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So is Mozu just useless to me now?


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I just beat chapter 13.

Since my other units were (and frankly, still are) unreliable, I was reluctant to use Mozu.

I am now on chapter 14 and Mozu is still level 1 and seemingly there is just no way to give her EXP right now.

Is she just useless to me? since it's not like Fodlan where the Adjunctant unit constantly gets EXP even if they don't "chip in".

And while I've admittingly not had the chance to send her against sword enemies, she appears to do 0 damage to at least axe enemies. (Yeah I know weapon triangle disadvantage but most enemies in the last chapter were either axes or lance enemies that she did zero damage to.) 

It seems like she's past the point of potentially being usuable.


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When using Mozu you really want to give her your first Heart Seal so that she can start contributing as soon as possible as an archer. You should have access to more now, but it will take considerably more effort now than it would have earlier.

edit: you can also boost her strength by giving her a partner that boosts her strength or feed her kills by having her attack and then having someone else in attack stance dealing the actual damage, but she's just so much better off as an archer, and she can put in some work early on so that she starts scaling with your units.

Edited by samthedigital
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4 hours ago, Samz707 said:


Is she just useless to me? since it's not like Fodlan where the Adjunctant unit constantly gets EXP even if they don't "chip in".

If Mozu initiates an attack in which her attack stance partner kills, or simply damages the enemy, she still gets full experience, even if she misses, or deals 0 damage with her personal attacl.

I don't know if you would consider that worth the effort, but it is still possible to get exp onto her if you really want to

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