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She can take out a big chunk of one person's health sure, but then what? All her cooldowns except q are long (doesnt' help that a portion of q's damage needs another skill either), and she's only done damage to one person. All other ap champs can contribute some aoe damage, but Leblanc can't, which is what makes her fall off.

Her roaming is just as strong as Kass' though.

edit: I read somewhere that Riot was testing out passive magic pen on Leblanc's ult, not sure if they're going to implement though.

AoE damage isn't essential when you can burst down the enemy AP carry very quickly and escape. Her cooldowns are low enough to cycle through these, it's a more drawn out teamfight but she can still be very effective. You overrate AoE damage heavily. Even if they build some MR, she is still capable of dealing a great deal of damage.

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I want you to play as Leblanc, and go in a teamfight and try to use every one of your skills on their ap carry while surviving, including the second part of Leblanc's e. It's not that easy, unless you have extremely, extremely good positioning. And Aoe really is that important for ap carries. Ad carries focus individuals down, ap carrys do general damage to everyone in teamfights in lategame. The other assasin aps have a reliable escape that isn't needed for their damage combo, and general aoe damage (kass' e, ahri's q+ult, fizz's ult).The only other person I can think of without much aoe is Veigar, however, he a) has one of the best stuns in the game, and b) scales off of the ap carry's ap. Leblanc has neither of those.

Also, how are you going to escape when you have to use your escape to deal damage? Flash isn't up every teamfight.

Just wondering, have you used Leblanc often?

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You're overestimating the difficulty of positioning on Leblanc, it's hard against certain teams, but you can generally get a shot at SOME target you want (generally you're able to combo about half of their team down, you don't often need to be all that selective as long as somebody is dead) and escape with the second part of Distortion, or clever use of Mirror Image in a pinch. It's not perfect, but she's not really that bad at escaping since her worst spell range is a reasonable 700 on Sigil of Silence

Despite the fact that she needs farm and a solo lane, Leblanc is NOT an AP carry and this is where you're confusing yourself. You don't need to carry if you have 2 other carries in your other lanes, you're better off of thinking of yourself as a special kind of "support" whose focus is locking down or elimating targets of opportunity while your actual carries deal out the reliable damage. Being an AP mid is not the same as being an AP carry

Edited by Silvercrow
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Hey, anyone remember the changes to Distortion/Mimic Distortion? Good times.

Now stop saying she can't use Distortion as either damage or an escape (ie; making them mutually exclusive factors), because it doesn't quite work like that, assuming you use them properly

Edited by Manix
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Generally ap mids are ap carries. Even though you can technically call them assassin's, I just generalize them under ap carry in the current metagame (emphasis on metagame).

Just played a game as Leblanc. Dominated Anivia mid, dominated other lanes, lose anyway because yi thought it was a good idea to go ap jungle when we already have kennen top, and bot being awful. Anivia ended up getting fed anyway, and my attempts at bursting Vayne was stopped by Blitz and Jarvan.

Edited by Davinatorman
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I always just figured that Leblanc's job in a fight is done if she took out someone. Surviving is optional. And, uh, it doesn't fit into all team comps all that well, though with an allied Mordekaiser (how you want to fit both LB and Morde into a team is not my problem) you can wreak a lot of havoc.

Assassin comps in general are pretty cool, actually.

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Anyone up for duo/triple/quadra/penta queueing later today (for me, maybe tomorrow for you :p). Add me on NA, ign: Ducktaped if you want to. If you already added me just send me a message :).

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Well, I'm probably not levelled enough to Queue with you yet, but if you don't mind, I will add you, it's been a while, BK.

:) Level doesn't matter too much to me. Would like to get multiple people from SF to play arranged queues.

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Due to time zone differences, I'm only going to be on NA server at...2-5 in the morning, your time, and weekends. Yeah. Possibly going down to not at all during weekdays. Pity, as the population on the local server sucks.

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Hokay, I just caught up to all of the shenanigans that happened in this thread.

First of all, Aussarian isn't a random friend. He's an SFer that goes by Anti-Social Knight.

Second, my main account is Ethlin and my smurf is Florete. I'm Lachesis on PBE.

Lastly, support LeBlanc is OP. Get at me.

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That was the game they crashed us out of after we started winning, wasn't it? Support Leblanc OP.

@ez How on earth did you manage 1 loss? (And that was completely unfair to them, by the way.)

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