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Everything posted by Shiro

  1. +10 Adult tiki vs my +1 LA!Lyn is the problem with a high res and high def tiki like that its hard to.... wait i was thinking of the dev battles on lunatic that was tiki was giving me trouble nothing really gives me trouble in arena unless a skill i didnt read beforehand kills me
  2. so what is a good counter to the tikis out there? unit wise?
  3. Well im building a felicia right now and she feels so underwhelming in arena with my current team of !LAhector !LAlilina and br!lyn
  4. is there a build felicia can use to counter dragons?
  5. what are some fast and easy strategies to clear the trials? i find myself rushing a lot of the time as it seems repetitive
  6. ID: 3126584165 Name: LightofZaun Leader LA! Lilina (+10 Blade Tome)
  7. How do I make this better? I wanted to get a +10 la! Hector but got +10 la! lilina instead. I paired her up with the br! lyn
  8. I sold my prev acc many months ago and just started back up again any advice?
  9. This was my deathless run this week :) quadsuna is a favorite of mine. I averaged 706-714 points per battle. also note: Julia +3 with minus res and life or death can tank a +10 rheinhart with deathblow and 49 attack. as long as he isnt given an attack buff then julia wouldnt be tanky enough. Ill probably add fury to julia when I have the sp.
  10. I have evolved a gordin to 5* 4 setsunas to 5*s nino to 5* marth to 5* and a couple others i cant really remember
  11. true whales will start emerging leaving us dolphins behnid xD
  12. well my y tiki is +9 so i am bound to fight 1-2 +10 units in arena sooo
  13. it wont be easy fighting a +10 ryoma tho.... I guess my y tiki can counter tank with quick riposte maybe
  14. sigh rip me having to fight +10 ryomas and +10 lindes..... my +9 wont stand a chance
  15. so seeing an adult tiki at +10 merge myself and I have a y tiki at + 9 I personally use fury quick riposte and threaten speed with an hp seal and lightning breath and if i had an adult tiki at +9 or +10 I would use the same build. EDIT: this build is meant to take out one enemy unit like a mage like nino or almost any fire unit if you bait it out with your quick riposte which is what I do with my y tiki
  16. thoughts on a distant counter marth with +spd minus hp with quick riposte threaten attack boonfire and reposition? any other suggestions?
  17. yeah that was the vibe i was getting like he knew better than me and when i asked what would work he just said he didnt want to bother wasting his time explaining ;-;
  18. So some reddit user who was talking on a stream I was watching on twitch chat was talking about how ardent sacrifice is not the best skill to use on quadsuna and instead drawback or reposition is best or more optimal instead. This guy was going on how one shotting and such was the most important for getting top 100 (5k score in arena at least) not that I was aiming to get top 100. Any thoughts on the support skill for quadsuna?
  19. So some reddit user who was talking on a stream I was watching on twitch chat was talking about how ardent sacrifice is not the best skill to use on quadsuna and instead drawback or reposition is best or more optimal instead. This guy was going on how one shotting and such was the most important for getting top 100 (5k score in arena at least) not that I was aiming to get top 100. Any thoughts on the support skill for quadsuna?
  20. My least favorite teams I come up against are + 10 ninos or +10 julias. I normally come out of battles with 2-3 of my units are terribly low hp due to mage meta. I use quadsuna azura julia and y tiki my average score is 694-702 and i normally fight 1-2 +10 units. but green mages and some blue mages are my main concern.
  21. Im thinking tri adept raven tome with swordbreaker or quick riposte along with boonfire and savage blow since my setsuna also carries savage blow it would really start to chip.
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