting caught up in that an unfortunate end for it.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sakura uses Rally Magic on the Felicias, from three tiles away Felicia R lands a 60% Hexing on the Blight Dragon 😝,


Sure does lower the threshold, especially with Blight Dragon's high Spd.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Azama slings the Barb Shuriken for the very last time for 100% accurate 9 damage, he made it a Rend & Crit for 24, Birthright is ended.


1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Enemy phase 3 Silas Again procs Luna, but thanks to that damnable healer that still isn't a kill

but it is enough that on Player phase 4 Silas can get the clean kill alone, so Elise can then transfer Niles over to give that healer an arrow where she rightfully deserves. As for the Swordmaster front, Sophie can now use a raider weapon to one round him, which gives Nina the pleasure of the healer kill. Everyon else gets close to their stairs except Ophelia Velouria pair, as they are going out to lure the Spendthrift army far enough south that I can ignore it, and then warp her in to join in the Gooron assault. Sadly they can't quite reach so we have a quiet turn 5. I also wait through turn 6 to give me extra room...

Edit Update 1:

Turn 7 is just getting everyone close to Gooron to go for the kill on turn 8.

Speaking of which, I open with Strength, Magic, and Luck rally on as many units as I can. The I open with a Kana hit for 10 damage and the dragon hex debuff. Next I defense rally Ophelia to deal 52 damage with good old fashion Lightning. That gives TeeHee an easy kill, and let the Goo Father spill the beans about Anakos ordering TeeHee's survival. Also se gets a late HP, Str, Spd, and Lck levelup from the patricide

Now onto the map where I kind of expect to lose units...

You got past Gooron, you got this!

40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although I am sorry to say, I will be taking a bit of a break here, as other obligations have caught up to me, but hopefully I wont be gone for too long.

Get to it whenever you can.

Edited by Punished Dayni
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Whew, I am back, and there are some preps for this last map still, chugging more tonics, and more importantly bringing out all the best staves for the end. I drop a weapon from all my staff users for more staff room, they all have freeze and mend, Elise got fortify and Rescue, Izana got Silence and an Enfeeble, and Nina got the last Rescue (she is the only one with two weapons on her, a Shining bow, and Dual Yumi). I also did a tiny bit of skill equipping, most notably letting Nina equip Pass, and swapping Sophie's Aptitude for Luna.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

No inevitable end. You can do it!

That is a good point...perhaps this will go better than I expect.

Now lets start Conquest's endgame


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I open turn one overly cautiously with just an over rallied Sophie in range of the overlapping Physical and Magical Oni Chieftain attack ranges. She then dodges and double proc Luna to show off...but with Armored blow that still isn't enough to kill the melee one.

Now for the far more exciting turn two, as things have strarted to really press in, with three Oni in the center, two Onmyoji to the east, and two Heroes to the west (the back pair of those two can only be targeted by range due to the Dark Waters they spawn in). Nina Dual Yumi's the back Onmyoji to death (with superfluous crit to boot). That lets Silas chain her attack stance into a kill on the other Onmyoji with a Javelin (their Vantage not triggering thanks to full health). He also gets a HP, Luck, Def levelup from the kill as well...And Nina levels up from the attack stance kill for some HP, Mag, Spd, Lck, and Def (showing that hot older man how leveling is done). Mozu with Elise pairup wipes one Oni (with another superfluous crit...) Odin finishes the heavily injured one for a ...Str...Skl, Spd, Lck, and Def levelup. I let TeeHee do a lot of chip to the last Oni with a Dragon hit, so her son can finish it for a lame HP and Spd levelup. I then position Velouria to give a strong attack stance to Elise to go for the kill on the nearer Hero with lightning, and all three hit in the 70s for the kill. That let me have Ophelia go for the warp lightning kill on the last Hero...for another superfluous crit kill, and a Str, Def, Res levelup on her. Otherwise I stay out of staff range for the rest of the turn,

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Turn 3 I open by Silencing the enemy staff for a Mag, Lck, Def, Res levelup on Izana. Then I make a slight mistake, I plan on drawing just the next group of forces to the east with Mozu, but I make that plan first, before remembering to DV to block Takumi's map attack...which alters the map in a way that she is now out of range. I make a backup plan using Niles in range of all the range enemies, which should have very low accuracy due to Shuriken breaker on the Master Ninja, and Air Superiority on the Malig Knights, with a Silas pairup to prevent a Beast Killer attack stance. Although that position is going to take the map attack...I hope this one doesn't bite me in the butt...


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Oops, the map attack breaks the terrain at the start of enemy phase so Niles definitely dies to the Beast Killer.

Onto player phase, Ophelia Calamity Gates that Beast Killer to death, Nina then Dual Yumis to kill one Maligknight, Velouria kills the Ninja. That takes care of that immediate issue, so I silence that near staff again, I have Elise pop the first Fortify use, and have TeeHee enters the western enemies ranges with the Dragon Shield, while triggering a DV...which then puts her out of range with the terrain. Although that does make it so only the Hammer can reach the space in front of her, so I again shift to a Nostank with pairup plan from that space...

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Shit, the four pair horseman of the apocalypse have moved...now its either pull back to safety and get trapped in a reinforcement quagmire, or....

Alright its time to just go for the goal here. I give Nina a +1 Move pairup, get TeeHee a +1 Move pairup (specifically Silas), use strength Rally on TeeHee, have Elise move as far as she can to Rescue Nina, who uses her pass to Rescue TeeHee 10 spaces forward past some enemies to attack Takumi for 21x2... And then Nohrian Trust gives her a double Luna proc...its not enough for the kill (thanks to Dragon Skin), but it hopefully is enough...

After the Dragon Hex debuff, a magic rally, a defense rally for caution, and the only magic pairup that hasn't moved can all put onto Ophelia, she can safely get the warp kill. Without one of those Luna procs (or something else like a crit or Dragon Fang proc) I would have to risk a 56% visible hit and 49% chance of death by Vengene proc before she kills him... and for funsies she get a HP, Mag, and Res levelup from the Takumi kill.

It is done, Conquest is beaten with only Niles as a last minute mistake casualty. I can't believe Nohrian trust came in so clutch like that, I have never thought about that mostly useless skill, but it just saved my hide...well kinda. TeeHee probably would have lived a turn with a trade switch over to Dragon Stone+ before Ophelia's attack for safety, to then get the kill next turn, but I would have been leaving the rest of my army to be utterly murderlated.

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Did you all have fun?

Definitely, that was fun. Odd as this sounds, dealing with the consequences of a death without the death necessarily being your fault is something I kind of enjoyed about this run, plus I like reading/watching ironman runs in general, so having all the other runs to read through was nice as well.

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17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

n. Odd as this sounds, dealing with the consequences of a death without the death necessarily being your fault is something I kind of enjoyed about this run

I can 100% agree with this. I even find it more fun that usual ironmans.

My first experiment with Ruben was a bundle of fun and hilarity, even if we lost halfway through. That made me try to plan another one

And we succeded this time 😄

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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  Time for some late commentaries on the ending

8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I have Faye rescue Forsyth forward while Silque and Tatiana warp Alm and Delthea forward

Nice to see the god tier Delthea getting some preferential treatment. She always ends up as one of my best units...


8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Lukas crit both DFs dead and 1-round the cav, finishing the job I had him do in record time,

Damn, that is some impressive work from Lukas. I remember those DFs being a real pain...


8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Damn it Rinkah

Ouch, that is an unlucky break to begin things.


8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:








Oh boy, the bad luck continues ...


8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Statistically, this should end it

Thankfully the power of brave weapons saved the day.


8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Fastest Orochi ever?

Speedrochi still showing off even in endgame.


8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Realising how bad things look (Mogalls incoming, Possible Witch warps AFTER an earthquake),

...That sounds really tense.


7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

so the others end up queuing behind the first one. The rest of the witches keep walking.

Witch AI can be so weird at times...


8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Final Lvlup just in time

Seems the little sisters are always the first to cap.


7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



It's over, Anankos

I kinda want Sakura to miss the first attack and for Orochi to finish with a crit ngl

Lets be honest Speedrochi deserved that kill.


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


That or move Gaius and Chrom up there immediately and hope they get REALLY lucky on their skills and criticals.

That is part of the fun of an ironman, as you can't just reset for the easy one turn like that without some real scary consequences.


7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

which only needs one crit and it has 60% chance. And now's when it fails me. I do not crit, so Jedah lives for this turn.

For once your luck turns...and at the most annoying time, missing the kill on Jedah sucks with all the hoops you have to jump through to deal with them


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Those with less defense on my team are a little...in a bind.





Thank god Orochi finished before her linked counterpart died.

...Oof, an endgame bloodbath. At least this is the time in an ironman when you can really afford that.

Also in a strange twist of fate the only unit linked to one of these I was using also died in endgame...


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Owain, with the duel strike, lands the final blow.

Good job Owain, making your legend real.


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


I'd like to formally apologize for all the people I've killed as I believe I'm the one with the highest body count.

...Phew boy, I hope I didn't just softlock the rest.

I think my early game death of the mission critical and/or top tier characters of Azura/Poundmaker/Celica was probably worse than you more massive death list.


7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

But then I have Delthea move out of the swamp, where she proceeds to get in range of one of the faster mogalls... which she 1-shots. Never change.

That is the Delthea I know.


7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Then on EP Duma attacks Alm because I am nothing if not repeatedly stupid. Mogalls don't do much to Alm, so the worry's warping witches. Marla doesn't though, going for Lukas. The Mogalls near Alm attack but fail to kill him, the mogalls far away multiply and Hestia summons 5 witches, argh.

There is something kind of tense about having to risk your game over units to finish endgame, as little slip-ups like this can have even greater impact.


6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Seeing that it removes the other witch, I have Python shoot Hestia down, removing the other 6 witches at once.

One of the few things that makes enemy summoners more tolerable, that poofing of all their summons.


6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Sadly all my healers haven't enough Atk to be risking killing Duma with,

Lol, really trying to flex on the game with that win.


6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:


Which sadly is just enough for him to 1-round. So that's game, Duma slain, no saint got to end his pain.

Alas it wasn't to be, just a normal victory in the end


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-drat, I accidentally ended Corrin’s turn while intending to swap to the Blazing Yato!😬

...That sounds terrifying, but thankfully this is Birthright.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I decide not try a turn-1 solution.

I probably shouldn't be as surprised by this as I am.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

all approach the Blight Dragon, Felicia R with 32 Mag attempts a 53% Hexing, it misses.

Wait does that actually work?


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

from three tiles away Felicia R lands a 60% Hexing on the Blight Dragon 😝,

...Lol Birthright can be real funny sometimes.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


(To check the math, Ryoma could’ve done 13x2 = 26 damage. Orochi with a 100% accurate Rat Spirit would’ve dealt 11. Takumi would’ve dealt 15 with the Fujin Yumi by himself. 21 + 9 + 26 + 11 + 15 = 82 damage. I didn’t need the Hexing hit, and I still had yet more firepower left unused than just this.)

So the Hexing was just to flex on that goofball of a game.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Sorry to post this all at once instead of incrementally.😅 I was trying not to flub up somewhere alternating between posting & playing.

In some ways its not that surprising, or impactful given how short Birthright's endgame is. Only Awakening's is shorter.




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7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oops, the map attack breaks the terrain at the start of enemy phase so Niles definitely dies to the Beast Killer.

Oh, poor Niles, just taken out of it.

I had something like this happen to a generic in my Conquest Hard clear.

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is done, Conquest is beaten with only Niles as a last minute mistake casualty. I can't believe Nohrian trust came in so clutch like that, I have never thought about that mostly useless skill, but it just saved my hide...well kinda. TeeHee probably would have lived a turn with a trade switch over to Dragon Stone+ before Ophelia's attack for safety, to then get the kill next turn, but I would have been leaving the rest of my army to be utterly murderlated.

Nohrian Trust is one of those skills I can buy using, the issue being how many people would have enough skills for it to be worth having a multiproc backpack.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Nice to see the god tier Delthea getting some preferential treatment. She always ends up as one of my best units...

And here she was critical for sheer power (1-shotting Duma-summoned Mogalls was good), but her bulk did make facing Duma himself too risky sadly.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Damn, that is some impressive work from Lukas. I remember those DFs being a real pain...

It was a pleasant surprise when he crit both, usually they take several turns of walling.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Witch AI can be so weird at times...

This one's up there for me though.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There is something kind of tense about having to risk your game over units to finish endgame, as little slip-ups like this can have even greater impact.

And it was me being an idiot and forgetting Duma could attack the square he was in.

Thankfully he didn't have crit on Alm, that would have been worth panic.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lol, really trying to flex on the game with that win.

Never done it, can you blame me?

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Time for some belated responses.


21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Damn it Rinkah

Shame creme brûlée isn't a thing. Or Bananas Foster. Or Baked Alaska. -But then she'd probably end up overdoing those even.

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I think y'all see where i am going with this now Ü


Rescue cheese. Can't say I blame you. With phase two being a thing and no saving in-between, if given the opportunity, I'd take it. Doesn't help 27 Rev is a random assortment of enemies over an open area and cutting through them would take too long. (Also, why do the dead mommies provide their children with a regeneration-avoid aura in the Gunter battle, but not this one where they're confront Anany himself? Feels like they misplaced it.)

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fates' best Mage letting everyone witness her true power!

....this is just turning into me showing off my units isn't it XD

Nothing wrong with relishing in the beauty of purest might!😄

I enjoy that myself, too much

20 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


We finish off his first phase

I don't see any eyes on the head itself, so maybe that explains it, but Anankos choking on his own multi-eye orb is so nonsensically bizarre in a bad way. Maybe burying the orb in his lower neck front or backside would've fixed it?

Nintendo can do better with giant eyeballs as true final bosses- see Kirby.

20 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I kinda want Sakura to miss the first attack and for Orochi to finish with a crit ngl

Considering Yamata-no-Orochi is a fabled Shinto snake/dragon (you can portray the 8-headed monster either way) it would've been befitting. Who is to say Orochi hasn't been hiding the truth of her existence?


21 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm going to note it sounds like Faye accidentally made a "Yo momma so fat" joke about Duma.

I dunno, it looks to me more like Duma was wasting away in terminal degeneration, not putting on weight/suffering from gout.

21 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

eventually EP comes. This does it's usual stupid amount of damage

Referring to Earthquake? I don't remember it being a big deal on the SoV finale. Is it because linked ironman issues? Surviving an enemy phase with it never registered as a big concern of mine. And the following turn was always remedied by Tatiana's Fortify.

20 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

On EP I realise Forsyth was in range of Gharn and he gets hit with Medusa, a Witch warps and attacks Mae, who doesn't kill as she misses, Jedah and Duma summon 4 Mogalls each and then another two witches warp seemingly to attack Mae.... but due to how she was placed only the first one could attack and so the others end up queuing behind the first one. The rest of the witches keep walking.

And yet none of the Witches went for him? Luckiness of erraticism indeed. The fumes from the river of Duma's excrement that flows as poison through his lair must've really boggled their already-gone minds.

18 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Tatiana had the lowest kills of the survivors, with only Clive and Mycen (0/0) lower. Though Zeke only had two more, poor guy (Faye and Genny had more, Silque tied.... wow). Matilda had more than any of them despite only being in Act 3, though less than Kliff who died before her? I mean, he had a lot of training and was Myrm before he died. Conrad had less kills than Bowy, who was gone for ages pfft. It's funny how many more battles the Ram squad were in than more of the army (Gray near 150 battles, Tobin on 110), but nothing compared to Valbar's 214 (And yet he had less kills than Jesse or Atlas, who had just over half the amount of battles).  Est having 64 kills is pretty funny all things considered, especially when she and Clair are about equal on battles and victories despite being quite different units. Saber having 234 battles and 80 victories is fitting all things considered, but Lukas having fewer battles and more victories is stupid funny. Leon also outdoing them is funny enough, but he did have Hunter's Volley. How did Kamui have 90 kills though, I wonder? He had more than Forsyth, but Python had 199/93, which says a lot from an underachiever. Mae gets the 201/102 mirror ratio, Pfft. Celica had 76/38, while Alm had 253/97, so outdone by Mae of all people. Mae is the real MVP apparently?

Really says something about availability. The battle/kill counts don't explain usefulness entirely as a result. You can also see an obvious difference between tanks, chippers, those babied additional kills for EXP, and glass cannons in their battle-kill ratios.

I took note of those who reached at least 100 battles.:

  • Felicia- 122 Battles 74 Kills
  • Takumi- 129B 98K
  • Saizo- 132B 101K
  • Ryoma- 132B 112K
  • Orochi- 150B 114K
  • Silas- 287B 107K
  • Azama- 292B 164K
  • Corrin- 353B 121K

No real surprises here. Maybe Felicia should've seen more combat given all the reclassing I had her do, but then she was fragile, and a healer.


19 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Those with less defense on my team are a little...in a bind.





You should have felt no guilt. Final battles are like launching rockets into space, you may need to shed parts that fall into the blue abyss as you break through the atmosphere.🚀😈

19 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I've actually never witnessed the final cutscene if Chrom does it because it's just so narratively unsatisfying to do so, but I've been skipping the story all this time so might as well.

Since Robin miraculously survives even if they sacrifice themselves, Chrom getting the final blow is just worse, since it says nothing about the door to a potential -re-resurrection being closed forever. Chrom just brushes that off as "well, heroes of a new era will deal with them" -ignoring his future daughter whose world was irredeemably condemned and lost to evil.

(I'll pretend Lucina's world became a living hell where Grima breeds countless Fellspawn in valleys, they kill and devour each other in their moist, pitch black nests, as is their instinct. The strong and lucky survive and emerge from the darkness, still children with shaky feet stepping for the first time onto the dry ground beneath the endless dusk sky. Their only future is to continue the struggle to live against their more mature brethren who had fled the coops long ago. Almost none oppose their parent, the few Fellspawn who do are slain by the others loyal to their creator, although Grima remains insecurely aware they shall likely one day be usurped. None of the Fellspawn love each other, they hardly even talk to each other, like beasts, their demeanors say everything they need to know. They ally temporarily simply to avoid death and subjugate their weaker siblings, power is all they seek. -Until one day, one weak offspring struggles out of their den and shows the miraculous capacity for kindness, and so The-World-That-Became-Hades, slowly begins to turn towards light once more. Humanity is long dead, but a new kind of Fellspawn shall build a benevolent civilization anew, finding the ruins of the species to precede it eventually.)


18 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although credit where it is due, the powers of the Hoshidan throne were a well established Chekov's Gun, for Conquest's story at least.

I like to imagine both the Hoshidan and Nohrian castles are positioned directly over a nexus point of the Dragon Vein networks of their respective countries, with the throne room at the very center. A monarch of sufficient dragon blood, knowhow, and interest could then perform rituals in the castle as needed that could assist their realm as a whole. The most grandiose and intensive of ceremonies -very rarely performed due to the effort required- being able to do something like induce in a distant locality rainfall capable of alleviating droughts within a matter of days. A Sorcerer/Onmyoji appointed to a Master of Rituals court position would probably be necessary for this, as even if this Master of Ceremonies lacked First Blood, they would be capable of overseeing the creation of any magic circles, recitation of incantations, and other supplementary magical instruments carried out by a legion of royal magicians that would be able to reduce the burden on the monarch/First Blood participants, increasing the chance of ritual success and the magnitude of its effects.

17 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Now onto the map where I kind of expect to lose units...

I did hear it once described, probably accurately, that CQ and BR are opposites in their finales. An easier first half for CQ, with a much harder second half, whereas BR starts with the more difficult map (nor vis a vis CQ, only compared against the BR map that immediately follows) and finishes with the easier one.

CQ27's Entrap gimmick is one-of-a-kind. Curious how they decided on that for the second-to-last fight. The map felt sorta large and empty to me, but then that's plenty fine as an appetizer.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Alright its time to just go for the goal here. I give Nina a +1 Move pairup, get TeeHee a +1 Move pairup (specifically Silas), use strength Rally on TeeHee, have Elise move as far as she can to Rescue Nina, who uses her pass to Rescue TeeHee 10 spaces forward past some enemies to attack Takumi for 21x2... And then Nohrian Trust gives her a double Luna proc...its not enough for the kill (thanks to Dragon Skin), but it hopefully is enough...

After the Dragon Hex debuff, a magic rally, a defense rally for caution, and the only magic pairup that hasn't moved can all put onto Ophelia, she can safely get the warp kill. Without one of those Luna procs (or something else like a crit or Dragon Fang proc) I would have to risk a 56% visible hit and 49% chance of death by Vengene proc before she kills him... and for funsies she get a HP, Mag, and Res levelup from the Takumi kill.

It is done, Conquest is beaten with only Niles as a last minute mistake casualty. I can't believe Nohrian trust came in so clutch like that, I have never thought about that mostly useless skill, but it just saved my hide...well kinda.

Seems rather appropriate. Nohrian Trust-sided with Nohr, Luna is the proc of the Moon -Nohr is the night kingdom. Vanquished the fallen dawn boy not with the light of the harsh Sun, but with the gentle rays of the Moon.

Risking it on Takumi's Hallway of Doom, veeeeery understandable for Fire Emblem's best last map. And the fruit of success sure had to be sweet.


16 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I think so.

Which makes it getting caught up in that an unfortunate end for it.

"Garon" the mad king in dragon form not attacking someone simply because they're blocking his space... it's all kinds of nonsensical. I did not intend to do that, and the Blight Dragon should've defaulted to attacking Azama if possible in such an instance.

11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...That sounds terrifying, but thankfully this is Birthright.

It's one of those instances where if action rewind existed, you would be totally justified in using it.

I mean, Felicia could have died perhaps if I been unable to get in as many kills on that player phase as I did. Would've depended on the AI's choices.

11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

..Lol Birthright can be real funny sometimes.

Dragonskin doesn't grant status immunity, Garon doesn't in either form get the separate Immune Status skill for that. If you're in a pinch for a viable staffer, Izana recruited as late as possible comes with C-almost-B in Festals and can do the job at base just fine with a pinch of training first.

11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

So the Hexing was just to flex on that goofball of a game.

I didn't pre-calculate my total available damage beforehand. But it was do or die on this turn and it looked as though as I had enough firepower. Plus, with three 50+% chances, landing a Hexing and that sweet 39 HP reduction didn't seem too bad. It turned out not to be necessary, but I wanted it. I've done it before.


6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Nohrian Trust is one of those skills I can buy using, the issue being how many people would have enough skills for it to be worth having a multiproc backpack.

Hmm... for something budget, maybe Silas with Kaze for A+ with Effie as his wife? Sol-Luna-Pavise-Aegis-Lethality.

Corrin should then take Diviner or Spear Fighter as their Heart Class for Basara's Quixotic, +15% activation rate to all of the above, doable on CQ. But if we're talking Revelation, Hoshidan Unity for another +10% becomes possible. Dragon Fang and Rend Heaven would be totally inefficient, but you could add them too for super-procfest. And via love/friendship with Sakura/Azama you could slot in Miracle.

...The problem is the reliance on multiple level XX/15 skills. All the skill-building fun in Fates is ruined by having no time or place to truly enjoy it.😔 


14 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Did you all have fun?

Yes, although I'm not the kind to usually ironman, so that plus simultaneously typing about it was a little unnerving.😅 If I chosen something more difficult to play, things could've gone massively south at any time.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I dunno, it looks to me more like Duma was wasting away in terminal degeneration, not putting on weight/suffering from gout.

All true, her line ends on there being no room for Duma in the new Valentia, hence me saying accidentally.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Referring to Earthquake? I don't remember it being a big deal on the SoV finale. Is it because linked ironman issues? Surviving an enemy phase with it never registered as a big concern of mine. And the following turn was always remedied by Tatiana's Fortify.

I mean, for plenty of units it's close to if not over half their HP, so I'd say it's an active concern when there's witches that'll act as they please. And how many attacks are there dealing an average 13 and seeming for me more likely to hit 15+? I certainly don't recall it dealing 8 damage, but that could be confirmation bias about attack all skills for me.

And good thing too, No Tatiana would have made things much scarier

16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And yet none of the Witches went for him? Luckiness of erraticism indeed. The fumes from the river of Duma's excrement that flows as poison through his lair must've really boggled their already-gone minds.

To be fair, DFs don't take full damage from Medusa.

(Why yes, DFs are broken)

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"Garon" the mad king in dragon form not attacking someone simply because they're blocking his space... it's all kinds of nonsensical. I did not intend to do that, and the Blight Dragon should've defaulted to attacking Azama if possible in such an instance.

....Wait, it was Turn 2 right?

Yeah no, what I said makes less sense looking on the wiki, because it says he wouldn't do that before Turn 4. Now I'm very puzzled.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...The problem is the reliance on multiple level XX/15 skills. All the skill-building fun in Fates is ruined by having no time or place to truly enjoy it.😔 

Less so off the offensive skills, but then again it's a lot of reclassing for what you get out of it.

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since Robin miraculously survives even if they sacrifice themselves, Chrom getting the final blow is just worse, since it says nothing about the door to a potential -re-resurrection being closed forever. Chrom just brushes that off as "well, heroes of a new era will deal with them" -ignoring his future daughter whose world was irredeemably condemned and lost to evil.

(I'll pretend Lucina's world became a living hell where Grima breeds countless Fellspawn in valleys, they kill and devour each other in their moist, pitch black nests, as is their instinct. The strong and lucky survive and emerge from the darkness, still children with shaky feet stepping for the first time onto the dry ground beneath the endless dusk sky. Their only future is to continue the struggle to live against their more mature brethren who had fled the coops long ago. Almost none oppose their parent, the few Fellspawn who do are slain by the others loyal to their creator, although Grima remains insecurely aware they shall likely one day be usurped. None of the Fellspawn love each other, they hardly even talk to each other, like beasts, their demeanors say everything they need to know. They ally temporarily simply to avoid death and subjugate their weaker siblings, power is all they seek. -Until one day, one weak offspring struggles out of their den and shows the miraculous capacity for kindness, and so The-World-That-Became-Hades, slowly begins to turn towards light once more. Humanity is long dead, but a new kind of Fellspawn shall build a benevolent civilization anew, finding the ruins of the species to precede it eventually.)

Yeah, it seems to suggest the world is left open to Grima coming back all too easily,

And then we start with a what if? And what if said kindness would be reciprocated? It feels like we don't get that out of the Risen, seemingly more automated beings encouraged to kill above all else. But maybe in time indeed.

(Looking up stuff, it's interesting that they could follow something other than Grima (Walhart somehow managed) and of course the DLC Deadlords (who are all Risen in Awakening) are capable of full sentences and have a different attitude to any other Risen. Maybe that world had long since fallen and then been taken up by them after all?)

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I like to imagine both the Hoshidan and Nohrian castles are positioned directly over a nexus point of the Dragon Vein networks of their respective countries, with the throne room at the very center. A monarch of sufficient dragon blood, knowhow, and interest could then perform rituals in the castle as needed that could assist their realm as a whole. The most grandiose and intensive of ceremonies -very rarely performed due to the effort required- being able to do something like induce in a distant locality rainfall capable of alleviating droughts within a matter of days. A Sorcerer/Onmyoji appointed to a Master of Rituals court position would probably be necessary for this, as even if this Master of Ceremonies lacked First Blood, they would be capable of overseeing the creation of any magic circles, recitation of incantations, and other supplementary magical instruments carried out by a legion of royal magicians that would be able to reduce the burden on the monarch/First Blood participants, increasing the chance of ritual success and the magnitude of its effects.

Neat piece.

Dragon Veins being combined together into larger circles does make me wonder if someone tried to use it for malicious purposes or even intended to cause harm on a massive scale with them.

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18 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Most important question of all: 

Did you all have fun?

It was a pleasure fighting with the linked brigade.

Seriously though, that was really fun for what was basically my second Ironman playthrough in any FE game.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/25/2023 at 7:59 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:


-Just the first attack. I would've made a gif, but it was taking way too long to upload.

Entire waves of grunt reinforcements, vaporized in a single strike via one overpowered unit (bosses got seriously dented too). Not exactly something that happens in Fire Emblem.

I see someone else is familiar with Zeorymer.

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