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But if you thought Paper was scummy, why listen to his idea about Kay FCing at all? You still haven't answered that integral question. If you thought that Paper was scummy, and he had just said he believed my claim, why not vote me? After all, he could very well have been scumbuddying.

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no, that could be useful

mind reading is a powerful thing in a game of mafia


Telepathy counts as OC, which means you'd be modkilled

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Users that need to talk more:





All of you have less posts than Ether. Pride is probably the least deserving to be here since he has actually had a few good posts (I was legitimately surprised that he has the number of posts he's made is single digit).

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But if you thought Paper was scummy, why listen to his idea about Kay FCing at all? You still haven't answered that integral question. If you thought that Paper was scummy, and he had just said he believed my claim, why not vote me? After all, he could very well have been scumbuddying.

Didn't think of that.

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*Hopes for a three-way lynch tie between Paper,eclipse and Blitz*

Marth can you explain this comment, because combined with

Why don't you do yourself a favor and go back and re-read? Because I in fact stated(not clearly in words, I admit) that I thought a tie would get a randomlynch. Also I'm not switching tactics at all, quote three posts to show you what I mean.

You look really bad right about now.

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Your posts are filled with inconsistencies.

You say you've found me scummy all game, but when eclipse asked you why you were voting Subieko you said

Ok then, what's the guarantee that Subieko's gonna be dead next night? If not, I don't see why she should list post. Town wants to know who could likely be SCUM, we don't care much for stuff like "I think scorri is town" when almost everyone else will be of the same mind. Besides, what else do you want me to do, random vote another player? Or hop on to a wagon which has enough votes as is? Clearly its a waste of my time.

plus you have ominous remarks like

Sorry, looks like I'll be lynched today.
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Your posts are filled with inconsistencies.

You say you've found me scummy all game, but when eclipse asked you why you were voting Subieko you said

plus you have ominous remarks like

But I haven't said I found you scummy 'all game' either. The thing is that when eclipse found me scummy, I said you were doing the same thing, hence you should be looking scummy too. Its like the same argument I used against Manix later, I don't get it. Yes I was slightly suspicious of you, only slightly. Not more than Subieko anyway. If I was getting real scummy vibes from you I'd have voted you instead.

Yeah that remark was made since I had most votes on me and it didn't seem like I could get out of the lynch.

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Why are you talking as though BBM is confirmed town?

my thoughts exactly after reading his post

I don't know, he's the bomb right? And I thought the claims on D1 were trustworthy. Then again, I forgot the bomb could be mafia too,

bombs are easy fake claims cause you can't prove it until you die.

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the very next post after the first one I linked you said you were going to "keep an eye on [me]"

Yeah I admit that's an inconsistency

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Manix: <3

Besides that, I'm not sure I like just how much people are ganging up on Marth. Yes, he did something that could be viewed as scummy. But, the more I think about it, and the more I look back over what happened, the more I'm inclined to believe that he just didn't want to die so early and so made a move that he thought would have a 50:50 chance of saving himself. And yes, I realize that if Marth ends up flipping scum, me defending him could look bad, but I'm honestly town and I honestly think Marth just did what he though was best for himself and something that he didn't think was negative for the town.

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I'm not too keen on the post above me. . .not 'cause it defends Marth, but the uncertainty at the end. Yes, scorri, you'll look bad if Marth flips wrong, but there's no need to remind everyone of that.

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eclipse: I know... Right after I posted that I was like "why did I add that last bit" but at that point it was too late cause I can't edit it but didn't want to draw more attention to it. Guess it's just a poke at me to remember to fully think through my post before hitting the nice post button.

BBM: It's easy to say that we should take one for the team, but really, it's a lot more fun to actively participate in the game then to die and maybe help out the team that way. *shrug*

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Maaaan so I had a nice long post made last night, and then my page refreshed on accident and I lost all my work. You have no idea how disheartened I was, and that's why I haven't made a post til now. So without further ado, my basic thoughts:

BBM looked pretty scummy at first to me, so I see why some people started to vote him, but once that bandwagon started piling up I started thinking it may be a little opportunistic. Same thing with the Kay bandwagon, because as I was reading it, to me it honestly reminded me of the Delta lynch D1 in Haphazard. So though I can't really blame everyone for seeing her as scummy, I guess I saw that coming. Our third bandwagon option, Marth/Bluedoom, looks like he's trying too hard and shooting himself in the foot with a lot of his not-so-great logic. So part of me thinks that he's playing bad town to try and dig himself out of this mess, and part of me thinks that he scumslipped and trying to cover it up with other posts, slowly working his way out of the gutter. Doesn't look so good for him though, as it seems he's become a popular hypothetical-vig target tonight. The one thing I don't understand though is why he's getting so much shit for switching the vote last second to Kay. First of all, as Clipsey has reminded us all 5876423875964287564283976235 times, DON'T DECIDE ON A LYNCH TARGET DURING THE LAST MINUTES OF THE PHASE. So that's everyone's fault since no one had the balls to take initiative. It's not like Marth wanted to commit suicide, so he obviously did the normal thing to do, protect himself. It was just bad timing on his part. I'd like to see Marth defend himself better in the future because right now I'm seeing him as leaning towards the scum side.

Out of the new people so far I give Subieko the edge for at least making posts and trying to be a part of the discussion. She looks newb town to me. On the other hand, the other two guys Pride and Nano need to start contributing more. There should be enough info out now for you to develop some opinions. This is practically NOC so you gotta contribute in the thread with your ideas so town gets a better idea of who to lynch. I understand that it's kinda difficult to develop completely different opinions from other people, and it's a lot easier on the mind to echo other's thoughts, but just keep in mind that it's a common scum tactic to do so as well. You want to be remembered as an individual in these games, it looks more townish. I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt, for now, but please try to contribute more in D2.

Blitz has been acting like Blitz so I'm gonna assume he's town for now. Thankfully he's gotten a little better at RVS but he's still doing some of the things he normally does like sheep votes and role fish. I guess that's to be expected from him though haha.

Elie doesn't seem as paranoid as he normally is so far. Makes me wonder if it's because he doesn't have a reason to be paranoid...

Iris hurry up and get done with your school work so that you can contribute more!

Everyone else (since I swear I'm forgetting people) seems neutral to me so far. I'll probably reread the thread again later and make some notes so that I don't have to go off this all based off memory.

Expecting things to heat up again during D2, but for now I'm done.

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