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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. I have this pair, but for different reasons: Silas and Camilla's A support, and I head-canon Sophie and Caeldori as best friends (they can A-support). My Caeldori is a Hinoka!Caeldori, so I also went for parallelism by having Camilla!Sophie, so these "best friends" are both princesses, daughters of the elder princesses of the once opposing nations. Princess Caeldori of Hoshido and Princess Sophie of Nohr, best friends.
  2. On a related topic, its like rate my pairings, but not for their stats, but their hair colors! How good is my hair color line-up? Where do you like my hair colors. Where don't you like them? Stats don't matter here!
  3. I remember it by tomes and swords (Tacitican/Grandmaster/Dark Knight) being on the same point and the axes/bows both beating your standard Pegasus Knight (reminding that bows beat lances). The last point (lances/shurkiens) by process of elimination.
  4. Not sure if you're still taking this, but my Fates' Avatar: "Peter" Favored Class: Dark Knight, from his Mage talent Male Build 2 (more mature male) Face 1 Hair 10 Hair Color 30 (brown) Default Expression He most commonly is a Dark Knight, preferentially using Tomes, with swords (Omega Yato in particular) as a back-up weapon.
  5. Not a must. I did no DLC, no path bonuses, no online features, etc. on my hard/classic.
  6. Beruka's "Time to play" crit quote seems to mainly exist because they did a thing where all lord-retainer-retainer trios have a shared crit quote. "Time to play" is shared with Camilla/Selena/Beruka. In this case, it seems to originate with Camilla, as its most in character with her. Just like Hinoka/Azama/Setsuna's "I won't lose", Xander/Laslow/Peri's "You're right where I want you", etc.
  7. Beruka… she's Stephanie Sheh like? Have a soft spot for her VA as she's shown up in a lot of other works that I'm fond of. Well, she's Sophie and Rhajat/Tharja too, right? The Beruka and Sophie type voices are more familiar to me as Sheh's voice, whereas Tharja is more outside what I normally hear her typecast as. I don't use Beruka that much, in honesty, given how much better Camilla is. Caeldori. Cordelia 2.0, which results in me being massively biased in her favor. I also like her VA work by Julie Ann Taylor. Caeldori is probably not developed as well as Cordelia is, but I like the teacher stuff in the Corrin x Caeldori support (I've worked as a tutor). Locking her behind Subaki disadvantages her, although in this case this means I end up showing favoritism to Subaki, using him beyond when I'd otherwise, so that I can get his daughter and pass good skills to her. The character I most commonly have my Corrin marry. I'm frustrated by the -2 SPD that Subaki passes down to her, as it limits the SPD potential of Caeldori!Kanna.
  8. Using some Rescue charges (without even doing the infamous Rescue/Pass strategy), I finished it the turn after the paired cavalry started to move, so I was able to bypass them, in effect.
  9. Well, given that she is under the erroneous belief that her father Subaki is the perfect one (she's wrong, but she still thinks that), she HONESTLY DOES think she isn't that perfect, because she's put her father on this pedestal and thinks that HE is the perfect one. Therefore, under her misevaluation of her father, Caeldori herself CANNOT be perfect, from her own point of view, as she believes her "perfect" father to be better than her… and thus she thinks that she herself is less than perfect. Despite liking both Cordelia and Caeldori, I will actually agree with you that Cordelia is a much more interesting character than Caeldori. I have a soft spot for the Avatar x Caeldori support because Corrin acting as a tutor in the B-S ranks reminds me of my own experiences as a tutor (its been one of my main jobs throughout my life, whether as actually a tutor or as a teaching assistant), so I "connect" with what Corrin is doing for Caeldori in that support. I like that support for that reason . But Cordelia is the stronger character. In summary: Cordelia is a stronger character; Caeldori has an S-support in which I feel a "connection" with my Avatar's role in said support due to my past experiences in teaching and that the Avatar is also taking up the role of a teacher.
  10. The inheritance planner app has the wrong growth rates for Kana, but it is largely fine on the other growth rates. Kana's ACTUAL growth rates are the average of her/his defaults and her/his non-Avatar parent. Not the sum of Kana's default and both parents, then divided by 3 like its currently displaying.
  11. The attack stance support bonuses are also wrong: It says for Avatar at S-rank they should give their spouse +15 hit, +6 crit, +5 crit evade, and +5 avoid. But mine gives +15 hit, +9 crit, +0 crit evade, and +5 avoid. I am Clever/Unlucky, Mage talent. I'm suspecting that these bonuses may depend on boon/bane (just as Avatar pair-up bonuses do). Anyone want to test it out?
  12. Generally, I find Chapters 18 - 20 an exceptionally weak section of Birthright. Birthright is generally an easy game, but these take it to a whole other level of lacking challenge, particularly with all the laughably weak Faceless in some of these chapters and the ease in which the Ch. 19 gimmick is dealt with.
  13. As for children, the Deeprealms were in my opinion a pretty stupid plot device. I do think the Fates children were better MECHANICALLY executed than in Awakening, but NARRATIVELY its awful. Now, admittedly, I tend to be a mechanics > narrative kind of guy, so I don't hate having the kids; I actually really enjoy all the tinkering I can do with them. But I'd still rather than we not get a repeat of something as ludicrous as the Deeprealms. Honestly, the kids system is something that I can both take and enjoy or forgo and still enjoy; I liked the kids system in Genealogy, Awakening, and Fates, but I also loved SRPGs (like The Sacred Stones and Final Fantasy Tactics) that have no such thing. So I'd enjoy (from a mechanical standpoint) a kids system if it was there, but I wouldn't be upset if it were gone either and I'd still look forward to the games. Its the same idea with the marriage system for me: I like the mechanics attached to it (particularly in Fates with the introduction of the Partner Seal), and I will confess I do actually enjoy pairing my player Avatar with one of the attractive female characters (generally Cordelia in Awakening and Caeldori in Fates). But again, I also love The Sacred Stones and Final Fantasy Tactics, and those don't have marriage systems, so basically I'm fine either way. Regarding the points that not everyone should be compatible with the Avatar and you should be able to make character like you or end up alienating characters based on your decisions, I'd be fine with that as an alternate to the "support everyone" paradigm. Although I would recommend including some sort of fallback option character so that the Avatar always has at least one S-rank option available, just so you don't end up locking out stuff like paralogues. But regarding the reference to the Persona series social links, where in Persona 4 (and Persona 3 Portable's female route) you needed to trigger specific flags in dialogue trees to send the relation in a romantic direction rather than a platonic one…. if marriage does return, this could do a lot in making the Avatar marriages feel more natural. I would really like future games to stop including characters like Nowi/Elise/etc. as marriageable characters. Of course, if the marriage system disappears, so does this problem. But if the marriage option remains, I would really like them to cut this out, as its not good when they need to practically force the localization to lie about their clear ages or use a cliche "really a 1000 years old excuse) to cover up for something that seems to be obvious lolicon pandering…… that's a type of pandering that shouldn't belong in Fire Emblem. If they want to include young characters like Tiki (Shadow Dragon) or Myrhh, fine, its following in a series tradition, so I'm happy to let that continue as a compromise, but don't make them actual marriage options. Unfortunately, with trying to pander to profitable demographics, I suspect this isn't changing anytime soon. Narratively, the death scenes in Fates were generally badly done, obviously just trying to make the player sad, regardless of not building up the characters enough for us to care as much as they wanted us to, or by making them deus ex machina twists immediately forgotten by the plot. And I agree, I'd like a less universally worshipped Avatar. EDIT/ADDENDUM: I'd also like them to entirely get rid of the skill-buying system - it defeats the point of the regular skill learning and skill inheritance system, as well as undermines the idea of inheriting classes so you can get the skills. Its also warped the online format into easy-seize castles rather than people coming up with creative defenses and challenging people to beat their defenses. (There are exceptions, but this is my general impression). Skill buying being implemented was bad decision, in my opinion.
  14. Below advice assumes skill-buying is not used. 1. Corrin pairings depend on boon/bane. What did you use? 2. It will be a good Asugi, but Leo and Forrest might want to get Tomefaire. 3. Subaki x Hinoka is a personal favorite of mine out of bias for the redhead royal Caeldori, but I do think that there are better pairings out there. Swordmaster x Falcon Knight isn't that great synergy; Hinoka would want more STR/DEF. Tusbaki does like shoring up his SPD, though. 4. Hinata x Hana does let Hana get Lancebreaker to offset her lance vulnerabilities, although I think this is more of a main-game type of pairing. 5. Laslow x Selena really isn't a very good pairing (its not particularly awful either…. its just bland and mediocre). I'm still guilty of running it anyways because I like them together. 6. I wouldn't do Xander x Azura myself…. he really wants a pair-up bot to help fix his speed…. although Warding Blow would be nice for dealing with his magic weaknesses. 7. I myself would go with Wary Fighters, Benny x Beruka. 8. I prefer Leo x Sakura, lets the whole family get Tomefaire, and Leo isn't very interested in Outlaw with Nyx. 9. I do Odin x Elise too; no complaints here. 10. Hayato x Orochi is a good pairing; huge magic for Rhajat, helps fix her awful skill (although at the cost of speed, as a trade-off). I myself normally use Nyx here. 11. I think Arthur x Charlotte is a bit of a waste…. Percy already gets Berserker from Fighter, and he'd be getting Troubadour from Charlotte (so would Arthur). Charlotte faires a bit better, as she'd get Great Knight's Luna access. I myself normally give Charlotte to Xander. 12. Not sure if I've seen a Keaton x Mozu pairing proposed before…. seems a bit odd, although Spendthrift + Life and Death could stack really high. Not what I'd have done myself. 13. I don't think Kaden x Rinkah is a good idea. Selkie already has pretty weak STR growth and this would hurt it even more, plus Selkie is weak at DEF and strong at RES; Rinkah is kind of the opposite. 14. Niles x Setsuna - this is a great idea; I do it myself and its awesome. 15. Jakob x Felicia is going to be a pretty weak pairing; Felicia's 10% STR personal growth and weak STR mods means she isn't really going to use Jakob's classes, and she hurts Dwyer's STR pretty badly and only has middling magic. 16. Ryoma x Kagero is pretty fine; Kagero helps improve the mobility of Ryoma, as one of his drawbacks as a Swordmaster is that he only gets 6 move (mounted units get 8). Bringing him to 7 helps with moving Rajinto around better while keeping Swordmaster. Nice STR for Shiro too, as he's naturally high in STR anyways. 17. Camilla has really high stat growths and strong mods that are beneficial to a wide spectrum of children, so a Camilla!Kiragi is going to be fine just because Camilla is his mom. I don't think Takumi gains that much from Camilla realistically and I'm not sure if Kiragi really wants her for anything but her good stats, but if you want to run a Berserker Camilla (A+ with Beruka, as Camilla doesn't have it on her own) then sure, Sniper for Certain Blow could really let her abuse Great Club. 18. Azama x Beruka seems pretty random and doesn't really seem to be leveraging much in the way of their strengths. 19. Kaze x Oboro - It will turn out okay; Oboro is a mom who basically makes most children decent, although her stats aren't as crazy good as Camilla's are. So Oboro will probably work out fine for Midori just because its Oboro, but I don't see her doing anything special for her either. 20. Silas x Peri should work out fine; Peri gets Mercenary/Hero/Bow Knight; Silas and Sophie get Dark Mage, which can still use swords when promoted to Dark Knight, which offers them Heartseeker for improved accuracy. Peri is fast like Sophie and will give her good STR growths from the maternal side.
  15. As an addendum, seeing that North American Garon and the North American dub of this character (Roy Mustang) share the same voice actor to the best of my knowledge (Travis Willingham): Who gets the feeling that Garon did something like this with regards to the battle thongs.
  16. Deeprealms and the time-passage differential, or as TvTropes would put it: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YearInsideHourOutside (Indeed, Fates is cited as an example in the trope page's video game examples). Maybe it has been only a few weeks for you, but the "kid" wasn't living in your dimension/world during that time and was instead living on the "inside" of a "Year Inside, Hour Outside" situation. Many, many years have legitimately passed from the child's perspective. We don't know their exact ages, as those are left vague, but with many of the kids they're problem from their upper teens to early twenties; anime ages are hard to guess any more precisely. So, give or take a few years, they do have roughly 2 decades of life experience, and they are grown up into adults of biological age (and also the age of time they've actually experienced) comparable to your Avatar's old age. Its perfectly natural to feel attracted to people of the gender you're interested in who share your age group.
  17. Fimbulvetr (the basic C-rank tome), Ragnarok (the basic B-rank tome), and Ginnungagap (the A-rank tome) are all Norse. The 3-year winter of the wolves (Fimbulvetr) that comes before the battle at the end of the world (Ragnarok) and the primordial void (Ginnungagap). Then we also have Mjlonir, Thor's Hammer, as the killer tome.
  18. Selena!Caeldori cannot get Nohrian Trust….. not unless you're buying skills…. then again, I think you mentioned that you are doing that, if I recall correctly.
  19. I've done a Revelation Selena!Caeldori. As a caveat, I did do grinding in the Revelation route, although I didn't use use anything that couldn't be found on the base Special Edition cartridge and I kept everyone restricted to within 20/20. (So this is not a maxed unit). Caeldori's SPD is pretty fine growth wise, and she does still get a +1 SPD modifier as Selena's daughter. For fixing her STR, the trick is to stack her with damage booster skills that don't interact with her STR and MAG (so you can use them and Prodigy together for some major stacking). She has intrinsic access to Swordfaire, and she can get Lancefaire or Bowfaire from some potential partners, plus she can grab Tomefaire (somewhat impractical with her low magic) from Rhajat or Mitama. So pick a -faire She can friendship with Sophie's Cavalier class to get Elbow Room. If you have Selena A+ with Setsuna and learn Quick Draw first, she can pass that down to Caeldori. So what I might suggest for a Selena!Caeldori might look like this: 0. Prodigy 1. Weaponfaire (Swordfaire, or Lancefaire or Bowfaire from possible husbands) 2. Elbow Room (from A+ Sophie) 3. Quick Draw (from Selena A+ Setsuna learning the skill and passing it down in inheritance) 4. Luna (from A+ Sophie) OR Astra (always has access to this) 5. Darting Blow If all of Prodigy, the weapon faire, Elbow Room, and Quick Draw activate, you get 4+5+3+4 = 16 extra damage added to her attacks.
  20. Isn't Selkie's default STR personal growth only 30% or so, and Felicia's 10%…. You'd push her down into Setsuna levels of STR growth…. without Quick Draw or Bowfaire to back it up…. On the bright side, Tomebreaker.
  21. On a separate thread, I got a suggestion to switch around two of the pairings that I was brainstorming: Takumi x Oboro; Hana x Hisame ----> Takumi x Hana; Hisame x Oboro That was the suggestion. Do you agree with the suggestion? Assuming I take the suggestion, this is what my pairings would be (see in spoiler tagged box) What do you think?
  22. Swapping Hana x Hisame and Takumi x Oboro for Hana x Takumi and Oboro x Hisame could be interesting. As none of my pairings are yet established that could easily be arranged as a 1 to 1 replacement. Effie x Nyx for Heartseerker Velouria…. interesting. Of course, given my Avatar's mage talent, Kana also has Heartseeer and Velouria could also A+ with Kana to a similar effect. 5 Seal Hisame…. Hana's Draconic Hex does do things more skill efficiently (-28 stat points, 4 points each in 7 stats, with only 1 skill) than a 5-Seal build, although 5-Seal does provide a more powerful effect (-6 stat points ) in 5 of those stats (given doubling rules, this may be particularly relevant with SPD). Regardless of practicality, at the very least it sounds like a cool gimmick build, and perhaps it more. Interesting suggestions….. I will think further on this.
  23. Gives Bowfaire and Certain Blow helps a lot (I often find Niles has accuracy issues otherwise). Cuts Nina's magic growth from default 30% to 15%, BUT Setsuna gives an easily passed down Quick Draw that gives player phase attacking (what bow units will normally do almost exclusively) +4 damage, so this immediate boost can offset the lost 15% magic growth for 26.666 levels before breaking evening (i.e., for most of the game). So she'll still Shining Bow pretty well. And she gets good speed and resistance.
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