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Legendary and Mythic Heroes - Veronica and Embla


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47 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

And why does not coming from a different world count as a large enough difference to disqualify a character from being a Legendary Hero? The fact that Veronica is a human main character that isn't a member of the Askr trio should be more than enough to qualify her as a Legendary Hero. She has at least cleared the bar by being more involved with the main story than either of Gunnthra or Hrid.

Furthermore, none of these arguments explain why Veronica would at all make sense as an Ascended Hero based on existing patterns. All of the existing Heroes-original Ascended Heroes come from story arcs occurring after the events of the corresponding Book in the main story told through Tempest Trials, where the character was already previously released as a summonable unit during (or soon after) the events of the main story.

Look man, I dug up the old FEH channel where they first introduced legendary heroes. The English version at the very least describes Fjorm as a mysterious hero from a land "spoken of in Askran legends". I don't know if the Japanese said anything like that, but clearly that makes me believe that Nifl isn't just your ordinary nearby Askran neighbor the way Embla is. Likewise, all the non-OC legendaries are from other worlds and summoned at a time when their stories are basically complete. You know, like legends. So I guess Embla has transcended out of reality and is now just a part of Askran legend.

Also, if there's anything playing this game for over half a decade has proven, it's that there's basically no qualifications for anything aside from "IS wants it that way".

47 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The only thing Veronica has that connects her with the existing Ascended Heroes is the naming scheme of her weapon, but Ganglot's weapon has the same naming scheme and Ganglot also isn't an Ascended Hero.

Veronica has significantly more in common with existing Legendary Heroes than with existing Ascended Heroes.

Can't say I agree with that logic. Veronica receives her, um, power-up by being "blessed" by her country's founding dragon-beast-deity thing. Much like Fjorm, Laegjarn, and Eir did in their TT stories. Rearmed Lif and Ganglot are a bit odd in that Lif isn't Ascended and Ganglot's first and currently only version is a Rearmed, but they're already a bit weird in that Lif isn't a prince of Hel (he's just dead) and Ganglot isn't the original ruler of Hel anyway.

You can have your opinions and I'm free to disagree with them, and vice versa. The simple fact of the matter is, I don't think Veronica should've been a legendary and you say that she qualifies as a legendary. That's fine. But it doesn't change my mind and I really don't care enough about FEH to get into a full blown discussion about it.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I would not be surprised at all if they decided to bend the rules to make a way to upgrade the Askr trio unlocked by reaching some climactic story event that requires them to power up.

They already have a means of modifying a unit's artwork and stats through Resplendent Heroes and adding new skills to a unit through all sorts of methods, and I don't think it would be stretch if they implemented a way to give the Askr trio additional "unit-type tags" like Legendary status or some new-fangled unit type on top of stat and skill updates upon reaching a specific point in the story.

So like an old-school Lord promotion? I am fully in approval of such a move.

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

But it doesn't change my mind and I really don't care enough about FEH to get into a full blown discussion about it.

Changing your mind was never the point, and whether you care doesn't matter (though you clearly care enough to respond). Most people you argue with on the internet cannot be convinced because they have a vested interest in not being wrong on the interwebs. My intended audience is not you; it's everyone else reading the post. Those who haven't yet expressed their opinion are more free to change their mind because they can do so without needing to admit that they were wrong on the interwebs.


16 minutes ago, Jave said:

So like an old-school Lord promotion? I am fully in approval of such a move.

Yep, exactly like that.

...Wait hol' up. Do the newer games not do that anymore? (I haven't touched the main-series games since Awakening and haven't finished a main-series game since Radiant Dawn.)

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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yep, exactly like that.

...Wait hol' up. Do the newer games not do that anymore? (I haven't touched the main-series games since Awakening and haven't finished a main-series game since Radiant Dawn.)

Fates doesn't tie Corrin's promotion timing to the story whatsoever. They do get two Yato upgrades according to the plot, and which class Nohr Prince(ss) promotes to depends on the route. BR has Hoshido Noble, CQ has Nohr Noble, Revelation lets you access both promotions.

Three Houses gives Byleth Enlightened One near the end of the White Clouds pre-timeskip part of the game. CDE get their first exclusive class- Wyvern Master/High Lord/Armored Lord right after the timeskip, which is soon obsoleted a short few chapters later by their other exclusive class- Barbarossa/Great Lord/Emperor. I don't think there is any great pageantry surrounding when these non-Byleth upgrades happen though.

Being modern FE though with reclassing, you're always free to ditch and ignore the Lord exclusives. I'm pretty sure anyone who knows what's optimal and runs with it in 3H takes Byleth out of Enlightened One, and armor units are as garbo as always in 3H, so Edelgard should shed the armor of an Emperor and go Wyvern Lord instead.

So plot-based lord promotions are sorta on the decline, even if 3H payed homage to them to a degree. Blame reclassing IMO.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So plot-based lord promotions are sorta on the decline, even if 3H payed homage to them to a degree. Blame reclassing IMO.

And I will happily dance on their graves. Not just from being a contrarian, but because being funneled into stupid weapons like whip swords is utterly off-putting to me.

(Not promoting Alfonse and Anna on the other hand is just purely being a contrarian. Sharena was promoted five years ago though, back when I had literally no other 5* lances)

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Their hostility to Savior in recent Legendary and Mythic Hero Battles isn't going to top me from trying. Severance can't do jack squat if Embla dies to Lethality on turn 2:


Duo Chrom's Special battery is busted. Unfortunately, "just snipe Embla" isn't exactly an option in Aether Raids.

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11 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Duo Chrom's Special battery is busted. Unfortunately, "just snipe Embla" isn't exactly an option in Aether Raids.

It is in Chaos Season, where you also use Embla in offensive to shut down their Far Saviors that protects their Embla.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I was just reflecting on how original Veronica's boss theme became the legendary hero boss theme which Veronica got use use again.

A nostalgic part of me might have preferred her original costume being the legendary hero, if only to reference that.

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On 11/30/2022 at 8:24 PM, Ice Dragon said:

Their hostility to Savior in recent Legendary and Mythic Hero Battles isn't going to top me from trying. Severance can't do jack squat if Embla dies to Lethality on turn 2:


Duo Chrom's Special battery is busted. Unfortunately, "just snipe Embla" isn't exactly an option in Aether Raids.

Ooh, I like this strat. I don't have Duo Nina, but I was able to put together my own imitation with Duo Chrom, Duo Peony, Rearmed Robin, and Halloween Dozla, having Chrom shoot Embla on turn 1 and then retreating outside of Veronica's range to wait for her to approach. (I was able to have Dozla survive Veronica's attack on Infernal, but not on Abyssal.)

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