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New Heroes & Rearmed Tana

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Did Franz just get robbed? If he’s not even getting in through a starting Stones units banner then when can he?

I think Franz has a very high chance in the next SS banner. We'll probably get something like Ascended Eirika, with Franz and Saleh in tow, and probably an OC, and a free Garcia or Moulder.

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Fffffffffff, I absolutely love it. Tana is cute and Gilliam's art is awesome. Vigarde, tho, is my highlight. His art is on point. He'll be the first unit I'll actually +10.

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Atk/Res Catch 3 is now on a 4-star unit in the standard summoning pool. That's cool. Atk/Spd Catch 3 when?

And it definitely looks like they've given up on Arcane weapons being cursed and super evil.

No one on this banner is particularly high in demand for me, so I can safely just spark for Tana and save my orbs for AHR and the ongoing Spring banner.


And the usual translation notes:


The banner name, "New Heroes & Rearmed Tana", is "新英雄&魔器ターナ" (shin-eiyū & maki tāna), "New Heroes & Arcane Weapon Tana". As usual, "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon", is used for both Rearmed Heroes and for Arcane weapons.

Gilliam's epithet, "Wall of Silence", is "静かなる重壁" (shizuka-naru jūheki), "Quiet Heavy Wall".

Frelian Lance is "フレリアの重槍" (fureria no jūsō), "Frelian Heavy Lance".

Vengeful Fighter is "迎撃隊形" (geigeki taikei), "Interceptor Formation". The Fighter skill series uses the name "隊形" (taikei), "formation", in Japanese, hence their skill icons being a formation of units represented by colored dots.

Syrene's epithet, "Graceful Rider", is "秀麗の緑翼" (shūrei no ryokuyoku), "Graceful Green Wings".

Frelian Blade is "フレリアの麗剣" (fureria no reiken), "Frelian Beautiful Sword". Unsurprisingly, the localization team continues to be allergic to the word "sword".

Spd/Res Catch is "速さ魔防の機先" (hayasa mabō no kisen), "Spd/Res Forestall".

Vanessa's epithet, "Dutiful Rider", is "気丈な緑翼" (kijō na ryokuyoku), "Courageous Green Wings".

Up-Front Lance is "正々堂々の槍" (seisei dōdō no yari), "Fair-and-Square Lance".

Tana's epithet, "Soaring Princess", is "未来へ翔ける王女" (mirai e kakeru ōjo), "Princess Soaring Towards the Future".

Arcane Nastrond is "魔器ナーストレンド" (maki nāsutorendo), "Arcane Weapon, Nastrond".

Soaring Wings is "天かける翼" (amakakeru tsubasa), "Soaring Wings".

Guidance is "空からの先導" (sora kara no sendō), "Guidance From the Sky".

Vigarde's epithet, "Silent Emperor", is "穏健帝" (onken-tei), "Silent Emperor".

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AT LONG LAST! Gilliam has been a long time coming and my personal most wanted from Sacred Stones.

The other choices make sense as well. Vanessa is another unit who was super popular (the last one I consider on that level is Franz, after him we're done) and Syrene... fits well with her fellow Frelians?

And of course Vigarde is a welcome addition. He is the decoy Big Bad of the game after all, he certainly deserves a to get into Heroes.

It's just a shame that Glen was skipped. Completing the Six Generals of Grado would have been neat. I guess there's always next time?


But is there gonna be a next time? I wonder. Sacred Stones is now in the same situation as Echoes with no playable female characters left.

They do have some NPCs: Rinea, Nuibaba, Hestia, Marla and Irma for Echoes and Ismaire for Sacred Stones.

So I guess how they will treat the next Echoes banner will tell us how they'll treat the next SS banner. If they skip it I will start to worry. I sincerely hope they never give up on a game getting New Heroes banner until they finish the playable cast at least. It doesn't even matter if part of said cast is seasonal only, but they have to get in.

Every playable character is someone's favorite and it would suck so hard to be that someone who has, say Forde as his favorite if they just decide they are done with Sacred Stones.

Edited by GrandeRampel
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40 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

AT LONG LAST! Gilliam has been a long time coming and my personal most wanted from Sacred Stones.

The other choices make sense as well. Vanessa is another unit who was super popular (the last one I consider on that level is Franz, after him we're done) and Syrene... fits well with her fellow Frelians?

And of course Vigarde is a welcome addition. He is the decoy Big Bad of the game after all, he certainly deserves a to get into Heroes.

It's just a shame that Glen was skipped. Completing the Six Generals of Grado would have been neat. I guess there's always next time?


But is there gonna be a next time? I wonder. Sacred Stones is now in the same situation as Echoes with no playable female characters left.

They do have some NPCs: Rinea, Nuibaba, Hestia, Marla and Irma for Echoes and Ismaire for Sacred Stones.

So I guess how they will treat the next Echoes banner will tell us how they'll treat the next SS banner. If they skip it I will start to worry. I sincerely hope they never give up on a game getting New Heroes banner until they finish the playable cast at least. It doesn't even matter if part of said cast is seasonal only, but they have to get in.

Every playable character is someone's favorite and it would suck so hard to be that someone who has, say Forde as his favorite if they just decide they are done with Sacred Stones.

Between Ascended/Rearmed and OCs, they can secure 1-2 female units on a banner even without involving Ismaire. So personally, I'm not worried.

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We are getting characters I never thought they would add to FEH (Orson, Vigarde) 🤧


I would prefer Rearmed Seth over Tana but its ok...


My second favorite character from FE, second only to The Prodigy!

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Oh, by the way:

3*-4* Lance Fliers: Catria, Est, Shanna, Florina, Cordelia, Subaki, Clair, Shigure, Thea, Altena, Seteth, Marcia, Karin, Phila, Vanessa
3*-4* Sword Fliers: Caeda, Palla, Tanith

I don't even care about Vanessa and Syrene that much, but the latter being a premium unit instead of the former is incredibly dumb. Vanessa also had the better CYL numbers compared to Syrene by far, but I guess IS is obsessed with dumping interchangeable, F2P friendly lance fliers on us.

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I actually liked this banner a lot so far, specially since I'm currently playing FE8, I also think that it'd be cool too if they had put Innes here, if they hadn't stopped the "rearmed weapons are evil" thing (although this stopped at Alfred, i think), if L'arachel was the rearmed, among other things mentioned(except making the banner about Engage, but I agree with Tybrosion that they're probably delaying it to not take the interest away from the AHR banner), but for me it was still a good decision to do it as it is. What I found really strange is that:

  •  Gilliam isn't the demote (don't get me wrong, it's a very welcome decision, I just found it strange), actually he managed to be favoured over a cute pegasus knight girl! And that is impressive.
  • Vanessa was demoted in favour of Gilliam and Syrene. I get that Vanessa isn't one of those FE8 characters that are popular, or known, among the general fandom (like the lords, Seth, Lyon, Tana, L'arachel, Joshua, and even Amelia for some reason,...) but she definitively seems to be one of the most popular characters among the FE8 fandom (just like how Kent and Sain are hella popular among the FE7 fandom but unknown to the general fandom, or how Franz and Forde are popular among FE8 fandom as well...) and very probably more than Syrene (look the amount of fanart or ship discussions, etc around for each and see for yourself), so I wonder why'd they favour her sister over her. Again, I'm not complaining, I like both of them, is just that I don't get it, if I knew that Vanessa, Syrene and Gilliam were on the banner and had to guess which of them would be the demote, Vanessa would be my last guess for sure.
  • Zombie Vigarde is the GHB when we're just one or two months away from the Fallen banner (I never remember if it's on april or may...), it makes me think that they're full of options on their heads to use there for using a good fallen option like this. Also it feels like a waste to use fallen Vigarede like this after we just got Legendary Formortiis (AKA zombie Lyon), who was a success, I bet that several people would be happy to pull for Lyon's dad (since everyone seems to love dads and fallen units + now that "fallen Lyon" 2.0 was a sucess it'd be a good timing to release him) on the fallen banner, or at the very least that he could have been a GHB hero there and get a prf.

 Anyway, I particularly liked Tana (because I love the "unit can move 2 spaces away from an ally whithin 2 spaces" effect, specially since she can concede it to allies as well) and Gilliam and will surely try to get her, ocasionally taking the blue orbs when there isn't any colorless in hope to maybe get him too along the way.




15 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The situation Sacred Stones is in is just like Shadows of Valentia now. SoV has, what, Nomah, Jesse, Mycen, and regular Deen left? I definitely see a whole lot of Eirika/Ephraim/Myrrh/L'Arachel New Heroes alts if/when they finish off SS.

Now watch as Blazing Blade's next New Heroes banner uses both Isadora and Vaida, for some reason.

FE8 is not in THAT bad of a situation, at least Forde, Franz, Kyle, Artur and Saleh are all either handsome, pretty or both, and half of them are strongly tied to one anothers so they could still reliably use them on future banners and have people pull for them as long as at least two of them per banner were at least ok units (although I really feel like they might give up on releasing Moulder, Garcia and OG Dozla, unless they're seasonals). SoV is definitively on a way worse situation. And of course, as Othin said, FE8 also has Glen, Ismaire, Fado, Hayden, and Morva as possible units since they're votable for CYL (and I wonder if regular Vigarde is elegible too? That could make a banner of Magvel's royals having Fado, Hayden, Ismaire, Vigarde... and Mansel if he is ellegible as well). Glen at least will very probably be released just like all the other 5 Grado generals were (probably as a GHB on the next FE8 banner too since, unless I'm wrong, all other Grado generals barring Duessel and Selena were released as GHBs).

4 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I think Franz has a very high chance in the next SS banner. We'll probably get something like Ascended Eirika, with Franz and Saleh in tow, and probably an OC, and a free Garcia or Moulder.

 Yeah! It could be this!(with Glen also being ellegible as the free unit) Or Ascended Myrrh with Saleh and Artur (+ and OC and either Garcia, Moulder or Glen as the free unit), and the other banner could be ascended/rearmed Ephraim with Kyle and Forde + an OC (and one of those 3 mentioned as the free unit), or either Ephraim or Eirika as the star unit with the 3 cavaliers (Franz, Forde and Kyle) as the other units + one of those 3 as the demote.


Also, I'm not gonna quote because I don't remember who said it, but it really is ridiculous how little ranged flyer dudes we have, specially tomes (I hadn't realized that it was just Soiree Reinhardt, it just makes it worse...)


2 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

Every playable character is someone's favorite and it would suck so hard to be that someone who has, say Forde as his favorite if they just decide they are done with Sacred Stones.

Hmmmm, I wonder if that's really true, like, if every character is someone's favorite, there must be at least one FE playable character that no one really likes (it doesn't even have to be universally hated, just maybe meh or not liked by anyone), but alas I've seen people like even Makalov, Shinon and Orson, maybe there's none (I like two of them to be honest so I'm no place to speak...). I'm not disagreeing with you, I think that every playable character in FE deserves an alt, even if a seasonal, too, I was just wondering if there's a character that absolutely no one likes for sure (also some non playable characters like main villains, and important support character such as Guinivere (couldn't think of a better example...) should all be on the game eventually too), my best bet would be Astolfo I guess, if I had to bet on someone right now without further research.

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2 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Hmmmm, I wonder if that's really true, like, if every character is someone's favorite, there must be at least one FE playable character that no one really likes (it doesn't even have to be universally hated, just maybe meh or not liked by anyone), but alas I've seen people like even Makalov, Shinon and Orson, maybe there's none (I like two of them to be honest so I'm no place to speak...). I'm not disagreeing with you, I think that every playable character in FE deserves an alt, even if a seasonal, too, I was just wondering if there's a character that absolutely no one likes for sure (also some non playable characters like main villains, and important support character such as Guinivere (couldn't think of a better example...) should all be on the game eventually too), my best bet would be Astolfo I guess, if I had to bet on someone right now without further research.

As far as I can tell, all the characters on CYL have gotten some number of votes - Astolfo, for example, got 36 on CYL7.

The lowest score for a playable character on CYL7 was Dalvin with 5 votes, followed by Luke, Tristan, and Reiden with 6.

Regarding Vanessa, it's certainly weird that she showed as a demote while 5* spots have gone to not only Syrene, but also Annand.

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13 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Zombie Vigarde is the GHB when we're just one or two months away from the Fallen banner (I never remember if it's on april or may...), it makes me think that they're full of options on their heads to use there for using a good fallen option like this.

Fallen is always in May (except for the first one which dropped in February 2018).

They were probably fine with using Vigarde here because Engage has a lot of new Fallen Hero material to work with. Three Houses / Three Hopes also still has plenty of options, unfortunately including [SPOILERS FOR AZURE GLEAM IN THREE HOPES]:


using Hegemon Edelgard again. It actually would be different enough since Edelgard gets brainwashed by Thales in that route.

If they do actually give use Azure Gleam Fallen Edelgard, I'm very likely quitting this game on the spot and will never look back.


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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Atk/Res Catch 3 is now on a 4-star unit in the standard summoning pool. That's cool. Atk/Spd Catch 3 when?

At the rate they've been making Tier 4 skills, we might see it as soon as this year...

Not sure how to feel about that.

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8 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I think Franz has a very high chance in the next SS banner. We'll probably get something like Ascended Eirika, with Franz and Saleh in tow, and probably an OC, and a free Garcia or Moulder.

Much as I like Eirika, even I'd riot over getting yet another Eirika alt over Ephraim. And considering Ephraim won a CYL several years before Eirika, this one would be even more baffling.

Also, I remember saying how I would've preferred Olwen or Reinhardt get an Ascended over Mareeta if they were going to make her yet another red sword alt and someone mentioning that both the Dire siblings have a "normal pool" alt already so maybe they didn't want to give them one. Eirika also has a normal pool alt, that mage cavalier version, so that would in retrospect make Mareeta more egregious.

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Much as I like Eirika, even I'd riot over getting yet another Eirika alt over Ephraim. And considering Ephraim won a CYL several years before Eirika, this one would be even more baffling.

Also, I remember saying how I would've preferred Olwen or Reinhardt get an Ascended over Mareeta if they were going to make her yet another red sword alt and someone mentioning that both the Dire siblings have a "normal pool" alt already so maybe they didn't want to give them one. Eirika also has a normal pool alt, that mage cavalier version, so that would in retrospect make Mareeta more egregious.

That was probably me. And yeah, I'd hope that would be an especially big strike against Ascended/Rearmed Eirika since she has both that and a legendary. Same with Chrom, for that matter.

In fairness, that kind of overlap would seem a lot less strange in 2024 than it would have in 2022, on one of the very first Ascendeds. And by the same token, perhaps Olwen or Reinhardt will get their chance on a future FE5 banner. But still, I hope the next FE8 Ascended/Rearmed is anyone but Eirika.

That said, now that FE8 has completely drained its lineup of playable female characters, it's hard to imagine it getting another male Ascended.

Edited by Othin
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12 minutes ago, Othin said:

That was probably me. And yeah, I'd hope that would be an especially big strike against Ascended/Rearmed Eirika since she has both that and a legendary. Same with Chrom, for that matter.

In fairness, that kind of overlap would seem a lot less strange in 2024 than it would have in 2022, on one of the very first Ascendeds. And by the same token, perhaps Olwen or Reinhardt will get their chance on a future FE5 banner. But still, I hope the next FE8 Ascended/Rearmed is anyone but Eirika.

That said, now that FE8 has completely drained its lineup of playable female characters, it's hard to imagine it getting another male Ascended.

I feel like their best male option for an Ascended is, like, Ephraim. He's the lead of the only male-male duo who's also the only one not in the normal pool ... so I think it would also be fair for him to get an updated version that's also normally summonable. I'm not sure why they haven't tried to do anything new with him since then, since Ephraim's still popular?

Like, I really don't understand IS's logic. They do really dumb things like avoid popular guys (FELIX) or waste them as shitty demotes while giving female characters who are far less popular than them lots and lots of alts and stuff.

Also, even the popular guys like Ike tend to get shafted compared to their female counterparts. Sure, Ike specifically has five versions of himself in the game. But for the male CYL1 winner he sure has less alts compared to female CYL1 winner Lyn, or even non-winners like Azura. Even worse, literally all but one of Ike's alts are red sword, and literally all but one of them are infantry. Meanwhile, Eirika and Lyn are allowed to be every move type ever and wield magic, which they have never done? (Ike has an actual magic growth in PoR and one of his parents has magic.) Yeah, sure ... Ephraim also has a similar problem, with all but one of his alts being a lance. Hector's like one of the few dudes allowed weapon variation, and even then he's still always been armor.

Edited by Sunwoo
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You know who they could use as a future FE8 Ascended / Rearmed Hero? Marisa.

Like Joshua before her, she debuted as a Grail unit and still doesn't any presence in the standard summoning pool. Marisa also just has one shitty, horribly outdated 2019 Spring alt (where she was a lance flier). Marisa has honestly being really underutilized and I don't see why they can't give her another shot while giving fellow pretty sword lady Karla multiple shots.

Of course, what I'm suggesting here probably makes a bit too much sense for IS so instead we should probably expect an Ascended alt for Myrrh that Myrrh absolutely doesn't need (like Y!Tiki before her).

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7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

You know who they could use as a future FE8 Ascended / Rearmed Hero? Marisa.

Like Joshua before her, she debuted as a Grail unit and still doesn't any presence in the standard summoning pool. Marisa also just has one shitty, horribly outdated 2019 Spring alt (where she was a lance flier). Marisa has honestly being really underutilized and I don't see why they can't give her another shot while giving fellow pretty sword lady Karla multiple shots.

Of course, what I'm suggesting here probably makes a bit too much sense for IS so instead we should probably expect an Ascended alt for Myrrh that Myrrh absolutely doesn't need (like Y!Tiki before her).

Maybe they hate pink-haired sword ladies. Makes about as much sense as any of their decisions.

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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Maybe they hate pink-haired sword ladies. Makes about as much sense as any of their decisions.

They better not. I'd like to see Lapis (and/or her retainer partner Citrinne) sometime soon.

Though now that you mention it, Olivia has gotten nothing for years now (including no Resplendent) and Soleil has still gotten nothing (alts or Resplendent) at all.

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15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Maybe they hate pink-haired sword ladies. Makes about as much sense as any of their decisions.

Worst part of their tastes yet.

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43 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I feel like their best male option for an Ascended is, like, Ephraim. He's the lead of the only male-male duo who's also the only one not in the normal pool ... so I think it would also be fair for him to get an updated version that's also normally summonable. I'm not sure why they haven't tried to do anything new with him since then, since Ephraim's still popular?

Duo Ephraim is actually the only Duo in the regular summoning pool, dating from when they added him to the 4-star special pool.

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2 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

Duo Ephraim is actually the only Duo in the regular summoning pool, dating from when they added him to the 4-star special pool.

I had forgotten that he's technically in the pool now, but I ... still don't know if I want to count it since he was banned from the regular pool until his demotion.

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I...have nothing to complain about....That's odd. Usually something gets my goat (that's a phrase, right?). But this is just a really fine banner. I guess having three pegasus on it is a tad bit redundant, but they even gave Tana a wyvern to curb that, which is cool because she can promote to a wyvern in her own game, which is precisely the sort of stuff I want to see with Ascended and Rearmed units.

With this new banner release Sacred Stones jumps up to having 75% of its playable cast, with only 8 unused characters remaining: Franz, Moulder, Garcia, Artur, Forde, Kyle, Dozla, Saleh...Huh, all men. What a coincidence. Maybe they should have held back one of the pegasus knights and given us Moulder or Garcia instead. Well they'll surely be stretching out the remaining 8 units into three banners which they can fill with female OCs and Alts.

Any word on who the Grand Hero Battle unit is yet? I'm guessing Vigarde as he's the only major boss other than Morva (whom I hope they keep for a Fallen Banner) whom we haven't seen yet. I wonder how they're going to handle the likes of Fado and Hayden too, now that Sacred Stones is so close to its finish line.

Edited by Jotari
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17 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Any word on who the Grand Hero Battle unit is yet? I'm guessing Vigarde as he's the only major boss other than Morva (whom I hope they keep for a Fallen Banner) whom we haven't seen yet. I wonder how they're going to handle the likes of Fado and Hayden too, now that Sacred Stones is so close to its finish line.

The GHB is Vigarde.

Poor Glen got left out to dry, I guess.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

The GHB is Vigarde.

Poor Glen got left out to dry, I guess.

I only realized Glen wasn't in the game when going down through  my list. I guess I always, invariably, merge him with Cormag in my mind when thinking about units.

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6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

They were probably fine with using Vigarde here because Engage has a lot of new Fallen Hero material to work with. Three Houses / Three Hopes also still has plenty of options, unfortunately including [SPOILERS FOR AZURE GLEAM IN THREE HOPES]:

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using Hegemon Edelgard again. It actually would be different enough since Edelgard gets brainwashed by Thales in that route.

If they do actually give use Azure Gleam Fallen Edelgard, I'm very likely quitting this game on the spot and will never look back.

If they do THAT, I would seriously petition for the entire game to be deleted. I wouldn't even call a stunt like that "garbage" or "horse shit," because garbage and horse shit are actually better.

3 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Much as I like Eirika, even I'd riot over getting yet another Eirika alt over Ephraim. And considering Ephraim won a CYL several years before Eirika, this one would be even more baffling.

Also, I remember saying how I would've preferred Olwen or Reinhardt get an Ascended over Mareeta if they were going to make her yet another red sword alt and someone mentioning that both the Dire siblings have a "normal pool" alt already so maybe they didn't want to give them one. Eirika also has a normal pool alt, that mage cavalier version, so that would in retrospect make Mareeta more egregious.

I agree, I'd much prefer Ephraim. I just think if they put in Franz or Garcia, they'd use Eirika to form some kind of extremely loose theme with them, because you know they'd never use Ross for Garcia. They'd also probably use L'Arachel to ferry in Dozla, and potentially Myrrh for Saleh if not Eirika.

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32 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I...have nothing to complain about....That's odd. Usually something gets my goat (that's a phrase, right?). But this is just a really fine banner. I guess having three pegasus on it is a tad bit redundant, but they even gave Tana a wyvern to curb that, which is cool because she can promote to a wyvern in her own game, which is precisely the sort of stuff I want to see with Ascended and Rearmed units.

With this new banner release Sacred Stones jumps up to having 75% of its playable cast, with only 8 unused characters remaining: Franz, Moulder, Garcia, Artur, Forde, Kyle, Dozla, Saleh...Huh, all men. What a coincidence. Maybe they should have held back one of the pegasus knights and given us Moulder or Garcia instead. Well they'll surely be stretching out the remaining 8 units into three banners which they can fill with female OCs and Alts.

Any word on who the Grand Hero Battle unit is yet? I'm guessing Vigarde as he's the only major boss other than Morva (whom I hope they keep for a Fallen Banner) whom we haven't seen yet. I wonder how they're going to handle the likes of Fado and Hayden too, now that Sacred Stones is so close to its finish line.

Out of the characters on CYL7, there's 13 remaining, so that could support three batches of four while leaving one odd one out. Could be Hayden for being the least popular, or Morva if he goes Fallen Heroes instead. If we do get Fado and/or Hayden, I wouldn't expect it to be until the last one.

2 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

If they do THAT, I would seriously petition for the entire game to be deleted. I wouldn't even call a stunt like that "garbage" or "horse shit," because garbage and horse shit are actually better.

Would it be that strange? There's precedent for Fallen Heroes getting alternate versions, and while it would be odd to do as a regular Fallen Hero, I could see it happening as an Ascended/Rearmed unit if they add those to Fallen Heroes banners, or just on a regular 3H banner. I don't know anything about Three Hopes, but it sounds perfectly reasonable to me. (At least, from my vantage point of not particularly caring which characters get picked for Ascended/Rearmed/Fallen alts.)

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