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Which characters do you dislike the most?


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IMO Seth is a masochist.

I mean, there's Eirika who just confessed to him, and then he's like NO I CANNOT DO THIS even though he completely feels the same way. And then it hurts the both of them. Or not because they get sexy support bonuses out of it.

That and protocol is above all but I find it more fun to analyze him as a masochist. >3

//very restrained fangirl speaking

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Rhys is the only "generic" male healer I can think of at the moment (I've only played 6-10), and eh his supports are kind of funny at least.


Wrys-Kind and caring father figure


Claude-father figure, humble kind and caring

Cyas-Father figure+caring, humble, kind

Saul-Perv skirt chaser not religious at all and goofy

Renault-Not sure??

Moulder-Father figure+serious face and caring but strict

Rhys-Father figure+cheery and caring


Lena-Like Safy

Maria-Big time flirt, giggly

Safy-Kind/humble, serious face, knows her surroundings

Tina-Giggly, unaware of her surroundings

Ellen-Serious face, Religious-obsessed, kind, humble but afraid of men

Serra->"I want ponies and fluffly dresses and slaves like Erk and.."

Natasha-Humble, kind, not afraid to hit on men.

Laura-Humble, kind, ditzy, and unaware about her surroundings

Males/Females seem pretty equal to me when it comes to variety

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Wow so much anger. I guess that's what happens whenever people fight over their opinions. People like to force their opinions on others instead of just letting them be.

Edited by JaketheGr3at
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Wow so much anger, i guess that's what happens whenever people fight over there opinions people like to force there opinions on others instead of letting them be.

There's so much wrong with this sentence's structure/grammar/spelling, I'm not sure I should even take it seriously xD

Also, to everyone who likes Canas, so do I D:

I just don't like his growths. I mean, shaman with 45 magic growth, 10 base, at level 8? I'll stick to Lucy and Pent. I'll still use him playing normal modes, don't worry D: Personal experience has never relegated me a good Canas, so, I guess that could be helping my bias.

Edited by seph1212
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There's so much wrong with this sentence's structure/grammar/spelling, I'm not sure I should even take it seriously xD

Also, to everyone who likes Canas, so do I D:

I just don't like his growths. I mean, shaman with 45 magic growth, 10 base, at level 8? I'll stick to Lucy and Pent. I'll still use him playing normal modes, don't worry D: Personal experience has never relegated me a good Canas, so, I guess that could be helping my bias.

Wrote it hastily and don't particularly care about grammar. Fixed it though

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Wow so much anger. I guess that's what happens whenever people fight over their opinions. People like to force their opinions on others instead of just letting them be.

I don't know, I like to enforce facts on people.

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I just don't like his growths. I mean, shaman with 45 magic growth, 10 base, at level 8? I'll stick to Lucy and Pent. I'll still use him playing normal modes, don't worry D: Personal experience has never relegated me a good Canas, so, I guess that could be helping my bias.

I've only had one time that I had a problem with him, and that was when he was a level 16 druid with 18 magic and capped speed....

But other than that I've had great luck with him, and I always look forward to getting him. He's my favorite magic user in the whole game. Except for Nino, that girl is my favorite pet project EVER!!!

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I've only had one time that I had a problem with him, and that was when he was a level 16 druid with 18 magic and capped speed....

But other than that I've had great luck with him, and I always look forward to getting him. He's my favorite magic user in the whole game. Except for Nino, that girl is my favorite pet project EVER!!!

Unless he didn't grow in anything else that's a beastly Canas. I mean, his HP growth can get on my nerves but that's what Angelic Robes are for.

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Unless he didn't grow in anything else that's a beastly Canas. I mean, his HP growth can get on my nerves but that's what Angelic Robes are for.

Nothing else. It was like watching an incredibly generic myrmidon in robes, but with crappy skill thrown in. It was great in the early levels, but after a while, I wanted to throw my GBA every time he leveled up.

For some reason I hit weird level ups with that game. My Matthews have on average 14 strength as a level 20 thief.

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And she doesn't look slutty.

Lots of characters in FE don't looks slutty. And how is that a bad thing?

I guess I'm one of the few people who does like Ninian for her character then. :(

Her character is garbage. Shy and reserved, expects people to not care about her,

but she gets so much damn attention.

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Lots of characters in FE don't looks slutty.

He was talking about Dancers in general. And I said that because the other Dancers look slutty. Maybe Leen and Laura might also be an exception to that trend.

And how is that a bad thing?

Which is...the point of being a Dancer. To be looked at.

There are those of us who appreciate decency when it comes to appearances. You don't need to wear a revealing outfit to have appeal.

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He was talking about Dancers in general. And I said that because the other Dancers look slutty. Maybe Leen and Laura might also be an exception to that trend.

[spoiler=O RLY?]P017.jpg


They still dress slutty. But for Lara (without the "u"; get it right next time >_>), that's only the case while she's a dancer.

Edited by Radeon
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