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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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BBM What you did isn't a random vote, therefore your first reasoning is pointless. Throwing out a random vote during RVS is completely different from voting someone because they started discussion.

But we randomvote for a reason, not for shits and giggles. Randomvotes are supposed to get reactions from people when we don't really have anything to go off. Similarly, I can vote for someone who did something scummy to see what they do/say next.

Hey guys. I've got an idea for a game. It's called "Who wants to be roleblocked?"

Also, this. Prime info for a scum hooker early on.

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I have no real opinion on what's been going on so far since there's very little info to go off of. Myself being unexperienced anyway, what I see is this:

Elieson tries to get people to out a little bit of info about his role. At first I didn't think much of it but after some thought (and after reading BBM's argument), I can see his point. I'm not sure if this means he's scum or not, since to me it just looks like an ill-thought-out decision to trying to generate discussion?

Same with BBM - I think he's overreacting but his points are valid nonetheless.

Balc - please don't roleblock me

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But we randomvote for a reason, not for shits and giggles. Randomvotes are supposed to get reactions from people when we don't really have anything to go off.

Voting Subieko because Jirachi > Mew is definitely a valid reason to find someone scummy and lynch them. Yup.

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Voting Subieko because Jirachi > Mew is definitely a valid reason to find someone scummy and lynch them. Yup.

So you choose a random person due to whatever stupid reason, and see if they react in any way.

Of course, I find it rather useless because people don't react when the votes don't mean anything. I threw out a vote with some real reasoning, and learnt that Shinori is either very defensive of Elieson or very suspicious of me due to half-baked meta.

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Stage one: Everyone posts whether their role is active or passive.
This is a shitty idea because it helps the mafia far, far more than the town.
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My thoughts are that people are fooling around too much, and I think Eli picked a somewhat dubious way to stop it. I don't usually object to revealing info, but there's no reason for something like that to be completely out in the open as soon as the game starts. That said, this isn't N0, please vote to get reactions/pressure people/actually affect the game. I know stuff is inevitably random at first, but people were doing nothing but rolling their D13s for a bit too long.

##Unvote (BBM)

##Vote: Rein

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Hahaha we're still on the D13s. I got what I wanted out of Kay, so I'll unvote.


##Vote Bluedoom

The way Elie tried to start discussion is something I could see you doing, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on it as well as BBM's reaction.

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Really helios? I start discussion by asking whether a our roles are active or passive? o.O

Now what Elieson did reminds me of what how Shinori played in GSM, and there I was scum trying to take advantage of that. Now I agree with what BBM is saying but, his behavior reminds me of myself in GSM. That said, its not enough for me to just vote him like that.


##Vote: Scorri

Also my school has started so I won't be online much. Still, I think I'll be online around end phase time tomorrow.

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Haha well no, I meant it more as you would do something that people would think is scummy just for fun, even though you'd be town. Interesting thoughts though. That's good enough for now.

Hmm who hasn't said much yet?

##Vote Eclipse

Remind us all why D13s are absolutely terrible.

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Dude, have you even SEEN what a D13 would look like? It's D12, then D20.

I refuse to give out any information on my role, because it's none of your business. Are you guys playing "let's help the mafia find town PRs?" BBM has a point, but is far too strong with it, as usual.


##Vote: Rapier

There's something to talk about. What are your thoughts? And try not to incite a riot.

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I've actually never seen what a D13 looks like. Didn't think such a thing even existed.

Hahaha you reacted the same way I thought you would regarding that matter. I guess that's to be expected though since you and I think somewhat similarly biggrin.gif.

Damn I'm votehopping like mad this game. Who do I want to hear from now....

##Vote Bal

What do you think of things so far?

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I've actually never seen what a D13 looks like. Didn't think such a thing even existed.

Hahaha you reacted the same way I thought you would regarding that matter. I guess that's to be expected though since you and I think somewhat similarly biggrin.gif.

Damn I'm votehopping like mad this game. Who do I want to hear from now....

##Vote Bal

What do you think of things so far?

They don't.

Why is this a vote? Are you trying to get a reaction? Are you trying to pressure him into talking? Does it need to be a vote instead of a gentle prod?

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Why is this a vote? Are you trying to get a reaction? Are you trying to pressure him into talking? Does it need to be a vote instead of a gentle prod?
Gentle prods are significantly less convincing than overt threats. You know this.
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Ok, home from work. Read up on what my popcorn post (that I did in the parking lot before entering worth) wd followed by. I must say, I'm a bit surprised, and a bit not.

First, I started some relevant discussion. No one else seemed to want to, and we have all of N0 to argue about something at least eventful, instead of waiting for D1 or N1, and glorious RVS involving D13 and pokemon.

Second, yes. I expected about 2/3 not to even want to participate, and about 1/2 of them to present reasonable arguments. Perhaps everyone sees this as giving scum information as to who to target and who not to target.

Allow me to explain. First off, we are outnumbering a small team of mafia that can discuss with one another, and not eliminate themselves, while we frantically try to figure out who is what alignment and who is what role. The fact that mafia is targetting town is already a deficit that we have to climb out of. How do we do that, early on? With 0 relevant information to discuss while a small elite team gets the early jump on us? I'm all for winning here, and I'm not gonna sit with my thumb up my arse while waiting for a RVS lynch to occur. There are more sensical things to discuss, such as responses to my little game.

Third, I think that this gives us a little edge on lategame. We have something concrete to fallback on when there are only say, 5 players left. That concrete that I refer to is what was said N0. When roles are eliminated through death or otherwise, we learn what is out of the game. That leaves us to have at least a little bit of a better chance to catch a potential liar mid game, when things happen and there is hardly anyone to take blame for it. It may not be as reliable as a claim or something, but it's better than nothing.

I fell asleep. Lemme try to remember where I was

Lastly, I'm seeing lots of activity now. And the point of my idea has come through. I realize it was kind of an odd way to go about getting RVS to take a hike, but let's think about what's been said in general.

A couple of answers. Mostly non answers, and reasons not to, which I'm glad to see. I didn't expect as much discussion to be meta based, but heck at least we are getting somewhere. I'm still blurry with morning vision, so I'm gonna play catchup and try to comprehend what it is thst I missed.

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Elieson - 4 (BBM, Rein, Subieko, Scorri)

Bluedoom - 2 (Camtech, Helios)

Scorri - 2 (Bluedoom, Elieson)

BBM - 1 (Shinori)

Bizz - 1 (Balcerzak)

Rein - 1 (Kay)

Rapier - 1 (Eclipse)

Shinori - 1 (Rapier)



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