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How Did This Forum Become... So Deserted?

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Whenever I'm here (which is rarely though), I hardly see more than ten active users at the same time.

A few years ago there were >30.

I just wonder...

Do I have to be worried about the existence of this place in the future?

(it's the only the Fire Emblem source I'm aware of besides its Wiki)

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 Because someone rage quitted someone else might have gotten banned because they didn't read the sign.


As for the rest, the series is more or less an sideshow in the grand scheme of things. But I doubt if the forum will immediately die on the off chance that Nintendo decides to permanently pull the plug on FE for underperforming

Edited by Armchair General
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Competition. SF used to be the place to come for both discussion and information about FE with little real competition, but now we have Reddit and Discord for the former and wikis for the latter, all of which are easier to use in general and have bigger built-in userbases.

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Almost thought so.

I know it's not the appropriate place to ask this, but the other places like Wiki or Discord more lively?


times change

Ik internet is a come and go, and most of my friends I learned to know back in the second half of 2010s are gone, but I'd expect to see a new group.

Seeing an OG is always a pleasant surprise for me.

I think Florete is even one.

I remember this place having > 100 viewers at its best times (mainly for new FE announcement but still), but even when Engage was announced and came out, the amount of viewers was less than in standard times in the period I mentioned.


I know I kinda got off from Fire Emblem the past years, but I still love talking about certain games.

I kinda miss it...

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forums are dying everywhere, social media started the kill and reddit and discord have been the deathknell for popular hangout forums. the ones out there kinda coast on inertia, including us. times do be changing...


the sf discord is modestly active, or there's others out there if you want more people or to not be under my bootheel

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I know several people who quit because of controversies with others in the community. Then there's just the other places that have risen up over the years. This place is still active enough, I think, and I personally have no intention of ever leaving it.

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I've been here about as long as the OP has, take a few months. I've only ever posted on threads that catch my interest, which doesn't happen very often. So I can admit I've started to prefer the Discord more. After all, it is a lot easier to communicate through real-time chat (and live voice chat, of course) than posts in a forum that you might not get to for hours or days or however long; and I'm more inclined to keep Discord open throughout the day as opposed to my browser opened to a forum site. That being said, I still enjoy this forum, still check in every day just to see what's shaking. We need that kind of cozy vibe in our lives.

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Sorry. We had to make room for all the bots.

Try to be joyful over the peace and quiet that comes with not being a fandom too loud for its own good. I like the quiet. It's much like what you'd expect from a place named after the serenes forest.

Actually, that's why there's nobody here. They all got burned alive. Unlucky.

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It's been really disappointing to see such a nosedive in activity recently, and it especially feels like it's happened really fast, too. I enjoy checking in at least once a day to see what's going on, but there hasn't really been a whole lot going on to begin with.

The older I get, the more I realize why people miss stuff from back in the day. Yeah, "times change" and all that, but I can never get used to it.

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Others have already cited the reasons.

All I have to add is that I am a bit disappointed by the change. Discords are nice; I'm a member of multiple myself. But I hate how they're so hidden; good information there is untraceable by Google. It's so much easier to find both good info and conversation on forums (and conversely, know to steer clear from bad forums, because you can see the behaviour before you join up yourself).

And compared to some other forums like GameFAQs and Reddit, Serenes has always seemed much more civil; even when arguments show up, the majority of people tend to assume that everyone else is arguing in good faith, rather than just trying to score points. So it seemingly dying faster than other forums, even, saddens me. But such is life.

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5 hours ago, indigoasis said:

It's been really disappointing to see such a nosedive in activity recently, and it especially feels like it's happened really fast, too. I enjoy checking in at least once a day to see what's going on, but there hasn't really been a whole lot going on to begin with.

The older I get, the more I realize why people miss stuff from back in the day. Yeah, "times change" and all that, but I can never get used to it.

I mean in my case I was OBSESSED by Fire Emblem until about 2018 (played Radiant Dawn > 250 times).

Though after a time I got burnt out, so wanted to discover other series / franchises.

The reason I became less and less active and interested in this series.

However after the years my interest came back.

And seeing this place at this conditions made me a bit :tangerinesadness:.

At least to see some people here I remember back from my active time here.

Though this place shouldn't serve as a big reunion place.

Btw where to find the link to Discord?

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Well, forums have just ben dying overall.

That being said, I really like this place, so I'm willing to stay until the very end...

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I just joined the forum very recently so I have no idea about prev. drama or problems, but I think forums or boards are not that popular right now overall. I guess most people just prefer Discord and other social platforms. I do enjoy forums a lot, been using them since I got internet and I'm a dino so that's been say, 2.5 decades at least lol

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Yeah, add me to the list of people who are a little sad about the slow decline not just of this forum but of web forums in general. I don't like either Reddit or Discord. Reddit has its awful "karma" system which mostly encourages groupthink and shallow content. Discord has the issues of obscurity/opacity that Dark Holy Elf mentioned, and I also don't like the immediacy of conversations there. I much prefer being able to read and reply in my own time, and generally go at a slower pace. And in both cases, there's the issue of the people who control the servers not giving a single shit about any of their communities or the people who make them up, which leads to them restricting the API or aggressively pushing super-reacts or whatever other nonsense they've been up to recently.

Such is life, though. And I recognise that it won't be too many more years before I have to either suck it up and get used to either Reddit or Discord, or I have to just give up on the idea of online communities entirely. Oh well. Maybe that can encourage me to get out of the house more and spend more time in nature. I saw some really cute grebe chicks the other day.

But for now, I am grateful for everyone who keeps these forums going, be they admins, mods, regular posters, or the lurkers who just pipe up occasionally. Thank you all for keeping this place alive.

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I think I was in the Discord server when it started, but left quite soon again because it was too (over)crowded.

I like using Discord for one to one conversations or little group servers of maybe ten at max, but beeeeeg groups daunt me.

I'm in like one big server...and I'm even a Nitro user, lmao.

4 hours ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

oh, ty!

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I'm a huge Discord user and advocate, it's been a boon for my own community and I also like the structure of it (channels, threads, custom emotes, stickers, etc), I'm actually capped so I had to leave a server to join the Serene Forest Discord. I think it works really good for gaming communities for sure, but I still enjoy the laid back nature of forums. I'll try to be active here to contribute 🙂

I'm actually super happy I found a Fire Emblem community/forum tbh glad I searched around

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The “because social media” reason holds no weight, because social media had already taken the place of message boards/forums in the minds of most by the time Fates released, and even moreso by Three Houses, but Serenes Forest was still active then. At its peak activity, even.

Rather, I think a more reasonable explanation would be that Fire Emblem is no longer a thing popular with the general public, and has gone back to being something only diehard fans have stuck with. Fire Emblem is still more popular than it was pre-Awakening for sure, but it can’t be denied that the days of 2019 are over.

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