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What are your favorite building/epithet/item/map/skill/etc. name in Heroes?


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What the title says! Do you think there are any names that sound badass, cool, epic, or funny?

- I think the skill Dive-Bomb has the best name ever. It just sounds badass. I think this is my favorite skill name.
- Wings of Mercy also sounds pretty cool, and somewhat ironic. In players' hands, Wings of Mercy is pretty apt. But in AI hands, Wings of Mercy is more like the Wings of Despair. It would be pretty neat if they release Grima as a Dark/Anima Mythic with Wings of Despair that allows Grima to warp to any ally without any condition and have Breath of Ruin Weapon targeting the lower of any unit's Def/Res and comes with Brave, Bold Fighter, and unconditional Desperation effect.
- Pain also sounds pretty cool. It is simple and to the point.
- Sorcery Blade and Infantry Hexblade sounds pretty cool too, they just kind of suck in practice.
- Dark Breath: I just imagine F!Corrin and Bantu eating a bunch of garlic and never brush their teeth, and their breath gets so bad that when they breathe on people, it makes other people pinch their nose, thereby reducing their Atk and Spd.

- Plumeria: Lewd Dream is my favorite epithet. Like, she hates her job but she lives her job and I assume she does a pretty damn good job at that (or else Kiran would have rejoined the party already).
- Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist is the most badass epithet in my opinion. When you hear Thunder's Fist, you know you better watch out and make sure that Fist does not come anywhere near your ass.
- I think Thunder's Sword and Lightning's Rondo also sound pretty cool, although that might be due to Reinhardt bias.
- Jaffar: Angel of Death sounds pretty badass.
- Altina: Dawn's Trueblade sounds pretty epic.
- Laegjarn: Sheathed Steel and Laevatein: Searing Steel sounds pretty cool.
- Laegjarn: Burning Sun sounds pretty badass, although now that I think about it, it sounds pretty obvious too.
- Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch sounds pretty badass. You know you do not want to mess with her in Aether Raids.
- Marisa: Crimson Flash sounds pretty badass and hot.
- Yune: Chaos Goddess sounds pretty badass, and she is pretty terrifying to boot too if you are running a blue super tank on Aether Raids.
- Rinkah: Scion of Flame sounds pretty badass too.
- Tiki: Dragon Scion sounds pretty cool.
- Roy: Blazing Lion sounds pretty cool.
- Gharnef: Dark Pontifex sounds pretty cool too.
- Idunn: Dark Priestess sounds pretty cool too.
- Haar: Black Tempest sounds pretty badass.
- Legalt: The Hurricane sounds pretty cool.
- Cordelia: Perfect Bride sounds like the best epithet if Cordelia is your favorite waifu.
- Tharja: Obsessive Bride sounds like a good thing in my opinion.
- Tharja: "Normal Girl" is kind of funny cause she is trying to act normal.
- Death Knight: The Reaper sounds pretty badass. Wish the unit is more badass though.
- Palla: Eldest Bun Bun sounds pretty cute.
- Rhjat: Black Magician reminds me of Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh.
- Camilla: Steamy Secrets sounds pretty steamy alright. Phew!
- Niles: Forbidden Tease sounds pretty naughty.
- Felicia: Maid Mayhem is a play on words I think, because if you say it normally, it sounds like "Felicia made mayhem," which is pretty true when it comes to chores and cooking.
- Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King. It is not the coolest or most badass epithet in my opinion, I just think it is funny they had to add Gallia in there to make it more distinct from Disney's Lion King.
- Similarly, I think Mamori: Microwavin' Idol sounds kind of funny.
- Odin: Potent Force is kind of ironic in my opinion because his Atk is pretty pathetic, although his Blade tome does somewhat make up for it.

- My favorite item name would probably be Havoc Axe. Wish they would use the name on a Weapon instead because Havoc Axe sounds too badass for an item name.
- Heroic Grail reminds me of Fate/Stay Night.
- Lightning Charm sounds pretty cool.

- CHOP: I think it is pretty neat they made an acronym that makes sense with axe wielders.

Edited by XRay
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Honestly, if there were any skill names I found funny a few years ago, I've become jaded enough with this game that I flat-out forgotten.

One name I still find funny to this day, however, is the epithet of Hector, "Just here to fight". That's just getting to the point of that one hero in every Seasonal banner who's not sure why they're dressed sexy and using a shower curtain for a weapon (which I guess Hector says NOPE to that last part).

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Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Plumeria: Lewd Dream. I think I will have to say she surpasses Reinhardt. Thunder's Fist is badass, but Lewd Dream is like "WHOA! Girl, slow down!"

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  • セルジュの恐斧: Cherche's Scary Axe. Nothing's going to beat this one.
  • ヴェズルの妖卵: Vedr's Mysterious Egg. Because the name.
  • フェルニルの妖卵: Folnir's Mysterious Egg. Didn't fit.
  • 疾風迅雷: As Swift as Gale and Thunder. That's Galeforce, by the way.
  • 破天: Rend Heaven/Ruptured Sky.
  • 死鎌ヘル: Death Scythe, Hel.
  • 死んでほしいの: I Want You to Die.
  • 死からは逃れられぬ: You Cannot Escape Death.
  • 我が名は混沌: My Name Is Chaos.
  • 最後の聖戦: The Last Holy War.
  • 笑面の斧: Axe of the Laughing Face.
  • 魚を突いた銛+: Harpoon Impaling a Fish+. Okay, maybe this one wins.


  • 「普通の女の子」: Tharja, "Normal Girl". Because it has quotation marks. And because an introvert tryharding at not being an introvert is very relatable.
  • きらーんとしてる: Lissa, *Being*Sparkly*.
  • はじめての夏休み: Corrin, First Summer Vacation.
  • 三千回目の夏休み: Tiki, 3000th Summer Vacation.
  • 泳ぎの鍛錬中: Xander, Learning How to Swim.
  • 実は泳げる: Innes, Really Can Swim.
  • 雷神の右手: Reinhardt, The Thunder God's Right Hand.
  • 雷神の剣: Reinhardt, The Thunder God's Sword.
  • 雷神: Ishtar, The Thunder God.
  • 雷神のワルツ: Ishtar, The Thunder God's Waltz.
  • 牙の巣に潜む花: Leila, Flower Hiding in the Den of Fangs.
  • 笑顔のプレゼント: Fae: The Present of a Smile. That's just adorable.
  • 戦場の花: Amelia, Flower of the Battlefield.
  • 暗夜照らす月光: Camilla, The Moonlight that Illuminates the Dark Night (Nohr). If you want badass, there's your badass.
  • 魔王顔の: Oboro, With the Demon King's Countenance.
  • 魔王の嫁入り: Oboro, The Demon King's Wedding.
  • ポーカーフェイス: Kiria: Poker Face.
  • 固い、強い、遅い: Arden, Tough, Strong, Slow.
  • 流星の剣姫: Ayra, Astra's Sword Princess. Because Regnal Astra in Japanese is "The Sword Princess's Astra".
  • 笑う仮面: Legion: Laughing Mask.
  • 村人: Donnel, Villager.
Edited by Ice Dragon
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Hmm the thing that come to mind for me was "It's curtains..." XD I still get a kick out of that lance's name. Descriptive of the literal item (and the namer sounds like "what am I supposed to do with this") and a pun on ending someone at the same time ("it's curtains for you." being a term from theater, meaning that the person's life is about to end, comparing it to "curtains" which is when a play ends.)

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14 hours ago, Emerson said:

Summer Sylvain's "Hanging with Tens" is just... the best dumb pun in all of FEH, honestly.

Agreed on this one. XD And of course someone as gloriously awesome as Sylvain would get something like this too. 😛

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  • Tomato Tome: Throwing tomatoes at your opponents. Enough said.
  • Nini's Ice Lance: This is just adorable!
  • Hack-o'-Lantern/Tannenboom!: I'm a sucker for puns
  • Kitty Paddle/Fishie Bow: How cute!
  • Laws of Sacae: Stop in the name of the law!
  • Belief in Love: Aww...
  • With Everyone!: By the power of Friendship!



  • Tobin, The Clueless One: You've got epithets like "Hero of Prophecy", "Wry Comrade", "Curious Spirit", "Devoted Heart", and there's... "The Clueless One". Did Gray write this?Conrad, Unmasked Knight: Conrad is finally able to really open up to people and reconnect with his family. The fact that this is his Valentine's alt makes it even more heartwarming
  • Duma, God of Strength: That's just awesome
  • Bartre, Earsome Warrior: Like I said, I love a good pun
  • Canas, Wisdom Seeker: If I was given an epithet, this is the one I would want
  • Gerik, Desert Tiger
  • Effie, Army of One
  • Sakura, Gentle Nekomata
  • Ferdinand, Noblest of Nobles: This time, it sounds like Ferdinand gave himself his epithet.


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I LOVE Lute: Prodigy. Like... the simplicity is perfect! No questions asked.

I also enjoy Sothe: Zephyr, but that one is more so to be expected. Still, I appreciate the one word epithets, it makes them more powerful.

Future Vision is one of my favorite skill names. Much better than To Change Fate!

Python: Apathetic Archer is great. Katarina: Wayward One, Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark both sound cool too. Eirika: Anamnesis Lady is pretty.

Camilla: Steamy Secrets make me laugh because of how silly it sounds.

Shoutout to Pumpkin-a-Box, Tannenbit, Sandwiches!, Madness Flask, Red-Hot Ducks, Ouch Pouch are all fun.

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