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Tempest Trials+: Nihility & Dream (Part 1)

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5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

They could make him the backup of a Duo/Harmonic hero. Yeah he won't technically be summonable as a summer hero, but that'd be a way to let him be on a summer banner without "taking" a slot.

Would there be any good pairs for him? The only other Book 2 units without a summer version are Surtr and Muspell. I guess Harmonized versions can do whatever they want, but the only guys they've included in those were a lot more prominent than him.

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29 minutes ago, Othin said:

Would there be any good pairs for him? The only other Book 2 units without a summer version are Surtr and Muspell. I guess Harmonized versions can do whatever they want, but the only guys they've included in those were a lot more prominent than him.

One of the character comics from the Life of Heroes character/manga book has Hrid and Chrom discussing little sisters.

Maybe not Chrom specifically, but any other character with "lively" younger sisters/siblings could make a Harmonic duo with him, see Corrin, Ryoma, Alfred, maybe even Diamund or one of the male second gen characters from Genealogy. Hell, maybe make him backup for someone like Morgan or Kana to make his older brother instincts come out.

Making a Duo hero would be harder, but he could probably be backup to the very-prominent Alfonse. Doesn't have to specifically be from Book 2 after all.

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Just because they tease a possible alt doesn't mean that alt will actually happen.

They teased Bride Leanne as a possibility back in 2020 (and the end of that year's Bride Paralogue) and three bride banners later, she still isn't a thing that exists.

There was also this bit of castle dialogue from Spring Myrrh & Nah:


Nah: My clothes are so I match Myrrh! Mother looked a bit jealous, so I plan to make her some for next year.

Spoilers, Spring Nowi did not happen the following year (2022) or this year. I also still have no clue how Nowi only has a single alt in the year 2023.

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25 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

One of the character comics from the Life of Heroes character/manga book has Hrid and Chrom discussing little sisters.

Maybe not Chrom specifically, but any other character with "lively" younger sisters/siblings could make a Harmonic duo with him, see Corrin, Ryoma, Alfred, maybe even Diamund or one of the male second gen characters from Genealogy. Hell, maybe make him backup for someone like Morgan or Kana to make his older brother instincts come out.

Making a Duo hero would be harder, but he could probably be backup to the very-prominent Alfonse. Doesn't have to specifically be from Book 2 after all.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be from Book 2, but I don't think we've ever had Heroes duos come from different books so far. We also haven't had two duos start with the same lead, unless you count Alfonse and Lif as the same, which would point even further against another Alfonse. I could see the sibling angle, though.

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18 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think there's a difference with Hrid and his sisters. Male slots are intensely competitive. Usually there's only room for one male, or maybe, maybe two on a given banner. So Hrid getting the summer spot means a more interesting male won't be getting it. And given Hrid is hardly an exited character that somewhat means the male slot gets wasted that particular summer. 

Not all male additions can be winners but with Hrid it would go to an oc that's particularly unimportant.

There's room for any number of characters. It's just that IS tends to designate more of them for females than males. Also, Hrid isn't a bad, or even unimportant character. He just didn't get much screentime. Also, all FE characters are OC's. It's not like this is a fan game, and, in fact, is an installment in the main series, according to IS. Do you really have to talk about them like them being garbage is a fact instead of an opinion? So you don't like Hrid. So, you don't prefer he show up again. That's fine. But you don't need to treat him as objectively worse. I happen to like him, and a lot better than, say, the likes of Miciah, but I don't complain every time she "hogs a slot." It's discourteous. Please don't press buttons for no reason like that.

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Okay, so this really feels like it's tying off loose ends from Book 4. Good. The "nothingness" is being addressed, including the fairies' history with it. It's also showing how the various fairies relate to one another as individuals (for example, Plumeria's feelings toward Triandra and Mirabilis, specifically.) They are for certain addressing Freyja's coma and what the dark fairies are trying to do to revive her, too. This coupled with the last TT+ extended story are really making me wonder what the heck happened during Lif and Co.'s foray into the realm of the gods. Just what happened during their mission? Apparently, a way to revive Freyja was found, but something went wrong with Lif and Thrasir. This really feels like they're setting up for a really epic book against Alfador. I think Thorr will definitely be one of his lieutenants, but I wonder if Loki will actually start out on our side or as a rogue unit instead of being on Alfador's side. Meanwhile, since Lif is bound in service to Alfador, I wonder if he'll be a foe again during that time. It all seems to be lining up like that. Hmm... Getting a more revived Lif would be interesting (like, no longer a jelly skelly, but flesh again, even if it's still a cold/semi-undead form.) I could see him being granted that in order to fight us. That would make things complicated, too, since...

Huh, actually, this makes sense. Alfonse has always been a major player in these stories, but this would be basically older (and more traumatized) Alfonse we'd be fighting against (unless our Alfonse had caught up in age by then, which IS could totally do. One way they could do it is to make his resplendent form a quest reward toward the beginning of the book. That would upgrade the original copy of Alfonse into a new form with a new design, new voice lines, and maybe even new skills/stats.) So, having your companion for the whole arc of books we've had so far (Alfonse), but in another form (Revived Lif) be one of the final bosses in this big, epic book... I don't know. Sounds like a nice idea to me. I like the paralleling. I wonder if IS had been planning that all along.

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4 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Just what happened during their mission? Apparently, a way to revive Freyja was found, but something went wrong with Lif and Thrasir.

Maybe it was the moment where Ganglot took control of Hel and they were bound to obey her, causing them to separate from Triandra and Plumeria?

We don't have an idea of time in FEH. We don't know how long takes during the books, between books, or even if these TT stories happen soon after the respective book ended. Some times they mention time passing, like how the Summoner spent months with Kvasir in the ravine/cave. But then, that was in the past so it wouldn't affect time passing in the present.

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I see people saying that Eitr may be Freyja. Because:

  • According to the "Meet the Heroes" website, Eitr was bullied when younger and had low self-esteem... just like Freyja.
  • She got her memories robbed by Ginnungagap, the ruler of nothingness, so she doesn't remember her past... so she may not remember who she really is.
  • She has a mark on her nose, which is something that young Freyja was made fun for.
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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I see people saying that Eitr may be Freyja. Because:

  • According to the "Meet the Heroes" website, Eitr was bullied when younger and had low self-esteem... just like Freyja.
  • She got her memories robbed by Ginnungagap, the ruler of nothingness, so she doesn't remember her past... so she may not remember who she really is.
  • She has a mark on her nose, which is something that young Freyja was made fun for.

Oh, good calls. This theory makes even more sense than just that, too. After all, where did she show up? In Freyja's dream, just when she was "supposed to be waking up." Also, we already know this much about the goat family, and her being opposed to the dream realm doesn't make much sense if they're all related via Njordr and come from his realm. So, this could be Freyja's suppressed inner child taken form, I guess. Maybe she was damaged by the nothingness when she was younger? Maybe that was how the nothingness started taking over the dream realm in the first place? I don't know. But it sure makes a heck of a lot of sense if that's the case.

That said, IS does what IS wants, so I'm still taking this with a grain of salt.

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Ok, cool so it seems like they're giving Plumeria some spotlight which is cool, I thought that she was always gonna be pushed aside with Mirabillis (and I really don't like Mirabillis so I don't mind her being pushed aside) in favour of Peony and Triandra, specially in this TT, but it seems like she is not, and that they're finally expanding on her relationship with both Peony and Triandra! Yay!

 After finishing writing it all I noticed that maybe my writing is somewhat less coherent than normal, since it's been a while since I don't write this responses so... Yeah, if it's not understandable it might be because of that, apologize in advance. This post also ended up way longer than imagined... Well, Anywway;

On 7/7/2023 at 6:53 PM, Mercakete said:

Ooookay, so the new character is another goat girl (I guess IS is done with dragon lolis and likes goat girls now?) and...makes not a lot of sense. I'm glad IS reminded everyone that Freyja is in a coma (not dead) by establishing that the fairies are in her dream, but teaming up dreams and nightmares with a common enemy instead of focusing on the duality between dreams and nightmares feels...wrong. It's like they're trying to force a "good-guy-ification" on Freyja and the dark fairies. Watch them turn this into "Freyja was bad because the nihility made her do it so forgive her and feel bad for her." Otherwise, it's not a bad move bringing in that encroachment that the dream peeps were dealing with when they made the fairies. It's just that it feels like there's also that other goal of attempting to force the player into seeing the nightmare people as their allies. And what about Lif? The dark fairies were going to join him in his undercover mission with the gods, right? I can't quite remember if Plumeria was left behind to watch over Freyja or not, but I feel like that happened, so if it did, again, that's good canon consistency, but that other element just feels wrong. And you know the new goat girl is going to be another "poor thing, she doesn't want to do this, we need to save her" and then "yay! We're friends now! Now let's destroy someone who isn't cute since it's okay for those people to be evil and killable." *sigh*

And now, to further accent the point, I want to turn people's attention to some key details I see in the goat sprite of this new lady. She has those prismatic gems floating above her head, and hanging over her chest is the symbol of the...uhh people who live in that god-realm-of-light place Book 7 is dealing with right now (Asir?) So, she is definitely a "realm of gods" person. That said, the way she talks, she has a boss. So, she's probably more like Elm and Ash: a servant created from god powers. I still count her as a "god being" but my bet is that she serves the deity of nihility like, as stated, Elm and Ash.

 Yeah, Exactly! With Leaevatein and Laegjarn you could easily buy that they weren't "evil" because they wanted and so forgive them easily too, with Líf... kinda less so (as he knew that he was doing "bad" things and wasn't being really forced to do them) but he was also easily pitiful and I like that IS always mantained the "fallen hero that is not trying to be good" thing on him without ever trying to forcelly make him good or pretending that he was never bad (they tried to makes us pity him? yes, but it also looks like they're trying to focus more on trying to get people to LIKE him and Thrasir instead of trying to force us to forgive them or to ignore their mistakes, and they did it by exploring the relationship between the two of them, giving them an alt with heartwarming moments between the two, and later giving us some scenes between Líf and Eir on the other TT+ because everyone wanted to see more interactions between them) even if in his case they could've made some sort of redemption without looking forced, but now... FREYJA?! 

 Ok, with the dark faries I had the impression that they're doing the same thing they did with Líf, instead of pulling the "they were good all along" (specially now after the ending of the part 1, we clearly see that Plumeria doesn't give a shit about Peony, Mirabillis or Eitri, at least for now, so it definitively doesn't look like they're trying to make Plumeria look like she was always a good person, looks more like they'll make her warm up to them over time), I mean perhaps I forgot something important about book IV but as I remember, Plumeria and Triandra were never bad people per se, even thought they follow the bad guy on purpouse it's not because they have bad goals, I mean they, by themselves, are neither good or bad, kinda like Líf (so I liked that they're not forcing to make it look like they've been always good but at the same time they don't have to be bad). I think that IS's just gonna give the Dokkalfar some sort of "character development" (or rather, a relationship development between them and Peony + between Plumeria and Triandra/explore the relationship between Plumeria and Triandra (as it's already happening with them showing that Plumeria and Triandra already care about each other)) just to make people like them more because they know that we are suckers for heartwarming moments or cool relationships, while still keeping them on the bad side but showing they're not necessarily bad people (they already did this a little by exploring the relationship between Triandra and Peony on the NY alt, it just seems like they decided to explore Plumeria's relationships with Peony and Triandra too now)... Again, kinda like they did with Líf and Thrasir (Their convos in xenologues, then showing up at the valentines day and having heartwarming moments with one another, scenes between Líf and Eir on the Life and Death TT+, etc... Just stuff that show that they are still bad guys but not quite bad people (but still not particularly good people too?) and can have relations with good characters and care about their friends, while still not being on the good side). I think it's cool, and they probably won't try to pull the "they were good all along" with them (but instead the "they're kinda cold but eventualy warm up to the sunshine character (aka Peony)"), even if this eventually makes Plumeria and Triandra side with the heroes, their goal was never a bad thing anyway (again, like Líf, they just want to bring someone back) so they can side with either the good or the bad to achieve this, which means that eventually this could bring them to our side for good OR that they'll be forced to work with Peony just this once (and have some relationship progress and heartwarming moments between themselves to make people go "awww" and like them more) and then go their separate way forever, without looking forced.

  With Freyja though it definitively looks worse that they'd try to "redeem" her like that because we already knew that she cared about Freyr, and then that she started to care about Plumeria and Triandra, her "opening up to affection" moment was when she sacrificed for Plumeria and Triandra after understanding their devotion to her, so bringing her back now will make it look... kinda unecessary, and will invalidate her sacrifice I guess. Not gonna lie, the affection between Freyja and the Dokkalfar is cool (I like when villains care about each others instead of hating everyone, even who is on their side) but she's kinda past deserving a redemption, because if she came back what would happen? She'd either stay bad (and that can't happen without staying in the way of the story) or she'd live a happy life as Plumeria and Triandra's "mother" and she's past deserving this. Even her sacrifice was not really a "heroic" thing, it was about bringing back someone that she cared about (and even a villain can do this), so she's definitively not a good person now because of that, she just proved that she cares about someone other than Freyr and understands love, that's it, she doesn't need to be brought back to get this point across again, plus if she's brought back I'm sure that there will be zero repercussions about everything that she did just because she "learned to love" so she will be forgiven, and i detest this trope. So I hope that their plan to revive Freyja fails (it won't be unecessary or a waste of time if it fails because their quest for bringing Freyja back moved the story forward, is helping to expand on the alfar's relationships and it's probably gonna help expand on the worldbuilding as Eitr is likely related to her and this might be important, so it's not like it'll be a waste if they fail in the end, it sounds like it can be a good plot device death, which I generally dislike but not in this case).

Also, speaking about exploring relationships, I wonder if they'll give some sort of romantic subtext to Plumeria and Triandra like they gave to Líf and Thrasir, or if they are just close friends (not trying to start a shipping war here or nothing, it's just that the way that Plumeria and Triandra's relationship suddenly seems more intimate and "Now it's us against the world, being stuck together made us really close over the years and we deeply care about each other" rather than a "ah, yeah, we're just a duo of coworkers that just hang around each other because we're stuck togther until we solve this problem, but we don't interact that much and we're kinda unfamiliar with each other" as it seemed to be in book IV, looks like the sudden leap that we had in Líf and Thrasir's relationship as well (I think that it was after book III's ending too, like in a xenologue), who too at first seemed to not be that close despite working together for a long time but after Book III IS decided that they could explore the duo's relationship and eventually made them an actual couple, which even led them to start the ship teasing between the actual Alfonse and Veronica as well), maybe this was just MY impression of them before though and they were always obviously close to other people? Idk, but I'm having the same impression with Plumeria and Triandra now).

 Also, connecting the plot of this TT+ to Life and Death, I wonder if Triandra's disapparence is related to Thrasir's disappearence in some way.


 Yeah, I guess Eitr is associated with the realm of light because she must be related to Freyja, Freyr and Nerfus (or Nerthus or whatever), since she's a goat, so it looks like Freyja's family is some sort of new subplot to the game's lore I guess.


On 7/7/2023 at 11:45 PM, Mercakete said:

So, it's unlikely, but it could be that Eitr winds up being the new book freebie. Maybe not this version, but she really has "you have to go on a journey with this character and solve the big, world-ending problem this person is facing" vibes.

Lol she really has, something about her really has a Eir/Reggin/Ash vibe (probably probably because she's a sweet and polite girl that is kind of semi god and worked for an evil entity before joining you, and the heroes trust her painfully fast). Actually she agrees to join you so fast that I wonder if they'll try to twist it and make her betray Peony and the others in the end, or if she in fact is just another polite lady that feels coerced to work for the bad guys and leaves at the first opportunity she had.

 I mean, this might be a stretch but: The original purpouse of rearmed heroes was that they were "bad" and so far we've never had a good OC be a rearmed (so much that who introduced rearmed was Líf, not Eir) so perhaps being a rearmed is a sign that Eitr is actually the villain, also if Eitr is the rearmed and Peony/Plumeria/Triandra (whichever two of them that get the alts) will probably be two ascendants or 1 ascendant and one rearmed (since they already have their OG alts it'll have to be either of these) then what will the ruler of nothing be? a normal unit? Isn't it strange that the big bad guy will be a normal unit while everyone else (even her retainer?) is not? Unless they make her a mythic hero or whatever. Also, every god is a mythic unit (or normal, but so far only in the case of the dragons like Nifl, Muspell and Nifl) except for Ganglot who is a villain... And now Eitr. And also, Eitr is very likely related to Freyja since she's a sheep-like lady and is on this TT+(that is related to Freyja), so isn't it strange that she -who is a god, related to other gods- is a retainer (who is obviously working against her will) to another person? Why isn't she a god to some place like Freyja, Freyr and Nerfus/Nerthus? Of course, we know that the alfar have defeated the Ruler of Nothing before, as they said, so Plumeria and Triandra would have reconized her if she was Eitr, but I wonder if Eitr didn't detrone the Ruler of Nothing long ago or if the Ruler of Nothing died after being defeated the first time and now the actual ruler is Eitr, or something like this that could justify her being the actual big bad of the TT+

On 7/8/2023 at 3:35 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

I don't think that, honestly... She gives me Eir vibes, though, that is on the side of the enemy at first but at the end becomes our ally, so I can see your point.

I still thinks she will be this month's Rearmed Hero, and her story presence will be for this series only.

 Yeah, she probably won't stay around after the TT+. I wonder if she'll die, betray us, sacrifice to save us (actually all of these count as dying but whatever) or whatever, maybe take over as the new queen of nothing and never show up again.


On 7/8/2023 at 7:02 AM, Ice Dragon said:

The series Tempest Trials' names were only written in that way presumably due to space constraints. The Japanese names were less cookie-cutter. However, this is still the first series Tempest Trials for the two themes to not be the same as the original book's, presumably because Freyja and the dark fairies aren't the antagonists this time. Additionally, the Japanese name of this series doesn't use "dream", but instead "nightmare". This implies that the two sides of this conflict are the god of nihility and the dark fairies and that the player and Peony are intruding on this conflict rather than being directly involved in it like we were with Fjorm and Eir.

Additionally, I wonder if it'll actually be Freyja or a dark fairy that gets an Ascended version instead of Peony this time.

Hmmmm, yeah, it would be interesting if it were Triandra and Plumeria to get ascendants instead of Peony. I even wonder if it might be Plumeria and Peony, since Plumeria seems to be the more involved here (and Triandra is missing at least for now, like Thrasir, who also didn't get an ascendant) and as much as IS likes to do "plot twists" with their units I doubts that they would not do an ascendant Peony in favour of one of the Alfar (now watch they prove me wrong...).


On 7/8/2023 at 11:41 AM, Mercakete said:

I legitimately find this interesting, and fun to think about. That said, the pattern breakage still personally makes me uncomfy, and no amount of explaining is going to change that.

Also, I don't know about that. True, IS has a weird fondness for Freyja, but she's already a goddess. Also, alive. These TT+ bonus stories have all seemed to be about preparing for the time after Ragnarok, choosing new rulers of realms and concepts which previous gods had overseen. (Fjorm for Nifl, Laegjarn for Muspell, and Eir for both Ymir and Hel.) Since Freyja doesn't need to be replaced (yet), but Freyr does (since he died), I'm thinking Peony will step in there. Also, it would explain why the heck she's even in this story (other than having a "good guy" presence/light in the edge.) I guess Freyja could take over both dreams and nightmares, though, and Peony could be a red herring, or there to affirm her (Freyja's) new status.

I think that the mission to wake up Freyja will fail (either Eitr will betray us and kill her, or the queen of nihility will come by and kill Freyja's body before we can do anything, or Freyja will have to die for the Alfar to escape her mind, or whatever), making Peony become the queen of the dream world, either Triandra or Plumeria of the nightmare world  and the realm of Nothing will be abandoned/cease to exist OR Peony will become the queen of both dreams and nightmares, and Triandra/Plumeria the ruler of Nothing (or the ruler of actually nothing, as in ruler of no shit, and get a rearmed alt instead, like Líf).


On 7/14/2023 at 12:22 PM, Diovani Bressan said:

I will not be surprised if Hríd ends as the 4* hero or TT unit for next year's Summer Banner.

OK! I'LL TAKE IT! It's better than nothing! Bruno was a freebie too in the christmas banner and I'm just glad he exists! At this rate as long as Hríd isn't dead I'm ok with it! (I wonder if they avoid putting him on screen to not have to talk about whether he is the king of Nifl now or not? It can't be just because he's a dude, he had a pretty high level of popularity back on his days that could have been kept up if he had not been purpousefully forgotten and was mentioned more times, like Bruno an Líf, or even Gustav).


On 7/14/2023 at 12:50 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

I think there's a difference with Hrid and his sisters. Male slots are intensely competitive. Usually there's only room for one male, or maybe, maybe two on a given banner. So Hrid getting the summer spot means a more interesting male won't be getting it. And given Hrid is hardly an exited character that somewhat means the male slot gets wasted that particular summer. 

Not all male additions can be winners but with Hrid it would go to an oc that's particularly unimportant.

 Yeah, I hope he doesn't get the Leanne treatment (although I think that they just didn't give her a bridal alt yet, and may never give, because she already uses a long white dress...). Donnel got it this year though, and as far as I know no one gives a shit about him, so Summer Hríd might have a chance even if it takes 2 years or so for him to come. Sometimes they decide to put a completely unkown and not popular character into seasonal banners with highly competitive slots (like Rickard on the thief banner last year despite having clearly a LOT more options to put there), which is good I guess.


On 7/15/2023 at 6:57 AM, Mercakete said:

There's room for any number of characters. It's just that IS tends to designate more of them for females than males. Also, Hrid isn't a bad, or even unimportant character. He just didn't get much screentime. Also, all FE characters are OC's. It's not like this is a fan game, and, in fact, is an installment in the main series, according to IS. Do you really have to talk about them like them being garbage is a fact instead of an opinion? So you don't like Hrid. So, you don't prefer he show up again. That's fine. But you don't need to treat him as objectively worse. I happen to like him, and a lot better than, say, the likes of Miciah, but I don't complain every time she "hogs a slot." It's discourteous. Please don't press buttons for no reason like that.

 Not to start a fight, I also like Hríd a lot, but he really hasn't been important to the story in the past few years (I mean, you can tell by noticing how happy everyone is by seeing his name MENTIONED), if it had been in 2018 or 2019 no one would be surprised to see him get a summer alt but now it has gotten to the point where 90% of the banner characters are women and 90% of the men that get the slot are the likes of Ephraim, Lyon, Dimitri, Claude, other 3 Houses dudes, (watch the dudes from Engage get some too),  etc... I think that they could've put Hríd in this year's summer banner instead of randomly shoving Ivy and justified it by saying he was going with Fjorm but alas. Not to say it's impossible of course, I mean Donnel was there this year and in 2021 we got Ogma and Freyr, so Hríd still has the possibility of showing up one of these days specially since he has every single one of his sisters there so they might want to complete the set, but they still took years to complete the set with Tharja and the one with Ephraim so it's not unreasonable to think that Hríd might never get it or that it will take a WHILE, if I had to bet my money on it I'd think they'll choose either Chrom, Marth or Ike to put there next year, or will start to shove Engage dudes (probably that's why they even put Ivy there on first place) or more 3 Houses guys (like Felix, M!Byleth or whatever). I mean, again, it's not impossible, but it's fair that someone would think that it's unlikely, specially someone that is not biased towards Hríd (I like him a lot but I think that he's been so forgotten lately, with the exception of this mention in the summer paralogue, that it's clear why people think he might not show up). It's probably not about thinking that the OCs are less, if it was Askr (maybe even Fafnir, Gustav, Alfonse, Bruno or even Muspell or Surtr) getting a summer alt no one would be surprised, but Hríd at this point would be (to me a delightful one but anyway), it would be like giving Hel an alt now or like when Surtr got his pirate alt, or idk when Karla got that Easter alt this year, everyone thinks "what? IS remembers them?!", it's as surprising as when any other non fan favorite character gets an alt, not about the OCs being less, I think, if you replace "Hríd" and "oc" in "Not all male additions can be winners but with Hrid it would go to an oc that's particularly unimportant." with "Raigh" and "FE6" it still is just as understandable, since he is not one of the FE6 characters that everyone knows. Perhaps I got Etrurian Emperor's tone wrong but for me it didn't sound like that. I'm not scolding you as well, in case this paragraph sounded passive agressive (probably did since it came out kinda long), just think you misunderstood the other post and since I agree with a lot of parts of it I decided to explain that "OCs bad" was likely not the intention behind it (since it's not my intention for agreeing with it too), it looked like a comment made from a purely analitical point of view. 


On 7/17/2023 at 3:25 PM, Mercakete said:

Okay, so this really feels like it's tying off loose ends from Book 4. Good. The "nothingness" is being addressed, including the fairies' history with it. It's also showing how the various fairies relate to one another as individuals (for example, Plumeria's feelings toward Triandra and Mirabilis, specifically.) They are for certain addressing Freyja's coma and what the dark fairies are trying to do to revive her, too. This coupled with the last TT+ extended story are really making me wonder what the heck happened during Lif and Co.'s foray into the realm of the gods. Just what happened during their mission? Apparently, a way to revive Freyja was found, but something went wrong with Lif and Thrasir. This really feels like they're setting up for a really epic book against Alfador. I think Thorr will definitely be one of his lieutenants, but I wonder if Loki will actually start out on our side or as a rogue unit instead of being on Alfador's side. Meanwhile, since Lif is bound in service to Alfador, I wonder if he'll be a foe again during that time. It all seems to be lining up like that. Hmm... Getting a more revived Lif would be interesting (like, no longer a jelly skelly, but flesh again, even if it's still a cold/semi-undead form.) I could see him being granted that in order to fight us. That would make things complicated, too, since...

Huh, actually, this makes sense. Alfonse has always been a major player in these stories, but this would be basically older (and more traumatized) Alfonse we'd be fighting against (unless our Alfonse had caught up in age by then, which IS could totally do. One way they could do it is to make his resplendent form a quest reward toward the beginning of the book. That would upgrade the original copy of Alfonse into a new form with a new design, new voice lines, and maybe even new skills/stats.) So, having your companion for the whole arc of books we've had so far (Alfonse), but in another form (Revived Lif) be one of the final bosses in this big, epic book... I don't know. Sounds like a nice idea to me. I like the paralleling. I wonder if IS had been planning that all along.

 Yeah! I think that IS will make some sort of aged up Alfonse soon, like they did with Veronica (I've read somewhere, I think that it was Kozaki Yusuke who said although I'm not entirely sure so don't quote me on it, that Legendary Veronica was simply older Veronica and that she looks like that to show that there was passage of time and not because of any event that made her get those clothes/appearence, like with the ascendants, basically, it's as if she looked like that since the beggining of book VI and as if her appearence had been changing since book I as she grows but they didn't want to keep updating the sprites over and over), I think that they'll make legendary Alfonse and start using him on the sprites just like they switched OG Veronica for her Legendary version on the story sprites (I wonder if she'll keep the legendary sprites from now on, but I'm assuming they will...), and that we will not be handed L!Alfonse for free but will have to summon him (like we had to summon L!Veronica). I really wanna know if they'll make Legendary versions to Sharena and Anna (at least Sharena) or if they'll be ignored. I know that the characters look like their original sprites on those 3D videos but I think we're supposed to ignore that, I guess.

 Basically, I don't know how old Líf is supposed to be (I mean, he can be on his early 20s or he can be on his early 30s, no way to know) but I think it's possible that Alfonse has almost caught up to Líf's apparent age, or at least that he caught up to an age where he now doesn't grow anymore and looks like an adult (so even if he and Líf had, say 5 years of difference or so, it could not be very noticeable, except for the fact that Líf is has a "skelly jelly" (this is hella catchy and cool to say) body, as you said before). I think that Líf is still older though, since Veronica doesn' really look to be as old as Thrasir yet, so even if our Alfonse had already grown everything that he has to grow he's still probably a little younger than Líf (not that it matters much but yeah, the paralleling could still happen, I also like that sort of thing).

 I bet that Líf is gonna die in the end either way, which would be a shame, I'm rooting for him to get a happy ending.


On 7/17/2023 at 8:06 PM, Diovani Bressan said:

Maybe it was the moment where Ganglot took control of Hel and they were bound to obey her, causing them to separate from Triandra and Plumeria?

We don't have an idea of time in FEH. We don't know how long takes during the books, between books, or even if these TT stories happen soon after the respective book ended. Some times they mention time passing, like how the Summoner spent months with Kvasir in the ravine/cave. But then, that was in the past so it wouldn't affect time passing in the present.

 Yeah, even then I think that Thórr, who "recruited" Líf and Thrasir (and must have made them recruit Plumeria and Triandra for her too, I figure) would have autority over Ganglot and would be able to take Líf back if she wanted. I don't know, maybe wanted to test his strength by making him get out of that one by himself though, I really want to know what happened to him and Thrasir.

 Yeah, the confusing passage of time sucks, because we know that there is passage of time but no one ever cares to mention it properly, the only time I remember it being said clearly was in the Ice and Flame TT+, they mentioned that Surtr had been dead for a year, but we don't know when does that TT+ takes place (I mean, when, corresponding to the main story, like in which book are we during this TT+?), also I think that book IV only lasted a couple of days but I don't remember if this was just an assumption I made or if it was hinted somehow.


On 7/18/2023 at 2:11 PM, Diovani Bressan said:

I see people saying that Eitr may be Freyja. Because:

  • According to the "Meet the Heroes" website, Eitr was bullied when younger and had low self-esteem... just like Freyja.
  • She got her memories robbed by Ginnungagap, the ruler of nothingness, so she doesn't remember her past... so she may not remember who she really is.
  • She has a mark on her nose, which is something that young Freyja was made fun for.

 Oh! This actually makes a lot of sense...

Also the fact that I can't even spot the mark pisses me off because they wanted Freyja to suffer bullying because of a physical aspect and instead of picking an aspect that people actually suffer bullying from (could even be something ""cuter"" but still real like being way too short or way too tall or way to skinny or having a scar, if they REALLY didn't want her to be "ugly", OR making up something that makes sense like one of her horns was crooked or something about her goat transformation is off but not when she is human), BUT THEY PICK A TINY MARK ON HER NOSE THAT YOU CAN BARELLY SEE (speaking of this, adult Freyja doesn't even have it anymore right? Or is it also so tiny that I just never spotted it too?), they could've just made her suffer bullying for something NOT physical then (like saying that she walked or talked in a weird way so they don't have to show it, or that her classmates thought she was weird, maybe she could have been way too dumb, way too nerdy, or way too ankward, or way to quiet, or horrible at Physical education, or everyone picked on her because they found out the boy she liked, there's plenty of things to pick from, I've seen each example that I gave at least once when I was in middle school, escalated to over the top levels, and I'm sure everyone here has seen it too, kids bully and pick on other kids for ALMOST EVERYTHING it was not hard to choose something normal (because what they picked is almost on the level of those OCs made by 11 years old that are bullied for having "cat eyes" eyes or "a natural pink strip on their hair" ), so many things to pick from and they choose that shit, it's worse because you know that someone thought of it, decided it was a good idea, wrote it, then someone revised it, someone else approved, someone wrote it into the game, etc and no one found it weird enough to say anything! Did no one there have ever even known someone who actually suffered bullying, in real life? Neither bullied or picked on someone? I know it's stupid, but this really pissed me off.


On 7/18/2023 at 3:48 PM, Mercakete said:

Oh, good calls. This theory makes even more sense than just that, too. After all, where did she show up? In Freyja's dream, just when she was "supposed to be waking up." Also, we already know this much about the goat family, and her being opposed to the dream realm doesn't make much sense if they're all related via Njordr and come from his realm. So, this could be Freyja's suppressed inner child taken form, I guess. Maybe she was damaged by the nothingness when she was younger? Maybe that was how the nothingness started taking over the dream realm in the first place? I don't know. But it sure makes a heck of a lot of sense if that's the case.

That said, IS does what IS wants, so I'm still taking this with a grain of salt.

Yeah, perhaps they already DID defeat the nothingness for good (on the first that they defeated her) and what remained of it is what is in Freyja's memories? In her nightmares as they say? Or perhaps... we go to square one and the queen of the nothingness entered freyja's head long ago right before being defeated and forced her to do everything bad that she ever did ("She was good all along") and now is forcing even her memory of herself to do bad things. I really hope it itsn't the second one... IS really does have some sort of obssession with Freyja.

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I don't think I'll reply to everything right now. Just wanted to say that I always love your enthusiastic text tsunamis. XD


Oh, I forgot to mention it, but another thing Eitr could be besides young Freyja is Nerpuz and Njordr's little sister. If Njordr is the god of the sea and Nerpuz is the goddess of the land, then Eitr very well could be the goddess of the sky, to round out the "terrains" theme. She may also be Freyr and Freyja's mom. We know Nerpuz is their aunt, but Njordr's relation to them hasn't been defined yet outside of "relative," so it's possible. Anyway, I have a feeling we'll find out just what their story is before all this is over. If we don't, well...I hope that just means there's plans to reveal it in the future sometime.

Edited by Mercakete
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