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Special Heroes: No Matter Where

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Mark & Lyn
Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP

Super Asset(s): Atk
Super Flaw(s): HP, Spd

Super Asset(s): Res
Super Flaw(s): Spd, Def
*Armored Beacon is Armors only and Staff units predictably cannot get it because Bonfire (which Staff units also cannot get) is the required prerequisite Special.

Super Asset(s): Def
Super Flaw(s): HP, Atk, Spd
*Null Follow-Up 3 is the 4* unlock.

Super Asset(s): none
Super Flaw(s): HP, Atk, Def
*Distant Guard 3 is the 4* unlock.


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4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

As far as Rebecca alts go I think aging her UP instead of down would have been more interesting. An alt of Rebecca as Wolt and Roy’s mom would have been really cute.

Old Rebecca would be cool.

If we ever get an FE6 remake, I'd like to see an older Rebecca make a cameo at least. (I am totally not biased by the fact she actually killed Nergal in my first run.) 

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I think the paralogue reminded me why I never liked Lyn as a character.

Also, it would be nice to have a character who's completely different as a child than they are as an adult/teen. Someone besides Azura, since her upbringing is super atypical and can't be fully explained by "I got older and don't act like that anymore".

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I do find it funny how the Paralogue/Duo convo has Lyn talk more about her family, considering how it's usually just avatar-worship with her in FEH from what I've seen, so I see it as funny that the Avatar Duo is finally when Lyn starts talking more about her family in FEH.

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15 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

I do find it funny how the Paralogue/Duo convo has Lyn talk more about her family, considering how it's usually just avatar-worship with her in FEH from what I've seen, so I see it as funny that the Avatar Duo is finally when Lyn starts talking more about her family in FEH.

Yeah, and it makes the unit feel more like a Lyn alt despite being called "Mark".

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57 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Yeah, and it makes the unit feel more like a Lyn alt despite being called "Mark".

I don't mind it, I'd take it any day over stuff like the Valentine's Day Lyn and her crushing on Kiran, it's better than most of Lyn's alts that I'm aware of.

I'd also honestly rather have them have this "ambigious" Mark since A: that's the appeal and B:If most FE Avatars are to go by, they could have easily worsened Mark if they made them more like Robin/Corrin.

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7 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I wonder if they'll add Mark to CYL now. And whether it means we'll someday get a base version of them.

Next Blazing banner Ascended Lyn, Mark, Wil, lady OC, Wallace quest reward, Lundgren GHB.

Making a joke. I really want Isadora on the next one, but we'll see.

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4 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Next Blazing banner Ascended Lyn, Mark, Wil, lady OC, Wallace quest reward, Lundgren GHB.

Making a joke. I really want Isadora on the next one, but we'll see.

I don't really see the joke. That's not an unlikely line up at all. Though Lundgren is literally the second least popular character on CYL (Alder is the least popular) so they might just toss Ephidel or someone on there instead. A themed banner like that is Lundgren's only shot.

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9 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Next Blazing banner Ascended Lyn, Mark, Wil, lady OC, Wallace quest reward, Lundgren GHB.

Making a joke. I really want Isadora on the next one, but we'll see.

Next Blazing banner is probably too soon for another Mark, combined with Lyn's team already getting the main spotlight for the previous one, but I'd be 100% down for that as the following one.

At least, assuming Lyn finally gets Mani Katti. Making an Ascended Lyn without it would just be ridiculous.

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4 hours ago, Othin said:

Next Blazing banner is probably too soon for another Mark, combined with Lyn's team already getting the main spotlight for the previous one, but I'd be 100% down for that as the following one.

At least, assuming Lyn finally gets Mani Katti. Making an Ascended Lyn without it would just be ridiculous.

Eh, bit weird having her starting weapon be fore her ascended form. Really it's this banner that would have been perfect for Mani Katti, though I suppose they wanted mark to lead more. Course the original idea of Ascended has been eroded so much they probably will give her Mani Katti or another bow.

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53 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

They could make Ascended Lyn specifically post-Lyn mode and pre-Eliwood/Hector mode, just after defeating Lundgren and meeting her grandfather. It'd be a strange place in time to pluck Lyn from, but they've done far stranger things.

That could work, especially if she's alongside other Lyn Mode characters.

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22 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Lundgren being a dagger unit throwing bottles of poison everywhere would be great.

Great, now that you've said that, he'll be the first armor and first melee unit to have Poison Strike.

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This banner has been...sort of kind to me. I got Caineghis and Eyvel as 4-star specials, another copy of Ascended Fjorm, five copies of Rebecca of which one was 5-star, and I sparked for Mark. I'd like to keep going to see if I can get Eliwood and Hector, but I also want to see what the next New Heroes banner is first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got around to building Rebecca due to the upcoming Voting Gauntlet, and I realized a few things:

One, Rebecca is currently the strongest bow infantry in the game. Not just the strongest 4-star bow infantry, but the strongest bow infantry. Her only real competition is Duo Chrom and Legendary Alm.

Two, her weapon is pretty much the same as Arcane Eclipse as far as broad strokes go, which means she's capable of running any build that Rearmed Ophelia (and anyone inheriting Ophelia's skills) can run, including the ridiculous Astra spam build. Who needs Deadeye when you can just throw Special Spiral 4 + Astra at the problem?


So now I have this little monster running around my barracks:



+10 Young Rebecca [+Spd] (Gusty War Bow, Reposition, Astra, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Special Spiral 4, Time's Pulse 4, Blade Session 3)


And then I sent her off to do some old-fashioned "solo + 3 dancers" runs of Abyssal Nerthuz, Shez, and Arval. And she didn't disappoint:



And I still haven't given her Dragonflowers or a floret (and she's being seriously considered for one).

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I've been employing a similar strategy with Rebecca, except mine is only merged up to +5 and I don't have all the premuim skills I want yet. She's really good, leagues better than what her base variant was on release. Kinda makes up for how she was back then, haha.

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