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[FE10] Draft: Ranked Characters


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2-P 8 turns

Damn Nealuchi is a beast.

2-1 10 turns

I actually took the time to recruit Heather for pass. Brom went up the middle while Neph went down, recruited Heather and then came back up. On turn 7 Brom and Heather teamed up on Ludveck.

2-2 8 turns

I didn't take the penalty at least. Brom and Lethe helped Lucia as she quested towards the boss.

2-3 7 turns

Kieran and Geoffrey teamed up on the boss to make this pretty easy. Didn't even need to take a penalty. (Geoffrey finished him on enemy phase). Could have gotten the speedwing but Kieran didn't crit the halberdier.

2-E 6 turns

1 turned it with Elincia. wub.gif

Part 2 Total: 39 turns

Overall turns: 115

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Would it kill him to post these kinds of things in the thread?

Plus, I'd like to hear it from nflchamp, as I started over my original run.

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That's not what I meant. I meant they either didn't start, or haven't updated in like, forever. And DarkCybaster has been offline for almost two months. 8[[[[[

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That's not what I meant. I meant they either didn't start, or haven't updated in like, forever. And DarkCybaster has been offline for almost two months. 8[[[[[

Oh, okay. That's true though. People upped and disappeared.

Edit: Also, does anyone remember if I provided you lot with draft order before you guys provided lists for me?

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Oh, okay. That's true though. People upped and disappeared.

Edit: Also, does anyone remember if I provided you lot with draft order before you guys provided lists for me?

IIRC and comming from somewhat fairly hazy memory, you told them to give you the list as they signed up.

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IIRC and comming from somewhat fairly hazy memory, you told them to give you the list as they signed up.

That's what I thought I did. Looking at it again, it may be appropriate to determine draft order before having people give the lists. Though I suppose it could just be considered another twist on things.

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That's what I thought I did. Looking at it again, it may be appropriate to determine draft order before having people give the lists. Though I suppose it could just be considered another twist on things.

Knowing the order might affect the way they rank characters such as not everyone chooses haar as their first unit.

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Check it:

1-6-1 4 turns

Sothe got 4 Iron forges, and I promoted Edward. Sothe gets Adept, Miccy Resolve. Micaiah went north with Elight, and a nice 12 speed, and Edward cleaned up Sothe's leftovers while Sothe traveled west. I got pretty lucky here, thanks to Sothe activating Adept on one armor knight and critting another, I was able to finish in 4 turns.

1-6-2 2 turns

Edward shoves Sothe who plants himself on a bush on turn 2 and then crits the boss with an Iron forge.

1-E 7 turns

Sothe got Pass and Savior. Micaiah got Resolve, Edward got Paragon and Ilyana got Celerity and Blue Gem. Edward blocked a ledge on the bottom while protecting Volug and Rafiel while Sothe went north and up the ledges, healing every turn. On turn 6 Sothe dropped Micaiah off in front of Jarod for round 2, and she weakened him out. While in Resolve range she had some pretty stellar avoid. Next turn, Sothe used an Iron knife forge to finish Jarod off, and Micaiah seized.

Part 1 total turns: 74

  • Normal mode, no transfers
  • Forced, non-drafted units can be used for a penalty (listed below)
  • Ike, Micaiah, and Sothe are free for everyone
  • BK is free in 1-9 and 3-6. Volug is free in 1-5.
  • If a character is required to seize, but not drafted or free, they can fight on enemy phase free of penalty. Self-healing/grassing on player phase is also allowed.
  • No forging
  • Lowest turn count wins
  • Units not on your team cannot:
    1. Engage in combat. So either keep them out of the enemies range or you will take a penalty. This includes meatshielding
    2. Steal or find hidden items.
    3. Heal units
    4. Create supports
    5. Shove
    6. Ferry units
    7. Visit houses

Sucks to be you. Now do it again...

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God damnit Sho. Guess I'll do this for like an hour.

1-P 5 turns

No explanation necessary.

1-1 4 turns

I got lucky as a mofo this time and Edward got a buttload of crits that I didn't even need, allowing Mic to arrive in 4 turns.

1-2 5 turns

Got Edward down to wrath from 2 fighters' attacks so he could OHKO the fighter which comes from the west. Then Sothe came in, killed stuff, and shoved Laura so she could arrive on turn 5.

1-3 6 turns

Uh, the partner phasers blocked for me while Sothe Ed and Micaiah made their way to the arrive. Sothe killed the armor and then the archer by turn 5, then on turn 6 Sothe, Edward and Miccy arrived.

1-4 4 turns

I didn't get any treasure but I don't even care at this point, I just want to get this done. Sothe went south and then doubled back around while Edward went north first and then did the same. Miccy stayed in the middle and chipped at a tiger.

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God damnit Sho. Guess I'll do this for like an hour.

1-P 5 turns

No explanation necessary.

1-1 4 turns

I got lucky as a mofo this time and Edward got a buttload of crits that I didn't even need, allowing Mic to arrive in 4 turns.

1-2 5 turns

Got Edward down to wrath from 2 fighters' attacks so he could OHKO the fighter which comes from the west. Then Sothe came in, killed stuff, and shoved Laura so she could arrive on turn 5.

1-3 6 turns

Uh, the partner phasers blocked for me while Sothe Ed and Micaiah made their way to the arrive. Sothe killed the armor and then the archer by turn 5, then on turn 6 Sothe, Edward and Miccy arrived.

1-4 4 turns

I didn't get any treasure but I don't even care at this point, I just want to get this done. Sothe went south and then doubled back around while Edward went north first and then did the same. Miccy stayed in the middle and chipped at a tiger.

o.O amazing turn counts

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1-6-1 7 turns

Doing this without forges is hard. mellow.gif Sothe went west and Edward went in the middle, while Micaiah went north with Resolve.

1-6-2 4 turns

I have SO many things to say (mostly curses) about Fiona. This is such a pain without a forge, as Fiona's dumb ass kept suiciding on turn 3. Eventually I had no choice but to promote Edward at level 16, which will certainly hurt his combat potential so he'll end up OHKOd by Ashera and dead like all my previous Edwards sad.gif. Edward went north and killed the mofo who kept killing Fiona on turn 3, while Sothe went west, and finished off the boss in 2 rounds with a Bronze Knife.

1-7 6 turns

Sothe Savior'd Micaiah and dropped her off on turn 4. On turn 5 he attacked the boss, and on turn 6 Edward finished him off and Miccy seized. Micaiah has less speed this time, unfortunately. On the bright side, she has above average defense.

1-8 9 turns

5 turned this bad boy. Edward got Celerity and went west, while Sothe went east and did his usual thing with Iron kniving everything to hell. Tormod took care of the north, because Micaiah had to chase after an annoying wyvern guy.

1-9 6 turns

No BS luck this time! Micaiah didn't have as much speed or avoid as she did last time, so she wasn't even going to touch Jarod. BK went north from turn 1 and then doubled back on turn 4, while Micaiah got into resolve range and cleared out the southern reinforcements. BK was able to reach Jarod by turn 6. Wait a minute, I'm starting to think this is possible in 5 turns...

1-9 4 turns

Micaiah and the BK both went north. Micaiah got down into resolve range and killed everything north. Jarod was exposed on turn 4 and BK killed him.

Feels good...

1-E 7 turns

Same strategy as last time, except I used Steel Knives as a substitute for Iron forges. Even got the Speedwings.

Part 1 Total: 61 turns

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2-P 8 turns

Nealuchi was the undrafted unit again.

2-1 9 turns

It's a sad world we live in where Heather costs me a turn to recruit because I messed up with moving Nephenee. Brom went north after Neph took out an Armor Guard. Brom critted Ludveck once on turn 4, so I restarted, because I needed to recruit turn cost Heather for Pass. As it stands I got it done in 6 thanks to some clever planning.

2-2 5 turns

I got lucky I guess, as Lethe critted the boss, allowing Lucia to arrive a turn earlier. Brom did his usual thing and guarded the undrafted scrubs and Leanne from being attacked. Lethe and Lucia ran toward the boss.

2-3 6 turns

Kieran was ballin'. I was thinking about how to do this earlier than 7 turns without having Geoffrey fight. Then I realized that killing the boss took a turn for Kieran to do. This time, I lured the boss out of the way, didn't even bother killing him, and had Geoffrey trot around him and seize on turn 6. Was 5 HP away from the speedwing.

2-E 6 turns

Standard 1 turn after giving Elincia bexp. biggrin.gif

Part 2 turns: 34

Total turns: 95

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My strategies:

Now recently I've been getting ALOT of stuff for my luck and lower turncounts, so now I have to make this post entailing exactly how I've gotten some of the lower turns in my two most recent runs, without cheating

1-1 5 turns

Screw the stats! Ed grew defense and strength once, and Micaiah is at base level.

Turn 1: Leonardo trades Edward the Dracoshield. Edward moves 5 spaces up and uses the Dracoshield (In my previous drafts, my Edward was slightly bulkier, and didn't need the shield). Nolan moves one down and trades a Vulnerary to Micaiah. Micaiah moves one space left and two spaces up. On enemy phase, Edward is attacked by two fighters, being left in wrath range and OHKOing the second one.

Turn 2: Leonardo moves one space right and one space up, and trades Micaiah the Dracoshield. Micaiah moves three spaces up and kills a fighter Edward left at one HP. Edward moves in front of the Soldier. On enemy phase Edward is brought down to 5 HP and Wrath kills the Soldier, and leaves a fighter alive at 1 HP.

Turn 3.: Micaiah moves one space left and 3 spaces up, and kills a fighter. Edward moves one space right and kills a fighter.

Turn 4: Edward moves in front of a fighter and heals, while Micaiah moves one down from him and heals. On enemy phase Edward critkills the Soldier and Micaiah survives a hit from a soldier.

Turn 5: This turn, Edward critkills the fighter on the arrive square and Micaiah arrives.

Mind you in my draft run, my Micaiah had one more point of magic and my Edward had one more point in strength, meaning Edward OHKOd the fighter on turn 3 ep, while Micaiah 2HKOd the fighter that attacked her. This allowed me to carry out turn 4 one turn earlier. Minimal luck was required. In the new draft, I miscalculated, and the soldier attacked Edward instead of Micaiah, but I was lucky and he dodged the archer and fighter (who had ~50 displayed hit) while in wrath range. So Soul, be happy, shut up, and stop telling people I cheat.

1-2: 5 turns

HP  Str   Mag   Skl  Sp   Lck  Def  Res
Edward 8.15   22   9  0 13   15  10  6   0
Micaiah 2.34  15  3   8  8  8  11  3   5

^ Do you see this? This is why I don't post stats...

Turn 1: Micaiah moves one space down, three spaces left, and unequips light. Edward moves three spaces up and attacks, doubles and dodges a fighter with 44 displayed hit.. Laura moves one space right and three spaces up. Nolan moves twospaces up. Edward is attacked by a fighter who does 12 damage on turn 1 enemy phase.

Turn 2: On player phase Micaiah takes an herb and Edward moves one space right and takes a Dracoshield (keep in mind my Edward had 7 defense, meaning he didn't need a Dracoshield). Laura moves two spaces up and one space left. On enemy phase, a fighter moves down and reaches the lower level.

Turn 3: Sothe arrives, and Micaiah heals again. Sothe moves one space down, and two spaces right. He attacks and kills a Soldier with Kard. Edward moves three spaces left and one up and atttacks and kills a fighter with a wrath crit. Laura moves one space left. On enemy phase, Micaiah is attacked again, two Soldiers suicide to Sothe, and an archer attacks him.

Turn 4: Sothe moves one space left and kills the archer that attacks him on turn 4 player phase. Laura moves one space left and three up. Edward shoves Laura up, and Micaiah heals. On enemy phase, Micaiah is attacked.

Turn 5: On player phase, Micaiah moves one space left and attacks the soldier. Now Edward and Sothe each shove Laura, and she arrives on turn 5.

1-9 4 turns

Going into 1-9 I have a level 20 Micaiah given a Robe and a Spirit Dust, and Ashera Icon. She has 17 speed in this draft and 15 speed in the new draft, max magic and resistance, max HP and Resolve. She maxed magic first, then resistance, and lastly HP. For the last four or so levels of bonus exp, with all those maxd, she grew speed each time, as it was the third highest growth. Basically, Micaiah and the BK went north, but the BK doubled back on turn 3. On turn 3 enemy phase, Micaiah in Resolve range killed a soldier, the last starting enemy. On turn 4, Jarod showed up and BK killed him.I kept Micaiah in the bushes when I could, and pre-resolve the Soldiers had ~49 displayed hit on her. This doesn't require that much luck.

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In my first run, I needed to reset once, because my Edward could OHKO the fighters thanks to two strength procs in 1-P, but didn't wrath crit the one who blocks off the arrive squares. In my second run, not at all since I got ridiculously lucky. Still, getting lucky isn't against the rules, is it?

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