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SF Mafia Mafia


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I found it easier in DNM to check PMs during updating instead of queuing actions. It takes longer to update but it's easier for everyone. ;/

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I can see Paper and Haze being demented enough to put a totally mafia role as town. . .but the last time someone put a role like that in a game, there was a way to prove that it wasn't a mafia role (role check, in that situation). This tells me one of three things:

1. Paper and Haze are twice as crazy as me, and gave Kevin the hardest town role ever.

2. There's a role checker out there somewhere, who can prove that role exists exactly as Kevin worded it.

3. Kevin is full of shit.

I wish there was more to discuss, and morning's coming too soon. UGH.

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lynchproof is an amazing town role in OC.

Why? It doesn't do much other than "clear" him based on role = alliance arguments. Explain clearly how mafia governor is not the same as a lynchproof mafia who can protect other members of his faction, even though both can be protected for a lynch. In fact, a town governor's only purpose is to save himself, unless he can get information on another's role that easily, so, especially if we're talking about the contexts of the town, governor is even more similar ot a lynch proof.


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I never really was a fan of meta game. I doubt any of us can accurately predict what the hosts are thinking anyway.

but it's fun to try

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I never really was a fan of meta game. I doubt any of us can accurately predict what the hosts are thinking anyway.

but it's fun to try

It helps to break puzzles such as, "Why did Kevin get stuck with a super-scummy town role, if he's telling the truth?"

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Why? It doesn't do much other than "clear" him based on role = alliance arguments. Explain clearly how mafia governor is not the same as a lynchproof mafia who can protect other members of his faction, even though both can be protected for a lynch. In fact, a town governor's only purpose is to save himself, unless he can get information on another's role that easily, so, especially if we're talking about the contexts of the town, governor is even more similar ot a lynch proof.


This is a NOC game. What purpose would a Town Governer have, besides saving himself? And that is not very beneficial for the Town, because it's not like you have any other awesome abilities that you can utilize by keeping yourself alive. Of course, he can save OTHER people, but with no secondary abilities in a NOC game, the Governer can only receive information that is posted publicly in this thread. And if it's so obvious to the Governer that the target shouldn't be lynched, then the rest of the Townies should be able to realize it as well and wouldn't try to lynch him/her in the first place.

On the other hand, a Mafia Governer would be really useful, protecting their scumbuddies from the Town's primary killing method. The fact that you claimed Miller looks even more scummy. And the only reason why a mod would put a Town Governer Miller would be to troll the Town. And I doubt that would happen, with the game's balancing being verified by Mekkah (even though he should be spending his time in fixing FEG instead). A Town Governer Miller is just too ridiculous.

Note that my reasoning has nothing to do with the fact that your character is Reinfleche.

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I'm not sure that I believe Kevin, although nobody cares about a nooblet's opinion. xD Proto's post makes sense, to me~ Now I just need to get this stupid stuff irl cleared up so I can actually play this game... Tee-hee~

:/ I don't see why you people lynched Kevin, then. Also, excellent.


Wait a second...

Now I just need to get this stupid stuff irl cleared up so I can actually play this game... Tee-hee~
so I can actually play this game... Tee-hee~

Oh shit.

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Town Governer Miller would be to troll the Town

Does the idea of a role that's designed to be mislynched seem that farfetched to you? It's an easy method to help balance the town with the mafia.


Edit: Damn typos.

Edited by KevinKitty
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I can see Paper and Haze being demented enough to put a totally mafia role as town. . .but the last time someone put a role like that in a game, there was a way to prove that it wasn't a mafia role (role check, in that situation). This tells me one of three things:

1. Paper and Haze are twice as crazy as me, and gave Kevin the hardest town role ever.

2. There's a role checker out there somewhere, who can prove that role exists exactly as Kevin worded it.

3. Kevin is full of shit.

I wish there was more to discuss, and morning's coming too soon. UGH.

Not very town.

And you all are still idiots for thinking lynch doctor is a mafia role. And then you continue to be idiots trying to act upon it.

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During the night, mafiabots had been seen breaking into Proto's house, but everyone was too cowardly to do anything about it. Come morning, everyone gathered at the house, and inside they found Proto's body, a quick examination revealed that his tongue had been cut out, and he had been shot repeatedly by Mafiabots.

Levity quickly plucked his orders from his pockets and read them to everyone;

Dear Proto,

This is not the place to discuss game theory.

You are General Spoon, Town Mayor.

You were the first person to bring mafia to SF, and as a result this community of misfits was once your responsibility. You were our leader, in a sense, however you have now retired from playing here.

Since you're an important historical figure in SF Mafia, your vote counts for two.

Post Restriction: You must include a reference to an #feto meme in every post. You are allowed to repeat memes, and a list of memes will be provided upon request.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

It also seems that this was attached:

1. Following up "__________ sucks." with "But not as much as Darros." (the unit, not the user)

2. Putting "Happy birthday, dondon!" in the channel topic

3. SDS please do __________

4. CM is a tyrant.

5. CM's psycho girlfriend.

6. Eating Chinese alone at the mall while using IRC.

7. Rutgar's max def abs and IOS linking to a body building topic about Rutger's max def stat (and IOS linking to body building forums in general)

8. SDS beating up small children.

9. GeneralSpoon is a mediocre troll.

10. Grandjackal hyping bad units (usually armors) and Return Ring vs. Grandjackal ("I see the Return Ring in the way of your argument.")

11. Int's metaphors

12. Mekkah needs to fix FEG

13. Puns on Est's name.

14. "20 levels of optimization" is not a meme, no matter how badly Rody wants it to be

15. Kicking Anouleth from the channel

Bastards, I liked that post restriction.

As everyone gathered in the cellar, a shocking sight awaited them - ANOTHER NOTE ON THE MEMOBOARD!

This time it was Strawman who took the note and read it;

Well, well another night. A piece of information, there is/are independent(s) in the game, I myself am one... because no one wanted me on their teams, so I win if i survive :newyears: ... Anywho, for anyone that still doubts it, I am not Radiant.

The town sighed a collective sigh of relief, until they noticed that the dumbass had accidently left another piece of someone's orders attached.

Dear <SNIP>

You are <SNIP>, <SNIP> Tailor

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Write a fakeclaim for USER" If you do, you must then write a fakeclaim for that USER. That claim will show up as their role PM in all inspections that night. However, as to not draw suspicion, you will have to replace USER's role PM with his real one the following morning.


JBCWK didn't care too much about the contents however, as he was too busy walking around in circles yelling profanities about the owner.

Tables did a quick headcount, and concluded that Obviam was also missing, but a search party turned up nothing. Where could he be?

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends on Monday 11th of July at 6:30PM GMT.

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Also leaving now. I sent in my next few days in actions in to Haze already.

You should just leave a substitute for a few days till you come back :mellow:

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You were the first person to bring mafia to SF

Actually, I remember playing mafia way before Spoon joined. The games weren't very balanced, though.

Anyhow, the chances of Kevin getting married are equal to my chances of going out for Chinese food today (75%). It's looking quite good for you today, chump. Way better than Snike's chances, in fact.

Also, I agree with Weapons' post (on both parts); I say we start focusing on the people who made a big fucking deal yesterday and leave it at that. I'll admit that I didn't believe Kevin's claim at first, but... ehh, I haven't been paying the best attention to this game. /:

I love how it's been so long since we played NOC that you guys have, like, no fucking idea at all, though. It makes me chuckle heartily.

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Oh, yeah, and I was going to say that Tables is worth interrogating, too, but I think he's town. And he's SUPPOSED to have some information for us today, so let's see what you've got, hmm?

EDIT: fucking typos

Edited by El Gato
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You may have recalled I said someone would have information, but no matter. It seems I went to someone's house, and they were out. Was I roleblocked? Were they out? I don't know yet.

Also typical me to do a headcount, eh :P.

Now... I feel an important debate we need to have. We only have 1 (one) dead role so far, but what tier does he fall into? I'm gonna go medium for now.

Which leaves our DRTL (Dead Role Tier List) as follows:


General Spoon


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