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Actually, if I've missed something concerning Psych, Facepalm_emote_gif.gif. All I know is he got 'results' and is making his role obvious.

Whether he is town or not, I think you could tell me.

Psych is looking townish.

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Hello. I'm not going to have an actual internet connection until tomorrow, so I'm afraid I'm phone-bound until then.

Doesn't mafia seem a little overpowered? /: I almost think that maybe they're using all their buffed-up powers while they can because perhaps some of them were in danger of being lynched yesterday.

I'm not asking all of you to trust me or Psych, but if Strawman keeps being OC-blocked and anyone has any important results, well...

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That is most likely not a good idea, at least not without some kind of encryption (which we currently cannot set up because the mafia hates town leaders).

I should probably mention that encryptions aren't being allowed.

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Hey, guys, I'm guessing the guys who boogied were people that targeted other people. If anyone wants me to expound on this, I will, even if it says way more about my role than it should.

After last night's actions, I feel a teensy bit better about Blitz, but not by much. Meanwhile, I need to get this cleared up now:

Strawman, did anyone claim to be cherry-flavored?

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I got the dance flavor, too. Great job, Haze.

On the No Lynch last phase: There are a variety of reasons, or rather roles, (1) Shinori is lynch proof, (2) Voteless, (3) Vote Negate-r, (4) Persuader, (5) Double Voter, and (6) Lynch Stopper / Governor. Most of these roles would be mafia in this case, as I think the town person would claim, but even still: are we assuming mafia lynch stopper? That's probably just Slayer confusing me, though. In all the games I've played, governor has been a town role. It really doesn't matter as much, but I read in SFMM1, there was a Town Governor, and while I get that there might not be a purpose that a town governor has, besides saving himself.

Also Strawman, asking you what you think, since I don't think any sane town governor would have stopped that lynch.

Hey, guys, I'm guessing the guys who boogied were people that targeted other people. If anyone wants me to expound on this, I will, even if it says way more about my role than it should.

Um, I think Strawman stated that he didn't have a night action, so by extension, he couldn't have been a person "that targeted other people", so I don't know about your statement. Unless I misinterpreted it. Were you dancing, too?

I'll make a more coherent post (rereading + vote) in either 5 hours if I finish my homework before school, or after school which will probably be a while longer. Good night, guys.

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It still seems rather odd, why would they save a townie? Wouldn't it have been better to get done with 2 townies in day 1 and use this lynch thing in day 2 if there was one? Of course, i'd assume that the mafia would anticipate that people would suggest to use anou's today, which would mean mafia would use it later on to save someone on the 3rd day or something (if the second suspect was maf or something). Its also possible that the ability was used because possibly Shinori's or Kaoz's role was important to maf. I don't think maf would stop the mislynch of a townie (specially since mislynches could get rid of a townie power role). The benefit of it is little.

Raymond does have a good point, basically we are back to square one and Prims (now I can trust Strawman though on the brighter side)

On the topic about the mass roleblock, I never got to send in my action last phase, but I was roleblocked too, any chance everyone else had the same issue?

and also, didn't Elie claim to have been blocked last night?

any chance someone else was too?

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I got the dance flavor, too. Great job, Haze.

Um, I think Strawman stated that he didn't have a night action, so by extension, he couldn't have been a person "that targeted other people", so I don't know about your statement. Unless I misinterpreted it. Were you dancing, too?

I heard music, but I didn't join in the dancing. I suspect this is because I don't target.

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Oh, you're hilarious, scum.

So the message receiver-canceling type guy seems pretty obviously scum because they used it on Strawman.

I'm not sure what to think of this roleblock claim Psych has, as I too was roleblocked. Maybe a multi-roleblocker or something? Seems OP. Maybe one shot mass roleblocker?


As much as I disagree with Rein in the other game we're on, I agree with this. With everyone, even passive role players, saying that their roles were blocked, it has to be a Multi-Roleblock. But it would be more than OP if it were multiple use.

##Vote Shinori

I'm gonna take a longshot here and assume that Shinori was kept alive during the lynch because of this specific role, and that he's used his role and is now without any special ability for scum to use. I think Slayer hinted at this, but I can't find his post now that I'm on my computer. He's been protected from a lynch, but Anouleth should save his vig hit for someone else.

But at least StSS is confirmed town now, unless he's a Godfather White Knight (can that happen?)

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... Hold up a minute.

Blitz said he didn't get to send in his night action, yet Haze said everyone did send in their night actions, which was what ended the night early.

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Oh yes, after hearing StSS.

Bizz, Psych. I hope you haven't used your sms yet. I'm planning to sms you atm.

@ Bizz: I never got to send my action in too. I don't think Blitz is lying, and I get a feeling the mass roleblock had this implication.

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Alright,I've sent Psych an sms. If I get a positive response from Psych, I request him to send you my thoughts so you can reply to me. Otherwise I feel like it would be a waste of sms.

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But at least StSS is confirmed town now, unless he's a Godfather White Knight (can that happen?)

Only if the hosts are seriously trolling us.

I kinda wonder if at least one of these things (mass roleblock/NL) was caused by a 3rd party of some sort.

Also I danced too, if that means anything.

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Don't particularly think so. I simply stated that the alignment of the saved person could have been mafia and gave my reasons. You are telling me, that alignment doesn't matter, but last i checked arguments and debates don't really work that way.

That's not even what I'm arguing! Of course they can be mafia. The lynch stop just doesn't tell us anything about whether they are, which you are currently insisting on a bit too much.

For all we know it could have been a double voter who had to be voting on kaoz, or incase of a negator, be on someone that was voting shinori. You yourself have said, that a lynch stopper and multi-roleblocker is mafia. You also seemed to have ignored the point i made about shinori possibly having an ability the mafia wanted to use before his potential death.

Mafia doublevoters are retarded if Haze likes balanced games, and there's no reason for a town doublevoter not to claim.

Vote negator is possible, but somewhat bastardish if it doesn't give the target any notification indicating what happened.

I'm ignoring it because that's not what I was getting at!

@Paperblade: That sucks.

@eclipse: Okay, so only targeting roles were blocked?

Doesn't exactly make it much better. :/

On the No Lynch last phase: There are a variety of reasons, or rather roles, (1) Shinori is lynch proof, (2) Voteless, (3) Vote Negate-r, (4) Persuader, (5) Double Voter, and (6) Lynch Stopper / Governor.

1. Lynch-proof would be retarded to not claim when asked to, even as mafia.

2. Again, would be retarded to not claim

3. Possible

4. That would almost certainly invoke flavor and work differently (forcing the persuaded to actually vote the specified target, not just making their vote count for it). Mafia persuaders also are even more stupidly overpowered than mafia doublevoters.

5. Retarded to not claim, broken as mafia

6. Possible

For the people who didn't get to send in their actions, if the mafia decided "lol let's block everything", there obviously was no point for the hosts to wait for the to-be-blocked actions to be sent in.

That said, I can get behind a Shinori lynch, but I first want to hear more from Kaoz.

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I was thinking... maybe it's in his role that Shinori doesn't know he's lynch-proof? Is there an unlynchable claim somewhere around here to refute that? Or maybe someone here is a doublevoter/voteless but doesn't know it. Hidden role ability and all that. Unless it's in the rules that there are no hidden role abilities?

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Pretty sure hidden lynchproof would be really, really bastardy.

Until today, I didn't realize that something like a mass hook wouldn't affect me.

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I still like the idea of a mafia governor most

also, been thinking, if the mass role block is an ability of Shinor or Kaoz,and considering one or both are mafia, it would explain why the mafia might have used a or a protect (only applicable if Shinori is scum though) against a lynch D1 and followed it up with a mass role block so that they won't lose an ability this powerful.

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@Marth I'm not gonna message you back, and we're not gonna do that. I don't like it and if I'm correct in assuming how you know that, then you need to keep it to yourself.

I think we need to move onto something more productive though. Yes, we were all blocked. Prims died and his role was kind of obvious. Unfortunately, we are back at Day 1 so I think we need to start lynching. ##Vote Kaoz

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Also, I want everyone to get in here and state their thoughts and opinion on the current situation, as well as what they think would be the best course of action.

This goes for EVERYONE, no matter how obvtown, inactive or scummy you are.

(I'm looking at you, Shinori, and no "but this would not make me look town" excuses again. Even if it doesn't stop us from lynching you, if we do lynch you and you turn out to be town, we can then still take into account what you said without hesitation.)

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@Marth I'm not gonna message you back, and we're not gonna do that. I don't like it and if I'm correct in assuming how you know that, then you need to keep it to yourself.

Very well then. It was far-fetched, I know.

As for thoughts on the situation? Uh... I honestly think we should just lynch one of Shinori/Kaoz and if there's a nightvig in the setup, make him kill the other.

Speaking of vigs, we should probably make Anouleth use his dayvig shot this phase. Mafia is likely to target Anouleth.

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Hey, guys, I'm guessing the guys who boogied were people that targeted other people. If anyone wants me to expound on this, I will, even if it says way more about my role than it should.

Strawman, did anyone claim to be cherry-flavored?

Well I have no night action but it happened to me.

And no, no cherry flavored.

Also Strawman, asking you what you think, since I don't think any sane town governor would have stopped that lynch.

...I had looked over it until now but there is actually a governor claim.

So I have to wonder why was there a stopped lynch and a governor claim when obviously a town governor would not have stopped that lynch? So either that governor is lying about their alignment or they need to explain what the heck happened.

On the topic about the mass roleblock, I never got to send in my action last phase, but I was roleblocked too, any chance everyone else had the same issue?

and also, didn't Elie claim to have been blocked last night?

any chance someone else was too?

... Hold up a minute.

Blitz said he didn't get to send in his night action, yet Haze said everyone did send in their night actions, which was what ended the night early.

Thats exactly what I was wondering. But i guess

For the people who didn't get to send in their actions, if the mafia decided "lol let's block everything", there obviously was no point for the hosts to wait for the to-be-blocked actions to be sent in.
explains it quite well.

Is there an unlynchable claim somewhere around here to refute that?

We didn't get a double voter claim. So if there is one, idk why they wouldn't claim it.

Anyways, Lets get to voting who we all think should be lynched. We need to get shit done this phase.

My top suspects:

-Kaoz and Shinori: For Kaoz I already didn't trust his claim and then conveniently the situation sets up two ways that make his ability not work and therefore no info from it. Maybe I talked too much about it in thread, but maybe its just a ploy to try to get us to keep keeping you around thinking we'll get some use from your role. I think hes quite scummy. For Shinori I would hope that he isn't, but with what happened when he should've gotten lynched, it looks bad.

-Iris: I can't tell if you've been posting that certain opinion to protect from a misunderstanding or to cover up what you did. But it looks suspicious to me and I'd like you to explain what it was that did that. (being vague here on purpose)

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