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Themed Banners/Units You Would Like to See


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I know there was a thread about this a while back (and I may have even been the one to start it; I can't remember) but I have enough ideas rolling around in my head that I wanted to share, and see if anyone else had fun ideas, too. I chose the term "themed banners/characters" because "seasonal" would exclude fallen heroes and other such units.

Disclaimer: For the purpose of this thread, "characters with their original designs" or "characters from x game/generation" do NOT count. Please don't spam the thread with things like this. However, something like "the Ram villagers in their child forms" or "this character in this specific class' outfit" are A-OK!

And of course, here's a friendly reminder to use spoiler tags if there are any big spoilers in your explanations! 🙂


As for me, I know I've mentioned some of these before (and, actually, I have some written in this, so if you want to read more, I have more there), but here's a rough list (which I may add to later):

Individual units:

Brave Elena (FE9) in an outfit inspired by Ike's Ranger outfit, but also blended with the cleric design. They have similar color schemes, so I think she would be able to pull this off elegantly. Ike already wears an outfit inspired by his dad, and Elena wearing something inspired by Mist would feel too 1:1 to me. (Of course, for this to even be a thing, she would have to win CYL someday.) She could use a staff, but I think I would rather see her as a tome unit (especially a blue tome, partially because Light tomes are blue in Heroes, and partially to have color balance with her green axe husband, her red sword son, and her colorless staff daughter.)

Fallen Miklan (3 Houses)


He's Sylvain's older brother, and turns into a black beast in his home game. Unfortunately, that's about all we get to see from him, even though Sylvain does reference him from time to time. It would be nice if they could meet up in Askr and potentially soothe their bond a little! ...Eeeeeven if I am hoping for him as a beast unit. Maybe a blue one to reference that it was a lance which turned him into a beast.


A 3 Houses Halloween banner. I know people are kind of tired of 3 Houses right now, but I still really like the idea of Alois (afraid of ghosts) being the chaperone taking students (Ashe (afraid of ghosts), Anette (afraid of ghosts, but not as much as others), Mercedes (likes telling spooky stories), and Lysithia (afraid of ghosts)) to go investigate a reportedly haunted house (which actually just has Marianne (who was mistaken for a ghost) getting some time by herself (and with animals) in an abandoned mansion.) The ones investigating would be dressed up in the traditional idea of "disguising yourself as one of the monsters so that the monsters will leave you alone." Ghostly Marianne would be the freebie, and Anette and Mercedes could be a duo unit.

I know I've mentioned "ladies' muscle beach" as a summer banner theme before, but I have refined the theme even more this time! So, here's the story as I see it: since having been summoned to Askr, Alfred (from Engage) and Reyson (FE10, in this version, probably) have met and realized that they have a shared dream of becoming strong and muscular, though Reyson's more or less given up on it. Alfred, however, encourages Reyson not to give up, and both wind up going to the beach together where they've heard people are training to improve their musculature. Once there, however, they realize that everyone there is female. As they discuss whether or not they should try elsewhere, Nailah (FE10) and Etie (Engage) notice them and strike up a conversation. Alfred and Reyson explain why they're there, and Etie and Nailah agree to help them get stronger, calling in the other ladies to help. Each explains her training technique and how it helps her. By the end of it, the two men are exhausted, but still feel like overall, the help they received and they training they endured was a good experience.

The units for the above banner would be as follows:

Harmonic unit Alfred+Reyson (with Alfred as the lead unit since he's less fragile than Reyson, while also giving Alfred a version which isn't locked to a Rearmed version), as just a couple of green-eyed, blonde, slender, pale boys trying to get swole. (That they have similar color schemes would help with designing their summer outfits, too.) They could come with a sing assist skill as Reyson uses his galdr to keep them energized, even though he's not the main unit. As for their weapon, it could be almost anything, really.

Summer Nailah, here to assist her younger brother-in-law (and make sure he doesn't hurt himself in the process.)

Summer Etie, here to assist her liege in his quest for muscle definition.

Summer Rinkah, here to enjoy the summer heat with some sweltering workouts (and to enjoy a summer beach barbecue.) Maybe she could be a red tome unit this time, since she's from the Fire Tribe and actually can use tomes in her promoted class in her home game.

Summer Effie, who is trying to find something heavy enough to be a challenge to lift. Quite possibly has a bunch of rocks and stuff tied to her to try to give her a challenge.

So, as shown above, this would be a banner focusing primarily on Fates (with both Conquest and Birthright representation), Engage (even though we do already have both these units in their base forms in the game -- I just found them perfect for the theme), and Radiant Dawn. I don't know who the TT+ unit would be -- maybe Rinkah or Effie since the paralogue's main focus follows Alfred and Reyson, and thus also Nailah and Etie. Anyway, I just think it would be fun. Muscle ladies here for the assist! (Also, I was pleased to find that I had a surplus of muscle ladies to choose from when constructing this banner's concept. Honorable mentions go to the Jotunn sisters from FEH, but there were plenty of others, too.)

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Barbershop Quartet - Oifey, Bartre, Moulder, Oliver. (Yes I don't really know how good their singing voices are so I just picked guys with moustaches) Sure it may be hard to sell an all-male seasonal banner, so hear me out: have all of them together as FEH's first Quad unit.

50 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

"the Ram villagers in their child forms"

The Ram villagers dressed as the Village People. 😄

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Oh, another of these. Well, good excuse as any to repost one of my ideas (or rather, my only idea at the idea, haha) for a Seasonal/Themed Duo Hero from a previous thread. In that one I actually tried to fleshed it out, as in, give them stats, a skill-set, the works. I might or not reshare them, but for now, just putting the idea itself again:

Harvest Duo Sonya and Genny
Title: Pair of Catrinas

Harvest/Autumn Banners in FEH are Halloween themed. It makes sense and all, but I've been wanting to see some variety in them. Since I'm Mexican, the answer seemed obvious. Why not use Day of the Dead for once? At least for stuff I'd want to see, definitely a DotD inspired outfit or the like to be used at least once. Now, why those two? I'll admit they're among my most favorite characters of the whole series, so of course I'd want them to use both for something like this. Good thing Duo Heroes are a thing then, heh. Not to mention, there's also the potential. Day of the Dead is about remembrance to loved ones that are no longer with us, so for someone like Sonya... well, for her it'd be


her sisters. Which means, yes, these version of Sonya and Genny would be from after the end of SoV, after Marla and Hestia have fully died.

As for their outfits... well, as the title I gave them states, they'd be dressed as Catrinas. So the traditional dresses, the Calavera make-up, flower decorations on the clothes and hair, all that stuff. Though Sonya would definitely have the two go for the more colorful styles for the dresses than the traditional black.. and don't even get me started on the make-up as well. lol In addition, I'd also have them each hold a Calavera / Sugar Skull.

Now, to give some tidbits of the actual gameplay side of things. I envisioned them as Blue Tome Infantry, with their weapon being... well, what else? The Sugar Skulls! As for the actual numbers and stuff, here they are:


(Lv. 40 Neutral Stats)

HP:  36
Atk: 44
Spd: 28
Def: 24
Res: 43
BST: 175


Sugar Skull+
Might: 15
Range: 2
Effect: At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Res+5 to unit and inflicts Res-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has Res bonus, grants bonus to unit's Res and inflicts penalty on foe's Res during combat = current bonus on foe's Res. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
[A Blue version of Peachy Parfait basically. At least at the time I made this originally. Don't actually know if FEH has already done this by now.]


* Duo: Restores 30 HP and grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on unit for 1 Turn.
[Usable only once per map, as they all do. Duo Skills don't have names from what I recall. If they did, I'd call this one: "Sugar Rush". Since, you know, Sugar Skulls, so the skill boosting both Attack and Speed derives from, well, a sugar rush.]
* Assist: Ardent Sacrifice
* Special: -----
* A Passive: Mirror Impact
* B Passive: Rewarp
Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces, but receives 5 damage per use.
[Custom Skill for them. Non-inheritable. Like Warp Powder but changing the HP restriction to an HP penalty, in lieu to how spells in SoV work.]
* C Passive: Joint Drive Res

So basically the idea I had for this is that it's a mage meant to fight against other mages. So a magical anti-magic unit. I'll admit I don't know what I was doing slightly there when I did this originally, haha, since I actually only ever played FEH for a few weeks when it came out... and that was it. I spent hours looking up the wiki to learn stuff to do this. I can't say if I've got the hang of it by then, so whether the kit itself is actually viable, or at least presentable... I don't really know. But well, I tried.

So that was it.

Hmm, you know, now I kinda want to do a full banner that's Day of the Dead themed. Will have to think up who else to use, so I'll get you back on that sometime.

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I've said it many times before, and I'll keep saying it until it happens: Christmas/Winter Festival Brom. Brom is literally the most perfect character in the entire franchise to put in a Santa suit and I will never, ever be convinced otherwise. A happy fat man who also has a lot of kids? Come on. It's a no-brainer and every Christmas/Winter banner is an objective failure until it finally happens.

New Years Caineghis, mostly just because they've unofficially made the NY banner a beast banner. Caineghis is still waiting his turn.

Lyn with the Mani Katti sword, her actual personal/signature weapon. Also, Young Lyn whenever they get around to Blazing Blade for the Anniversary/Young banner in April.

Speaking of young versions of characters, Alm, Celica, Tobin, Gray, Kliff, and Faye as their SoV prologue selves for an Anniversary/Young banner. How that has not happened yet is truly baffling.

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On 1/29/2023 at 8:22 PM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Speaking of young versions of characters, Alm, Celica, Tobin, Gray, Kliff, and Faye as their SoV prologue selves for an Anniversary/Young banner. How that has not happened yet is truly baffling.

I know they'd fit the Young banner, but considering they actually exist in SoV, it makes me wonder. Will they use them for a Young Banner... or count them as actual regular heroes and split them up with the remaining few characters yet to be added (Jesse, Mycen, Nomah, Regular Deen)? I wonder...


Okay, thinking it a little bit, I think I already have who I'd choose for a Day of the Dead themed banner. I decided it'd be split between SoV and Engage, with a wildcard thrown in, but who it'd make perfect sense to be present for such a banner. So, they'd be:

Duo - Sonya & Genny
TT+ Reward - Eir

So, why they? Well, for one reason or another they can relate to the theme of course, but as to why they in specific...

Well, Valbar has his dead family to remember. I wanted to go for variety over the relationships between the dead and the living, so he was a good fit for that.

I'll admit that like Sonya and Genny, Ivy is there due to favoritism. In any case, for her it'd be...


... her own father, King Hyacinth. This Ivy would be from a world where she was the one who dealt the final blow to put him down for good. So that's some baggage to carry for this alright.

Jean wouldn't be there for a specific person. Rather, since he wants to follow his father's footsteps in becoming a doctor, then it's more that he wants to pay remembrance to the people who, in spite of his and/or his father's best efforts, still passed on. So, some feelings of guilt and seeking penance thrown in there.

Already explained about Sonya and Genny in my previous post. This reflects my decision on who was the main of the two. Sonya is the one who has people to remember, while Genny is there for moral support to her friend/sister-figure.

And lastly, Eir since, well, she fits the theme like a glove, heh. Since it's about dead people and all that. Yes, I'm aware of the storyline behind her Ascended form, but... perhaps it can work even better in that context. Not that this version of her has to be after the events of her Ascension, but still.

So there's that. I could go further in, assigning them their unit roles and stuff... but I think this will do for now.

I suppose it goes without saying, but regular Panette is pretty much already dressed for Day of the Dead. lol

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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  • 4 weeks later...

All of these are really neat!

I also thought of another one. It would be fun for me if we got Fogato (from Engage; I may have misspelled his name; not using a reference) as a seasonal unit wielding an affogato. The first time I saw his name, I immediately thought of this beverage.

Edit: Ah, I also thought that a Harvest Festival that actually featured farm folk would be apt. It could include Donnel, Mozu, Brom+Meg Duo, Amber (Alpaca Knight) and...maybe Nephenee again? The story would be that they've been put in charge of harvesting and preparing for the festival, so they make a feast and get a hay ride together for people to enjoy.

Edited by Mercakete
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  • 2 weeks later...

Individual Heroes:

Brave Elise in an outfit where she becomes a beautiful woman and takes after Camilla as a green tome Malig Knight.

Brave Lissa based on Emmeryn

Brave Berkut/Rinea/Fernand


In an alternate timeline, Berkut is given time in advance to come to terms with Alm being the king and he and Fernand work alongside him to slay Duma. Berkut and Rinea then get married and become Valentia's premiere nobles.

Young Dimitri & Edelgard Thief Dancer Duo

Young Arion & Altena Duo

A Harmonic Hero with Cain/Abel archetypes

Leo wielding his Iceblade

Halloween Subaki inspired by his Harvest Scramble outfit where his weapon, the Fauxchion is a weaker, but inheritable Falchion--a Perfect (cosplay) Prince indeed.

A whole bunch of others based on DLC outfits, miscellaneous art, and trading cards


Silver Snow Day of Devotion

  • Rhea
  • Seteth
  • Flayn
  • Duo: Jeralt & Sitri
  • TT+ Reward - Alois

White Heron Cup Dancers

  • Edelgard
  • Claude
  • Marianne
  • Duo: Mercedes & Annette
  • TT+ Reward: Dorothea
Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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Ooo I like the themes you're picking up on here!


Also, I just came up with another banner theme that could be fun: a craft fair. By now, there are a fair few characters who craft things as a hobby, and it would be fun to see them proffering the stuff they've made. It ties into FEH Anna in a way that makes sense, too, as I could see her organizing the event and charging participants for table space and all that (just like in real craft fairs.) It also fits FEH's female bias since I think most of the characters with crafting as a hobby are female (though obviously not all of them are.) The first crafters to come to mind are Lapis (FEE), Bernadetta (3H), Hilda (3H), Shinon (he makes bows) (FE9/10), and Forrest (Fates), but Bernadetta and Hilda in particular really don't need more alts right now, and I can't really see Shinon participating in this (unless he was convinced that he could make some extra gold selling bows at this event.) I know there are more I'm forgetting/I didn't list yet, too.

Anyway, here's a rough idea I put together, but I may change it over time since I'm not 100% on this lineup, even though it gives a wide variety of crafted goods for people to enjoy.

- Midori: Crafty Apothecary (Fates) (sells unusual concoctions; a unit which focuses on buffing and debuffing)

- Lapis: Knack for Knickknacks (Engage) (sells assorted baubles)

- Hisame + Clanne: Ferment Friends (Fates and Engage; I don't really care who the backpack is) (sells assorted pickled goods)

- Kagero: Unique Perspective (Fates) (sells art cards; sure she has a lot of alts, but nothing that highlights this neat feature of hers: the ability to create intriguing and unsettling paintings)

- Benny: Fortune Fashioner (Fates) (sells good luck charms)

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