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Actually, it is normally 72 hours and it was 80-ish instead of 72... and Day 1 DOES accomplish things. With a lynch you get valuable information from bandwagons, without a lynch you get lots of information that players choose to reveal.

Anyway, day phase is inevitably ending in a no lynch, so I'm gonna cut out the middleman evening phase, as I have flavour for the no lynch now.

Colton looked at the sun, already beginning to set behind Novo Cathedral. As he let out a sigh and stood up, he thought back to what had happened.

“I think we’re going to have to call it a day, guys.” He started, “I hoped that the assassins would slip up, that we’d see them easily, but... it seems like that’s not going to happen.” As he spoke, he looked over the faces around him, hoping to pick up a reaction, but all he saw were tired, scared faces looking back. “We’re not going to be able to strike them first, I think... I don’t think we’ll all survive the night. For those who don’t... for those who are murdered in cold blood... I can only hope we end this soon.”

Abel listened as Colton spoke, and withdrew his notepad to make a few exra notes. Things were getting complicated, and he needed to keep track of what was going on. He considered giving a quick speech to the crowd, but perhaps they already knew about the spy... perhaps the assassins didn’t know? He wasn’t sure what to make of the crowd at that point, or who he should pick out or find suspicious. Colton now was wishing a goodnight to everyone, and asking them to meet again the following day. Abel would be there. Not just because it was his job, but because he knew, everyone in that crowd’s life was on the line including himself. All he could hope for was a good nights rest and new clues in the morning.

It is now Night 1. Day 1 has ended in a no lynch

Votals: (Names in brackets indicate removed votes)

No Lynch (14): Anouleth, ALS, Balcerzak, Dickpickle, Ether, Groner, Hemlock, JB25, Luka Megurine, Psych, Raymond, SlayerX, (Snike), Spykor, Strawman

Luka Megurine (0): (Psych), (Snike)

JB25 (0): (Raymond)

Night 1 will end Thursday at 6pm GMT

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Psych could you explain something to me?

So, if I'm reading correctly, we have until Day 7 to do....something.

That doesn't give a whole lot of extra time.

What exacty did you mean by this? I don't think we ever heard you say anything eventhough it was discussed somewhat.

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Fortunately, we have a mole inside the Assassins Guild. He’s one of our best agents, but we’re going to pull him out after about one week, at which point we’ll transport him to safety and he can tell us what he knows.[

Something is happening at Day 7. Wether it's a town autowin, or something like that, I still don't understand.

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Not at all. The spy knows 1 mafia member and gets pulled out from the mafia day 7. What the hell do you mean with "We only have a week to act"? We can keep going past day 7 if we need to, but we get information D7.

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Morning Phase. Flavour and results will come within a period (most likely in the morning or early tomorrow afternoon)

Also people who didn't send night actions (that have them), I have my eyes on you for replacement.

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As a spy in the Assassins guild, giving away information isn’t something I can do. If I did, I would be caught, and that could be... very bad, for everyone. So I’m not passing this message on in my normal style, or normal handwriting, lest it gets intercepted by the guild.

Someone was sent out to kill tonight. Was it me or someone else? I can’t say right now. When they came back, they recalled the story to everyone. They had snuck into Dracohon, AKA Cedric Swager’s house, and broke his neck, in one clean motion. A simple kill, but very clean. In fact, this assassin then proceeded to remove the body and bring it back here.

I must stay in the guild a few more days. Once I know what I need to know I will give my information out, but until then, I cannot help you much more.


The town members gathered in the square again, and counted heads. One down... after a short investigation they realised it was Cedric Swager missing.

“I heard he was a bit of a... well, to be honest, a bit of a perv,” came a voice from the crowd. People turned to listen. “I didn’t really know him... I’ve heard from a friend though that he always had his mind on one girl and was always keeping his eye on her, following her, talking about her... I think actually it was a girl Nicolas knew.”

“I wonder if that’s why they killed him?” Came another frenzied voice. “I mean, what else could he have done? I can’t say it’s bad that he’s gone though...”

The talk about Cedric bubbled on for a few minutes, as the town began discussing the day, and if they wanted to kill this night.

It is still morning phase. Dracohon, AKA Cedric Swager, has been killed and the body hidden. You may however discuss as normal until role results are given out (that shouldn't take too long)

Note: There are some role hints in the above flavour, but nothing explicit and I haven’t highlighted them.

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It is now day phase. If you think you should have received feedback for night actions and you didn't get any, reply to your role PM and I'll ammend it.

Day ends at 11:25 GMT (~3:25-6:25 in the USA) on Monday.

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So... Without a corpse to identify, we're pretty much still at square one; the only thing we do now know is that the mafia has some kind of janitor, for what it's worth. That doesn't really get us any further.

With no additional info of my own to contribute for the time being, I shall wait until the others contribute their thoughts on the current situation.

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There very well may not be a vigilante, and there are multiple situations that can explain nobody getting killed by a vigilante.

As for what to do today...Unless anybody got incriminating evidence last night, we are back at square one.

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There very well may not be a vigilante, and there are multiple situations that can explain nobody getting killed by a vigilante.

As for what to do today...Unless anybody got incriminating evidence last night, we are back at square one.

IET said there was a vigilante in the second post. Although there's the possibility that MLS was the vigilante...

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Protip: Playing smart also means talking. I know day only started 10 hours ago or whatever but...

I was actually busy doing something else, but as this doesn't seem to be going anywhere, that was actually my plan.

Ether, Furetchen, you have said hardly anything at all yet. Mind giving us reasons why we shouldn't lynch you?

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Going to be a little inactive for tonight and all of tomorrow because of all=district choral festival

Sorry, it's been a really busy three days D:

but it'll all be over by Sunday, I promise

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Ether, Furetchen, you have said hardly anything at all yet. Mind giving us reasons why we shouldn't lynch you?

I'm quiet when the game starts and then plunge us into defeat should I last much longer. I've nothing especially new to contribute, although I -am- watching.

Regardless, if it's an inactivity lynch you're after I'm pretty sure there are a couple people who haven't posted at all yet...

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