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Role pms are almost finished and will be going out tomorrow. I'll post a confirmation phase to make sure we don't need any subs and then start the game at a time with a reasonable phase end.

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SB if you don't rand me into the playerlist I swear I'm going to



























respect your decision and accept that's how things go in life sometimes before proceeding to enjoy the game as a spectator, sub, or both.

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4 hours ago, Omega. said:

SB if you don't rand me into the playerlist I swear I'm going to



























respect your decision and accept that's how things go in life sometimes before proceeding to enjoy the game as a spectator, sub, or both.

fuk that imma riot

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19 hours ago, SB. said:


Role pms are almost finished and will be going out tomorrow. I'll post a confirmation phase to make sure we don't need any subs and then start the game at a time with a reasonable phase end.

trying to pretend like you're the only host, huh??????????? i see what you're doing... tryna cover your tracks!


PLAYER LIST IS HERE! Fortunately, we had many awesome people who asked to sit out and be subs so other people could play. Please give a round of applause to everyone on the player list who stepped down for the others. There is no order for the sub list, we will probably either do first come first serve OR have you all compete and send us sweet nothings in the form of poetry in order to get in~


Lord Gaius

I know we have a few new players---some new to the site, and some new to the game, so I just want to reiterate some of the basic rules that new players often mess up--we have also edited rules to make it more clear:

1) This game is NO OUTSIDE CONTACT, you may not talk to anyone outside the game thread (besides the moderators), unless your role allows you do to so.

2) You cannot post any communication from the mods in thread---no screen shots, do not copy and paste any night action results or any parts of your role PM.


Currently need to finish a couple more Role PMs, then we will randomize alignments and send out Role PMs for confirmation phase!

Edited by Iris
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7 minutes ago, Iris said:

There is no order for the sub list, we will probably either do first come first serve OR have you all compete and send us sweet nothings in the form of poetry in order to get in~

She's serious about this by the way, don't test her.

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I didn't want to say anything about it but I couldn't tell if that one dude's pronoun joke was supposed to be a jab at trans people or just like a silly pronoun joke, but for the record yeah I am trans and I post my pronouns before game start because being referred to as a girl in game can unfortunately affect how I play and I don't want that to happen. I'm usually not serious business cuz I legitimately don't care about stuff most the time but please be respectful of my identity, it's the only thing I really ask of, I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but yeah, I don't want to come off like I'm being a "snowflake" or whatever, I just wanna hang back and have a good time

Edited by Vi-astra
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On Tuesday, April 03, 2018 at 12:22 AM, Eärendil said:

Yo I'm in

Please call me by my proper pronouns, it's dickhead/cockmuncher 

I made this account a while ago and can't believe I picked such a lame username. I work almost every night so my posts are going to be in the morning/day or very late at night 

this is the post I'm referring to for the record

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Yes, Shinori brings up a good point, DO NOT EDIT POSTS!

And roles will be sent out early tomorrow, just need the Sleepy Brit to wake up and we can check things over one final time.

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Sleepy Brit is finally awake and we finished everything! Role PMs will go out momentarily, confirm in your PM that you are playing and we will start the game when 18/23 players have confirmed.

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Sleepy Brit would like to inform you all that he has been awake roughly 12 hours, and also that the game thread is here so please don't get confused!

Edited by SB.
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