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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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He can prove it by idling until multiple people show up as scummy as all hell.

While I was out looking for my dad's gift, this happened. I got what I wanted from Shinori, and I'm not feeling it enough to have him lynched. Ditto with Elie/BBM. Helios isn't throwing out his usual scumtell, but he hasn't posted enough for me to conclude he's town. The Subi echo from earlier was weird, but I'm not fully sold on the fact that she's town because of it (see: SFMM2 and the lynch cancel that wasn't Iris). Rein needs to get in here and say something relevant. Kay needs to dump her thoughts sooner than later; if she dies N1, I have insufficient info on her to form any sort of opinions.


##Vote: Camtech

Form your own opinions. Echoing is useless at best and scummy at worst.

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well to start off i want to cross my fingers and hope that you somehow skipped over this (and i admit it was nothing special)

My thoughts are as I've stated before. I don't have a whole lot of original material right now because it's D1 and A) I'm not as good at picking up on tiny things like the rest of you and B) my opinions are basically the same as has already been said.

if you really want another quotedump from me i can do that though

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Okay I really need to sleep. I probably left this way too late, but I might as well claim at this point. I'm not sure what the official role name is, but my role lets me target a player at night, and if I'm killed that night or the next day, my target dies too. As you can see it's a role where I would need to be a good scumhunter and also get myself killed by scum, which is why I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to use it.

I doubt this will be enough to get the lynch off me with only a few hours left, but I had to try.

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That's called Vengeful?

Cam, I don't want a quotedump. I want opinions on the following:

- Do you think Elieson's asking about active/passive was scummy, or just a bad attempt to start discussion?

- What about the BBM/Shinori debacle going on now?

- What do you think of Shinori and Subi's claim?

- Do you have any other thoughts on anyone else?

- Anything else I missed?

Subi, your turn:

- Will you get notification if you're blocked/redirected?

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1) My vote should still be on Shinori, so he has 2 votes.

2) We need to consolidate on somebody. Except I don't know how many people are online right now. I really don't think we should lynch Subieko. My lynch priority goes Shinori>Rapier>Cam>Elieson at the moment. I'd rather not lynch Elie either, he's just there because those are all the players I have any level of scum read on. I'd be fine with any of the other three. I'll keep my vote on Shinori atm, but I'll switch it to Cam if he doesn't post something worthwhile within an hour or so.

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That's called Vengeful?

Subi, your turn:

- Will you get notification if you're blocked/redirected?

I thought Vengeful just auto-killed whoever kills it? My role only kills someone if I choose them at night, and I'm pretty sure I can idle. I don't know if I'd get notified about roleblocks or redirects; I'd have to ask the mod.

I'm sorry I have no more useful thoughts to add, but it's 2am where I live and my brain is fried. Also, going to sleep now.

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I'm pretty sure I don't want to lynch Subieko either. I mean I guess Vengeful can be a mafia role but eh, there's always D2 for more questioning.


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- Do you think Elieson's asking about active/passive was scummy, or just a bad attempt to start discussion?

- I'm leaning towards scummy more than "town mistake" but I can be dissuaded.

- What about the BBM/Shinori debacle going on now?

- Shinori is definitely giving scum vibes to me. I'm not really getting any read from BBM yet aside from the fact that he seems to be very good at causing chaos and confusion.

- What do you think of Shinori and Subi's claim?

- I'm willing to believe Shinori's claim for now, if only because it's just too weird of a claim to make otherwise. I'll revise following N1. Subi's claim makes sense to me, and it matches what I've seen of her behavior as far as i can tell

- Do you have any other thoughts on anyone else?

- You know my opinion on Balcerzak, it was in that massive quotedump. Bizz comes across as townish as well.

- Anything else I missed?

- May I ask for thoughts on that failed Helios wagon I pointed out and the fact that BBM's pouncing on elieson effectively split us into two factions for a while (those defending him and those attacking)?

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minor revision to what i just said- I mean that I believe that Shinori is a kidnapper, not necessarily a town one.

anyway if i stop posting it's because i fell asleep or my mom forced me to go to bed

## unvote

## hack Shinori

comes across as most scummy to me right now

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I still don't get why I'm scummy, but of course i never do. So whatever. I'm just gonna throw this into the same old routine of me acting as i always do.

Look at my past games though, pretty sure every game i ever claimed on day 1 or N0, I was town, and that's only if you're going by meta. If you aren't going by meta and you are saying i'm scum for defending someone because of faulty logic then I'm confused to wonder what your logic is. It seems to be just as faulty it would appear.

Frankly I'm gonna take words from previous players in different mafia games.

you are an idiot

From i can't believe its not sfmm whatever mafia by prims. Fuck you all. Lynch me and feel stupid.

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Uh, Helios had a wagon? The ones I saw were Elieson and Subieko. Anyway, thanks for answering. I'm not sure how I feel about a role that causes even more deaths. On one hand, it's a damn useful town role, and really ridiculous for a mafia one, unless there's a lot of townies that don't die. On the other, it's also a great way to dissuade a lynch/vig shot. I'll throw that into the "will verify this later" pile, but that doesn't mean you're clear.


I'll reread the Shinori/BBM debacle, and then vote accordingly. I don't feel strongly enough to vote either of them right now, and I'm bothered by that.

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I am NOT feeling the case against Shinori at all. This is the closest I've seen him acting as town (SFM does not exist for the purposes of this sentence).

This screams OMGUS ("well, you're worse than me")

Yes, that WAS an OMGUS, stop trying to make as if it wasn't

It's called metagaming based off of SFMM2

How 'bout we consolidate on you?

The really bad posts only happen when he's talking about Shinori; therefore, I'm concluding that BBM's problem is tunneling (also a scumtell, but not a definite one). Now, if I think both of them are town, then that means that neither is a good lynch target in my eyes. Who hasn't bothered mentioning a thing about them. . .


##Vote: Bizz

Can you weigh in on those two?

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Elieson - 3 (Balcerzak, BBM, Rein)

Shinori - 2 (Camtech, Subieko)

BBM - 1 (Shinori)

Bizz - 1 (Eclipse)

Rein - 1 (Kay)

Subieko - 1 (Rapier)

Scorri - 1 (Elieson)

3.5 more hours

eclipse you ninja

Edited by Illuminate
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Yes, that WAS an OMGUS, stop trying to make as if it wasn't

Correct me if I'm wrong, but an OMGUS is voting for someone for no reason other than that they voted for you. I voted for Shinori not because he voted for me, but because his vote followed logic that didn't make sense to me.

It's called metagaming based off of SFMM2

I'm not disagreeing with his metagaming, I even made a post earlier than that saying yes, scum!Elieson tends to act differently. But I don't believe that meta should ever be the basis of one's argument, because anyone skilled enough can easily use meta opinions about themselves to project a different alignment than they are. At most, it should be used as backup. You can't just wave off behaviour that you'd find scummy in someone about whom you had no prior knowledge using meta.

How 'bout we consolidate on you?

There was absolutely no point to this.


##Vote: Bizz

I'm not sure Bizz is even here. Is prodding her really useful at this point in the phase?

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Hi, I'm here

I haven't been paying much attention to the Shinori wagon just because I kind of don't believe in it

as for BBM, I'll have to read through his posts because I can barely remember anything he's said >: also I'm not entirely sure I'll be around for phase end, unfortunately

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but an OMGUS is voting for someone for no reason other than that they voted for you. I voted for Shinori not because he voted for me, but because his vote followed logic that didn't make sense to me.

an OMGUS doesn't have to include a vote, either

just an "I'm suspicious of you for being suspicious of me"

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an OMGUS doesn't have to include a vote, either

just an "I'm suspicious of you for being suspicious of me"

But again, the principle is the same. I'm not suspicious of him for being suspicious of me, but for being suspicious of me for a dumb reason.

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Elieson - 2 (Balcerzak, Rein)

Shinori - 3 (Camtech, Subieko, BBM)

BBM - 1 (Shinori)

Bizz - 1 (Eclipse)

Rein - 1 (Kay)

Subieko - 1 (Rapier)

Scorri - 1 (Elieson)

My vote is on Shinori, not Elieson. Also, it's 9 to lynch, a couple hours left for the phase end, and the largest wagon we have at the moment has only 3 people in it. Come on, guys.

Marth, Kay, I see you guys lurking. And Bizz, if you're not going to be there for phase end, can you vote for someone before leaving?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but an OMGUS is voting for someone for no reason other than that they voted for you. I voted for Shinori not because he voted for me, but because his vote followed logic that didn't make sense to me.

It can include a variety of things, and "I don't like your logic about me" counts, unless it's bad logic that can be easily disproven (such as "I'm voting for Shinori because he claimed Hooker", when he didn't).

I'm not disagreeing with his metagaming, I even made a post earlier than that saying yes, scum!Elieson tends to act differently. But I don't believe that meta should ever be the basis of one's argument, because anyone skilled enough can easily use meta opinions about themselves to project a different alignment than they are. At most, it should be used as backup. You can't just wave off behaviour that you'd find scummy in someone about whom you had no prior knowledge using meta.

It's valid, if used carefully. It's also the reason why you're not getting my vote. Do work on tunneling less, and taking things personally.

There was absolutely no point to this.

That was a reminder that you've drawn quite a bit of attention to yourself, and not the good kind.

I'm not sure Bizz is even here. Is prodding her really useful at this point in the phase?

Yes, it is. She's also given her opinion, as well. Voting is also a way of saying "I think this person's scum, so if I die, prod them!"


##Vote: Kay

Voting Rein is rather pointless right now; do you think one of Eli/BBM is scum?

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If that's the definition of OMGUS, I guess I OMGUSed.

That was a reminder that you've drawn quite a bit of attention to yourself, and not the good kind.

I try to act scummy enough that the mafia don't want to kill me, but townie enough that the town doesn't want to lynch me. It's a hard balance to get and I tend to err in the too scummy side.

We don't need majority to lynch? Cool. Still, we need to consolidate. 3 and 2 are too close.

Also, Eclipse, who do you find scummy? You don't find Shinori scummy, you don't find me scummy, and your last couple votes have been just prodding other people.

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Hey, I get mad if I'm being pushed on for a flimsy reason or for no reason. I don't necessarily count that as OMGUS.

bal and rein need to get in here ):

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