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FEH's July/August 2023 Event Schedule!

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Here's the event schedule for the rest of July and early August of 2023. In the first days of August we should have a Feh Channel and the Summer Celebration event, with GHB reruns and a Hero Fest.

Hall of Forms this month will be Thracia 776 themed, featuring Legendary Leif (probably).

Early August also has a new Special Heroes banner, however we don't know for sure if the thieves theme will happen again this year or if we will get something new.

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Man, IS just doesn’t want to let go of Tap Battle yet simultaneously refuse to make new ones.

As for the August seasonal, I wonder if they’ll actually use a really popular thief (Yunaka, Petra or even a third seasonal for Ashe) this time if they run that theme back. Like, what were they actually expecting from a lineup of Nina & Kagero, Leila, Cath and an underwhelming 4 Star Focus Sothe?

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While I'd have rather thieves be a one-off theme, the pirates theme that ran before it had two chances so I wouldn't begrudge the thieves one more year for symmetry I guess.

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Tap Battles needs to limp off into the sunset already.

As for August's seasonal, I'm not opposed to another thief theme, since pirates got multiple banners and ninjas are still going on. I just hope for a better selection of characters. Matthew, mainly.

For July's New Heroes banner, I know a lot of people want Engage...but I kinda want Jugdral. Gimme some more Genealogy or Thracia.

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33 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Tap Battles needs to limp off into the sunset already.

As for August's seasonal, I'm not opposed to another thief theme, since pirates got multiple banners and ninjas are still going on. I just hope for a better selection of characters. Matthew, mainly.

For July's New Heroes banner, I know a lot of people want Engage...but I kinda want Jugdral. Gimme some more Genealogy or Thracia.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. I'm hoping Thracia is next up, I guess we'll find out in 4-5 days.

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It's been 3 months since the last time we got a Grail unit in Hall of Forms (not including reruns).

I hope we get one this time. Even if it's Veld instead of Lifis.

I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be disappointed if we actually get Veld, but it's not because it's Veld. His stats are actually usable, even if we have Aelfric and Hilda with better stats now. It's because Brash Assault 4 isn't getting added to the skill pool for another 2 months, and he really wants it. (Fireflood Boost 3 would be nice to have, too, but he can do just fine with Remote Mirror.)

Lifis, on the other hand, has everything he wants already in the skill pool except for Spurn 4.


I would also love it if the accompanying banner had only 3 units instead of 4. One more reason to want a Grail unit in the event.

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Yeah, I'm a bit worried that my hoarding tendencies will lead to me just having a bunch of Forma Souls spare once the game ends. I'm sitting on four at the moment (which is more than the number of actual units I've ever redeemed) and the only unit which has remotely been tempting lately is Palla, but I passed since I failed to get Guidance 4.

I did get Julia to her target build in the latest event but I'm reluctant to get infantry units in general but I suppose the option is still open for another couple of weeks. Maybe Legendaries Leif or Ephraim who seem to be imminent might be more up my alley.

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I've been using the free Forma Souls pretty aggressively on interesting limited units. The first few were Winter Fae, Halloween Dozla, and Picnic Felicia just because they were armors I could toss Save skills onto, then Valentine's Rudolf and Halloween Dheginsea since they're seasonal-locked characters I wanted to add to my barracks (and conveniently, also armors), and Anniversary Merric and Anniversary L'Arachel just because they're cool and I had spare Forma Souls. Dozla and L'Arachel have both proved quite helpful.

With the inclusion of legendaries, I've started switching my focus to those. Used my 8th Forma Soul on Legendary Julia, and I would be planning to pick up Legendary Roy except I probably won't get another one soon enough, so I guess I'll use the spark instead. Roy is now my only missing legendary through the end of Book 3, so it'll be nice to tidy that up.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Yeah, I'm a bit worried that my hoarding tendencies will lead to me just having a bunch of Forma Souls spare once the game ends.

Meanwhile, here I am sitting on 42 Forma Souls because they won't put Grail units in the event. (And even if I were to use all of them, I don't have enough Trait Fruits to give them all Assets.)

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I would have missed out on one or two of them because of my breaks from the game, so yeah, just checked and I've redeemed Carrot Palla, Summer Laegjarn and Young L'Arachel, and have four spare.

In a bit of symmetry, I also happen to have 11 Floretes while also having enough fruits for 11 units, though that'll tick over to 12 in a month or so. I also have hoarded every single Divine Codes 3 and 4 I've ever earned because I'm dumb.


EDIT: The hoard


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I don't hoard resources for the most part, but I am incredibly indecisive. Which leads to me just sitting on my resources for a long time.

Most of the time, if I redeem Forma Souls, it's for a strong seasonal unit I'd be interested in having but whom I have no motivation to actually pull for. And that one time I redeemed Larum because I needed a Binding Blade dancer a very long time ago.

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I posted this in the general discussion thread, but I'll put it here as well.

It's time to predict things! In a few short days, we'll know what game the next New Heroes banner is going to focus on, and we're also 99% sure it's gonna have an OC as a blue unit. Most people also agree that the three most likely games to be featured are Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, and Engage.

Speaking about Thracia 776, specifically, if it is indeed next in line, then I think we have two likely possibilities for the banner lineup. The first possibility is Ascended Eyvel (red), Dagdar (green), and Safy (colorless), with Lifis (red/colorless) as the free unit and Shiva (red) as the GHB. The second possibility is Ascended Finn (blue, sharing colors with the OC), Tina (colorless), and Lara (red), with Troude (red) as the free unit and Perne (colorless) as the GHB. I think we'll get an Ascended for sure because the OC will be Rearmed, and we won't get either one of those next month in the CYL banner, so we'll get 'em both this month.

This isn't my prederred outcome, I want Linoan more than anyone else from Thracia, but I think these make a certain bit of logical sense. But, then again...since when have they ever followed logic in Heroes?

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You know what? Sure, I'd be fine if this next New Heroes banner is Thracia. As part of my ever changing plans with this game, I'm going all in for Summer Ivy or more accurately, I'm slowly trudging towards the spark (I've already gotten Ymir & Eir instead) to get Summer Ivy so I'm not going to have anything to spare for this next banner anyways.

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I'd prefer Ascended Reinhardt or Olwen, because they sure as fuck aren't getting a weapon refine and don't want any variant of Dire Thunder as a Rearmed tome

Theoretically, I'd be fine with any of Engage, Thracia, or Genealogy. At this point I expect that I'll somehow be disappointed with whoever they pick anyway.

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The only thing that would trigger me is if this next New Heroes banner somehow ends up being Three Hopes instead of Jugdral or Engage.

I'm bringing this up because I noticed some...interesting voice actor connections:

Matthias (aka Margrave Gautier)
JP Voice Actor: Ken Narita (also Linus, who got a Fallen alt in May)
EN Voice Actor: Ed Cunningham (also Murdock, added last month)

I'm honestly kinda morbidly curious if this actually goes anywhere, or if it's just a coincidence that both of his voice actors have turned up in FEH recently.

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