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To Become an Elitist [Playlogs FE1-5] [currently playing: Thracia 776]


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On 9/26/2023 at 11:07 PM, Punished Dayni said:

He's cutting the cheese.... with a bunch of magic arrows, but still.

That's the good stuff for magic on Jedah.

Even without the crit he was taking off half the guy's health bar in one round. I think. I don't remember if Jedah's horrible unfun mechanic worked on specific hits or combat rounds.

22 hours ago, gnip said:

I might have undersold Atlas's excellent base Strength. He does really hit very hard.

Big chonky hits.

22 hours ago, gnip said:


One thing that's a bit odd is that Celica gains far less XP than other characters. I noticed that before, but this stark contrast is still a lot more than I expected. Maybe it's because Celica's class is basically the same as promoted Mage (F), so she counts as promoted, too?

Programmers might've just gone ctrl+F with the classes lol. Wouldn't surprise me.

22 hours ago, gnip said:

Atlas -> Mage: +1 Spd. Took only three tries to get the right one!

  • +2 HP compared to Mage base, but most importantly +6 Str. Everything else, Atlas is at Mage base


Awesome sauce.

22 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

If it helps, Alm's way more aggressive in both the manga and the brief appearance he has in the awakening DLC. The idea of oonga boonga conqueror Alm was always there, but highly limited due to the NES being a brick. So, in this new console meant to revitalize this old beast of a game, they chose to rewrite his character in a way that completely invalidates Celica's purpose as a character.

They really did completely misinterpret the character in the game's own remake but not the Awakening cameo.

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23 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

So, in this new console meant to revitalize this old beast of a game, they chose to rewrite his character in a way that completely invalidates Celica's purpose as a character.

They seemed to be going for "relatability" with SoV Alm. He's a mostly chill guy with some funny charm, and at most a (largely justified) disdain for Rigel. While a harsher Alm would've matched the "Alm is Duma, Celica is Mila" duality, I can understand why they didn't go for that, as it'd be hard to make Alm likeable to a lot of players. They played it safe, and the story suffered as a result.

23 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

the 1 or 2 instances of random levers and shit have to be pulled, which fuckin anyone can do. It's not Celica's character that does anything. It's just "the story decrees that only the princess that open the gate so that's very convenient for Alm".

The true villain of the game is the Sluice Gate guy. "I won't open this without orders from the Royal Family, who all died, meaning it's my duty to doom all of Zofia!" Hope he goes to the same "NPC hell" as the Silessian Mage who blocks Sigurd and co. from intervening to save Mahnya.

23 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Also here's a ginger.

Totally unnecessary! We already had Lukas, the ginger stud.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even without the crit he was taking off half the guy's health bar in one round. I think. I don't remember if Jedah's horrible unfun mechanic worked on specific hits or combat rounds.


And this is Jedah with the Dracoshield.

That's some big pokes.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They really did completely misinterpret the character in the game's own remake but not the Awakening cameo.

They really talked about making Alear flawed (to the point Ninty had to tell them to tone it down, with the result being what we got) but not keep flaws on Alm huh?

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Programmers might've just gone ctrl+F with the classes lol. Wouldn't surprise me.

Looking at the list of base stats for classes in the game, looks like they did.

Honestly could just be a technical limitation due to space (See: Fighter class bases matching Duma's class).

18 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

They seemed to be going for "relatability" with SoV Alm.

And this is for the secretly a royal kid.

The writing staff in IS need either replacing or seriously need to go and learn about writing fundamentals (Why yes I finally got round to the Engage critique of it's writing that's over 2 hours long)

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FE2 Chapter 3: Liberty War

Sea Shrine -> Terribleness



Well, before we get to the beautiful Desert Fort, we'll have to go through the Mountain Graveyard once again. Third enemy formation: Three Bonewalkers and seven Gargoyles, which I was sure would be the worst of the lot.


However, Kamui does this beautiful thing called "double and one-round", thanks to the Holy Sword.

But just in general, because the Gargoyles don't hit that hard, it's not as bad that they double everybody except Kamui. The only character that has to be careful is May, who takes 2x5 damage (plus one from countering with Fire) from them; everybody else takes 2x3 at most.


Unfortunately, Atlas's first combat didn't go all that well.


But overall, the fight went better than expected. Kamui intercepting two of the Gargoyles immediately on the first enemy phase was very helpful, I think.


Angel Ring level of the day: Palla, with HP/Str, which puts her very close to Falcoknight Str base already.


And Atlas finally gets in on the killing, too. Unfortunately, he won't be gaining any levels today, because next map is just fabulous.


Here it is. Oh boy.

The sad thing is, this map could've... worked is maybe too positive a word, maybe "been tolerable" could fit... if Gaiden had done some things a bit differently. For example, it's a well-established FE convention that Mages can traverse desert tiles without movement penalty. Celica and her first three companions are Mages, or in a Mage-adjacent class. This could've been a map that allows them to shine: More mobility than all the physical units, and they don't take bonus damage from the boss like Palla and Catria. But unfortunately...

  • May and Boey can move two tiles on sand. Celica and Jenny can move one fucking tile, just like the physical characters.
  • Did I say that they don't take bonus damage from the boss? Well, instead, the only one that doesn't get doubled is Boey, thanks to his +7 Spd compared to his base. Almost everybody on the team matches up horribly against him.
  • Because the boss has 1-5 range and moves, the entire fortress (and a few tiles further outside of it) are off-limits for most of our characters, including (and especially) the only two that have any mobility on this map. Palla and Catria can tangle with the enemies outside the fortress a little, but they become useless once the fight has to be taken inside.
  • Speaking of inside - the +20 Avoid floor tiles are back, of course. Extra nice if you want Leo to fight the Archers - he outclasses them pretty hard, of course, but his hit rate is going to be really bad.

Seriously, this map is awful. Gaiden has had many boring maps (like, honestly, all of chapter one), it has had some frustration (like the finale of chapter 1 with its +20 Avo floor tiles, or the Canter on a boat in chapter 2), but this is the first one that just aggravating to play. It just doesn't let you do anything: Wanna use your pegasi? Nope, they die if they overstep by a single tile. Wanna just move your characters? ...well, OK, you may. One. Tile. At. A. Time. Seriously, I can't believe somebody playtested this and thought, "yeah, the nerds are going to love this"?


Honestly, the boss does his part in making the map shit, too. As I said, he's incredible dangerous for many of your units (Jenny, for example, gets one-rounded if she used a single HP to heal somebody), and because he'll always attack somebody without eating a counter, he'll wear down your HP (it doesn't help that Jenny didn't manage to reach Physic...) even if you're bringing characters with a better match-up, and if you make a mistake and he kills somebody, well, have fun moving your characters up to the fortress again. One. Tile. At. A. Time.



As I said, Palla and Catria were able to at least contribute against the Wizards and, to a lesser extent, Mercenaries.


Against all the Archers, Boey was pretty useful - he's able to double with Thunder, which also means that he was able to attack from a forest tile a lot, reducing the risk of taking damage.


Including vs. the boss.


This is how "progess" looked: Very slow. Valbar finally arriving helped a bit, since he at least shrugs off the Archers' attacks, although he does take 2x4 damage against Wolf himself. Leo has an even worse time, taking 10 damage from Wolf, although at least he doesn't get doubled.

You might also notice that Wolf started attacking from a healing tile, because that's something that 1-5 range allows you to do.


Luckily, Leo eventually managed to induce him to move off of it in order to avoid a counterattack, in a way that allowed Leo to then run out of his range with Valbar, Kamui, and Boey boxing him in.

Oh, see all those characters outside the fortress? Wouldn't it be great if they could, like do something? :): 


After that, Wolf goes down fairly quickly.

Fuck this map, holy shit.


Inside the fortress, we find (finally!) a second Lance to equip, as well as a Mercenary that we shall send over to Alm.

3wyGPiQ.png: "Aw, thanks. You saved me. Name's Jesse. Just some merc. I got caught helping out a girl jailed in Geyse's fort. Cute kid from a foreign land."

7ZKNT7y.png: "That has to be Est... Hey, Jesse, is there a way we can save her?"

3wyGPiQ.png: "Nope. There's no way the few of us can do anything."

7ZKNT7y.png: "But there must be a way..."

3wyGPiQ.png: "Well, I guess... Geyse has these two underlings: Sonia and Dean. They guard the north and south desert regions, respectively. Both of them seem to hat Geyse. However, neither will betray him while the other's alive. If you defeat one, the other may become your ally. Oh, and of course I'll lend you a hand, too.


[HP 40% | Str 25% | Skl 40% | Spd 40% | Lck 20% | Def 25%]
[Fire (Lv.1) | Excalibur (Lv.2) | Thunder (Lv.9) | Recover (Sage)]

Jesse has pretty high growths - 190%, which isn't too far off of Cliff's 220% or Claire's 200%. He seems similar to Kamui, a swordie that might be able to outspeed enemy swordies, but more "Est-like" with his lower base level and higher growth. That said, Lv.6 isn't too bad compared to other characters - sure, Kamui is promoted already, but Jesse is only one level away from that, too. He seems pretty viable despite the additional investment needed.

As far as Mercs go, he's the first one with a decent spell list - namely Excalibur almost immediately after looping into the Mage class. I expect that this requires way too much grinding to be done in a timely fashion, but it seems like a fun thing to do for people who don't mind that.

As I have mentioned before, Jesse is going to die. And then revived on Alm's side. I'll see if I can get him a level before that, so that he can promote to Myrm immediately afterwards (I assume the revival shrines have a Mila statue, too).

The Team:

	Lv.	   HP  Pow Def Skl Spd Lck Res  +XP   Item
Celica	9.54	   24   12   5   8   8  11   7  + 13  Holy Ring
Jenny	7.94	   21    9   3*  4   5   8  13  + 24  Leather (+3 Def)
May	5.14	   22   10   3   2  11   5  10  + 15
Boey	8.94	   26    8   5   2  11  10   7  + 79  Angel Ring

Atlas	10/1.78	   30   24   5   3   4   4   4  + 78

Saber	4.40	   23    9*  5  10  10*  7   6  + 24  Steel (+4 Atk, -1 Spd)
Valbo	4.45	   32   14  12   8   5   3   0  + 77
Kamui	8/3.40	   32   11*  9  13  16   2   2  +240  Holy Sw (+3 Atk, +10 hit, +15 crit)
Leo	7/1.64	   30   12   6   8   6   7   1  + 64

Catria	6.69	   24   11   5  14  12  12*  9  + 45  Steel (+4 Atk, -1 Spd)
Palla	9.38	   30   14   6   9   9   4   5  + 56  Javelin (+3 Atk, -20 hit, -2 Spd)
Kamui	6.00	   28   11   5  10  12   9   7
  • Kamui gaining triple the XP of the second-most trained character does tell a story. Of a bad map. He did get two Angel Ring levels for his trouble, including a +2 Spd one.
  • Valbo also got one - HP/Skl. Eh.


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8 minutes ago, gnip said:

Sea Shrine -> Terribleness

I see you're making progress.

9 minutes ago, gnip said:

The sad thing is, this map could've... worked is maybe too positive a word, maybe "been tolerable" could fit... if Gaiden had done some things a bit differently. For example, it's a well-established FE convention that Mages can traverse desert tiles without movement penalty. Celica and her first three companions are Mages, or in a Mage-adjacent class. This could've been a map that allows them to shine: More mobility than all the physical units, and they don't take bonus damage from the boss like Palla and Catria. But unfortunately...

  • May and Boey can move two tiles on sand. Celica and Jenny can move one fucking tile, just like the physical characters.
  • Did I say that they don't take bonus damage from the boss? Well, instead, the only one that doesn't get doubled is Boey, thanks to his +7 Spd compared to his base. Almost everybody on the team matches up horribly against him.
  • Because the boss has 1-5 range and moves, the entire fortress (and a few tiles further outside of it) are off-limits for most of our characters, including (and especially) the only two that have any mobility on this map. Palla and Catria can tangle with the enemies outside the fortress a little, but they become useless once the fight has to be taken inside.
  • Speaking of inside - the +20 Avoid floor tiles are back, of course. Extra nice if you want Leo to fight the Archers - he outclasses them pretty hard, of course, but his hit rate is going to be really bad.

Seriously, this map is awful. Gaiden has had many boring maps (like, honestly, all of chapter one), it has had some frustration (like the finale of chapter 1 with its +20 Avo floor tiles, or the Canter on a boat in chapter 2), but this is the first one that just aggravating to play. It just doesn't let you do anything: Wanna use your pegasi? Nope, they die if they overstep by a single tile. Wanna just move your characters? ...well, OK, you may. One. Tile. At. A. Time. Seriously, I can't believe somebody playtested this and thought, "yeah, the nerds are going to love this"?


Honestly, the boss does his part in making the map shit, too. As I said, he's incredible dangerous for many of your units (Jenny, for example, gets one-rounded if she used a single HP to heal somebody), and because he'll always attack somebody without eating a counter, he'll wear down your HP (it doesn't help that Jenny didn't manage to reach Physic...) even if you're bringing characters with a better match-up, and if you make a mistake and he kills somebody, well, have fun moving your characters up to the fortress again. One. Tile. At. A. Time.

Yeah, I have no excuse for desert movement in game, merely understanding having played this map 5 times in my life. Wolff is a pain for sure on this map, low movement slogs this map out, I keep not factoring the tile tile and NES movement (separate from the Move stat) be itself too. And this a desert map in this game..... swamps are still coming.

Oh dear, I really have played this that much.

9 minutes ago, gnip said:


This is how "progess" looked: Very slow. Valbar finally arriving helped a bit, since he at least shrugs off the Archers' attacks, although he does take 2x4 damage against Wolf himself. Leo has an even worse time, taking 10 damage from Wolf, although at least he doesn't get doubled.

You see how many enemies are there? Yeah, there's more on SoV hard mode.

At least here only the boss has effective damage against fliers, so you could maybe find cases for the fliers to contribute. But that's still limited by the boss having an effective 10 range that he can charge at them with.

11 minutes ago, gnip said:

Luckily, Leo eventually managed to induce him to move off of it in order to avoid a counterattack, in a way that allowed Leo to then run out of his range with Valbar, Kamui, and Boey boxing him in.

And the game supposedly has ai behaviour act such that archers will attack your archers.

It's never consistent enough for me to claim it's a hard and fast rule.

12 minutes ago, gnip said:

Inside the fortress, we find (finally!) a second Lance to equip, as well as a Mercenary that we shall send over to Alm.

Anyone there you want to send to Celica?

12 minutes ago, gnip said:

3wyGPiQ.png:  Oh, and of course I'll lend you a hand, too.

Sure you will Jesse, sure.

13 minutes ago, gnip said:

Kamui gaining triple the XP of the second-most trained character does tell a story. Of a bad map. He did get two Angel Ring levels for his trouble, including a +2 Spd one.

Kamui at least got to get some exp, unlike plenty of others.

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5 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

The true villain of the game is the Sluice Gate guy. "I won't open this without orders from the Royal Family, who all died, meaning it's my duty to doom all of Zofia!" Hope he goes to the same "NPC hell" as the Silessian Mage who blocks Sigurd and co. from intervening to save Mahnya.

Force fields: Gameplay-story integration in its purest inception.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:


And this is Jedah with the Dracoshield.

That's some big pokes.

Dude never studied magic in his life, but as it turns out, he had innate magical prowess to put Delthea to shame.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

They really talked about making Alear flawed (to the point Ninty had to tell them to tone it down, with the result being what we got) but not keep flaws on Alm huh?

I mean, Alear's flaw is basically just being slightly cowardly a couple times? And then the game states later on that they're "innately bad" but they never do or are tempted to do anything even remotely evil so... Eh. That still makes them more flawed than like, basically every avatar, but it could be a lot better. And I say this as someone who honestly liked Alear to a degree. At least with this one they embraced the "you are literally God" thing by... well, making you literally God. Instead of goosestepping around it with some "humble beginnings" nonsense only to end up being literally God by another name.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Looking at the list of base stats for classes in the game, looks like they did.

Honestly could just be a technical limitation due to space (See: Fighter class bases matching Duma's class).

Wouldn't that make Celica the Jeigan of Celica route? She's the customary prepromote!

1 hour ago, gnip said:

For example, it's a well-established FE convention that Mages can traverse desert tiles without movement penalty.

Do keep in mind that this is only the second FE. There had been exactly one desert map prior to this. Conventions weren't established yet.

That being said, I wish they were. It would benefit the game soooo much. Heck it almost feels like it should be that way, considering Celica has an uncommonly mage-heavy team. But then it just... isn't. And of course, the remake chose to maintain that. No surprise there.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Seriously, this map is awful. Gaiden has had many boring maps (like, honestly, all of chapter one), it has had some frustration (like the finale of chapter 1 with its +20 Avo floor tiles, or the Canter on a boat in chapter 2), but this is the first one that just aggravating to play. It just doesn't let you do anything: Wanna use your pegasi? Nope, they die if they overstep by a single tile. Wanna just move your characters? ...well, OK, you may. One. Tile. At. A. Time. Seriously, I can't believe somebody playtested this and thought, "yeah, the nerds are going to love this"?

As I recall, in both Echoes and the OG what I did was move Valbar overthere over the course of a million turns, then have him solo the fort. Why not, he can do it.

...You know, for as much as I like to piss on these games, I should point out I did have fun in my second Echoes run. I went in knowing what to expect, I had a bit of fun building my units, and it helped playing on emulator so I wouldn't burn my eyes on my tiny 3DS screen.

Until the final map arrived and ruined everything. Shame, I kinda would've liked to try act 6. But still, I can say I enjoyed it more than PoR at least. At least this game isn't a powerpoint presentation. I could be tempted to return to that game one day - but definitely not Gaiden, FE1 is tolerable but this game direly needs its QoL features. And the amazing visuals, of course. Or you know, I can play the actually good editions, Sacred Echoes

1 hour ago, gnip said:


Honestly, the boss does his part in making the map shit, too. As I said, he's incredible dangerous for many of your units (Jenny, for example, gets one-rounded if she used a single HP to heal somebody), and because he'll always attack somebody without eating a counter, he'll wear down your HP (it doesn't help that Jenny didn't manage to reach Physic...) even if you're bringing characters with a better match-up, and if you make a mistake and he kills somebody, well, have fun moving your characters up to the fortress again. One. Tile. At. A. Time.

Gotta love the return of FE1's hilariously unfitting portrait recolors. At least this one doesn't have the same angry knight man reused a million times, but still, this Dozer edit does not suit what's supposed to be a desert bandit.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


I'll give him this, the sniper sprite is pretty awesome.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

As I have mentioned before, Jesse is going to die. And then revived on Alm's side. I'll see if I can get him a level before that, so that he can promote to Myrm immediately afterwards (I assume the revival shrines have a Mila statue, too).

Hurrah, death.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Valbo also got one - HP/Skl. Eh.

Real protagonist gains there. But the Roy kind. C'mon man, pick up the pace, you're supposed to lead this pack!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 hours ago, gnip said:

Here it is. Oh boy.

The sad thing is, this map could've... worked is maybe too positive a word, maybe "been tolerable" could fit... if Gaiden had done some things a bit differently. For example, it's a well-established FE convention that Mages can traverse desert tiles without movement penalty. Celica and her first three companions are Mages, or in a Mage-adjacent class. This could've been a map that allows them to shine: More mobility than all the physical units, and they don't take bonus damage from the boss like Palla and Catria. But unfortunately...

  • May and Boey can move two tiles on sand. Celica and Jenny can move one fucking tile, just like the physical characters.
  • Did I say that they don't take bonus damage from the boss? Well, instead, the only one that doesn't get doubled is Boey, thanks to his +7 Spd compared to his base. Almost everybody on the team matches up horribly against him.
  • Because the boss has 1-5 range and moves, the entire fortress (and a few tiles further outside of it) are off-limits for most of our characters, including (and especially) the only two that have any mobility on this map. Palla and Catria can tangle with the enemies outside the fortress a little, but they become useless once the fight has to be taken inside.
  • Speaking of inside - the +20 Avoid floor tiles are back, of course. Extra nice if you want Leo to fight the Archers - he outclasses them pretty hard, of course, but his hit rate is going to be really bad.

Seriously, this map is awful. Gaiden has had many boring maps (like, honestly, all of chapter one), it has had some frustration (like the finale of chapter 1 with its +20 Avo floor tiles, or the Canter on a boat in chapter 2), but this is the first one that just aggravating to play. It just doesn't let you do anything: Wanna use your pegasi? Nope, they die if they overstep by a single tile. Wanna just move your characters? ...well, OK, you may. One. Tile. At. A. Time. Seriously, I can't believe somebody playtested this and thought, "yeah, the nerds are going to love this"?

Okay, okay, I'll apologize for attempting to downplay the midgame trip to sluggish sand land! I'll make an offering to you in virtual Victorian funeral biscuits, with a little (natural) red food coloring added to make sure they look like dried cakes of my own blood. Shall that fake sacrifice of my own life force be sufficient compensation?🩸🍪


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gotta love the return of FE1's hilariously unfitting portrait recolors. At least this one doesn't have the same angry knight man reused a million times, but still, this Dozer edit does not suit what's supposed to be a desert bandit.

Wolf is no ordinary bandit. He resided at Dozy's usurper court, but Dozo got jealous of superior hair, proportions, and other physical features and his refusal to be 100% sycophant, so he was threatened with death, hastily fled east and ended up in the desert. There Wolf discovered he actually wasn't a useless dandy and proved himself an expert archer. From lamenting his fall from decadence, he became eager in his banditry and about his future prospects.

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On 9/27/2023 at 11:33 AM, Punished Dayni said:

I'm too boring to not reclass the armours

Hey. We've all done it. Life happens.

Now use Dread fighter Mycen.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They really did completely misinterpret the character in the game's own remake but not the Awakening cameo.

How do you take the 99% of what makes Gaiden shit, and crop out the 1% of structure that was actually done properly. It's not super innovative, but Sacred Stones clearly liked the idea enough. 

12 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

They seemed to be going for "relatability" with SoV Alm. He's a mostly chill guy with some funny charm, and at most a (largely justified) disdain for Rigel. While a harsher Alm would've matched the "Alm is Duma, Celica is Mila" duality, I can understand why they didn't go for that, as it'd be hard to make Alm likeable to a lot of players. They played it safe, and the story suffered as a result.

The consequences of cowardice.

12 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

The true villain of the game is the Sluice Gate guy. "I won't open this without orders from the Royal Family, who all died, meaning it's my duty to doom all of Zofia!"

He's actually an undercover Duma faithful, but gave in to Valbar's Gaiden stare that petrifies you or your falchion. No way he was gonna try to fight Celica with that guy around. 

12 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

this is for the secretly a royal kid

To think that Kris is the closest we'll get to a relevant character who is just a guy. 

Or girl, but your class choices aren't cool. This is me asking for someone to mod female warriors in.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


Here it is. Oh boy.

The sad thing is, this map could've... worked is maybe too positive a word, maybe "been tolerable" could fit... if Gaiden had done some things a bit differently. For example, it's a well-established FE convention that Mages can traverse desert tiles without movement penalty. Celica and her first three companions are Mages, or in a Mage-adjacent class. This could've been a map that allows them to shine: More mobility than all the physical units, and they don't take bonus damage from the boss like Palla and Catria. But unfortunately...

  • May and Boey can move two tiles on sand. Celica and Jenny can move one fucking tile, just like the physical characters.

Player: "Oh, a desert map. Wait! This is actually genius! My team is almost all mages. I'll dash past all the sand and epically own the baddies. Its like the one time deserts will work!"


why can't my mages move...

w h y a r e t h e y a l l a r c h e r s . . . .  .


9 hours ago, gnip said:

Seriously, this map is awful. Gaiden has had many boring maps (like, honestly, all of chapter one), it has had some frustration (like the finale of chapter 1 with its +20 Avo floor tiles, or the Canter on a boat in chapter 2), but this is the first one that just aggravating to play. It just doesn't let you do anything: Wanna use your pegasi? Nope, they die if they overstep by a single tile. Wanna just move your characters? ...well, OK, you may. One. Tile. At. A. Time.

Good, good. Let the hate flow through you 

Oh I am enjoying this.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Valbo also got one - HP/Skl. Eh

My official request is that you replay the chapter for a better growth roll.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Force fields: Gameplay-story integration in its purest inception.

You see, you're supposed to be miserable playing Genealogy. War isn't fun in real life!

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

keep in mind that this is only the second FE. There had been exactly one desert map prior to this. Conventions weren't established yet.

And yet the pathway to le cults and brainwashed children was already set in stone. Very creative Kaga boy.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That being said, I wish they were. It would benefit the game soooo much. Heck it almost feels like it should be that way, considering Celica has an uncommonly mage-heavy team. But then it just... isn't. And of course, the remake chose to maintain that. No surprise there.

There is no reason to be faithful to THAT.

Who the actual fuck is a Gaiden fan that would feel tarnished at the thought of desert maps playing like desert maps over crawling the Sahara Desert while dehydrated and limb-less? It's just you Mr Dev. 

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I had a bit of fun building my units, and it helped playing on emulator so I wouldn't burn my eyes on my tiny 3DS screen

Ruben old. Laugh.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Until the final map arrived and ruined everything. Shame, I kinda would've liked to try act 6. But still, I can say I enjoyed it more than PoR at least. At least this game isn't a powerpoint presentation. I could be tempted to return to that game one day - but definitely not Gaiden, FE1 is tolerable but this game direly needs its QoL features.

I kinda like act 6.

I fucking hate SoV though. Both NES games need QoL, although SD is simply far too superior to justify going back to FE1, while FE2 has funny rings and a lack of a nauseating plot defended by pretty voices.

also you can use common fucking sense and play fe3 for fe1 with a fucking UI and an actual convoy/trading system.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Okay, okay, I'll apologize for attempting to downplay the midgame trip to sluggish sand land! I'll make an offering to you in virtual Victorian funeral biscuits, with a little (natural) red food coloring added to make sure they look like dried cakes of my own blood. Shall that fake sacrifice of my own life force be sufficient compensation?🩸

And they say I'm pessimistic...

It's called common sense. The maps are shit. Interdimensional Optomist must now become Pessimistic Observer.


My laptop is refusing to charge again, so im once more stuck on phone serenes, giving me 10% of the frustration that Gnip will be experiencing in the updates to come.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, Alear's flaw is basically just being slightly cowardly a couple times? And then the game states later on that they're "innately bad" but they never do or are tempted to do anything even remotely evil so... Eh. That still makes them more flawed than like, basically every avatar, but it could be a lot better. And I say this as someone who honestly liked Alear to a degree. At least with this one they embraced the "you are literally God" thing by... well, making you literally God. Instead of goosestepping around it with some "humble beginnings" nonsense only to end up being literally God by another name.

Like I said, apparently he was so flawed Nintendo told them to tone it down into what we got, which was plenty understated in practice.

Alear actually putting voice to their feelings is a positive over..... Byleth, sure.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wouldn't that make Celica the Jeigan of Celica route? She's the customary prepromote!

Feel like I've had this happen before.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wolf is no ordinary bandit. He resided at Dozy's usurper court, but Dozo got jealous of superior hair, proportions, and other physical features and his refusal to be 100% sycophant, so he was threatened with death, hastily fled east and ended up in the desert. There Wolf discovered he actually wasn't a useless dandy and proved himself an expert archer. From lamenting his fall from decadence, he became eager in his banditry and about his future prospects.

I mean, if any setting's going to have former courtiers turned brigands it's Valentia.

22 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

To think that Kris is the closest we'll get to a relevant character who is just a guy. 

Or girl, but your class choices aren't cool. This is me asking for someone to mod female warriors in.

3H is laughing at us right now.

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10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

You see how many enemies are there? Yeah, there's more on SoV hard mode.

At least here only the boss has effective damage against fliers, so you could maybe find cases for the fliers to contribute. But that's still limited by the boss having an effective 10 range that he can charge at them with.

Oh boy.

Yeah, at least the boss doesn't fully cover the enemies outside of the forts. The Wizards in particular with their effective 4-tile reach can be handled by Palla and Catria quite easily.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

And the game supposedly has ai behaviour act such that archers will attack your archers.

It's never consistent enough for me to claim it's a hard and fast rule.

Interesting, I'll try to keep watch for that. I wanna say that the Archers on this map mostly attacked Kamui over Leo, though.

One thing that I suspect is a bit of a "dogpile AI", where enemies later during EP will prefer to attack a character that a previous enemy already attacked. But it's very possible that this is just an example of the human superpower of recognising patterns where there are none.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Anyone there you want to send to Celica?

I haven't really thought of it, to be honest. Alm's group was generally a bit lower-leveled than Celica's at the end of their respective first chapters, so it doesn't really seem as appealing. I also don't know who on Alm's team would be an improvement over what Celica already has. Cliff, maybe, but he already has a spot on Alm's team. Otherwise, Alm has (eventually) two Paladins and Celica has none, but, well...

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do keep in mind that this is only the second FE. There had been exactly one desert map prior to this. Conventions weren't established yet.

That being said, I wish they were. It would benefit the game soooo much. Heck it almost feels like it should be that way, considering Celica has an uncommonly mage-heavy team. But then it just... isn't. And of course, the remake chose to maintain that. No surprise there.

True, true. I meant it more in the sense of "if gaiden was more in line with the games before and after", since Mages do have full movement in Akaneia's deserts. At least Gaiden is in line with FE1 in the sense that healers have worse movement than mages in the desert

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Victorian funeral biscuits

People have been, and are, weird. :lol:

1 hour ago, Shaky Jones said:

My official request is that you replay the chapter for a better growth roll.

I can send you over the save file so you can do it for me. I only accept Str/Spd/Def on every single level.


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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wolf is no ordinary bandit. He resided at Dozy's usurper court, but Dozo got jealous of superior hair, proportions, and other physical features and his refusal to be 100% sycophant, so he was threatened with death, hastily fled east and ended up in the desert. There Wolf discovered he actually wasn't a useless dandy and proved himself an expert archer. From lamenting his fall from decadence, he became eager in his banditry and about his future prospects.

Sooooo what you're telling me is, Wolf is the Camus of Gaiden.

Checks out to me. Best character.

2 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

I kinda like act 6.

I fucking hate SoV though. Both NES games need QoL, although SD is simply far too superior to justify going back to FE1, while FE2 has funny rings and a lack of a nauseating plot defended by pretty voices.

True, the rings thing is interesting.

...Come to think of it, I'm not sure how they handled the rings in Sacred Echoes. Let me quickly open it up on FEBuilder... SoV style rings. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

2 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

also you can use common fucking sense and play fe3 for fe1 with a fucking UI and an actual convoy/trading system.

Use common fucking sense and play Shadow Dragon. Book 1 is just outclassed. It's not ancient enough of an antique, nor good enough of a remake.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Like I said, apparently he was so flawed Nintendo told them to tone it down into what we got, which was plenty understated in practice.

Alear actually putting voice to their feelings is a positive over..... Byleth, sure.

Big game devs need to stop being so fucking cowardly. It's okay, you can kill playable characters. It can benefit the plot a ton. Just recently I played Bootleg Three Houses on PC, Lost Eidolons, and the plot's highest point was when it had the balls to murder a playable character. Oh boo hoo, you put experience into Guy and then Guy died. It's not the end of the world, people!

1 hour ago, gnip said:

True, true. I meant it more in the sense of "if gaiden was more in line with the games before and after", since Mages do have full movement in Akaneia's deserts. At least Gaiden is in line with FE1 in the sense that healers have worse movement than mages in the desert

One thing SoV forgot is that this is the second FE, and it was still experimenting with its conventions. It did away with magical immunity to sand. It was a mistake. It's okay, it was restored next game, and every game going forward. Lesson learned.

...So why would you unlearn the lesson for the sake of faithfulness you little pieces of--

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9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

3H is laughing at us right now.

I genuinely despise that war masters are male exclusive. 

7 hours ago, gnip said:

Interesting, I'll try to keep watch for that. I wanna say that the Archers on this map mostly attacked Kamui over Leo

It feels like a certainty in SoV, but I'm not quite sure in Gaiden.

7 hours ago, gnip said:

True, true. I meant it more in the sense of "if gaiden was more in line with the games before and after", since Mages do have full movement in Akaneia's deserts. At least Gaiden is in line with FE1 in the sense that healers have worse movement than mages in the desert

Is it not the point of a remake to add on to outdated elements and create a refreshing experience of an old classic?

7 hours ago, gnip said:

can send you over the save file so you can do it for me. I only accept Str/Spd/Def on every single level.

Do that, and all you'll get is a team consisting of Celica and Valbo.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Use common fucking sense and play Shadow Dragon. Book 1 is just outclassed. It's not ancient enough of an antique, nor good enough of a remake.

Tell that to the elitists...

Fe11 over fe3 anyday, but I have seen those who just really seem to value the Kaga stamp, so fe3 is an option for some while SoV is just all the shitty elements with even more shitty additions saved by QoL speed alone. Okay, the combat arts are nice, but damn they didn't even try. I guess Kaga fans might enjoy the further usage of brainwashing, but damn man. Fe11 is faithful enough while still adding new elements alongside actual difficulty, although if you simply can't stand the existence of reclassing that you can simply just not do, you do have fe3 for a version with actual numbers on screen. SoV is just the same game with graphics and voices, which doesn't work when very very few people played this game enough to even warrant faithful nostalgia. Fe3 was literally the first FE game to even do well for IS. Fe3 already remade fe1 with QoL changes to the best of Kaga's abilities, although some stupid changes were made..., but at least you expect a remake to do changes. I suppose if it bothers you that much, like Ruben, you can always go back to the original, aka, Guitar Riff. For SoV, you're fucked. Sure, if you ignore the crappy story changes and rings, you can say that SoV is just a better Gaiden by default, but you can't just play it that safe on an old game that desperately needed change. Just because you personally (the dev in this case) wanted the world to get the true Gaiden experience doesn't mean it's what we need or should pay our money for. We should have a new version with new gameplay elements, alongside Gaiden on the NES simply being playable on its own in the online shop that you do fucking nothing with. 

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Big game devs need to stop being so fucking cowardly. It's okay, you can kill playable characters. It can benefit the plot a ton. Just recently I played Bootleg Three Houses on PC, Lost Eidolons, and the plot's highest point was when it had the balls to murder a playable character. Oh boo hoo, you put experience into Guy and then Guy died. It's not the end of the world, people!

The consequences of cowardice.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

..So why would you unlearn the lesson for the sake of faithfulness you little pieces of--

"I loved Gaiden and decided the world will love Gaiden if they just gave it a chance under a hidden coat of paint"

-average Kaga fan (they hate people experiencing different things)-


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14 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

For SoV, you're fucked.

Yada yada Sacred Echoes

14 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Just because you personally (the dev in this case) wanted the world to get the true Gaiden experience doesn't mean it's what we need or should pay our money for. We should have a new version with new gameplay elements, alongside Gaiden on the NES simply being playable on its own in the online shop that you do fucking nothing with. 

That definitely would've been the optimal way to go about it.

15 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

"I loved Gaiden and decided the world will love Gaiden if they just gave it a chance under a hidden coat of paint"

-average Kaga fan (they hate people experiencing different things)-

The thing is, most people I've seen claiming to love SoV aren't Kaga fans. Quite the opposite, they tend to be (not always, naturally, but most commonly) modern fans that haven't played many FEs and fell in love with SoV's presentation, voice acting and surface-level writing. Then there's a small subset that does enjoy Gaiden/Echoes's different gameplay scope, which is fine, I wish I could do that. But Kaga elitists? As far as I've seen, most Kaga elitists couldn't care less for Gaiden. Back before SoV, people liked to make fun of how only 776 people have played FE5, but Gaiden was the one that, truly, only four people had played.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yada yada Sacred Echoes

Is it actually any good? I'm guessing its still the shit maps.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The thing is, most people I've seen claiming to love SoV aren't Kaga fans. Quite the opposite, they tend to be (not always, naturally, but most commonly) modern fans that haven't played many FEs and fell in love with SoV's presentation, voice acting and surface-level writing. Then there's a small subset that does enjoy Gaiden/Echoes's different gameplay scope, which is fine, I wish I could do that. But Kaga elitists? As far as I've seen, most Kaga elitists couldn't care less for Gaiden. Back before SoV, people liked to make fun of how only 776 people have played FE5, but Gaiden was the one that, truly, only four people had played.

Shit. Most of my post, I was trying to reiterate the fact that nobody but 4 people played fe2. Here, I just wanted to label mr SoV dev under a funny title that reflected how Kaga fans tend to get angry at the idea of liking fe12 over fe3, or the likelihood that fe4 remake will be "ruined" for not playing exactly like the original, but it did come off as contradicting myself. Whoops. I'm just as goofy as SoV devs contradicting themselves by being faithful in every way expect the parts of Gaiden that actually should've been left as is (dont leave in the shitty move limited desert mages, but change the rings ya damn hypocrites!).

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48 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Is it actually any good? I'm guessing its still the shit maps.

From what I can tell sweeping the game on FEBuilder... Not really. Maps are still overall small in size and numbers, from what I can tell, but there's a lot more map design, on a surface level at least. For a few examples...


This is the new Sofia Castle. Actually one of the bigger maps, to instantly contradict my first statement.


This is Desaix's new keep. Notice the lack of walking through an empty field for 8 turns.


One of the new graveyards (they're different maps now)


And last but certainly not least, as it's the most relevant to the current point of the thread: Wolff's fort. Take note of the much, much more sparse desert tiles.

Also, all the boat maps have somewhat different layouts, as far as consisting of two boats in the middle of the ocean allows.

Just, much better stuff, while still being vaguely identifiable as the same locations and concepts that were likely in mind while trying to fit them into the NES's super limited hardware. This is what SoV should've done, dammit.

EDIT: Oh, another thing. Unlike SoV, Sacred Echoes has more supports per character, and they're all written. Sheesh, this hack really is as awesome as I've heard. One of these days I really gotta pick it up.

48 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Shit. Most of my post, I was trying to reiterate the fact that nobody but 4 people played fe2. Here, I just wanted to label mr SoV dev under a funny title that reflected how Kaga fans tend to get angry at the idea of liking fe12 over fe3, or the likelihood that fe4 remake will be "ruined" for not playing exactly like the original, but it did come off as contradicting myself. Whoops. I'm just as goofy as SoV devs contradicting themselves by being faithful in every way expect the parts of Gaiden that actually should've been left as is (dont leave in the shitty move limited desert mages, but change the rings ya damn hypocrites!).

That's okay, I can understand how you'd goof in your rush to diss Kaga elitists. I forgive you.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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58 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I genuinely despise that war masters are male exclusive. 

I didn't say it deserved to, ffs.

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3 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Do that, and all you'll get is a team consisting of Celica and Valbo.

About that

FE2 Chapter 3: Liberty War

Terribleness --> More Terribleness (although not as bad)

More accurately: Geyse's Fortress



Item management! Jenny and Boey are both really close to a level, but the next map isn't exactly the best for them to gain XP.


Because it's nothing but Witches up here, and neither Boey nor Jenny deal more than 1 damage per hit against them.


The Queen Witch of the map is Sonia, who doesn't take too much damage from physical attackers, either, thanks to her Steel Shield (which she drops). She uses Excalibur instead of Fire, which means that she's very fast at 9 Spd, too.


The map honestly doesn't seem to allow the player much active participation. Witches warp towards you, in what seems to be random chance; normally to attack somebody, but occasionally, they seem to forget that this is Gaiden and Mages take movement penalties from desert tiles, too.


The basic rule is: They're not very dangerous... as long as it's only one or two at a time.


...and as long as they don't attack Valbo. Although it's my fault that it became that spicy - without the Steel Lance, Valbo ties them in Spd.


There, better.


With a bit of setting up...


...Atlas gets a level-up, too - he deals ever so slightly more damage than Boey (who doubles), although he also takes a lot in return.

8XYEr3O.png: "Heheh, little girl and company-- you're going to die!"

And then Sonia warps in.


And kills Valbo.

Welp, looks like we know who's getting revived at the Dragon Shrine, and it's not Silque. Sorry, big guy, but I don't want to replay the map until Sonia kindly decides to attack somebody else.


Luckily, I at least have enough firepower available to make sure that Sonia doesn't get a second opportunity for murder.


After Sonia is dead, the other Witches don't manage to endanger anybody. The only important thing that happens is a level for Jesse, so he's ready to die now.

(Saber: 4.66)

Well then, Geyse awaits. Can't be worse than the last two maps.


This is the item set-up - Jenny is literally 1 XP away from promoting, so she starts with the Angel Ring.

DZYZ7Fw.png: "Hehe...Foolish brats. Have a death wish? I, Lord Geyse, will show you my power. Get 'em, boys! Kill them all!"


Mr Geyse is appropriately tough, doubling everybody on the team and hitting pretty hard while doing so. He's quite the pain in the butt to kill, too, because he's very evasive, especially if you add the +20 avoid from the inside floor, and also highly resistant to magic, being a Dreadfighter. I do have a plan, though.


I have to admit that his map is *far* less awful than Wolf's. The desert is still annoying when you want to enter the building, but you don't have to walk all your characters through the sand for multiple turns. Enemies are also stronger and more varied, instead of just having that one bastard with a Steel Bow zoning the only mobile characters away from any action.

As such, Palla and Catria do tangle a bit with the enemies in/near the tower (?) between the two entrances. They can't really fight the Sniper all that well because Palla doesn't double him, and there's a Fortify Wizard in the back, but Palla can enemy-phase a bunch of magic users with the Javelin.

Well, one warps outside and attacks Celica instead.


Palla takes a lot of punishment, so she has to bail for now...


...but Leo and Catria can remove the Witches on player phase, which is one headache removed from the map.


Also, Jenny attacks the Witch outside to get that one XP needed for her level-up. She can *finally* use Physic now...


A side effect of Palla and Catria's excursion is that a lot of enemies are drawn towards that tower, which does make the awkward entry into the fortress across the desert tiles a bit less awkward.


A lot of the following screenshots are just me pushing slowly forward. So, here's a nice Angelic level-up instead of a whole lot of slow progress.


A little side story is the little Mercenary That Could - I sent Jesse forward a bit so that he can maybe die a little bit, but he kept dodging attacks. I think he gained around a third of a level this map just from chipping away at enemies attacking him.

At the same time, the Canter starts summoning Bonewalkers. Not the most dangerous of enemies, especially because the map is much chokier than the graveyard map, but they're slow to cut through.


Atlas has a lot of opportunity to gain XP on this map - and his first two levels are both Angel Ring-supported. Two points of Str and Spd each, baby!


...yeah, this part of the map is really slow. It's not *just* because of the Canter, since I also have to be careful about staying out of Geyse's range for now.


There you go. Literally. See you later!


Now, about my plan to deal with Geyse - after 12 turns of, honestly pretty much just slowly turtling forward, Palla grabs Sonia's Steel Shield...


...and flies into the hallway leading to the eastern section of the map.

DZYZ7Fw.png: "Grr, is this already the end of my kingdom? Then I'll drag you all down with me to hell!"


Thank god the AI is really dumb. Basically, Palla first lures Geyse through the 1-tile corridor...


...and then back again, so that he can be attacked from more tiles while Palla can still block him from going anywhere. Including any healing tile, which is the most important detail here.

I remember that in my previous run (of which I believe this was the last fight), May bombarding him with Aura was my main damage dealer against Geyse. Without that, the damage per turn is much lower - but Palla only takes 2x3 damage per turn, so she can do this pretty much indefinitely with some support from Jenny and/or Celica.




...I mean... as I planned, the Fortify guy moves off of his healing tile to go for a perfectly calculated bait.


After that, even though there's still a few turns left, the map is more or less done.


Catria grabs the Javelin to get in on the Killing Geyse action; May and Boey tickle him with their magic spells...


And eventually, Palla gets the kill on enemy phase.


The Canter is, as Canters tend to be, really annoying, but Celica eventually gets a crit. The Holy Sword is quite useful here, not only because of the increased crit, but because of its +10 hit.


Slow map, but... really, it's not as bad as the Desert Fort. Even when it's being a slog to fight through the 1035 Bonewalkers, you're pretty consistently able to *do stuff* - use that room in the middle to have you Pegasi divert some combat; lure Geyse into a trap... Not a good map, but 's okay.


In the fort (well, more accurately the dungeon, I suppose) are three NPCs to talk to. First, Celica gets her promotion from the very central character named Girl (possibly related to Boy, I guess):

ZkEXgHp.png: "Thank you for saving me. Now I can return to my service at Mila's Temple. ...! Hold on... Could it be?!"
7ZKNT7y.png: "Hmm? What's the matter?"
ZkEXgHp.png: My apologies. You just bear a striking resemblance to Lady Liprica."
7ZKNT7y.png: "Liprica!? That was my mother's name!"
ZkEXgHp.png: "Then...then you truly are Princess Anteze! This is wonderful!"
7ZKNT7y.png: "You knew my mother? Please... Tell me about her..."
ZkEXgHp.png: "Yes... lady Liprica was originally a priestess at Mila's Temple. The king, charmed by her beauty, forcibly made her his queen. It was hard for her to bear, and she soon caught a grave disease. Soon after she gave birth to you, she perished... She worried so about you... "

"And she most certainly didn't give birth to a baby boy a little later."

ZkEXgHp.png: "Oh, Lady Anteze, don't cry... I have something I must give you. This diadem proves you are the princess of Sofia. Please use your power to save the Kingdom."



According to FEWoD, I just wasted 10 levels of potential level grinding by not delaying Celica's promotion. FEWod recommends a lot of grinding in general for this game, I noticed.


Recruiting Est is... less dramatic or wordy. Even Dean has a bit more to say:

bdxo0u8.png: "What, you've dealt with Geyse? Well, that vile man had it coming. Mmm... I owe you guys one, eh? Very well, I'll lend you a hand."

And with that, Celica can finally go on her quest to gather the Dragon Balls and wish back the greatest fighter on earth.

To take a look at our new fighters:


[HP 40% | Str 20% | Skl 15% | Spd 15% | Lck 10% | Def 10%]
[Fire (Lv.1) | Saggitae (Lv.3) | Recover (Sage)]

Dean is clearly meant to be middle-aged, because his growth total of 110% is halfway between the 150-ish percent of the low-growth young 'uns and the almost non-existant growths on Noma and Meißen.

However, his bases are all pretty good, with 2-3 points on top of the Myrmidon class bases in all stats except Skl, where it's a +6 bonus. He's basically as good as our Kamui is right now, which is to say pretty darn strong. I think he's not that likely to get above Dreadfighter bases anywhere (except Skl, again) before he promotes, but really - being close to Dreadfighter is a sweet deal all by itself.


[HP 30% | Str 40% | Skl 50% | Spd 30% | Lck 50% | Def 50%]

Conversely, as you would expect, Est has low-ish bases and excellent growths. She has a long way ahead of her to promote and 9 Str is pretty underwhelming at this point, not to mention her awful physical bulk, so I'm sure she's more of a triangle enable bot for "optimal" play, but she seems like a fun growth project in a game that has the Angel Ring.

The Team:

	Lv.	   HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res  +XP   Item
Celica	10/1.38	   24   12   8   8  13   5   7  + 84  Holy Ring

Boey	9.33	   26    8   2  11  10   7*  7  + 39  Steel Sh (+5 Def)
May	5.87	   22   10   2   7   5   6  10	+ 73
Jenny	8.11	   21   11   6   5   8   3* 13  + 17  Leather (+3 Def)
Atlas	10/5.99	   36   18   7   6   4   5   4  +421  Angel Ring

Kamui	8/6.21	   35   12* 15  16   2  10   2  +281  Holy Sw (+3 Atk, +10 hit, +15 crit)
Saber	4.78	   23    9* 10  10*  7   5   6  + 38  Steel Sw (+4 Atk, -1 Spd)
Dean	5.00	   32   13* 17  17   6   9   4        Hero Sw (+5 Atk, +10 hit, +30 crit)
Leo	7/3.37	   32   13*  9   6*  7   7   1  +173  Steel Bow (+3 Atk, -1 Spd)

Palla	10.53	   30   14   9  10   4   7   5  +115
Catria	9.24	   26   13* 18  12* 12   6   9  +255  Javelin (+3 Atk, -20 hit, -2 Spd)
Est	3.00	   20    9*  5  11*  5   4  12	      Steel Ln (+4 Atk, -1 Spd)

RIP for now:

Valbo	4.??	   32   14   8   5   3  12   0
Jesse	7.??	   30   13  10  12   9   5   7
  • It's a bummer that Celica gets nothing out of her promotion except more levels to grow. Not even an extra point of movement.
  • Atlas being +10 Str compared to Boey is pretty fun. Although also a bit sad, because it means that Boey hasn't gained a single point himself.


It took me this long to notice this stat overview which is much more handy than the regular character list to grab everybody's stats. It's in the "correct" order, too, none of that "HP/Str/Def/..." nonsense.

Had some computer hiccoughs while copying this into Serenes. Hope that didn't lead to any major mistakes that I missed when going over the post again. If it did - well, can't do anything about it until Serenes allows editing big posts again.

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15 minutes ago, gnip said:


...Group got? What?

17 minutes ago, gnip said:


And kills Valbo.

Welp, looks like we know who's getting revived at the Dragon Shrine, and it's not Silque. Sorry, big guy, but I don't want to replay the map until Sonia kindly decides to attack somebody else.


See, this is why everyone gets Sonia. Deen is cool and all, but fuck me is this map so much less annoying when all you fight is a bunch of heroes.

18 minutes ago, gnip said:

A little side story is the little Mercenary That Could - I sent Jesse forward a bit so that he can maybe die a little bit, but he kept dodging attacks. I think he gained around a third of a level this map just from chipping away at enemies attacking him.

Always the same. When you want someone to die is when they choose not to. I swear these games' RNG is sentient.

19 minutes ago, gnip said:




...I mean... as I planned, the Fortify guy moves off of his healing tile to go for a perfectly calculated bait.

My favorite type of plan.

20 minutes ago, gnip said:

According to FEWoD, I just wasted 10 levels of potential level grinding by not delaying Celica's promotion. FEWod recommends a lot of grinding in general for this game, I noticed.

FEWoD is a nice resource for primarily maps, and also numbers and assets. It is not a good place to go for advice. The site's owner is firmly stuck in the 2008 era, he still says that prepromotes suck and growth units are overpowered because eventually they maybe sorta have better stats than their prepromoted peers.

21 minutes ago, gnip said:

Dean is clearly meant to be middle-aged, because his growth total of 110% is halfway between the 150-ish percent of the low-growth young 'uns and the almost non-existant growths on Noma and Meißen.

Yesssss I got someone else to call him Meißen

Anyway, this is the reason why some people out there do get Dean. Because Dean is very good, definitely better than Sonia despite what some people back in 2008 would have you believe. Problem is, again, having to go through the witch sands.

22 minutes ago, gnip said:

Atlas being +10 Str compared to Boey is pretty fun. Although also a bit sad, because it means that Boey hasn't gained a single point himself.

Boy just... isn't very good.

23 minutes ago, gnip said:


It took me this long to notice this stat overview which is much more handy than the regular character list to grab everybody's stats. It's in the "correct" order, too, none of that "HP/Str/Def/..." nonsense.

QoL! You love to see it. Of course, we're a long way from having arrows pointing to the unit enemies will attack, but still. This wasn't in FE1, I'm pretty sure.

23 minutes ago, gnip said:

can't do anything about it until Serenes allows editing big posts again.


Hahahahaha, oh man. I was doing LPs six years ago and that already was an issue.

...Holy shit it really has been six years since I LPed FE12, though. Man. I've changed a bunch since. There's a good few things I said in those old LPs that embarrass the shit out of me any time I remember them.

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7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I didn't say it deserved to, ffs.

Why show off Subaki being a male pegasus boyo only to rip that right back from us in the next new game? Hell, genderlock seem to be the most common removal when it comes to modern mods. No one likes it!

4 hours ago, gnip said:

About that

Guess it shoulda been me after all.

4 hours ago, gnip said:


The Queen Witch of the map is Sonia

The Queen Witch. The Hurricane Itch. The bad bi-

4 hours ago, gnip said:

The basic rule is: They're not very dangerous... as long as it's only one or two at a time.


...and as long as they don't attack Valbo.

Elitists calling Clive S tier after losing him 3 times to witches.

4 hours ago, gnip said:

And then Sonia warps in.


And kills Valbo.

You better treasure that one screenshot, cuz I ain't ever praising you again.


unless you use Cord again.

4 hours ago, gnip said:


I have to admit that his map is *far* less awful than Wolf's. The desert is still annoying when you want to enter the building, but you don't have to walk all your characters through the sand for multiple turns. Enemies are also stronger and more varied, instead of just having that one bastard with a Steel Bow zoning the only mobile characters away from any action.

I remember my first SoV run of this map being one of the worst experiences ever. It wasn't the hardest map or anything, but the sheer slowness of it through the sand hell, range hell, and cantor hell made the map last far longer than it should have, single handedly destroying any hope I had for enjoying the game.

5 hours ago, gnip said:



...I mean... as I planned, the Fortify guy moves off of his healing tile to go for a perfectly calculated bait.

You remind me of a certain tactician who occasionally wins battles. 

5 hours ago, gnip said:

Slow map, but... really, it's not as bad as the Desert Fort. Even when it's being a slog to fight through the 1035 Bonewalkers, you're pretty consistently able to *do stuff* - use that room in the middle to have you Pegasi divert some combat; lure Geyse into a trap... Not a good map, but 's okay.

I take more insult to the 1035 bonewalker myself, but that might be the Valbo solo-er in me not finding archer hell to be the the lowest circle of hell.

5 hours ago, gnip said:

According to FEWoD, I just wasted 10 levels of potential level grinding by not delaying Celica's promotion. FEWod recommends a lot of grinding in general for this game, I noticed.

the main time for grinding is on the not lost woods in act 4, or the invisible cave for Alm, also in act 4. Those weird super zombies do be giving american size xp tho.

5 hours ago, gnip said:

Conversely, as you would expect, Est has low-ish bases and excellent growths. She has a long way ahead of her to promote and 9 Str is pretty underwhelming at this point, not to mention her awful physical bulk, so I'm sure she's more of a triangle enable bot for "optimal" play, but she seems like a fun growth project in a game that has the Angel Ring.

And yet Catria always ends up better every damn time, even with all the Estvestment.

5 hours ago, gnip said:

It's a bummer that Celica gets nothing out of her promotion except more levels to grow. Not even an extra point of movement.

I've never been a fan of min base promotions. Give me my +3. I want to feel the emphasis of promotion that the class appearance gives me. Let the rng bless or screw me over. It's part of the fun!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


See, this is why everyone gets Sonia. Deen is cool and all, but fuck me is this map so much less annoying when all you fight is a bunch of heroes.

Valbo when Deen map:


Valbo when Sonya balls:


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FEWoD is a nice resource for primarily maps, and also numbers and assets. It is not a good place to go for advice. The site's owner is firmly stuck in the 2008 era, he still says that prepromotes suck and growth units are overpowered because eventually they maybe sorta have better stats than their prepromoted peers.

We should make our own site. We know exactly how to get others to play FE with minimal trauma.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahaha, oh man. I was doing LPs six years ago and that already was an issue.

...Holy shit it really has been six years since I LPed FE12, though. Man. I've changed a bunch since. There's a good few things I said in those old LPs that embarrass the shit out of me any time I remember them.

Imagine trying to LP in Serenes's current state. Nobody would be trying to do that, right?

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19 hours ago, gnip said:

People have been, and are, weird. :lol:


Victorian England had large-scale stores dedicated to your every funerary need. Apparently, at a point a quarter of all savings in British banks consisted of designated funeral funds, as the societally-demanded ceremonies for the newly deceased were expensive. It might be fair to say that the Victorian era had an inclination for the macabre. +60 Avoid on a gravestone might reflect their sensibilities.

7 hours ago, gnip said:



Any chance that could've been catastrophic?

7 hours ago, gnip said:

Slow map, but... really, it's not as bad as the Desert Fort. Even when it's being a slog to fight through the 1035 Bonewalkers, you're pretty consistently able to *do stuff* - use that room in the middle to have you Pegasi divert some combat; lure Geyse into a trap... Not a good map, but 's okay.

A long map in Gaiden I can imagine could be quite stressful, given hit rates and only bits of unavoidable jank that could possibly ruin you.

7 hours ago, gnip said:

According to FEWoD, I just wasted 10 levels of potential level grinding by not delaying Celica's promotion. FEWod recommends a lot of grinding in general for this game, I noticed.

If I ever play Gaiden, I think I'd activate the secret double-EXP thing it has. How much easier could it truly make the game?



7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See, this is why everyone gets Sonia. Deen is cool and all, but fuck me is this map so much less annoying when all you fight is a bunch of heroes.

Deen's map I remember in SoV as being fairly brutal. Deen being a pretty nasty piece of work to tussle with.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Holy shit it really has been six years since I LPed FE12, though. Man. I've changed a bunch since. There's a good few things I said in those old LPs that embarrass the shit out of me any time I remember them.

I'm sure I've written things on this site that would make me 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ if I looked back at them too. 

I think the question is, who wouldn't?

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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Group got? What?

Gimme a break, making perfect screenshots at x2 speed (and who wouldn't go to x2 speed on enemy phase) isn't easy.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My favorite type of plan.

If you don't remember the instances where it fails, it works every time.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FEWoD is a nice resource for primarily maps, and also numbers and assets. It is not a good place to go for advice. The site's owner is firmly stuck in the 2008 era, he still says that prepromotes suck and growth units are overpowered because eventually they maybe sorta have better stats than their prepromoted peers.

To his credit, he did go, "yeahhh, probably not worth" after saying that you'd need to get everybody promoted in order to get Dozer's Dragonshield.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yesssss I got someone else to call him Meißen

I have the ß (and even the ẞ, although that requires pressing three keys) right there on my keyboard. You don't have that excuse.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Boy just... isn't very good.

No Str proc in 8 levels is still very unlikely, less than 6%. I guess that's the karmic prize for getting three Spd procs, one of them Angel Ringed.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

QoL! You love to see it. Of course, we're a long way from having arrows pointing to the unit enemies will attack, but still. This wasn't in FE1, I'm pretty sure.

Gaiden even lets you trade items between fights! The wonders of technology!

This one's kinda funny, really - I would bet that Gaiden's one-item-per-character mechanic has a lot to do with players rightfully complaining about FE1's awful item management... which would've been 75% fixed if you could just do it between maps, and 95% if you could also swap items instead of just giving them. So Gaiden basically dumbed down the mechanic despite having figured out how to make it not awful.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's a good few things I said in those old LPs that embarrass the shit out of me any time I remember them.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure I've written things on this site that would make me 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ if I looked back at them too. 

I think the question is, who wouldn't?

Sign of growth etc. pp. Heck, I'd probably cringe if I looked at posts weeks ago

5 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

You better treasure that one screenshot, cuz I ain't ever praising you again.

I'm sure you could've saved him by ???????. A teleporting enemy that one-rounds from full health is kiiiinda bullshit.

5 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

And yet Catria always ends up better every damn time, even with all the Estvestment.

Despite how much better Est's growths than Catria's by ratio (250:170; almost 1.5 times at good), they're also just 0.8 extra procs per level-up. Actually, I was curious..:


Yeah, if she can't use the Angel Ring a lot, Est isn't going to best Catria at all. They'll both be at class bases in HP/Str/Def, and Catria has the edge in the other three stats. With the Angel Ring, Est does have a good chance of getting some extra Str and Def, it seems, but of course it's not a given that she'll be able to use it all the time.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Any chance that could've been catastrophic?

No, if I remember correctly, Boey wasn't attacked by anything else that turn. Flawless plan.

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11 hours ago, gnip said:

The map honestly doesn't seem to allow the player much active participation. Witches warp towards you, in what seems to be random chance; normally to attack somebody, but occasionally, they seem to forget that this is Gaiden and Mages take movement penalties from desert tiles, too.

The movement penalty confirmed to be a bad idea they hadn't planned on doing?

11 hours ago, gnip said:


...and as long as they don't attack Valbo. Although it's my fault that it became that spicy - without the Steel Lance, Valbo ties them in Spd.

Oh no.

11 hours ago, gnip said:


And kills Valbo.

Welp, looks like we know who's getting revived at the Dragon Shrine, and it's not Silque. Sorry, big guy, but I don't want to replay the map until Sonia kindly decides to attack somebody else.

......It looks like you can resurrect both at the Dragon Shrine!

But yeah, me insisting on getting Deen backfired hard, sorry.

11 hours ago, gnip said:


After Sonia is dead, the other Witches don't manage to endanger anybody. The only important thing that happens is a level for Jesse, so he's ready to die now.

Still funny how we're throwing Jesse to die.

The worst part? It's a while before there's a shrine on Alm's side

11 hours ago, gnip said:


Mr Geyse is appropriately tough, doubling everybody on the team and hitting pretty hard while doing so. He's quite the pain in the butt to kill, too, because he's very evasive, especially if you add the +20 avoid from the inside floor, and also highly resistant to magic, being a Dreadfighter. I do have a plan, though.

Yes, Geyse looks like he's cosplaying M. Bison and it shows.

11 hours ago, gnip said:


A little side story is the little Mercenary That Could - I sent Jesse forward a bit so that he can maybe die a little bit, but he kept dodging attacks. I think he gained around a third of a level this map just from chipping away at enemies attacking him.

Jesse knows.

And he's rather live.

11 hours ago, gnip said:


Atlas has a lot of opportunity to gain XP on this map - and his first two levels are both Angel Ring-supported. Two points of Str and Spd each, baby!

Weight of the world on this man's shoulders, leeet's go!

11 hours ago, gnip said:

I remember that in my previous run (of which I believe this was the last fight), May bombarding him with Aura was my main damage dealer against Geyse. Without that, the damage per turn is much lower - but Palla only takes 2x3 damage per turn, so she can do this pretty much indefinitely with some support from Jenny and/or Celica.

Good plan funneling him.

I wonder would you get away with getting him out into the sand?

11 hours ago, gnip said:

"And she most certainly didn't give birth to a baby boy a little later."

She didn't, Lima was just a manwhore.

Conrad's older, we hear nothing about Liprica having a second child herself, he refers to Liprica by her name and states his mother was Rigelian.

11 hours ago, gnip said:

According to FEWoD, I just wasted 10 levels of potential level grinding by not delaying Celica's promotion. FEWod recommends a lot of grinding in general for this game, I noticed.

With Gaiden's growths I kinda get it, but again, I was bad at passing the Angel Ring around.

11 hours ago, gnip said:


[HP 40% | Str 20% | Skl 15% | Spd 15% | Lck 10% | Def 10%]
[Fire (Lv.1) | Saggitae (Lv.3) | Recover (Sage)]

However, his bases are all pretty good, with 2-3 points on top of the Myrmidon class bases in all stats except Skl, where it's a +6 bonus. He's basically as good as our Kamui is right now, which is to say pretty darn strong. I think he's not that likely to get above Dreadfighter bases anywhere (except Skl, again) before he promotes, but really - being close to Dreadfighter is a sweet deal all by itself.

At least Scarman will get some work done while you have him.

11 hours ago, gnip said:


[HP 30% | Str 40% | Skl 50% | Spd 30% | Lck 50% | Def 50%]

Conversely, as you would expect, Est has low-ish bases and excellent growths. She has a long way ahead of her to promote and 9 Str is pretty underwhelming at this point, not to mention her awful physical bulk, so I'm sure she's more of a triangle enable bot for "optimal" play, but she seems like a fun growth project in a game that has the Angel Ring.


Promotion might give Str/Def if you're unlucky, but Spd is low. The HP will double her bulk though, so that'll be helpful. (SoV reduced the class's base HP by 6 for some reason)

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Deen's map I remember in SoV as being fairly brutal. Deen being a pretty nasty piece of work to tussle with.

I'd say you have more tools to deal with Deen, Valbar alone is a good wall and you can have other units who hit similar high defences.

Res being rarer makes Sonya's map awkward, not to mention the warping making it harder to funnel enemies.

Then again, when I had no fliers last run I couldn't risk it facing Sonya.....

1 hour ago, gnip said:

To his credit, he did go, "yeahhh, probably not worth" after saying that you'd need to get everybody promoted in order to get Dozer's Dragonshield.

I call him out.

You do not need full promotion for that.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Holy shit it really has been six years since I LPed FE12, though. Man. I've changed a bunch since. There's a good few things I said in those old LPs that embarrass the shit out of me any time I remember them.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure I've written things on this site that would make me 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ if I looked back at them too. 

I think the question is, who wouldn't?

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Sign of growth etc. pp. Heck, I'd probably cringe if I looked at posts weeks ago

How badly would my old posts look?

I've seen some of them and I want to hit younger me.

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7 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

We should make our own site. We know exactly how to get others to play FE with minimal trauma.

Good manipulative skills. You can attest to that.

7 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Imagine trying to LP in Serenes's current state. Nobody would be trying to do that, right?

I've seen worse. I took weeks to push out the last TearRing update because Serenes kept refusing to let me post. Like, just straight up. Would not let me post.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Deen's map I remember in SoV as being fairly brutal. Deen being a pretty nasty piece of work to tussle with.

They aren't pushovers, but they're predictable. With Sonya, it's basically just dumb luck that their weird AI never goes after a vulnerable target.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure I've written things on this site that would make me 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ if I looked back at them too. 

I think the question is, who wouldn't?

Heh, fair enough.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Gimme a break, making perfect screenshots at x2 speed (and who wouldn't go to x2 speed on enemy phase) isn't easy.

Hey, no sweat, I was just genuinely confused lol. What was that supposed to be?

1 hour ago, gnip said:

To his credit, he did go, "yeahhh, probably not worth" after saying that you'd need to get everybody promoted in order to get Dozer's Dragonshield.

Which is not even true lol. Anyone can deal 1 damage to Dozer. You just need someone who can tank his hits, a way to distract Slayde, and a healer. Promotion is entirely needless.

Honestly, all due respect, but if FEWOD's owner says something, it's safe to assume the opposite is true. Most of the time.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

I have the ß (and even the ẞ, although that requires pressing three keys) right there on my keyboard. You don't have that excuse.

Oh yeah, I have to google "meiben" every time so I can copypaste Meißen.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

No Str proc in 8 levels is still very unlikely, less than 6%. I guess that's the karmic prize for getting three Spd procs, one of them Angel Ringed.

Boy is intimidated by Atlas's powerful presence. He knows there's a new Boy in town.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Gaiden even lets you trade items between fights! The wonders of technology!

This one's kinda funny, really - I would bet that Gaiden's one-item-per-character mechanic has a lot to do with players rightfully complaining about FE1's awful item management... which would've been 75% fixed if you could just do it between maps, and 95% if you could also swap items instead of just giving them. So Gaiden basically dumbed down the mechanic despite having figured out how to make it not awful.

To be fair, the NES was not very powerful. There's a chance they could not have done the QoL without dumbing the system down. Perhaps, I mean, I'm no expert here. Just guessing.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Sign of growth etc. pp. Heck, I'd probably cringe if I looked at posts weeks ago

Yeah I remember one time you refused an all soldiers army, that was really cringe

16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

How badly would my old posts look?

I've seen some of them and I want to hit younger me

Ah, like Observer told me, who wouldn't? We've all had that moment haha.

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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If I ever play Gaiden, I think I'd activate the secret double-EXP thing it has. How much easier could it truly make the game?

Won't be any easier on your nintendo PC running at 300% speed 24/7.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Deen's map I remember in SoV as being fairly brutal. Deen being a pretty nasty piece of work to tussle with.

Funnily enough, that map is usually a piece of cake for me. Valbo gaming.

Well that or use Mage Kamui pitchfork who somehow gets the defense and speed to kill everything in sight with minimal risk.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure I've written things on this site that would make me 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ if I looked back at them too. 

I think the question is, who wouldn't?

I'm sure there's someone who just yells about their opinions and is still sticking to said opinion being right several years later.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Gimme a break, making perfect screenshots at x2 speed (and who wouldn't go to x2 speed on enemy phase) isn't easy.

2x. Going rather slow aren't ya. Well, suppose it's for the screenshots. Man when those necro-dragon spams clutter act 4, I was going 800% a few times.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

No Str proc in 8 levels is still very unlikely, less than 6%. I guess that's the karmic prize for getting three Spd procs, one of them Angel Ringed.

We all have units we're bad at. 

9 hours ago, gnip said:

This one's kinda funny, really - I would bet that Gaiden's one-item-per-character mechanic has a lot to do with players rightfully complaining about FE1's awful item management... which would've been 75% fixed if you could just do it between maps, and 95% if you could also swap items instead of just giving them. So Gaiden basically dumbed down the mechanic despite having figured out how to make it not awful.

This alone makes FE3 B1 better than FE1. And then FE12 listened to all 2 people's complaints of FE3 axing Wrys by making him both a crucial element of the prologue, but also the first showcase of the fe12 unique villains in one of the only actually good gaiden chapters.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

Heck, I'd probably cringe if I looked at posts weeks ago

When you think you're growing, but you actually just hate yourself.

Don't worry, that's normal in the FE fandom.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

I'm sure you could've saved him by ???????. A teleporting enemy that one-rounds from full health is kiiiinda bullshit.

My Valbo would've been fast enough. Git gud at Valbo'ing.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


Yeah, if she can't use the Angel Ring a lot, Est isn't going to best Catria at all. They'll both be at class bases in HP/Str/Def, and Catria has the edge in the other three stats. With the Angel Ring, Est does have a good chance of getting some extra Str and Def, it seems, but of course it's not a given that she'll be able to use it all the time.

No need for stat sheets. Those nerdy things tell you that Matthis will be mid, but we all know how broken he truly is. You can just feel it.

And I feel that Bors is always game-breaking, every single time. 

8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

But yeah, me insisting on getting Deen backfired hard, sorry.

Now he became Punished Gnip.

8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

How badly would my old posts look?

I've seen some of them and I want to hit younger me.

You should hit yourself now. Make up for your mistakes, and ours.

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FE2 Chapter 3: Liberty War

Geyse's Fortress --> Dragon Shrine



Oh hey, random encounter for later.


But first, we have to go through the Mountain Graveyard again. The ol' Bonewalker group, which was more of a pain back at the start of chapter 3. Now, with more and more powerful characters, and with equipment on most of them, this isn't too difficult a fight anymore, so I won't go into details.


I'll mention a level-up for Atlas, though. 20 Str, not bad.


Also, official confirmation that the triangle attack can indeed still miss.


Then the Paladins attacked. It's only three, but they go first - I guess it makes sense, since they're the attacker, but it's also potentially very frustrating, given that you can't swap your character spawns before the fight. I forgot to check their stats, so I'm not sure if they would've been able to one-round anything, but I would be surprised - even Jenny with the Leather Shield has at least some physical defense.


And since they're only three, the fight isn't very hard, either.


The next fight has four enemies. Very spooky!


The boss is a professional StarCraft II player from Ukraine - Александр "Bly" Свисюк, a Zerg player known for his aggressive (read: cheesy) playstyle.

He's also wielding the Dark / Devil Sword - very strong (+13 Atk), but also heavy, inaccurate, and with the backfire rate we all know and love.


Honestly, this fight is a bit of a joke, too. The Pegasi go up to quickly dispose of Bly, while everybody else moves towards the generic enemies.


Since the fight is so short, I take an unnecessary risk and give the bosskill to Est, who gets one-shot if she misses...


...but the reason to reset comes from somewhere else.


But really, not a big deal. The map is played pretty quickly. Kamui and Est get Angel Ring levels in the rerun - I missed the screenshot for the latter, but it was... *drumroll* +2 Lck. Yaaaaaay!


Next up, we're back to three enemies again. These ones are stronger, though!

I kinda like the very simple formation here. Est is the Pegasus at the bottom of the formation...


...so she can draw the leftmost Necrodragon into a Triangle Attack, but barely not be reached by anybody else. The second Necrodragon can go for Catria or Dean...


...and picks the latter, while the last one gets shredded by Kamui and the Holy Sword.

Pretty easy fight after this, even with Celica missing her Angel attack.


So, we've reached the goal of our campaign. Next up, Book 1.

The Team:

	Lv.	   HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res  +XP   Item
Celica	10/2.43	   24   12*  9   9* 13   5   7  +105  Steel Sw (+4 Atk, -1 Spd)

Boey	9.71	   26    8   2  11  10*  7   7  + 39  Angel Ring
Jenny	8.44	   21   11   6   5   8   3* 13  + 33  Leather (+3 Def)
Atlas	10/7.38	   40   20   9   6   4   5   4  +139  Holy Ring
May	6.13	   23   10   2   7   5   3  10  + 26

Dean	5.27	   32   13* 17  17   6   9   4  + 27  Hero Sw (+5 Atk, +10 hit, +30 crit)
Kamui	8/7.32	   37   14* 17  16   2  10   2  +111  Holy Sw (+3 Atk, +10 hit, +15 crit)
Saber	4.99	   23    9* 10  10*  7   5   6  + 21  Dark Sw (+13 Atk, -20 hit, -1 Spd)
Leo	7/4.27	   33   13*  9   7*  7   7   1  + 90  Steel Bow (+3 Atk, -1 Spd)

Catria	9.61	   26   13  18  12  12   6   9  + 37  Javelin (+3 Atk, -20 hit, -2 Spd)
Palla	10.71	   30   14   9  10   4   7   5  + 18  Steel Sh (+5 Def)
Est	4.87	   20    9*  5  11*  7   4  12	+187  Steel Ln (+4 Atk, -1 Spd)
Valbo	4.00	   32   14   8   5   3  12   0
  • It seems that dying removes the progress towards the next level. Not a problem for Jesse, who'll promote immediately anyway, but Valbo will never see those 50-ish XP from before the Sonia incident again.
  • Atlas is now powerful enough for me to google "fire emblem gaiden stat caps". Apparently they're 40, so there's still some gains to be made.


10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

But yeah, me insisting on getting Deen backfired hard, sorry.

Don't worry, it's probably still not half as detrimental as some of the other character requests. Not complaining, I'm more than happy to have used Darros and Roshe, but... realistically, the game would've been easier with Barts and Mr Turban, that's for sure. At least Gaiden is pretty generous with its failsaves, which is honestly something I really appreciate about the game.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Good plan funneling him.

I wonder would you get away with getting him out into the sand?

Thanks :]

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, but it probably wouldn't do very much for you. Dreadfighters only have a movement cost of 2 in the desert (same as Mages and Alm, better than every other non-flying class) and they have 7 Move to begin with, so he'd still be fairly mobile. The lower Avoid would've been nice, of course, but Palla holding the 1-tile choke was perfectly reliable. Just not reliably fast.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

She didn't, Lima was just a manwhore.

Conrad's older, we hear nothing about Liprica having a second child herself, he refers to Liprica by her name and states his mother was Rigelian.

Ah, I misremembered that. For some reason, Conrad was giving me massive "little brother" vibes.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, no sweat, I was just genuinely confused lol. What was that supposed to be?

Oh, sorry :lol:


The group XP, which iirc is still a thing in Echoes. You only get this when you don't kill an enemy, usually 1-2 XP. I never paid attention to how exactly it's distributed after the fight, just assumed "evenly".

2 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

We all have units we're bad at. 

Oh, I'm excellent at using Boey. He's just not being excellent at being used.

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