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Also Vote: Iris

With what she mentioned to me and with what ive seen in logs linked by other people something doesnt fit right with me. So im gonna put this on here for now and ill be on IRC all day if anyone needs to talk to me.

Also id like to talk a certain cap'n of the flint when you get a chance.

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I will advise against lynching blitz for now. He has claimed to me, and while he shouldn't have done that, I can see why, if that makes any sense.

Also, obviam, when you get back on, I would like to know why you waited a full day before accusing me. You would have seen that my 20 minute thing made no sense and you're not so stupid as to forget about it either. I believe after seeing I left and how little time tehre was until phase end, you decided to make your move.

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For example What do people think of the possibility of two mafia being in this game? Multiple people mentioned that they thought there were two mafia in this game to me, one of which mentioned it on N0, that person was Kaoz. Forgive me if im wrong but it seems to me that people just normally just assume that there are two mafias in a game. The fact that it was brought up on N0 by one person and then D1 by two separate people in my first conversations with them confused me. I mean those three easily could have gotten the idea from one person and then began to spread it around, or they could be collaborating together and they might have some sort of info that we dont. In other words these people that mentioned two mafias to me could very well be mafia and they have the knowledge of knowing there is a second one or not.

You seem to have a very selective memory, given that I said it was a possibility and also mentioned possibilities that had only one mafia.

If you're doing numbers, at least do it right, it's foolish to not consider something like that.

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OR, you could start contributing in a serious fashion. Granted, I don't know what things you've done in OC.

Hey i talked to some people... And i meant that towards my joke posts, i forgot to specify. Whether you consider every post a joke or not is a different story.

[spoiler=Chat with Kirsche]

So anyways, I think Slayer can reinforce how an inquiry over night actions leads to this, so I hope that makes sense.

I don't exactly know what you mean by that, but while we were talking, i confused what you asked as i was thinking something else, and ended up giving you the wrong answer. I did specifically ask you if you had a night action or not.

EDIT: I will read the rest of this stuff later...

Edited by SlayerX
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You're the best, Raymond~!

Okay, so I think I've resolved things with Kevin?

##Unvote: Kirsche

Although his mistake over whether he talked to someone and whether he asked someone anything (this part, I stress), is weird. However, the mistake would be a pretty bad scumslip. I'll keep an eye on Kevin, but other than that, I don't think he'd make the best lynch target for today. He brings up a good point about Obviam waiting for a whole day to elapse to bring up the discrepancy.

I don't exactly know what you mean by that, but while we were talking, i confused what you asked as i was thinking something else, and ended up giving you the wrong answer. I did specifically ask you if you had a night action or not.

Oh, I meant that your and my discussion was similar to mine and Kevin's. But he's posted the complete log now (thanks~) - so this is kind of moot, now/

I'll be on IRC randomly throughout the day if you guys want to speak with me.

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Voting for Blitz for now, because he was the first one to bring up numbers to me. My first mafia game when I was mafia, I also immediately started speculating about numbers. Therefore I now consider it a scumtell. Also, why is he so interested in learning if eclipse's role is active or passive?

##Vote: Cap'n Flint

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Discussing numbers is not a valid scum tell.

But we should probably get an actual lynch going. I'm kinda inclined for obviam, because he basically excused his procrastination on playing FF13. This is just too convenient for me to buy, so I'm kinda sharing it with you all and putting down a vote.

##Vote: Obviam

Come at me bro.

I am also thinking about a shinori lynch, because he did role fish me earlier, but I kinda get the impression he is confused town.

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Stupid freaking SF ate my PMs. It has done this a handful of times to me.

Now I will have to rewrite PMs. Thanks, SF.

oh sure blame SF

hey here's an idea, notepad.exe you CHUCKLEFUCK

Shes really only done much in here once she came under "suspicion," opportunistically votes and whatever elses Kevin, and just comes off as scummy to me.

But in that vein, isn't kevin exhibiting unusual butthurt over the way people interpreted his actions? Notably I share things with the town when I don't know what to make of them and leave it for them to decide what it means. I've done this in plenty of games in the past and did it again this game because the kevin/iris thing looked like a false lead. The fact that he became stressed about it is pretty scummy.

I refuse to have a NL.

I don't know if I miscounted the votes or whatever but thanks for saving us from a no lynch if you did. Good girl~

I would hope that they wouldn't lie after I said who I targetted and gave us false information. If they did they are either scum or they are feeding the town false information by paranoia.

That's not remotely reliable. It's incredibly dangerous and stupid. You have no way of being sure a liar would be caught later, or if it would happen in time.

It looks like you managed to not fuck it up completely, but you really have to know what you're doing. You still didn't really answer how what you learned that any of the people you talked to would have reasonably told you decidedly proved you were hooked, but I imagine such information is too sensitive to post here anyway.


Holy crap Shinori explained his vote. It's the beginning of the fucking rapture or something.

also, obviam, when you get back on, I would like to know why you waited a full day before accusing me. You would have seen that my 20 minute thing made no sense and you're not so stupid as to forget about it either. I believe after seeing I left and how little time tehre was until phase end, you decided to make your move.

I was fucking playing the game I bought all day? I'm sorry I'm not as care hard about mafia as you.

Also, shinori, eclipse is a woman.

oh yeah, she's a woman alright~

other girls, take notes

##Vote: Iris

Forgot the number signs.

No, you forgot to say what she said to you and what you saw of her in chat logs that "doesn't fit right" with you.


hehe chucklefuck, I love that word

You seem to have a very selective memory, given that I said it was a possibility and also mentioned possibilities that had only one mafia.

If you're doing numbers, at least do it right, it's foolish to not consider something like that.

It's foolish to consider numbers in general. They all have to die and knowing how many there are doesn't make them die any faster. Only scum care about numbers. A possible exception that I may have mentioned before is that a cop would probably be better off dropping scum names if they're sure they have a good portion of them instead of risking the information not getting out. There's probably some usual ratio of town:mafia they can go by though. I don't remember what it is on SF off the top of my head, but it's pretty established I think.

Well if we don't get a phase extension doesn't the phase end in like 2 hours ish?

We need to pick something.


Laughably contradictory.

He brings up a good point about Obviam waiting for a whole day to elapse to bring up the discrepancy.







Case in point: I am only posting here instead of playing FFXIII-2 right now because I died to some asshole boss and needed a break to let off some steam (incidentally I will prabably gay TF2 for a bit in a moment to help with that).

My first mafia game when I was mafia, I also immediately started speculating about numbers. Therefore I now consider it a scumtell.


[empty fluff]

Not worth the time. If anyone would like to play TF2 with me before I go back to gaying 13-2 now would be the time.

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Is this Obviam's way of saying that he isn't paying attention? I've got XIII-2, too, and I'd love to play it, but. . .today's lynch target isn't gonna volunteer itself.

My vote will stay, for now. I still don't like Blitz.

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But in that vein, isn't kevin exhibiting unusual butthurt over the way people interpreted his actions?

I am butthurt? Please show me where I have shown to be butthurt or getting stressed. I have actually been agreeing to the reasons why people vote me, which is incredibly unusual. Do not put false words in my mouth obviam, or false attitudes.

Unless you think voting you for you making a last-minute wagon is butthurt, but then you'd be wrong, as that is classic scum behaviour.

You still didn't really answer how what you learned that any of the people you talked to would have reasonably told you decidedly proved you were hooked, but I imagine such information is too sensitive to post here anyway.

If someone visited the same person I did and their action did not fail

That's not remotely reliable. It's incredibly dangerous and stupid. You have no way of being sure a liar would be caught later, or if it would happen in time.

Oh but it is Obviam. A townie wouldn't lie, and if they did, they would have said so by now to stop us getting falsified information. As such, a liar would be scum. And what does a scum have to gain in making the town think that it was, in fact, a hooker, when the hooker is likely scum anyway for rand firing. Therefore it is likely that they told the truth.

Also, Haze post please.

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This lynch needs a kick in the rear. Opinion time~!

Core - Neutral, for now.

Kaoz - Likes to talk about other stuff. . .and isn't telling me squat, as usual.

Proto - I hate having to yell at him to make him productive. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Kay - Doesn't exist on weekends. Should catch her on a weekday.

13th - Doesn't seem like he's following this game as closely as he normally does. I blame his life.

Excellen - Recovering from food poisoning.

Nags - He takes forever to get a decent conversation going.

Harpoony - Doesn't exist yet.

Kevin - Seems town when I talked to him. Definitely calmer than normal.

Slayer - WTF. . .anyway, get in here, will ya?

Haze - I honestly don't know what to think of him. . .come back!!

me - Hi.

Shinori - Needs to stop passing off opinion as fact. Still not sure what to think of him.

Iris - Has some RL things that need to be addressed.

Blitz - His logic is horrid. I'm not sure if he's outdone KRRM yet, though.

Strawman - Seems town this time 'round. Dunno why.

Obviam - Should be playing a game with a bunch of little girls, not a three-stringed bow.

Gut's telling me that Proto and Blitz aren't on the same side, but I don't know why.

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[2] Proto: eclipse, Obviam, Haze, Diavolo

[1] Creeper: eclipse

[1] Flint: eclipse, Excellen

[1] Obviam: kirsche

[1] kirsche: Obviam, Iris

[1] Iris: Strawman, Shinori

[1] Shinori: eclipse, Kaoz

[0] Naglfar: eclipse

[0] Diavolo: 13th

[0] Haze: Flint, 13th

[0] Kay: kirsche

[0] Eclipse: Shinori

[0] Strawman: 13th

12 hours and roughly 20 minutes remain.

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Core - Have had a few conversations with him, he didn't give me any vibes.

Kaoz - Distant

Proto - Confused over my joke hooker claim. Don't find him suspicious for it.

Kay - Not here

13th - Neutral

Excellen - Dunno

Nags - Dunno

Harpoony - Didn't even know he was here.

Kevin - A bit odd with his whole iris-Obviam-Kevin thing.

Slayer - hi

Haze - I honestly don't know what to think of him. . .come back!!

Eclipse - IDK what to think of her. I have seen her asking people to come and post and talk... thats about it.

Shinori - Have no opinion on him at the moment... Need to reread his posts.

Iris - Talked to her, doesn't seem mafia-ish. She seemed a bit odd, but thats probably because she's sick.

Blitz - I can't recall anything he has done/said

Strawman - He seems town to me, i have had a convo with him and i don't have bad vibes from him.

Obviam - Playing FF13-2. He helped clarify the whole iris-Kevin thing.

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Wait, what? Creeper is lurking?

Dammit Creeper. Don't waste your time posting about LTC. Come post and talk about Mafia.

##Vote: The Creeper

I hate sheeping. But I hate lurking more than I do sheeping. So I will do this for now.

I will go be extremely mad about the Super Bowl, then make some decent logic now.

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Also, Haze post please.

Also, Haze post please.


Posting to tell me to post twice, just over a half an hour apart when I wasn't online? How abudantly necessary.

I'm still sitting on lynching Proto, though it's become more a matter of (due to certain things) my agreeing with Clipsey's impression that he and Blitz are not on the same side, therefore his flip could be interesting.

On another note that entire Kevin/Iris thing seemed incredibly stupid to me.

I'll pick up my activity more from now on, I was subbed in during a pretty awkward and busy weekend.

Edit - Making a sentence make sense.

Edited by Haze
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Harpoony - Doesn't exist yet.


Kevin - Seems town when I talked to him. Definitely calmer than normal.

This is calm for him? Maybe I haven't played with him enough.

Haze - I honestly don't know what to think of him. . .come back!!

Yes Haze please come back.

me - Hi.

Hello, sweetie~

Obviam - Should be playing a game with a bunch of little girls, not a three-stringed bow.

my heart is fluttering


##Vote: The Creeper

If you have time to bitch about LTC, you have time to get yourself in here and play.

That is kind of a shoddy vote considering how close we are to phase end.

Proto - Confused over my joke hooker claim. Don't find him suspicious for it.



Kay - Not here

Well when IS she here? "Weekdays"? When everyone else is busy? How is that helpful?

Harpoony - Didn't even know he was here.

How many of us actually did? Worrisome.

Kevin - A bit odd with his whole iris-Obviam-Kevin thing.

Or so I would think, but maybe eclipse knows more about him than I do.

That's prabably a good thing

Slayer - hi

Haze - I honestly don't know what to think of him. . .come back!!

No shut up

Eclipse - IDK what to think of her. I have seen her asking people to come and post and talk... thats about it.

If you ask me she's town. I don't remember her being especially pro-town in her posts like she is right now when she was mafia in the past.

For that matter I would imagine 13th is probably town too, because I've never seen him play like this before but it's definitely more open than it was.

Shinori - Have no opinion on him at the moment... Need to reread his posts.

Hey, it's your brain you're risking. Do what you like

Iris - Talked to her, doesn't seem mafia-ish. She seemed a bit odd, but thats probably because she's sick.

She's not odd she's adorable. Just not as much as eclipse.


Blitz - I can't recall anything he has done/said

I've been unconsciously ignoring him myself

Strawman - He seems town to me, i have had a convo with him and i don't have bad vibes from him.

I wish people would talk to me. You can still PM me when I'm playing vidya gaems.

Obviam - Playing FF13-2. He helped clarify the whole iris-Kevin thing.

Kind of the opposite. As I've said, the whole reason I posted those conversations was so YOU all could help me clarify them. It was Kevin's reaction to everyone's interpretation of the conversations that made me suspicious of him, not the conversations themselves. All those did was confuse me.

As for me:

Core - Who

Kaoz - A bit suspicious. I think he did something contradictory a bit ago?

Proto - As I've said, he was kind of blatantly clueless a bit ago. Not every becoming or what I'd expect from him (or maybe it is; I don't really know what I think of Broto as a person).

Kay - Brat

13th - Probably town

Excellen - I think he was giving off some town vibes earlier but I can't remember what specifically he did that made me think so.

Nags - I probably saw like one post by him and I don't remember forming an opinion regarding it. He should post more.

Harpoony - Didn't know he was here either, just like everyone else apparently.

Kevin - Unusually hyper if you ask me.

Slayer - hi, I guess

Haze - It was said that he sort of disappeared after dissociating himself from the bevahiour of his predecessor. This was decidedly inappropers and come back.

Eclipse - most_beautiful

Shinori - Still think his posts are kind of diriculous. Blaming it more on him being him than the possibility of him being mafia.

Iris - Could be a mafia mastermind. If you ask me though i think she's just a vulnerable townie who needs to work on keeping her guard up.

Blitz - *whistles nonchalantly* Was that the wind?

Strawman - Haven't really eyed his posts yet.

Obviam - eclipse's man servant


I'd have voted for Harpoony based on that logic.

Also I hope you didn't just tie the vote...?

I'll untie it if I have to.

On another note that entire Kevin/Iris thing seemed incredibly stupid to me.

Agreed, though prabably for different reasons than you have.

Looking at the time remaining I should be able to pick a tie-breaking vote in time to gather some more thoughts and/or information in the interim. Someone hit me on IRC in an hour or two and remind me to look at the thread one last time before I bed to go.

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