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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Also I really wanted a specific role so that I could post this video saying that the second song related to my role. HOWEVER!!! I am now just going to post this video because it's awesome and everyone should listen to it and love a capella music as much as I do.

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Also going to add that I will have this topic open pretty much all the time, so at points it may appear that I am around when I am in fact not. Basically you can assume I won't be around from 12AM-9AM EST and gone for another hour and a half in the 5PM-8PM EST range. This is due to sleep/commute to and from summer job. However, during not those times I can't guarantee I will be able to be around all the time. So, basically, if it looks like I'm around but not responding, it's probably a safe assumption I'm doing something at work or some such thing.

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My contribution to Bizz making it through a night alive, before the dreaded Walnut does her in.

Also, done out of complete sarcasm, and because I'm heading to work momentarily.

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With what, an hour left in N0, we learned that targetting Haze is a bad idea, Bizz is allergic to walnuts, and umm...I think that's all.

Anything I'm missing, before N0 ends?

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Ok....derp totally forgot what today was.

We have also apparently learned that I can't tell time very well :O

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Hey guys, guys, I'm bored. So, I want you guys to give me:

a plural noun, a place, a noun, a plural noun, a noun, an adjective, a verb, a number, an adjective, a body part, and a verb.

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We learned that some of us are lactose-intolerant, and I take to lactose-free yogurt badly.

Hey guys, guys, I'm bored. So, I want you guys to give me:

a plural noun, a place, a noun, a plural noun, a noun, an adjective, a verb, a number, an adjective, a body part, and a verb.

balls, France, cloud, ducks, elephant, pretty, swim, twelve, sparkly, hair, cook

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That's a horrible list of words for madlibs...

wait, the last word. I misread it. It's a good list now ;)

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Ahem. My toddler is a girl. My son is the 10yr old.

And...I misread cook as cooch. and I had no idea what a cooch was. I'm tired, and going to bed. See you all in...6 hrs.

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Two balls, both alike in dignity,

In fair France, where we lay our scene,

From ancient cloud break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-cross`d ducks take their life;

Whole misadventured piteous overthrows

Do with their elephant bury their parents` strife.

The fearful passage of their pretty love,

And the continuance of their parents` rage,

Which, but their children`s end, nought could swim,

Is now the 12 hours` traffic of our stage;

The which if you with sparkly hair attend,

What here shall cook, our toil shall strive to mend.

Thanks eclipse!

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Let's do it again! Someone other than eclipse this time. I need:

a color, a superlative (ending in est), an adjective, a plural body part, a body part, a noun, a plural animal, and three adjectives. Gogogogogo

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The blue Dragon is the friendliest Dragon of all. It has adroit legs, and a hand shaped like a glass. It loves to eat bears, although it will feast on nearly anything. It is tall and brave. You must be new around it, or you may end up as it`s meal!

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