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Draft Minimafia


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Proto, you're at L-1 with less than 24 hours left in the phase. Claim.

Explain why you picked the role you picked, too. I expect everybody to do this when they claim and intend to do so myself.

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Manix: ...yes, there are still 6 hours left before phase end and he has not even had time to return to claim and post any opinions whatsoever.

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I don't think Manix and Rothene are mafia

also I hope Proto gets here soon

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Oh snap, I'm about to be lynched, right? Sorry for not being here yesterday, I had some irl problems that are also extending towards today. Anyhow, if you want me to claim, I'm a Vanilla, so you don't have much to lose by lynching me.

I could claim what my original pick was, but I'm not sure if it's beneficial for the Town to confirm the existence of a role...

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Well Proto, think about it: You were 7th pick, and what you say means that it could be on any of the players above you, but not specifically where. Mafia only has a 1 in 6 chance of actually shooting that person. I think that's an okay risk, tbh.

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Not about who it was, but telling the Mafia, "HEY GUYS THE TOWN HAS A XXX WATCH OUT FOR IT"

I don't think it's a big deal, so if you guys want me to reveal it, I'll do so. I don't think it would be revealed upon death anyway

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Nobody has any last words or stuff to add? Nobody has anybody they want lynched over Proto? Proto doesn't even have anybody he wants lynched over himself?

This is really terrible.

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is there anyone that hasn't really had much of an impression on the game?

besides rothene

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I keep forgetting BBM is in the game.

Rothene is easier to remember because the fact that he still hasn't posted any opinions sticks out. rothene pls post

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Looking through his ISO he's been pretty consistent with his opinions on Blitz and Proto. I haven't had any immediate issues with him aside from the whole "I keep forgetting he's in the game" thing.

Also if Proto flips scum I'll probably be more suspicious of Prims and Blitz for pushing this lynch more.

This bug me though for obvious reasons. I assume he meant to say TOWN and not scum which is lining up lynches. Plus BBM was already voting Blitz and shouldn't need a Proto townflip to suspect him. BBM, get in here and explain.

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I really hope he gets in here because this lack of activity is distressing and I don't know where to start regarding a different lynch target for the phase

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Levity what are your opinions on Proto? I'm getting second thoughts on my vote on him, since he's not actually trying to survive. Vanilla is the worst scum fakeclaim this early and he made no effort to get the lynch off of him. I'm starting to think that the main reason my vote's still down on him is just frustration.

I'm not feeling any other lynches except for Manix, though, who still hasn't done anything to explain why I've been scum since very early in the day. That, and the early Proto hammer would've been bad. <_<

I'm also explicitly not OK with a lynch on somebody who has done jack shit for interactions today (Strawducksloth, BBM, Rothene, though Rothene is obvtown anyway) because that'd be too last minute.

Eh, fuck it.


##Vote: Manix (L-3)

Compare Proto being suicidal to Manix being suicidal:

Proto doesn't care about his incoming death with less than 12 hours left in the day. Manix doesn't care about his "incoming death" within the first 24 hours in the day when he barely has any non-earlygame votes and there's a still a shitton of time left to lynch somebody else, and goes out of his way to tell everybody because obviously he doesn't give a fuck about dying so he can't be scum right?

One of these reactions is townie, and it's not the one that's intentionally invoking WIFOM.

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Note that Proto's reaction being townie doesn't mean it's the GOOD sort of townie. In fact I'll probably be less pissed at him if I'm just being more waffly than necessary and he flips scum than if he's town.

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Umm, this is Proto's typical early game playstyle, and it's never really effective at hinting his alignment.

However, him claiming vanilla when he was 7th pick in a roledrafting game, is that like, hard for you all to accept? Sure Vanillascum isn't very threatening, but vanillascum can still nightkill.

I.e. if Prims claimed vanilla, would that make him any less innocent?


I still stand by my chart, but the more I think about it, the more I think my disapproval of Prims is based on attitude, and that's not really fair considering it's D1.

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Elie, how would you feel about a Manix lynch? I think he's scummier than Proto at this juncture, and you had him as second on your scumlist.

I still want :levitythoughts:

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Sorry guys, I was out and just came back. Yes, I meant if Proto flips town, not if Proto flips scum. I am still feeling the Proto lynch more than anything else. I really don't think we should lynch Manix. This suicidal thing seems stupid, but not scummy. Maybe it is WIFOM, but why would mafia post that? And scum!Manix (or really Manix in general) isn't someone who tends to use WIFOM a lot.

And as for my activity, that's distressing. I thought I'd been fairly active this game and that I'd been giving my opinions consistently. I'll try to step it up.

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Well, manix lynch wouldn't break my heart. Bottom three on my chart are ok lynch targets in my book right now.

Panix flipped out (you like that? Yea I'm beat from work) a bit earlier, but his argument against Prims was a bit lackluster for him even.

If it were a tie between Proto/Manix, and my vote would break it, I'd go Proto. If it weren't, I could swing either way.

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